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Benzalkonium chloride (BAC), used to extract intracellular ATP, interferes with subsequent firefly luciferase-luciferin assays. There was a significant difference among wild-type luciferases with respect to BAC resistance. Luciola lateralis luciferase (LlL) was the most tolerant, followed by Luciola cruciata luciferase (LcL) and Photinus pyralis luciferase. Random mutagenesis of thermostable mutants of LcL showed that the Glu490Lys mutation contributes to improved resistance to BAC. The corresponding Glu490Lys mutation was introduced into thermostable mutants of LlL by site-directed mutagenesis. Kinetic analysis demonstrated that the resultant LlL-217L490K mutant, having both an Ala217Leu and a Glu490Lys mutation, showed the highest resistance to BAC, with an initial remaining bioluminescence intensity of 87.4% and a decay rate per minute of 29.6% in the presence of 0.1% BAC. The Glu490Lys mutation was responsible for increased resistance to inactivation but not inhibition by BAC. The LlL-217L490K had identical thermostability and pH stability to the parental thermostable mutant. From these results, it was concluded that the LlL-217L490K enzyme is advantageous for hygiene monitoring and biomass assays based on the ATP-bioluminescence methodology. This is the first report demonstrating improved resistance to BAC of the firefly luciferase enzyme.  相似文献   
Aerobic denitrifying bacteria that produce low levels of nitrous oxide   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
Most denitrifiers produce nitrous oxide (N(2)O) instead of dinitrogen (N(2)) under aerobic conditions. We isolated and characterized novel aerobic denitrifiers that produce low levels of N(2)O under aerobic conditions. We monitored the denitrification activities of two of the isolates, strains TR2 and K50, in batch and continuous cultures. Both strains reduced nitrate (NO(3)(-)) to N(2) at rates of 0.9 and 0.03 micro mol min(-1) unit of optical density at 540 nm(-1) at dissolved oxygen (O(2)) (DO) concentrations of 39 and 38 micro mol liter(-1), respectively. At the same DO level, the typical denitrifier Pseudomonas stutzeri and the previously described aerobic denitrifier Paracoccus denitrificans did not produce N(2) but evolved more than 10-fold more N(2)O than strains TR2 and K50 evolved. The isolates denitrified NO(3)(-) with concomitant consumption of O(2). These results indicated that strains TR2 and K50 are aerobic denitrifiers. These two isolates were taxonomically placed in the beta subclass of the class Proteobacteria and were identified as P. stutzeri TR2 and Pseudomonas sp. strain K50. These strains should be useful for future investigations of the mechanisms of denitrifying bacteria that regulate N(2)O emission, the single-stage process for nitrogen removal, and microbial N(2)O emission into the ecosystem.  相似文献   
Many genes have been identified that are specifically expressed in multiple types of stem cells in their undifferentiated state. It is generally assumed that at least some of these putative "stemness" genes are involved in maintaining properties that are common to all stem cells. We compared gene expression profiles between undifferentiated and differentiated embryonic stem cells (ESCs) using DNA microarrays. We identified several genes with much greater signal in undifferentiated ESCs than in their differentiated derivatives, among them the putative stemness gene encoding junctional adhesion molecule B (Jam-B gene). However, in spite of the specific expression in undifferentiated ESCs, Jam-B mutant ESCs had normal morphology and pluripotency. Furthermore, Jam-B homozygous mutant mice are fertile and have no overt developmental defects. Moreover, we found that neural and hematopoietic stem cells recovered from Jam-B mutant mice are not impaired in their ability to self-renew and differentiate. These results demonstrate that Jam-B is dispensable for normal mouse development and stem cell identity in embryonic, neural, and hematopoietic stem cells.  相似文献   
A method for the sensitive and specific determination of eight green tea catechins, consisting of catechin (C), epicatechin (EC), gallocatechin (GC), epigallocatechin (EGC), catechin-3-gallate (CG), epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG), gallocatechin-3-gallate (GCG) and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), in human plasma was established. For optimization of conditions for LC-ESIMS, the separation of the eight catechins was achieved chromatographically using Inertsil ODS-2 column combined with a gradient elution system of 0.1M aqueous acetic acid and 0.1M acetic acid in acetonitrile. Detection using a mass spectrometer was performed with selected ion monitoring at m/z=289 for E and EC, 305 for GC and EGC, 441 for CG and ECG, and 457 for GCG and EGCG under negative ESI. A preparative procedure, consisting of the addition of perchloric acid and acetonitrile to the plasma for deproteinizing and the subsequent addition of potassium carbonate solution to remove excess acid, was developed. In six different plasma with the eight catechins spiked at two different concentrations, the average recoveries were in the range between 72.7 and 84.1%, which resulted from the matrix effect and preparative loss, with coefficients of variance being 8.2-19.8% among individuals. The levels of the catechins in prepared plasma solutions that were kept at 5 degrees C within 24h were stable, which allows us to simply analyze many prepared plasma solutions using an autosampler overnight. When using this method to analyze the eight catechins in human plasma after oral ingestion of a commercial green tea beverage, we detected all the catechins absorbed into human blood for the first time. This also suggested that extremely small amounts of the eight catechins orally ingested may be absorbed based on each absorptive property for the catechins. The method should enable pharmacokinetic studies of green tea catechins in humans.  相似文献   
