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The distribution of dry matter between shoot and storage rootof a wild variety and cultivars of carrot was investigated ina glasshouse experiment and a field experiment. In both experimentsthe deliberate introduction of variation in plant size revealeda linear relationship between the log weights of these partsat any time throughout growth. In the glasshouse experiment,in which growth was examined from approximately 10–600mg mean dry wt per plant, the slope of the relationship betweenIn shoot and In storage root dry wts decreased markedly duringdevelopment to 100 mg. Subsequently the slope became reasonablyconstant and the intercept progressively more negative. Datafrom the field experiment covered a similar timescale (48–115days) to the glasshouse experiment but the plants grew morequickly and were much heavier (180 mg–6 g dry wt). Therelationship between shoot and storage root for these data wassimilar to that for the plants of comparable size in the glasshouseexperiment. Over the range of development for which the slopeof the relationship was constant, data from both experimentswere described fairly well by the following equations: In shoot = – time+ In storage root where , and are constants. Between cultivars the slope ()and time constant () were similar, but the intercept () increasedwith maturity time of the cultivars. For wild carrot the slopewas larger and the time constant smaller than estimates forthe cultivars. These results on dry matter distribution arediscussed in relation to a model for partitioning assimilatein an individual plant. Daucus carota L., carrot, assimilate distribution, dry matter distribution, storage root, partitioning model  相似文献   
The fine structure of the leaf nodules of Ardisia crispa is described. The bacterial endophyte in mature nodules is extracellular, forming a compact mass which is encompassed within a 5–6 cell thick sheath of modified mesophyll cells. Processes from these sheath cells invade the bacterial mass providing a host surface across which exchange of metabolites may take place. Considerable pleomorphism is exhibited by the bacteria, paralleling that found in other symbiotic associations in which the host can influence the morphology of the microsymbiont. The spherical, highly granate chloroplasts, rich in starch, which are characteristic of the spongy mesophyll leaf cells, are replaced, in the modified sheath cells, by a degenerate plastid form containing membrane whorls. Lipid reserves appear to replace the starch in the sheath cells. The significance of these changes is discussed.  相似文献   
The stem blight pathogen, Phomopsis emicis, and the weevil, Perapion antiquum, are two potential biological control agents for the annual weed, Emex australis. Neither pathogen nor weevil affected the development of rosette (5-wk-old) E. australis, but both significantly reduced stem length and number of new fruits in mature plants (10-wk-old) in growth room experiments. Stems grew two-thirds less than controls in plants attacked by weevils, had no net increase when both weevils and fungus were present, and collapsed in the presence of the fungus alone. Attack by weevils elicited a host response that slowed the development of the disease. Phomopsis emicis and Perapion antiquum reduced the ability of E. australis to produce new fruits by 77% and 68%, respectively. Pathogen and weevil together reduced the number of new fruits by 83%. Perapion antiquum did not carry or provide infection sites for P. emicis. The lack of damage by pathogen and weevil to rosettes could compromise their effectiveness as biological control agents.  相似文献   
A range of Carboniferous lycophyte megaspore exines have beeninvestigated using13C magic-angle spinning nuclear magneticresonance (MAS NMR) spectroscopy. Their composition differsconsiderably from sporopollenin obtained from an extant lycophyte.The differences observed result in part from varying degreesof diagenesis. Fossil fern spores, gymnosperm megaspore-membranes and pollenhave also been examined. These show a similar composition tothe fossil lycophyte megaspores. The constituent material ofall of these exines differs considerably from the sporopolleninobtained from comparable extant samples. Despite the changesin composition observed on fossilisation, differences in compositionbetween the major groups of plants may be preserved to someextent in the fossil material. Walls of the fossil prasinophyceanalgal cystTasmanites have been examined and these show a greatersimilarity to fossil cuticle and algaenans than to sporopollenins. The effect of oxidative maceration on fossil and modern sporopolleninshas also been investigated. The main influence of oxidativemaceration is the removal of unsaturated carbon environmentssuch as aromatics; this causes fossil spores to be more susceptibleto oxidative maceration than the modern exines. Heating of modernexine material models the alteration of exines by diagenesis.The changes that occur on heating an extant sample to 150–225°Cgive a chemical composition that is similar to those of thefossil sporopollenins. 13C solid state NMR; spores; pollen; fossil; Carboniferous lycopsids; ferns; pteridosperm; gymnosperm; oxidative maceration; heating; thermal maturation  相似文献   
As part of a search for biochemical indicators of seed withgood survival characteristics during storage, polyamine (PA)levels were measured in embryos for Zea mays seeds. PA levelswere determined in individual embryos of Mean Generation Analysis(MGA) of crosses between lines which show good (C2) and poor(C6) storage characteristics. A correlation was found betweenhigher PA contents (putrescine and spermidine) and superiorsurvival characteristics within the populations that were analysedby MGA. Titres of putrescine (PUT) and spermidine (SPD) showedthat three-quarters of the F2 resembled the C2 parent and aquarter resembled the C6 parent. Furthermore, the backcrossC6F1 showed that half of the embryos had PUT levels above theparental C6 line. A maternal inheritance effect was not observed.Neither spermine nor cadaverine content was correlated withthe survival inheritance pattern. Given the survival kineticsobtained, it is suggested that both the PA titres and the seedsurvival characteristics are determined by nuclear dominantfactors. Key words: Polyamines, Zea mays, seeds  相似文献   
