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In deciduous woodlands near to Bristol, South-west England, about one in ten specimens of the woodlouse Oniscus asellus (L.) are infested with Bakerdania elliptica (Krczal, 1959), a small pygmephorid mite of about 200 pm in length. Woodlice in the field rarely carry more than three mites, which are usually attached to the mid or lateral regions of the sixth and seventh pereonites on the ventral surface of the isopod. These 'favoured sites' correspond to regions of the exoskeleton of the woodlouse which are free from abrasion as they move through leaf litter. Mites removed from these areas and replaced on the first pereonite return to a favoured site, usually within 30 min. During this process they exhibit four distinct types of behaviour.]
Uninfested specimens of Oniscus usellus maintained in laboratory tanks on leaf litter from their 'own' site all become infested with mites within a week. The number of mites on the isopods increases rapidly under these conditions. After six weeks, each individual carries a mean of about 50 mites. The level of infestation is subsequently stable, probably due to saturation of favoured sites, since large numbers of unattached mites can be found in the leaf litter during this period.
Studies by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy have shown that Bakerdania elliptica does not feed while attached to the cuticle of Oniscus asellus , and that all attached mites are females. Males are extremely rare and occur only in leaf litter. These observations suggest that the relationship between Bakerdania elliptica and Oniscus asellus is one of phoresy and that female mites use woodlice as an aid to dispersal during their life cycle.  相似文献   
In total preparations impregnated with silver nitrate after Kampos the ganglionic retinal layer has been studied in some Mammalia. Two types of ganglionic cells are demonstrated. Some occupy the retinal spot. These are small (areal, dwarfish), cells, others--large, multipolar, circularly arranging, in layers around the nervus opticus disc along the remaining part of the retina. Both the former and the latter can be arranged in groups of two cells, their bodies situating near each other and their processes having the same direction. Single ganglionic cells possess special dendrites with terminal enlargements (proper sensitive neurons). Small neural cells situating in the layer of neural fibers are of vegetative nature.  相似文献   
A monoclonal antibody, tor70, recognizes an antigenic determinant on the inside surface of synaptic vesicles, purified from the electric organ of Narcine brasiliensis. The antigenic determinant appears to be unique to vesicles since it co-purifies with vesicle content and is blocked by an antiserum specific for synaptic vesicle antigens. Immunoblotting of vesicle proteins after sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis shows that the antigen has a low heterogeneous electrophoretic mobility and corresponds to a major protein component of pure synaptic vesicles. Synaptic vesicles contain a proteoglycan-like material since proteolytic digestion yields a ruthenium red-binding material that migrates during electrophoresis with a mammalian heparin standard. The only major vesicle component with which the proteoglycan-like material co-elutes during chromatography on Sepharose 6B is the material recognized by tor70. The antigen adsorbs specifically to beads coated with the lectin wheat germ agglutinin. Isolation of the tor70 antigen by velocity sedimentation in sodium dodecyl sulfate-sucrose gradients shows it to contain glucosamine (0.75 nmol/microgram of protein) and uronic acid but no galactosamine. Earlier work has shown that specific antiserum to pure synaptic vesicles could be used to identify nerve terminals, quantitate vesicle components, purify membranes, and monitor exocytosis. We now know that one of the components recognized by the antiserum is a molecule with properties of a proteoglycan, attached to the inside surface of vesicle membranes.  相似文献   
Previously, we demonstrated that isolated coupling factor 1 can reversibly synthesize bound ATP from "tightly bound" ADP and medium Pi (Feldman, R I., and Sigman, D. S. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 25, 1676-1683). In order to ensure that the thermodynamic constants derived are relevant to coupled ATP synthesis, we have also studied the reaction on thylakoid membranes. The ATP synthase complex, uncoupled with 20 mM NH4Cl or 0.3% Triton X-100, synthesizes enzyme-bound ATP in a similar manner to coupling factor 1. The pH optimum is 6, the concentration of medium Pi for 50% saturation is 38 mM, and the equilibrium constant for the formation of ATP from bound ADP and Pi is 0.5. It is concluded that the active site responsible for the reaction is not appreciably altered by the dissociation of coupling factor 1 from the membrane or Fo. Thus, either enzyme form can be used to derive data relevant to the mechanism of ATP synthesis. The ability to measure bound ATP synthesis in an energizable system will allow us to probe the effect of membrane energization on the accumulated bound product.  相似文献   
Serine and phosphoglyceric acid are the classical marker intermediates of photorespiration and reductive carbon assimilation in C3 plants. The present paper introduces a new and fast method for the determination of 14C distribution in these compounds by selective elimination of C-3 (NaIO4) or C-1 (ninhydrin/ceric sulfate). Reproducibility of the procedure was found to be better than ±1% upon degradation of [U-14C]serine and [U-14C]glycerate standards.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of soil water status on the critical phosphorus concentration (CPC) determined in apices and whole tops ofStylosanthes hamata cv. Verano was investigated in a glasshouse trial. The species was grown with six rates of P and three ranges of soil water potential and was harvested at 10 and 14 weeks after germination. The CPC of both whole tops and apices decliced between the two harvests. At the first harvest the CPC of both whole tops and apices increased as the soil water potential decreased but at the second harvest there was no effect of soil water potential on CPC. It is suggested that at the earlier harvest water stress was delaying physiological development, resulting in a CPC characteristic of chronologically younger tissue, but that by the second harvest the decline in CPC with age had ceased for all water treatments.  相似文献   
The sign and degree of spatial-motor asymmetry in rats were studied in conditions both of spontaneous or signalled choice in an U-maze and spontaneous multiple choice in a radial labyrinth. It was shown that during investigation of a new environment, motor asymmetry in rats was feebly expressed in all conditions of experiments, irrespective of the labyrinth scheme and experimental procedures. In the process of training, adequate behaviour was formed and in some conditions a distinctly expressed spatial asymmetry appeared, while in other cases it was absent. Apparently, while investigating an "unknown" situation (where rats can move rightwards and leftwards), the strategy of "displacement" is characteristic of them. Later the rate of asymmetry manifestation depends on concrete spatial and temporal characteristics of already "familiar" surroundings.  相似文献   
A system of mixed integrodifferential and partial differential equations for an agestructured predator-prey system is studied here. The predator eats all ages of prey, but more of the very young and very old than of the intermediate ages. The existence of periodic solutions corresponding to stable coexistence is proved for a suitable range of parameters by bifurcation theory.  相似文献   
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