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The package hierfstat for the statistical software r , created by the R Development Core Team, allows the estimate of hierarchical F‐statistics from a hierarchy with any numbers of levels. In addition, it allows testing the statistical significance of population differentiation for these different levels, using a generalized likelihood‐ratio test. The package hierfstat is available at http://www.unil.ch/popgen/softwares/hierfstat.htm .  相似文献   
Plant ants generally provide their host myrmecophytes (i.e. plants that shelter a limited number of ant species in hollow structures) protection from defoliating insects, but the exact nature of this protection is poorly known. It was with this in mind that we studied the association between Tetraponera aethiops F. Smith (Pseudomyrmecinae) and its specific host myrmecophyte Barteria fistulosa Mast. (Passifloraceae). Workers bore entrances into the horizontal hollow branches (domatia) of their host B. fistulosa , near the base of the petiole of the alternate horizontal leaves. They then ambush intruders from the domatia, close to these entrances. After perceiving the vibrations caused when an insect lands on a leaf, they rush to it and sting and generally spreadeagle the insect (only small caterpillars are mastered by single workers). Among the insects likely to defoliate B. fistulosa , adult leaf beetles and large katydids were taken as prey and cut up; single workers then retrieved some pieces, whereas other workers imbibed the prey's haemolymph. Other insects known to defoliate this plant, if unable to escape, were killed and discarded. Small Acrea zetes L. caterpillars were stung and then discarded by single workers; whereas locusts of different sizes were mastered by groups of workers that stung and spreadeagled them before discarding them (although a part of their haemolymph was imbibed). More workers were involved and more time was necessary to master insects taken as prey than those attacked and discarded. Consequently, the protection T. aethiops workers provide to their host B. fistulosa from defoliating insects results from predation, but more often from a type of aggressiveness wherein insects are killed and then discarded.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 63–69.  相似文献   
A new species in the previously monotypic, endemic New Caledonian genus Gastrolepis (Stemonuraceae) is described. Gastrolepis alticola differs from G. austrocaledonica by its shorter and thicker petioles, strongly coriaceous leaves with revolute margins, shorter inflorescences, and pubescent corollas. The new species is further distinguished by its ecology, occurring only in high‐altitude maquis on two massifs in southern New Caledonia, Mt. Kouakoué and the Montagne des Sources. Gastrolepis alticola is assigned a preliminary conservation status of ‘Endangered’ using the World Conservation Union (IUCN) Red List criteria. Comparison of the IUCN threat status for the 19 species endemic to this distinctive, restricted vegetation type reveals a striking lack of consistency and underscores the need for a reassessment of the entire New Caledonian flora. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 775–783.  相似文献   
本研究利用基因重组技术将链亲和素(core-streptavidin)cDNA插入原核表达载体pOPE101-8E5的3′端,并用单链抗体scFv-C4的重链和轻链可变区cDNA取代其scFv-8E5,构建重组表达载体pOPE101-C4::core-streptavidin。将该表达载体转化入在大肠杆菌中进行诱导表达,用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和免疫印迹法分析表达产物的表达量和产物活性。结果提示我们成功地获得一个分子量约为45kDa的scFv-C4::core-streptavidin的融合蛋白,它可结合KG1a细胞裂解物中分子量约为60kDa、45kDa的蛋白带,且其结合功能可以通过融合蛋白中的链亲和素基因直接测定。  相似文献   
