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During the maximum trangression of the Early Cretaceous sea into the Western Interior of the central United States, species diversity decreased from south to north. Maximum bivalve, gastropod. and cephalopod diversities occurred where lagoonal. basinal, and near-shore deposits intertongue. Mollusk diversities are low in the southern reefal deposits. Infaunal suspension-feeding and detritus-feeding gastropods and bivalves are most diverse in the northern nearshore areas, while epifaunal bivalves and carnivorous gastropods characterize the southern reefal areas. Noded-ribbed ammonoids are most diverse in the transitional area between the reefs, while nearshore substrates and smooth-flanked forms characterize the nearshore area. In the reefal area. the variety of ammonoid types is much reduced. This Early Cretaceous (Washitian Stage, mainly upper Albian) gradient is the result of a northward reduction in both habitat variability and predictability of limiting factors such as salinity and resources. This diversity gradient indicates that marine benthic communities in the Gulf Coast were structurally complex, whcreas those of the Western Interior were relatively simple.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Competition with barred owls (Strix varia varia) is an important factor contributing to the continued decline of threatened northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) populations in the Pacific Northwest, USA, but basic information on habitat selection and space use patterns of barred owls is lacking for much of the region. We investigated space use and habitat selection by tracking radiotagged barred owls in the Eastern Cascade Range of Washington, USA, from 2004 to 2006. We surveyed for barred owls across the 309-km2 study area and confirmed presence of barred owl pairs at 21 sites. We collected movement data on 14 barred owls from 12 sites. Mean annual 95% fixed-kernel home-range size was 194 ha for females (n = 4, SD = 70) and 288 ha for males (n = 5, SD = 114). Home ranges were located more frequently than expected in areas with low topographic position, gentle slopes, large overstory tree-crown diameter, high normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), overstory tree canopy closure >72%, and a moderate amount of solar insolation. Within home ranges, areas that had large tree-crown diameters, low topographic positions, and gentle slopes were used more frequently than expected. The resource selection function we developed for barred owls in our study area indicated that barred owls used areas with the combination of low values for topographic position and slope and higher values for NDVI, solar insolation, and an interaction term for canopy closure and tree-crown diameter. In comparison to published information on northern spotted owls, barred owls used areas with similar canopy closure and tree size classes, but barred owl home ranges were much smaller and more concentrated on gentler slopes in valley bottoms. This information may contribute to the development of management practices that maintain forest characteristics appropriate for spotted owl habitat and prey in areas where spotted owls are least likely to be excluded by territorial barred owls in the Eastern Cascades of Washington.  相似文献   
1. Harrison's rule, which predicts that large‐bodied species of hosts have large‐bodied species of parasites, has been documented in a wide diversity of parasites. 2. Harrison's rule has been most thoroughly studied in avian feather lice, which escape from host defence (preening) by hiding in the feathers. Lice that are unable to hide are selectively removed by preening. Preening selects for small lice on small hosts, which have small feathers in which to hide. 3. Preening should not, however, select for large lice on large hosts. Instead, the larger size of lice on large hosts is thought to result from a positive relationship between size and fecundity, as shown for many other insects. 4. This study tested for a size–fecundity correlation within Columbicola columbae, the host‐specific ‘wing louse’ of rock pigeons (Columba livia). 5. The results confirm a positive relationship between female body length and number of eggs laid. 6. The study thus supports a mechanism consistent with stabilising selection leading to the evolution of the Harrison's rule pattern among species of Columbicola and their hosts.