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脑源性神经营养因子(brain-derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)在发育及成熟的中枢神经系统(central nervoussystem,CNS)中起到举足轻重的调节作用,而其中绝大部分作用由其B型酪氨酸激酶受体(tyrosine kinase receptortype B,TrkB)介导,因此TrkB在神经元中的轴浆转运过程显得尤为重要。本文从动力蛋白、潜在调节分子、细胞骨架蛋白等方面对TrkB轴浆转运分子机制的研究进展进行综述,并就其进一步研究提出一系列的问题与展望。  相似文献   
本文根据1990-1995年在香港嘉道理农场次生林区采集的昆虫标本,首次分析了鞘翅目及其优势科的种类、数量和季节性变化,以及由碰撞诱捕网和黑光灯捕虫器采集所得甲虫在种类、数量和季节性上的差异。在13260号标本中,已鉴定到科的有13253号,分属45科,231种。其中,朽木甲科(Alleculidae)、毛蕈甲科(Biphyllidae)、丸甲科(Byrrhidae)、坚甲科(Colydiidae)、拟球甲科(Corylophidae)、隐食甲科(Cryptophagidae)、水缨甲科(Hydroscaphidae)、伪叶甲科(Lagliidae)、薪甲科(Lathridiidae)、泽甲科(Limnichidae)、黑蕈甲科(Zopheridae)等11个科为香港地区的首次报道,约占本次调查科总数的25%。分析表明:(1)该次生林区的鞘翅目甲虫以蛀木性为主。天牛科(Cerambycidae)、瓢虫科(Coccinellidae)、象甲科(Curculionidae)、花蚤科(Mordellidae)、金龟甲科(Scarabaeidae)、小蠹科(Scolytidae)等6科均为多样性较高(种类≥15或者个体数量≥200)的优势科。(2)鞘翅目个体数量季节性明显,每年自2月开始数量逐渐增加,6—7月为甲虫发生的高峰期,8月显著减少。各优势科甲虫的季节性也存在一定的差异,庞大的小蠹标本数量(85%)说明在此调查期间该科正处于大发生时期。(3)黑光灯捕虫器所捕的甲虫科类和种类较之碰撞诱捕网所捕不尽相同,黑光灯捕虫器所捕的甲虫数量发生高峰期比碰撞诱捕网所捕的甲虫提前一个月。(4)各项多样性指数对不同捕虫器采集所得鞘翅目的测度差异明显,黑光灯捕虫器所捕甲虫的多样度和均匀度指数高于碰撞诱捕网。  相似文献   
从陕北克山病病区分离到的两株串珠镰刀菌素产生菌株——胶孢镰刀菌(Fusarium subglutinans Wollenw.et Reinking)陕-6号和2-17号进行单孢分离,分别得到23和19个单孢分离株。这些单孢菌株可分为两种培养型:一种形态上与原始菌株相似,产生串珠镰刀菌素,产色素,具有大、小分生孢子,转管八次产毒量有下降;另一种则不产串珠镰刀菌素和孢子,无色素,后者在二株菌的单孢分离菌中所占比例分别为60.9%和15.8%。由此可见,胶孢镰刀菌产毒稳定性受异核体和该菌单核变异性共同影响。  相似文献   
基于集中参数模型的脑血管疾病数值模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
脑血管疾病的血流动力研究一直是和脑血管疾病的预防和诊断密切相关的,由于脑部血流循环是一个四端输入的网络,其复杂性导致它的血液动力学规律和体循环有着本质的差别,讨论脑循环这模型和临床应用有着重要的意义,本文使用集中参数模型来模拟三种常见的脑血管疾病;脑动脉硬化,脑梗塞,锁骨下动脉盗血,考察其对相应脑血管的压力和流量的影响,结果显示脑部血液循环的代偿功能在发病情况下的重要作用,本文通过分析数值模拟结果,对不同疾病的血液动力学特征进行研究,给脑血管疾病的临床诊断提供血液动力学方面的参考。  相似文献   
徐万里  唐光木  盛建东  梁智  周勃  朱敏 《生态学报》2010,30(7):1773-1779
土壤有机碳是土壤质量变化的重要指标,土壤活性有机碳组分在土壤质量变化方面发挥重要作用。采用有机碳分组技术,研究了干旱荒漠区自然土壤开垦对绿洲农田土壤有机碳活性组分及团聚体稳定性的影响。结果表明:低有机碳含量的自然土壤垦殖后,有利于干旱荒漠区绿洲棉田土壤有机碳的积累,且垦殖(0-5a)增加显著,年均增加在0.65gkg-1以上,上升幅度为76%-286%,5a后维持在相对平衡的水平;土壤活性有机碳、轻组有机碳在垦殖0-5a显著增加,平均增加72%和99%,5a后下降;颗粒有机碳则表现出垦殖0-10a明显增加,增加在275%以上,10a后下降;土壤水稳性团聚体含量随垦殖年限的延长显著增加,0-20a内较自然土壤提高了75%。垦殖可能是干旱区绿洲农田潜在碳汇的重要影响因素;但随垦殖年限延长,土壤有机碳活性组分下降,土壤质量又存在一定的退化风险。  相似文献   
Cellular metabolism is a very complex process. The biochemical pathways are fundamental structures of biology. These pathways possess a number of regeneration steps which facilitate energy shuttling on a massive scale. This facilitates the biochemical pathways to sustain the energy currency of the cells. This concept has been mimicked using electronic circuit components and it has been used to increase the efficiency of bio-energy generation. Six of the carbohydrate biochemical pathways have been chosen in which glycolysis is the principle pathway. All the six pathways are interrelated and coordinated in a complex manner. Mimic circuits have been designed for all the six biochemical pathways. The components of the metabolic pathways such as enzymes, cofactors etc., are substituted by appropriate electronic circuit components. Enzymes are related to the gain of transistors by the bond dissociation energies of enzyme-substrate molecules under consideration. Cofactors and coenzymes are represented by switches and capacitors respectively. Resistors