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Germination was readily induced in recalcitrant microspore-derived embryos of Brassica napus Topas when they were exposed to a period of chilling (9–12 days at 4°C) or partial desiccation (rapid or slow air drying) prior to germination. In general, embryos thirty-five days old had the highest germination rates as compared to younger or older ones. Populations of embryos were induced to germinate at a rate of over 90% under specific temperature, desiccation and age conditions. Comparisons to an embryogenic B. napus winter line, F346, are made.  相似文献   
Based on a detailed study of the solubility of serum albumin, a procedure for its purification by selective ammonium sulphate precipitation has been developed. Using buffalo serum, first extraneous proteins were precipitated by making the serum 2.26 M saturated with ammonium sulphate at pH 7.0 and then albumin was precipitated from the supernatant at 1.9 M ammonium sulphate concentration at pH 4.2. The overall yield of serum albumin thus isolated was about 55% with a purity of 97%. The protein preparation gave a single nearly symmetrical peak on Sephadex G-100 column and virtually a single band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence and absence of SDS. Buffalo serum albumin has a molecular weight of 69,000 Da. The hydrodynamic properties such as Stoke's radius (3.70 nm), diffusion coefficient (6.03 X 10(-7) cm2/s) and frictional ratio (1.36) obtained by analytical gel chromatography, bilirubin binding characteristics and its interaction with anti-bovine serum albumin antiserum suggest that buffalo serum albumin is very similar to BSA in its molecular properties.  相似文献   
Somatostatin (SOM) synthesis and release were studied with radioimmunoassay and immunocytochemical techniques in rat fetal hippocampal neurons maintained in monolayer tissue culture. SOM immunoreactivity increased from undetectable to over 4,000 pg/ml in media and over 2,500 pg/culture in neurons by 3 to 5 weeks. After 3 weeks, approximately 11% of the neurons stained for SOM. Gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) immunoreactivity was present in hippocampal neurons from 1 day to 5 weeks with 40-50% of the neurons staining for GABA by 5 weeks in vitro. Costaining neurons for SOM and GABA revealed that 63% which were positive for SOM also stained for GABA.  相似文献   
The chromosomes of the European eel Anguilla anguilla have been analyzed with a replication banding technique from lymphocyte cultures treated with 5-BrdU. This technique allows us to identify with high resolution the individual chromosome pairs and to differentiate classes of chromatin by the order of replication. The replication banding obtained on the chromosomes of European eel can be related with the structural bands described in this species.  相似文献   
Impact of sar and agr on methicillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract The global regulators agr and sar control expression of cell wall and extracellular proteins. Inactivation of either sar and/or agr in a typical heterogeneously methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus resulted in a small but reproducible decrease in the number of cells in the subpopulation expressing high methicillin resistance. The amount of low affinity penicillin-binding protein PBP2', the prerequisite for methicillin resistance, was apparently not affected, however, a reduction in PBP1 and PBP3 production was observed, suggesting that these resident PBPs of the cells might be involved somehow together with PBP2' in high level methicillin resistance.  相似文献   
Seed harvested from wild populations ofLeymus arenarius is sownextensively in Iceland to stabilize sandy barrens, on the coastand inland. Sand accretion can reach 50 cm over 3 months insummer near the outwash of glacial rivers on the south coastof Iceland and thus may be an important factor influencing survivaland growth ofL. arenarius . Newly germinated seedlings had great potential for elongationin darkness (etiolation). The length of the longest etiolatedleaf increased significantly with seed mass. The etiolationresponse proved to be a good predictor of their ability to emergefrom burial with sand. The mean length of etiolated shoots wasapprox. 