Seeds of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) can exhibit seedcoat imposed dormancy, which produces hard seeds within a seed lot. These seeds do not germinate because they do not imbibe water due to a barrier to water entry in the seed coat. The aim of this work was to analyze the anatomical and chemical characteristics of the testa of alfalfa seeds with respect to water permeability levels. The anatomy of seeds of the cv. Baralfa 85 was studied and structural substances, polyphenols, tannins and cutin present in the testa of seeds of different water permeability levels were determined. The anatomical characteristics of the seed coat and the proportions of components were found to determine the permeability level of the seed coat, an aspect that is associated with the physical seed dormancy level. Anatomically, increased thickness of the testa was associated with a lower permeability level. The difference may be attributed to the variation in cuticle thickness, length of macrosclereids and thickness of the cell wall, and presence and development of osteosclereids. From the physiological and chemical points of view, the mechanism of physical dormancy of the testa is explained by a greater amount of components that repel water and cement the cell wall, such as polyphenols, lignins, condensed tannins, pectic substances, and a lower proportion of cellulose and hemicellulose.  相似文献   
Herndon  ME; Stipp  CS; Lander  AD 《Glycobiology》1999,9(2):143-155
The method of affinity coelectrophoresis was used to study the binding of nine representative glycosaminoglycan (GAG)-binding proteins, all thought to play roles in nervous system development, to GAGs and proteoglycans isolated from developing rat brain. Binding to heparin and non-neural heparan and chondroitin sulfates was also measured. All nine proteins-laminin-1, fibronectin, thrombospondin-1, NCAM, L1, protease nexin-1, urokinase plasminogen activator, thrombin, and fibroblast growth factor-2-bound brain heparan sulfate less strongly than heparin, but the degree of difference in affinity varied considerably. Protease nexin-1 bound brain heparan sulfate only 1.8- fold less tightly than heparin (Kdvalues of 35 vs. 20 nM, respectively), whereas NCAM and L1 bound heparin well (Kd approximately 140 nM) but failed to bind detectably to brain heparan sulfate (Kd>3 microM). Four proteins bound brain chondroitin sulfate, with affinities equal to or a few fold stronger than the same proteins displayed toward cartilage chondroitin sulfate. Overall, the highest affinities were observed with intact heparan sulfate proteoglycans: laminin-1's affinities for the proteoglycans cerebroglycan (glypican-2), glypican-1 and syndecan-3 were 300- to 1800-fold stronger than its affinity for brain heparan sulfate. In contrast, the affinities of fibroblast growth factor-2 for cerebroglycan and for brain heparan sulfate were similar. Interestingly, partial proteolysis of cerebroglycan resulted in a >400- fold loss of laminin affinity. These data support the views that (1) GAG-binding proteins can be differentially sensitive to variations in GAG structure, and (2) core proteins can have dramatic, ligand-specific influences on protein-proteoglycan interactions.   相似文献   
一种钒配合物LMC 抑制DNA 拓扑异构酶?的抗肿瘤作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨钒配合物LMc对拓扑异构酶Ⅰ、Ⅱ(Topo-Ⅰ、Topo-Ⅱ)的影响及其抗肿瘤活性。方法:采用DNA松弛实验观察LMC对Topo-Ⅰ、活性的影响并探讨其相关分子作用机制;采用MTT法、流式细胞术在细胞水平观察了IMC的抗肿瘤作用。结果:LMC可明显抑制Topo-Ⅰ活性,对Topo-Ⅱ无明显抑制作用,对多种肿瘤细胞株A549、Hela、BEL-7402具有明显抑制生长的作用,且可将细胞阻断在G2/M期,而对正常细胞株L-02生长无明显影响。结论:钒配合物LMC具有抑制Topo-Ⅰ活性而发挥抗肿瘤的作用。  相似文献   
A previously unknown Annonaceae species from the South Pacific island of New Caledonia is described as Goniothalamus dumontetii . This is the first Goniothalamus species reported from the island, and the easternmost record for the genus. It is easily distinguished from its congeners by the shape of the monocarp (flattened elongate with lateral triangular projections), which reflects the shape of the seeds (flattened rhombohedral). The conservation status of the species is evaluated as endangered (EN) using World Conservation Union (IUCN) red list categories, as it is known from only one relatively small population. The interpretation of geological and molecular data suggests that Goniothalamus dispersed to New Caledonia relatively recently, and does not represent a relict of the break-up of Gondwana.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 497–503.  相似文献   
以金属框架结构材料MOF-199为载体对漆酶进行固定化,并对固定化酶的性质进行初步研究。首先,以3-氨基丙基三乙氧基硅烷对载体MOF-199进行表面氨基化修饰,再用戊二醛对载体进行活化,最后对漆酶进行固定化。固定化条件优化结果表明:在漆酶质量浓度0.3 g/L,戊二醛用量1%(体积分数),pH 4.8下固定7 h,制得固定化酶活性最高。对固定化酶的研究发现:最适反应温度为40℃,最适pH为5.2,在连续操作7次后,固定化酶的活力仍能保持在51%。固定化漆酶热稳定性,pH耐受性,贮存稳定性均明显高于游离漆酶。  相似文献   
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