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Most studies of birds have reported positive effects of ageing on reproductive traits during the first years of life followed by a decline. We examined the effects of age and laying experience, controlling for confounding factors such as food availability/quality and timing of pair formation in a captive population of Red-legged Partridge Alectoris rufa . We found that all reproductive traits, except for the period between eggs, were highly repeatable within females both within and between years. The repeatability of egg mass was lower than that of clutch size, laying onset or chick traits other than the mass and size increase rates, perhaps suggesting a lower heritability value. As females aged, they showed a tendency to produce marginally lighter eggs (1.3%) and larger clutches, although this latter trend was not significant. We suggest that the senescence process implies the involvement of hormonal changes that could affect the reduction of egg mass (e.g. low levels of oestradiol). Younger females tended to start laying later than older females, which could be due to a low responsiveness to photoperiodic stimulation of the reproductive system, which would indicate a delay in gametogenesis and steroidogenesis. The mass of last-laid eggs decreased with age of the female. We suggest that physiological changes through the laying sequence could vary with age. Experienced breeders laid larger clutches linked with the advancement of laying onset. For a given age, females with more experience fared better than those with less experience.  相似文献   
15N-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) was used to study nitrogenassimilation in apices of maize roots in vivo, perfused eitherwith 15NO  相似文献   
Embryogenic cell lines ofPicea abieswere categorized into twogroups, A and B, based on the morphology of the somatic embryosand the ability of the somatic embryos to proceed through amaturation process when treated with ABA. Group A embryos hada distinct, densely-packed embryonic region whereas group Bembryos had loosely packed cells in their embryonic region.Embryo morphology was shown to be regulated by changes in theplant growth regulators in the culture medium. Treatment withN6-benzyladenine stimulated embryos to develop large embryonicregions. The morphology of somatic embryos and especially thatof the embryonic regions was correlated with the presence ofspecific extracellular proteins. Only somatic embryos with denselypacked cells in the embryonic regions secreted proteins withrelative molecular weights of 28, 66 and 85kD. The extracellularprotein of 28kD was isolated and the first 21 amino acids inthe N-terminus were identified. These showed 52–57% identitywith the N-terminal sequence conserved among members of a proteinfamily which includes zeamatin and which have been shown tobe involved in plant anti-fungal mechanisms. Immunological studiesof extracellular chitinases and zeamatin-like proteins, as wellas of activity of extracellular peroxidase, revealed a closecorrelation between the presence of specific chitinases andembryo morphology. Auxin; cytokinin; embryogenic cell lines; embryo morphology; extracellular proteins; Norway spruce; Picea abies; somatic embryos  相似文献   
Seed tissues of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze were investigated using histochemistry, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. Moisture content and water status in tissues were also evaluated. In the embryo, TEM studies revealed the presence of one to several central vacuoles and a peripheral layer of cytoplasm in cells from different tissues of the cotyledons and axis. In the cytoplasm, lipid bodies, starch grains, mitochondria and a nucleus are evident. In most tissues, vacuoles contain proteins, indicating that the storage proteins are highly hydrated. In cells of the root cap, proteins are stored in discrete protein bodies. Both protein storage vacuoles and discrete protein bodies have inclusions of crystal globoids. EDX analysis of globoids revealed the presence of P, K and Mg as the main constituents and traces of S, Ca and Fe. In the root and shoot meristems, deposits of phytoferritin are present in the stroma of proplastids. The gametophyte consists of cells characterized by relatively thin cell walls and one to several nuclei per cell. Protein and lipid bodies are present, although starch is the most conspicuous reserve. Immediately after shedding, moisture content is approximately 145% (dry weight) for the embryo and 95% (dry weight) for the gametophyte. Calorimetric studies reveal that axes and cotyledons have a very high content of freezable water, corresponding to types 5 and 4, i.e. dilute and concentrated (or capillary) solution, respectively. The results are discussed in relation to the behaviour of the species, which has been categorized as recalcitrant.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London . Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 140 , 273−281.  相似文献   
Primers for 16 microsatellite loci were developed for the trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator), a species recovering from a recent population bottleneck. In a screen of 158 individuals, the 16 loci were found to have levels of variability ranging from two to seven alleles. No loci were found to be linked, although two loci repeatedly revealed significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Amplification in the closely related tundra swan (Cygnus columbianus) was successful for all except one locus. These microsatellite loci will be applicable for population genetic analyses and ultimately aid in management efforts.  相似文献   
Pruss, S.B., Clemente, H. & Laflamme, M. 2012: Early (Series 2) Cambrian archaeocyathan reefs of southern Labrador as a locus for skeletal carbonate production. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 401–410. Archaeocyathan reefs, the first reefs produced by animals, are prominent, global features of early Cambrian successions. However, microbialites – the dominant reef components of the Proterozoic – were still abundant in most archaeocyathan reefs. Although such reefs were a locus for carbonate production, it is unclear how much carbonate was produced skeletally. This analysis of well‐known early Cambrian archaeocyathan patch reefs of the Forteau Formation, southern Labrador, demonstrates that skeletal carbonate was abundantly produced in these archaeocyathan reefs, although only about half was produced by archaeocyathans. Trilobites, echinoderms and brachiopods contributed substantially to the total carbonate budget, particularly in grainstone facies flanking the reefs. Through point count analysis of samples collected from the reef core and flanking grainstones, it can be demonstrated that skeletal material was most abundant in grainstone facies, where animals such as trilobites and echinoderms contributed significantly to carbonate production. In contrast, microbial fabrics were more abundant than skeletal fabrics in the reef core, although archaeocyathan material was more abundant than other skeletal debris. Similar to modern reefs, these reefs created a variety of habitats that allowed for the proliferation of skeletal organisms living on and around the reef, thereby promoting skeletal carbonate production through ecosystem engineering. □Archaeocyatha, bioherms, carbonates, calcification, point count analysis  相似文献   
