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Hyperplasia of usual type (HUT) is a common proliferative lesion associated with a slight elevated risk for subsequent development of breast cancer. Cell cycle-related proteins would be helpful to determine the putative role of these markers in the process of mammary carcinogenesis. The aim of this study was to analyze the expression of cell cycle related proteins in HUT of breast specimens of patients with and without breast cancer, and compare this expression with areas of invasive carcinomas.  相似文献   
猪生长激素cDNA在芽孢杆菌中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用随机克隆的枯草杆菌启动子-信号序列构建茅孢杆菌分泌载体pUS186。用限制酶将切除了信号序列的猪生长激素cDNA从质粒pLY3-PGH 604切下,亚克隆至pUS186,并在该cDNA的下游接上地衣杆菌α-淀粉酶基因的转录终止子,构建猪生长激素表达质粒pSGH 1864,将此质粒转化蛋白酶双缺陷的枯草杆菌DB104及短小茅孢杆菌289。SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检出在发酵上清液中多出一条22kD的蛋白带,抗猪生长激素血清免疫印迹法证明这一蛋白带具有免疫活性,表明猪生长激素cDNA已在枯草杆菌及短小茅抱杆菌中表达。  相似文献   
We have shown previously that the β-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol (2μM) and the phosphodiesterase inhibitor isobutylmethylxanthine (1 mM) produce a much greater increase in cyclic AMP in human leukocytes that have been pretreated with colchicine (or with other agents that affect microtubule assembly) than in control leukocytes. The effects of colchicines were both time- and dose-dependant. These and other data suggested that the generation of cyclic AMP is normally restricted by an intact system of cytoplasmic microtubules. If so, then the same time and dose dependencies might apply to other colchicines-induced changes in leukocyte function. We have now assayed the distribution of concanavalin A (Con A)-receptor complexes on the leukocyte membrane, taking into account that leukocytes competent to assemble microtubules show a uniform distribution of surface- bound Con A whereas microtubule-deficient cells accumulate Con A in surface caps. We have found that the effect of colchicine on capping is also both time- and dose dependent, and that the dose-response relationships conform to those required to increase cyclic AMP levels. These findings provide further evidence that both colchicine-induced Con-A capping and colchicine- induced cyclic AMP generation depend upon the relaxation of constraints normally imposed by cytoplasmic microtubules upon the plasma membrane, which limit, respectively, lateral mobility of the lectin-receptor complexes, and expression of hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase. Moreover, colchicine-induced Con-A cap formation is not affected even by very large changes in leukocyte cyclic AMP levels. Thus, elevated cyclic AMP levels do not appear to promote the dissolution of microtubules; rather, the dissolution of microtubules permits the generation of increased amounts of cyclic AMP.  相似文献   
豆科黄华属植物种子表面特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在扫描电镜下观察了豆科黄华属Thermopsis 18种植物种子的表面纹饰,发现 T.alpina,T.bar- bata,T.inflata,T.lupinoides,T. licentiana,T.smithiana和T.turkestanica的种子表面为粗网状,T californica,T.divaricarpa,T. macrophylla,T.mollis的种子表面为细网状,T.gracilis,T.montana,T. fabacea的种子表面为相对平滑型纹饰,T.alterniflora的种子表面为不规则条形,T.chinensis的种子表 面为粘膜状,T.rhombifolia的种子表面为条形及 T.viuosa的种子表面为碎屑状纹饰。结果表明黄华属的种子表面特征对属下类群的划分有一定意义,对澄清某些混乱的种有一定价值。  相似文献   
长期以来,Zelkova crenata Spach被认为是榉属(Zelkova)的模式。作者基于国际植物命名法规中的模式指定原则,并通过有关文献的考证,确认Zelkova carpinifolia(Pall.) K. Koch为榉属的合法模式,而并非Z. crenata Spach或Z. carpinifolia(Pall.) Dipp.。  相似文献   
松口蘑(Tricholoma matsutake)也称松茸,是具有重要经济和药用价值的野生食用菌,菌塘是其子实体发生发育的场所。本文采用土壤平板稀释技术研究了云南省6份松口蘑菌塘土壤可培养细菌,共获得了178条细菌的16S r DNA碱基序列,经分析分别属于4个门、18个属、38个OTUs,变形菌门(Proteobacteria)序列占58.43%,厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)占26.40%,拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)占10.67%,放线菌门(Actinobacteria)占4.49%,其中厚壁菌门的芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)占24.72%,变形菌门的伯克氏菌属(Burkholderia)占21.34%,假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)占11.24%,拟杆菌门的金黄杆菌属(Chryseobacterium)占10.67%。云南松口蘑菌塘土壤可培养细菌的多样性较为丰富。  相似文献   
目的对长爪沙鼠线粒体ATPase8,ATPase6,COX3基因全序列进行测定,并对其进行鉴定及进化分析。方法根据长爪沙鼠已知基因序列设计引物,采用PCR产物测序法,对目的片段进行测序鉴定。结合已公布啮齿类动物ATPase8,ATPase6,COX3基因序列,分析其碱基组成、遗传距离、并基于最小进化法和UPGMA法构建系统进化树。结果获得长爪沙鼠线粒体ATPase8,ATPase6,COX3基因全序列,其与家鼠、小家鼠和仓鼠均具有较高的同源性(76~98%);进化分析结果显示,长爪沙鼠与家鼠、黑家鼠和仓鼠遗传距离较近;碱基G的含量分别为6.9%,10.7%,15.2%,符合mtDNA的特点;A+T含量分别为68.2%,64.1%,59.2%,明显低于G+C含量,符合哺乳动物的特点。结论本研究为首次获得长爪沙鼠ATPase8,ATPase6,COX3基因全序列,长爪沙鼠与家鼠、黑家鼠和仓鼠具有较近遗传距离,本研究为长爪沙鼠进化研究、线粒体的结构和功能研究奠定基础。  相似文献   
多氧霉素(Polyoxins)是高效广谱抗真菌核苷类抗生素,在农业上广泛用于防治植物真菌病害。本文综述了多氧霉素化学结构和理化性质,尤其是武汉大学组合生物合成与新药发现(教育部)重点实验室近年来在该抗生素生物合成基因簇的克隆、生物合成途径的阐明以及多氧霉素组合生物合成等多个方面的研究进展与成果,并对今后以多氧霉素为代表的核苷类抗生素的生物合成研究进行了展望。  相似文献   
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