Milk provides nutritional, immunological and developmental components for newborns. Whereas identification of such components has been performed by targeting proteins and free oligosaccharides, structural and functional analyses of the N-glycome of milk glycoproteins are scarce. In this study, we investigated, for the first time, the alterations of the bovine milk N-glycome during early lactation (1 day, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks postpartum), characterizing more than 80 N-glycans. The glycomic profile of colostrum on day 1 after calving differed substantially from that in other periods during early lactation. The proteins in colostrum obtained 1 day postpartum were more highly sialylated than milk samples obtained at other time points, and the N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc)/N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac) ratio was significantly higher on day 1, showing a gradual decline with time. In order to dissect the N-glycome of colostrum, alterations of the N-glycosylation profile of major bovine milk proteins during the early lactation stage were elucidated, revealing that the alteration is largely attributable to qualitative and quantitative N-glycosylation changes of IgG, the major glycoprotein in colostrum. Furthermore, by preparing and analyzing IgGs in which the N-glycan structure and subtypes were well characterized, we found that the interaction between IgG and FcRn was not affected by the structure of the N-glycans attached to IgG. We also found that bovine FcRn binds IgG(2) better than IgG(1) , strongly suggesting that the role of FcRn in the bovine mammary gland is to recycle IgG(2) from the udder to blood, rather than to secrete IgG(1) into colostrum.  相似文献   
Lepidaploa belongs to tribe Vernonieae, one of the most complex tribes of Asteraceae, and the relationships within Lepidaploa and among related genera are poorly understood. Microcharacters may be of taxonomic value and may be used in the identification of taxa at different ranks. To evaluate the reliability of microcharacters as taxonomic markers in this group, we analysed the micromorphology of phyllaries, florets and cypselae in detail in 23 species of Lepidaploa .The species were studied using stereo, light, and scanning electron microscopy. Eight trichome types (eglandular and glandular) were observed on phyllaries, florets and cypselae, in addition to crystals, idioblasts and other microstructures. The results demonstrates that the ocurrence of different combinations of trichome types and crystals, presence of a stylar basal node, idioblasts and glandular apical anther appendages are highly useful to differentiate between related species of Lepidaploa and a diagnostic key using these characters is presented. However, these characters are not of much use to distinguish between closely related genera of Vernonieae since most characters appear homeoplasic and are found in representatives of different genera.  相似文献   
Species of fleshy yellow Cantharellus are known as chanterelles, which are among the most popular wild edible mycorrhizal mushrooms in the world. However, pure culture isolates of Cantharellus are rare. We report an efficient isolation technique of the Japanese golden chanterelle, Cantharellus anzutake, from its ectomycorrhizal root tips. Field-sampled fresh ectomycorrhizal root tips of C. anzutake on various hosts such as pines, spruce, and oaks were vortexed with 0.005% Tween 80 solution, surface sterilized with 1% calcium hypochlorite solution, rinsed with sterilized distilled water, and placed on modified Norkrans’ C (MNC) agar plate medium. Most ectomycorrhizal root tips of C. anzutake produced yellowish mycelial colonies within a few months. In contrast, tissue isolation from basidiomata provided limited cultures of C. anzutake but much contamination of bacteria and molds, even on media that contained antibiotics. The established C. anzutake cultures had clamp connections on the hyphae and contained intracellular oily droplets. These cultured isolates were identified as C. anzutake by sequence analysis of the rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and translation elongation factor EF1-alpha (tef-1) genes.  相似文献   
Plant growth and crop production are limited by environmental stress. We used a large population of transgenic Arabidopsis expressing rice full-length cDNAs to isolate the rice genes that improve the tolerance of plants to environmental stress. By sowing T2 seeds of the transgenic lines under conditions of salinity stress, the salt-tolerant line R07047 was isolated. It expressed a rice gene, OsSMCP1, which encodes a small protein with a single C2 domain, a Ca2+-dependent membrane-targeting domain. Retransformation of wild-type Arabidopsis revealed that OsSMCP1 is responsible for conferring the salt tolerance. It is particularly interesting that R07047 and newly constructed OsSMCP1-overexpressing Arabidopsis showed enhanced tolerance not only to high salinity but also to osmotic, dehydrative, and oxidative stresses. Furthermore, R07047 showed improved resistance to Pseudomonas syringae. The OsSMCP1 expression in rice is constitutive. Particle-bombardment-mediated transient expression analysis revealed that OsSMCP1 is targeted to plastids in rice epidermal cells. It induced overexpression of several nuclear encoded genes, including the stress-associated genes, in transgenic Arabidopsis. No marked morphological change or growth retardation was observed in R07047 or retransformants. For molecular breeding to improve the tolerance of crops against environmental stress, OsSMCP1 is a promising candidate.  相似文献   
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