16 cm and 40% of seedlings emerged when germinatingseeds were buried with 15 cm of sand, whereas none emerged fromburial under 20 cm of sand. A moderately high and sustainedrate of sand deposition (2–4 cm week-1), applied to 10-weekold seedlings in a glasshouse experiment, significantly increasedleaf length and the allocation of biomass to shoots, such thatoverall biomass was slightly but not significantly increased. The growth responses of seedlings of one coastal populationand two inland populations ofLeymus arenarius were comparedwhen challenged with salinities ranging from 0 to 600 mM NaClin sand culture. The numbers of tillers produced by the coastalpopulation was stimulated by salinity in the range 200–400mM NaCl, unlike their inland counterparts. The total dry massof the coastal population was less adversely affected by highsalinity than that of the two inland populations, mainly becauseroot biomass was reduced less; total leaf area was also slightlyless reduced in the coastal population. The reclamation of sandbarrens in Iceland with high accretion rates would benefit fromsowing seeds from larger-seeded populations, at a depth of 5–10cm; at coastal reclamation sites, it would be preferable touse seed from the more salt-tolerant coastal populations. Leymus arenarius ; lyme grass; sand accretion; etiolation; seedling emergence; seed mass; salt tolerance; revegetation  相似文献   
As a first step towards transferring a tetracycline (Tc)-inducible gene expression system to tomato, we have transformed tomato plants with the Tn10-encoded tet repressor gene (tetR). Homozygous transformed plants with high expression of tetR mRNA show a deleterious phenotype, having reduced shoot dry weights and leaf chlorophyll content, an even more marked reduction in root dry weight and leaf size, and altered photosynthetic physiology. It appears that TetR protein exerts its toxicity only when expressed beyond a threshold level and by interacting with a process that is non-limiting under slow growth conditions. The deleterious phenotype was almost completely reversed by the application of 1 mg dm?3 Tc to plants grown in sand. The possiblity is discussed that TetR causes these symptoms by binding to a specific DNA sequence functioning as a Tet operator. The effect of Tc on growth and physiology in wild-type plants grown in sand or rockwool is described. Tc at 0.1 mg cm?3 had no effect. Tc at 1 mg dm?3 caused a small reduction in root growth, while 5 and 20 mg dm?3 Tc caused large reductions in growth and photosynthetic parameters.  相似文献   
  • 1 The dynamics of phosphorus in large field enclosures are described from a series of experimental manipulations directed primarily to the study of phytoplankton populations. The enclosures were similar in size but differed in their depth contours. The aim of the present analysis was to detect systematic differences in the phosphorus budgets of deep and shallow systems.
  • 2 The sequence of events in each of six year-long experiments is described in terms of algal production. The values are compared with water-column measurements of total phosphorus (TP), the reactive fraction (SRP) and changes in the particulate fraction (PP, assumed to be TP minus SRP). Stoichiometric ratios for larger phytoplankton crops were in the range 85–110 C/P (molar).
  • 3 The annual aggregate of new carbon produced in the two uniformly deep enclosures (11.5 m) in relation to the phosphorus supplied was also remarkably close to Redfield stoichiometry, with between 87 and 97mol C yielded per mol P added. However, in the graded enclosure (< 4–13.5 m), the yield was up to twice as great (maximum: 197 mol C mol-1 P available).
  • 4 There are two possible mechanisms. A graded surface permits a greater area of sediment to be in contact with the hypolimnion and for the sediment oxygen demand to deplete a greater hypolimnetic volume; the associated fall in redox would have been adequate to explain the observed increment of dissolved phosphorus to the hypolimnion, associated with the Einsele–Mortimer model (ferric → ferrous iron reduction). There was no clear evidence that this phosphorus supported autotrophic production until late in the year.
  • 5 The alternative mechanism is based on the association of phosphorus ‘injection’ to the epilimnion during wind-mixed episodes, when the enhanced shear stress on shallow sediments resuspends fine, superficial deposits and their interstitial waters into the full circulation. Circumstantial evidence suggests this second pathway predominated in the graded enclosure but was ineffective in the uniformly deep enclosures.
  • 6 The role of mechanical, aerobic phosphorus cycling in the nutrient economy of lakes, especially small or shallow ones, may have been underestimated in the past but it must be considered when evaluating any proposal to reduce the external nutrient loads to lakes.
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