Modifying a model of G. I. Agren, we show that the shoot fractiondepends approximately linearly on internal nitrogen concentration(n) over a broad range of values of n. The root: shoot ratiodecreases monotonically with n; at low nitrogen concentrationsthis differs from the predictions of G. I. Agren and T. Ingestad. Root: shoot ratios, shoot fraction, nitrogen productivity, relative growth rate, specific growth rate  相似文献   
Abstract. Sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L., cv. CGL 208) were field-grown in adjacent plots of varying resource availability. Control plants received irrigation (on a 4–5 d interval) and high levels of fertilizer nitrogen. Nutrient-stress (N-stress) plants received control levels of irrigation but no nutrient amendments and were determined to be nitrogen-limited. Water-stress (H2O-stress) plants received control levels of fertilizer nitrogen, but no irrigation after approximately 6 weeks of plant growth. Both stress treatments reduced maximum and diurnal net photosynthesis (A) but resulted in different physiological or biochemical adjustments that tended to maintain or increase A per unit of resource (nitrogen or water) in shortest supply while decreasing the ratio of A per unit of abundant resource. Nutrient-stress reduced total foliar nitrogen, foliar chlorophyll, and initial and total RuBPCase activities, thereby enhancing or preserving photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency (NUE), defined as the maximum A observed per unit of leaf nitrogen, relative to the control and H2O-stress treatments. In addition, N-stress reduced photosynthetic water-use efficiency (WUE), defined as the ratio of A to stomatal conductance to water vapour (g). The slope of A versus g increased with H2O-stress. In addition, sunflower plants responded to H2O-stress by accumulating foliar glucose and sucrose and by exhibiting diurnal leaf wilting, which presumably provided additional improvements in photosynthetic WUE through osmoregulation and reduction of midday radiation interception respectively. Photosynthetic NUE was decreased by H2O-stress in that control levels of total nitrogen, foliar chlorophyll, and RuBPCase activities were maintained even after mean diurnal levels of A had fallen to less than 50% of the control level. We conclude that field-grown sunflower manages a trade-off between photosynthetic WUE and NUE, increasing use efficiency of the scarce resource while decreasing use efficiency of the abundant resource.  相似文献   
Actinomycin C was administered to 35 patients with a variety of malignant states. There was no evidence of any toxic reaction. Of 11 patients with Hodgkins disease, four had brief objective remission ranging from two to four months. Individual patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia, multiple myeloma and neuroblastoma had short periods of clinical improvement. The usefulness of actinomycin C appears to be limited. It may best be used in instances of Hodgkin's disease where pancytopenia prevents the use of other agents.  相似文献   
Few studies show how morphological vestigialization may facilitate functional innovation. Fewer still describe the co‐occurrence of the derived and more ancestral structures in the same genetic individual. In the present study, we explore that rare instance in a modular (colonial) marine invertebrate. Using laser scanning confocal microscopy with fluorescent staining and behavioural observations, we describe homologous structures in polymorphic modules (zooids) in the bryozoan Bugula flabellata and document the occurrence of previously unreported retractor and circular muscles in the more derived module, the bird's‐head avicularium. In the evolution of a sessile feeding zooid to a moveable nonfeeding zooid with sensory and grasping functions, transformations were effected in the food‐capture apparatus, orificial structures, musculature, and sensory structures. We expand on and clarify previous reports of homologies between ancestral and derived modules in bryozoans and argue that vestigialization and augmentation of homologous structures were coincident with functional innovations in the avicularium. The present study offers rare evidence for the evolution of functional innovation through vestigialization. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 63–74.  相似文献   
Plants exploit an array of defences against insect herbivores based on chemical and biomechanical properties. There is increasing evidence that plant toughness comprises a particularly effective defence against herbivory, yet studies to date have focussed exclusively on leaf toughness and folivore behaviour. The relationship between root mechanical properties and the chewing behaviour of a root‐feeding insect, the Agriotes spp. wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae L.), feeding on tobacco (Nicoiana tabacum) is investigated. Root toughness is manipulated using introduced transgenes for the down‐regulation of key enzymes in the lignin biosynthesis pathway: cinnamoyl‐CoA reductase (CCR line) and caffeate O‐methyltransferase and cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CO line). Two biomechanical analyses (i.e. conventional cutting and notched tensile) are conducted to quantify root toughness on both lines. Roots from the CO line are significantly tougher than those of the CCR line in terms of fracture toughness and fracture energy, although not for cutting energy or stiffness. Bioassays that compel wireworms to chew through roots demonstrate that only 30% can penetrate roots of the CO line compared with 90% on the CCR line. It takes wireworms over twice as long to penetrate roots from the CO line (8 h) compared with CCR roots (3.5 h). There is a statistically significant positive relationship between penetration time and fracture toughness evaluated with tensile tests, although not with cutting energy from cutting tests. Using this exploratory model system, it is concluded that root toughness derived from tensile tests is a practical indicator of the ability of root‐feeding insects to penetrate roots.  相似文献   
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