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DNA sequences are currently used to propose primary hypotheses of species delimitation, especially when morphological variability is difficult to assess. In an integrative taxonomy framework, these hypotheses are then compared with other characters, such as morphology or geography, to produce robust species delimitations. For this purpose, the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene has been sequenced for almost 50 specimens of the genus Benthomangelia , a deep-sea marine gastropod genus, collected in the South-West Pacific. Five genetic groups, displaying low and high genetic distances respectively within and between groups, were defined. COI hypotheses were compared with both the results obtained with the independent nuclear 28S gene and with an elliptic Fourier analysis of the shape of the last whorl of the shell. 28S gene analysis confirmed the same well-supported groups as COI, and elliptic Fourier analysis identified several morphological characters that vary similarly to genetic variability.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 696–708.  相似文献   
Recent changes in the seasonal timing (phenology) of familiar biological events have been one of the most conspicuous signs of climate change. However, the lack of a standardized approach to analysing change has hampered assessment of consistency in such changes among different taxa and trophic levels and across freshwater, terrestrial and marine environments. We present a standardized assessment of 25 532 rates of phenological change for 726 UK terrestrial, freshwater and marine taxa. The majority of spring and summer events have advanced, and more rapidly than previously documented. Such consistency is indicative of shared large scale drivers. Furthermore, average rates of change have accelerated in a way that is consistent with observed warming trends. Less coherent patterns in some groups of organisms point to the agency of more local scale processes and multiple drivers. For the first time we show a broad scale signal of differential phenological change among trophic levels; across environments advances in timing were slowest for secondary consumers, thus heightening the potential risk of temporal mismatch in key trophic interactions. If current patterns and rates of phenological change are indicative of future trends, future climate warming may exacerbate trophic mismatching, further disrupting the functioning, persistence and resilience of many ecosystems and having a major impact on ecosystem services.  相似文献   
The taxonomic position of the Lymnaeidae from the BolivianAltiplano has been unclear. On the basis of conchological characters,some authors reported two species from this area, Lymnaea viatrix andL. cubensis while others, considering also anatomical characters,considered L. viatrix as a synonym of L. cubensis. More recentstudies demonstrated genetic identity between the Bolivian lymnaeidsand L. truncatula from the Iberian Peninsula. Populations recognizedas L. cubensis correspond to a distinct genetic group, but geneticinformation was not available for L. viatrix. In the light ofthese genetic results, a morphometric study of both the shell (usingRaupian parameters) and male reproductive system was carried outof L. cubensis from Cuba (type locality), Dominican Republic,Guadeloupe and Venezuela, and of L. truncatula from Bolivia,France, Portugal, Spain and Morocco. Syntypes of L. viatrixfrom Argentina (var. A. ventricosa) and specimens of L. viatrix(var. B. elongata) from the type locality, Peru, were also studied(conchological characters only). The conchological study showedthe presence of a large amount of variability between populations.This variability was not congruent with genetic results. Alarge amount of variability was also found using anatomicalcharacters of the male reproductive system and all of them clearlyseparate L. cubensis from L. truncatula independently from geographicalorigin. Thus anatomical characters, unlike conchological parameters,do differentiate taxonomic species inferred from genetic studies. (Received 11 September 1997; accepted 5 March 1999)  相似文献   
In patrilocal groups, females preferentially move to join their mate’s paternal relatives. The gender‐biased gene flow generated by this cultural practice is expected to affect genetic diversity across human populations. Greater female than male migration is predicted to result in a larger decrease in between‐group differentiation for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) than for the non‐recombining part of the Y chromosome (NRY). We address the question of how patrilocality affects the distribution of genetic variation in human populations controlling for confounding factors such as ethno‐linguistic heterogeneity and geographic distance which possibly explain the contradictory results observed in previous studies. By combining genetic and bio‐demographic data from Lesotho and Spain, we show that preferential female migration over short distances appears to minimize the impact of a generally higher female migration rate in patrilocal communities, suggesting patrilocality might influence genetic variation only at short ranges.  相似文献   
1. An increasing number of studies have addressed the mechanisms by which plant inter‐specific variation influence interactions at higher trophic levels, but little is known about the underlying plant traits driving these dynamics. 2. Here we investigated the effects of host plant species on herbivore‐parasitoid interactions and the underlying traits driving such effects. For this, we measured the abundance of seed‐eating bruchids and their parasitoids across seven sympatric populations of the bean species Phaseolus coccineus and Phaseolus vulgaris in Central Mexico. To investigate the mechanisms underlying differences between bean species in bruchid‐parasitoid interactions, we carried out two laboratory experiments to test whether bruchid and parasitoid performance differed between plant species. We also measured seed size and phenolic compounds to investigate if seed traits mediate bruchid‐parasitoid interactions by influencing herbivore susceptibility or resistance to parasitoids. 3. Field surveys revealed that the rate of parasitoid recruitment to bruchids was significantly higher on P. vulgaris than on P. coccineus. Subsequent laboratory bioassays indicated that bruchids developed more slowly and exhibited lower fitness on P. vulgaris seeds than on P. coccineus seeds. Accordingly, we found that bean species differed in seed size, with P. vulgaris having smaller (less nutritious) seeds, which explains why bruchid development was slower on this plant species. 4. These results provide a mechanism for why bruchids exhibited higher parasitism rates on seeds of P. vulgaris in the field which could be due to Slow‐Growth/High‐Mortality effects, a smaller physical refuge provided by the seed, or both factors. The roles of these mechanisms remain inconclusive without further study.  相似文献   