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The Mahalanobis distance statistic (D2) has emerged as an effective tool to identify suitable habitat from presence data alone, but there has been no mechanism to select among potential habitat covariates. We propose that the best combination of explanatory variables for a D2 model can be identified by ranking potential models based on the proportion of the entire study area that is classified as potentially suitable habitat given that a predetermined proportion of occupied locations are correctly classified. In effect, our approach seeks to minimize errors of commission, or maximize specificity, while holding the omission error rate constant. We used this approach to identify potentially suitable habitat for the Olympic marmot (Marmota olympus), a declining species endemic to Olympic National Park, Washington, USA. We compared models built with all combinations of 11 habitat variables. A 7-variable model identified 21,143 ha within the park as potentially suitable for marmots, correctly classifying 80% of occupied locations. Additional refinements to the 7-variable model (e.g., eliminating small patches) further reduced the predicted area to 18,579 ha with little reduction in predictive power. Although we sought a model that would allow field workers to find 80% of Olympic marmot locations, in fact, <3% of 376 occupied locations and <9% of abandoned locations were >100 m from habitat predicted by the final model, suggesting that >90% of occupied marmot habitat could be found by observant workers surveying predicted habitat. The model comparison procedure allowed us to identify the suite of covariates that maximized specificity of our model and, thus, limited the amount of less favorable habitat included in the final prediction area. We expect that by maximizing specificity of models built from presence-only data, our model comparison procedure will be useful to conservation practitioners planning reintroductions, searching for rare species, or identifying habitat for protection.  相似文献   
The distribution of organisms within a community can often be determined by the degree of plasticity or degree of specialization of resource acquisition. Resource acquisition is often based on the morphology of an organism, behavior, or a combination of both. Performance tests of feeding can identify the possible interactions that allow one species to better exploit a prey item. Scavenging behaviors in the presence or absence of a competitor were investigated by quantifying prey selection in a trophic generalist, spiny dogfish Squalus acanthias, and a trophic specialist, smooth-hounds Mustelus canis, in order to determine if each shark scavenged according to its jaw morphology. The diet of dogfish consists of small fishes, squid, ctenophores, and bivalves; they are expected to be nonselective predators. Smooth-hounds primarily feed on crustaceans; therefore, they are predicted to select crabs over other prey types. Prey selection was quantified by ranking each prey item according to the order it was consumed. Dietary shifts were analyzed by comparing the percentage of each prey item selected during solitary versus competitive scavenging. When scavenging alone, dogfish prefer herring and squid, which are easily handled by the cutting dentition of dogfish. Dogfish shift their diet to include a greater number of prey types when scavenging with a competitor. Smooth-hounds scavenge on squid, herring, and shrimp when alone, but increase the number of crabs in the diet when scavenging competitively. Competition causes smooth-hounds to scavenge according to their jaw morphology and locomotor abilities, which enables them to feed on a specialized resource [Current Zoology 56 (1): 100-108 2010].  相似文献   
1. Burying beetles inter small vertebrate carcasses that ultimately serve as a food source for their developing young. The male remains with the female on the carcass after the brood has been produced, purportedly to aid in the feeding and protection of larvae. However, numerous laboratory experiments have failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect of the male on the growth and survival of offspring.
2. A potential difficulty with laboratory studies is that beetles are typically held under relatively benign conditions, protected from the biotic and environmental challenges that they normally encounter. In nature, males may enhance offspring survival by aiding the female in ridding the carcass of mould, and by helping to preserve the carcass through the secretion of antibiotic substances in the beetles' saliva. To examine more rigorously the potential benefits of male parental care, an experiment was conducted under field conditions in which the reproductive output of male–female pairs was compared to that of single females.
3. Beetles were induced to bury carcasses in soil inside rigid plastic tubes that had been inserted into the ground. The experiment was a paired design involving pairs of sisters reproducing in adjacent tubes; one sister reproduced alone, whereas the other reproduced with the assistance of a male. Soil cores were recovered about 1 month later, and examined for viable pupae.
4. There was no significant difference in the number of offspring produced by single females and those reproducing with the assistance of the male, nor was there any significant difference in total brood mass. These results suggest that any benefits of extended male residency on the carcass do not stem from male participation in carcass maintenance or provisioning young.  相似文献   
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