are used for proper orientation of the circuits. The energy obtained from the current methods employed for the decomposition of organic matter is used to trigger the mimic circuits. A similar energy shuttle is observed in the mimic circuits and the percentage rise for each cycle of circuit functioning is found to be 78.90. The theoretical calculations have been made using a sample of domestic waste weighing 1.182 kg. The calculations arrived at finally speak of the efficiency of the novel methodology employed.  相似文献   
We present a mathematical method for acceleration workspace analysis of cooperating multi-finger robot systems using a model of point-contact with friction. A new unified formulation from dynamic equations of cooperating multi-finger robots is derived considering the force and acceleration relationships between the fingers and the object to be handled. From the dynamic equation, maximum translational and rotational acceleration bounds of an object are calculated under given constraints of contact conditions, configurations of fingers, and bounds on the torques of joint actuators for each finger. Here, the rotational acceleration bounds can be applied as an important manipulability index when the multi-finger robot grasps an object. To verify the proposed method, we used a set of case studies with a simple multi-finger mechanism system. The achievable acceleration boundary in task space can be obtained successfully with the proposed method and the acceleration boundary depends on the configurations of fingers.  相似文献   
Water striders are insects living on the water surface, over which they can move very quickly and rarely get wetted. We measured the force of free walking in water striders, using a hair attached to their backs and a 3D strain gauge. The error was calculated by comparing force and data derived from geometry and was estimated as 13%. Females on average were stronger (1.32 mN) than males (0.87 mN), however, the ratio of force to weight was not significantly different. Compared with other lighter species, Aquarius paludum seems stronger, but the ratio of force to weight is actually lower. A. paludum applies about 0.3 mN·cm-1 to 0.4 mN·cm-1 with its mid-legs, thus avoiding penetrating the surface tension layer while propelling itself rapidly over the water surface.We also investigated the external morphology with SEM. The body is covered by effectively two layers of macro-and micro-hairs, which renders them hydrophobic. The setae are long (40 um-60 um) and stiff, being responsible for waterproofing, and the microtrichia are much smaller (<10 um), slender, and flexible, holding a bubble over the body when submerged.  相似文献   
杨杰  侯先光  董渭 《古生物学报》2008,47(1):115-122
昆明地区下寒武统沧浪铺组乌龙箐段所产的节肢动物Guangweicaris Luo,Fu et Hu,2007,为研究寒武纪生命大爆发之后节肢动物辐射特征提供了重要资料。罗惠麟等(2007)在报道该节肢动物时,因标本不完整,对其头部和尾部特征均作了错误鉴别和描述。笔者根据完整且保存有软体附肢的标本,对Guangweicaris Luo,Fu et Hu,2007作了重新研究和复原,据此讨论了该节肢动物的分类归属问题。  相似文献   
我国高校人力资源开发的问题及其对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了当前我国高校人力资源开发的重要性和存在的主要问题,并运用现代管理理论,提出了树立以人为本的管理理念、建立有利于人才成长的机制、运用柔性化管理模式的措施来促进我国高校人力资源的进一步开发利用。  相似文献   
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