Subspecific variation is widespread in vertebrates. Within Africa, several mammals have extensive geographic distributions with attendant morphological, ecological, and behavioural variations, which are often used to demarcate subspecies. In the present study, we use a primate species, the vervet monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops, as a case study for intraspecific divergence in widespread mammals, assessed through hard tissue morphology. We examine intraspecific differences in size, shape, and non‐allometric shape from a taxonomic perspective, and discuss the macroevolutionary implications of findings from microevolutionary analyses of geographic variation. A geometric morphometric approach was used, employing 86 three‐dimensional landmarks of almost 300 provenanced crania. Many of the taxonomic differences in skull morphology between vervet populations appear to be related to geographic proximity, with subspecies at opposite extremes of a west‐to‐east axis showing greatest divergence, and populations from central and south Africa being somewhat intermediate. The classification rate from discriminant analyses was lower than that observed in other African primate radiations, including guenons as a whole and red colobus. Nonetheless, taxonomic differences in shape were significant and not simply related to either geography or size. Thus, although shifts in size may be an important first step in adaptation and diversification, with size responding more quickly than shape to environmental change, the six vervet taxa currently recognized (either as species or subspecies) are not simply allometrically scaled versions of one another and are probably best viewed as subspecies. Holding allometry constant when examining inter‐population differences in shape may thus help to reveal the early stages of evolutionary divergence. The vervet case study presented here hence has relevance for future studies examining intraspecific differentiation in other large mammals, particularly through the methods used to identify small but biologically meaningful divergence, with attendant implications for conservation planning. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 823–843.  相似文献   
Previous work from our laboratory has shown that both cyclic AMP and calcium/calmodulin appear to be involved in the regulation of melanogenesis in murine B16 melanoma cells. In these cells as in murine Cloudman S91 cells, melanogenic responsiveness to melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) varies with cell density in culture. Our objective in this study was to learn more about the intracellular systems involved in the control of melanogenesis, particularly the role played by calcium. The melanogenic response to αMSH was compared to the response to drugs affecting intracellular free calcium and calmodulin over a range of cell densities in B16F1 cells. αMSH-stimulated melanin production was extremely density-dependent but αMSH-stimulated cyclic AMP production was independent of cell density. The melanogenic response to agents that increased intracellular calcium (A23187) or inhibited intracellular calmodulin varied with cell density. A drug (TMB8) that lowered intracellular free calcium, however, increased melanogenesis independently of cell density. At high cell density it was found that an elevation in calcium decreased melanogenesis, whereas agents that reduced calcium or inhibited calmodulin activity increased melanogenesis. At low cell density, however, the inhibitory response to A23187 was lost and in some experiments even stimulated melanogenesis. These data suggest that the calcium/calmodulin signalling system has an inhibitory influence on melanogenesis, and its expression, which depends upon cell density, may also modulate the response to stimulatory agents such as αMSH.  相似文献   
Twelve polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci were isolated from saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) and optimized for future studies of its breeding system. The loci were screened for variability among 24 individuals from two populations. The primers amplified loci with numbers of alleles ranging from four to 14 per locus and polymorphic information content from 0.481 to 0.951. Observed heterozygosity varied from 0.227 to 0.958.  相似文献   
A deep‐water Konservat Lagerstätte from the lower Caradoc (Sandbian) at Girvan is dominated by the trilobite Diacanthaspis trippi, the carpoids Anatifopsis n. sp.? and a new genus of ctenocystoid together with the polyplacophoran Solenocaris solenoides and the brachiopod Onniella williamsi. Most of these are multi‐element organisms, with many specimens preserved in an articulated state in finely laminated rocks, indicating minimal disturbance and suggesting that the fauna is largely an in situ association. It contains few of the species known from other deep‐water sites of similar age at Girvan which contain diverse assemblages of trilobites and brachiopods absent from the Lagerstätte. The taphonomy of the site indicates preservation by rapid burial followed by early diagenesis under dysaerobic conditions. It provides a ‘taphonomic window’ on otherwise unknown faunas from distal shelf facies on the Ordovician Laurentian margin, and, moreover, is an important reminder of the hidden biodiversity that resided in thin‐shelled, multi‐element organisms.  相似文献   
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