1. Recently, the potential for parasites to influence the ecology and evolution of their zooplankton hosts has been the subject of increasing study. However, most research to date has focussed on Daphnia hosts, and the potential for parasites to influence other zooplankton taxa remains largely unstudied. 2. During routine sampling of zooplankton in a eutrophic lake, we observed that the rotifer Asplanchna girodi was often infected with a parasitic oomycete. Epidemics of this parasite occurred frequently, with three separate events in a single year. Prevalence at peak infection ranged from 29 to 41% and epidemics lasted from 17 to 56 days. Our data indicate that high densities of the host population are required for epidemics to occur. 3. Our morphological and molecular analyses suggest that this parasite is in the genus Pythium. Most Pythium spp. are plant pathogens, but our study supports recent work on Daphnia, suggesting that Pythium spp. are also important parasites of zooplankton. 4. As the parasite in this study was recalcitrant to cultivation, we developed an alternative method to verify its identity. Our approach used quantitative PCR to show that the ribosomal sequences identified increased with increasing density of infected hosts and, thus, were associated with the parasite. This approach should be generally applicable to other plankton parasites that are difficult to cultivate outside their hosts. 5. Infections significantly reduced host fecundity, lifespan and population growth rate. As a result of the virulence of this parasite, it is likely to influence the population ecology and evolution of its Asplanchna host, and may be a useful model system for studies on host–parasite coevolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   
Bees are known to collect pollen and nectar to provide their larvae and themselves with food. That bees, especially the tropical stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponini), also collect plant resins has, however, been barely addressed in scientific studies on resource use in bees. Resins are used for nest construction, nest maintenance and nest defence. Furthermore, some South‐East Asian species transfer resin‐derived terpenes to their cuticular profiles. The resin requirement of bees is in turn used by certain plant species, which attract bees either for pollination by providing resin in their inflorescences, or for seed dispersal by providing resin in their seed capsules (mellitochory). Mellitochory is found in the eucalypt tree Corymbia torelliana, the resin of which is collected by Australian stingless bees. We investigated how the interaction between C. torelliana and resin‐collecting bees affects the chemical ecology of two Australian stingless bee genera by comparing the chemical profiles of eight bee species with resin from C. torelliana fruits. The two bee genera differed significantly in their chemical profiles. Similar to South‐East Asian stingless bees, 51% of all compounds on the body surfaces of the five Tetragonula species were most likely derived from plant resins. Up to 32 compounds were identical with compounds from C. torelliana resin, suggesting that Tetragonula species include C. torelliana compounds in their chemical profiles. By contrast, few or none resinous compounds were found on the body surfaces of the three Austroplebeia species sampled. However, one prominent but as yet unknown substance was found in both C. torelliana resin and the chemical profiles of all Tetragonula and four Austroplebeia colonies sampled, suggesting that most colonies (76%) gathered resin from C. torelliana. Hence, C. torelliana resin may be commonly collected by Australian stingless bees and, along with resins from other plant species, shape their chemical ecology.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Two strains of Acanthamoeba isolated from human brain tissue and a strain of Acanthamoeba isolated from a fish were compared with 10 species of Acanthamoeba belonging to groups 1, 2 and 3 based on their isoenzyme profiles and antigenic characteristics. A total of 12 enzymes were studied. The isoenzymes and antigens were electrophoretically separated on polyacrylamide gradient gels, and the patterns obtained were compared after appropriate staining for particular enzymes and reactivities with homologous and heterologous rabbit anti- Acanthamoeba antisera. One of the human strains (CDC:1283:V013) was identified as A. healyi n. sp. because of its unique isoenzyme profiles for 11 of the 12 enzymes tested. The other human isolate was reidentified as A. culbertsoni because its isoenzyme profiles for 10 of 12 enzymes resembled those of A. culbertsoni , Lilly A-1 strain. Since the isoenzyme profiles and the antigenic patterns of the fish isolate as well were remarkably similar to those of A. royreba , it was considered as a strain of A. royreba . Polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresis appears to be a powerful technique for the study of isoenzymes and antigens of Acanthamoeba .  相似文献   
A Revised Medium for Growth of Pea Mesophyll Protoplasts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The nutrient requirements of mesophyll protoplasts from Pisum sativum L. cv. Timo have been investigated and a synthetic and completely defined medium has been designed. A high calcium concentration (12 mM) stimulated both protoplast survival and cell division. The content of iron and zinc was also critical. Additions of nicotinic acid, pyridoxine and thiamine were necessary. The protoplast growth was enhanced when some amino acids were included in the medium. An absolute requirement for auxin and cytokinin was shown. In the revised medium about 90% of the isolated protoplasts survived and formed a cell wall. The first divisions were observed after 5 days and after 1 week 10–20% of the cells had divided at least once.  相似文献   
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