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Aerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AerAOB) and anoxic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB) cooperate in partial nitritation/anammox systems to remove ammonium from wastewater. In this process, large granular microbial aggregates enhance the performance, but little is known about granulation so far. In this study, three suspended-growth oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification-denitrification (OLAND) reactors with different inoculation and operation (mixing and aeration) conditions, designated reactors A, B, and C, were used. The test objectives were (i) to quantify the AerAOB and AnAOB abundance and the activity balance for the different aggregate sizes and (ii) to relate aggregate morphology, size distribution, and architecture putatively to the inoculation and operation of the three reactors. A nitrite accumulation rate ratio (NARR) was defined as the net aerobic nitrite production rate divided by the anoxic nitrite consumption rate. The smallest reactor A, B, and C aggregates were nitrite sources (NARR, >1.7). Large reactor A and C aggregates were granules capable of autonomous nitrogen removal (NARR, 0.6 to 1.1) with internal AnAOB zones surrounded by an AerAOB rim. Around 50% of the autotrophic space in these granules consisted of AerAOB- and AnAOB-specific extracellular polymeric substances. Large reactor B aggregates were thin film-like nitrite sinks (NARR, <0.5) in which AnAOB were not shielded by an AerAOB layer. Voids and channels occupied 13 to 17% of the anoxic zone of AnAOB-rich aggregates (reactors B and C). The hypothesized granulation pathways include granule replication by division and budding and are driven by growth and/or decay based on species-specific physiology and by hydrodynamic shear and mixing.In the last few years, autotrophic nitrogen removal via partial nitritation and anoxic ammonium oxidation (anammox) has evolved from lab- to full-scale treatment of nitrogenous wastewaters with a low biodegradable organic compound content, and this evolution has been driven mainly by a significant decrease in the operational costs compared to the costs of conventional nitrification and heterotrophic denitrification (11, 23). Oxygen-limited autotrophic nitrification and denitrification (OLAND) is one of the autotrophic processes used and is a one-stage procedure; i.e., partial nitritation and anammox occur in the same reactor (30). The “functional” autotrophic microorganisms in OLAND include aerobic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AerAOB) and anoxic ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB). With oxygen, AerAOB oxidize ammonium to nitrite (nitritation), and with the nitrite AnAOB oxidize the residual ammonium to form dinitrogen gas and some nitrate (anammox). Additional aerobic nitrite oxidation to nitrate (nitratation) by nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) lowers the nitrogen removal efficiency, but it can, for instance, be prevented at low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels because the oxygen affinity of AerAOB is higher than that of NOB (16). Reactor configurations for the OLAND process can be based on suspended biomass growing in aggregates, like that in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) (37) or a gas lift or upflow reactor (32). For suspended-growth systems there are two important challenges: biomass retention and equilibrated microbial activities.High biomass retention efficiency is a prerequisite in anammox technologies because of the slow growth of AnAOB (33). In suspended biomass systems, settling properties determine the retention of biomass and are related to the microbial aggregate morphology (floc or granule) and size. Granules can be defined as compact and dense aggregates with an approximately spherical external appearance that do not coagulate under decreased hydrodynamic shear conditions and settle significantly faster than flocs (18). Toh and coworkers calculated a lower sludge volume index for aerobic granules than for aerobic flocs and also showed that there was an increase in the settling velocity with increasing granule size (35). Hence, in terms of physical properties, large granules are preferable for suspended-growth applications.OLAND aggregate size not only influences settling properties but also affects the proportion of microbial nitrite production and consumption; lower AerAOB activity and higher AnAOB activity were observed with larger aggregates (25, 37). Theoretically, a microbial aggregate with equal nitrite production and nitrite consumption can remove ammonium autonomously, because of its independence from other aggregates for acquisition and conversion of nitrite. Hence, with an increasing aggregate size and thus with a decreasing ratio of nitrite production to nitrite consumption, three functional categories of aggregates can be distinguished: nitrite sources, autonomous nitrogen removers, and nitrite sinks. Because minimal nitrite accumulation is one of the prerequisites for high nitrogen removal efficiency in OLAND reactors, the presence of excess small aggregates is undesirable (9, 37).Although large granular aggregates are desirable for biomass retention and activity balance, so far no formation mechanisms have been proposed for OLAND granules, in contrast to the well-studied anaerobic (13) and aerobic (1) granules. In order to determine general and environment-specific determinants for aggregate size and architecture, three suspended-growth OLAND reactors with different inoculation and operation (mixing and aeration) parameters were selected, and these reactors were designated reactors A, B, and C (Table (Table1).1). The first objective of this study was to gain more insight into the relationship between OLAND aggregate size, AerAOB and AnAOB abundance, and the activity balance. The second objective was to propose pathways for aggregation and granulation by relating (dis)similarities in aggregate size distribution, morphology, and architecture to differences in reactor inoculation and operation.


Overview of the three OLAND reactor systems from which suspended biomass samples were obtained
ParameterReactor AaReactor BaReactor C
Reactor typeSBRSBRUpflow reactor
Vol (m3)0.0024.1600
Reactor ht/diam ratio0.940.5-0.8
InoculumOLAND biofilmActivated sludgeAnammox granules
Influent ammonium concn (mg N liter−1)230-330800250-350
Nitrogen removal rate (g N liter−1 day −1)0.45,d 1.1e0.651.3
Effluent nitrite concn (mg N liter−1)30-40d5-105-10
Influent COD/effluent COD (mg liter−1)0/0240/220200/150
Temp (°C)352530-35
DO level (mg O2 liter−1)0.4-1.10.5-1.02.0-3.0
Mixing mechanismMagnetic stirrerBladed impellerAeration
Biomass retention mechanismMSV, >0.73 m h−1MSV, >1.4 m h−1Three-phase separator
Sampling time (months after start-up)2d830
Open in a separate windowaAggregates settling at a rate higher than the minimum settling velocity (MSV) were not washed out of the sequencing batch reactors (SBR). The MSV was calculated by dividing the vertical distance of the water volume decanted per cycle by the settling time.bSupernatant from a municipal sludge digestor.cEffluent from a potato-processing factory pretreated with anaerobic digestion and struvite precipitation.dObtained at the end of a reactor start-up study (37).eObtained at the end of a reactor start-up study (9).  相似文献   
Liver- and heart/muscle-type isozymes of human carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (L- and M-CPTI, respectively) show a certain similarity in their amino acid sequences, and mutation studies on the conserved amino acids between these two isozymes often show essentially the same effects on their enzymatic properties. Earlier mutation studies on C305 in human M-CPTI and its counterpart residue, C304, in human L-CPTI showed distinct effects of the mutations, especially in the aspect of enzyme stability; however, simple comparison of these effects on the conserved Cys residue between L- and M-CPTI was difficult, because these studies were carried out using different expression systems and distinct amino acids as replacements. In the present study, we carried out mutation studies on the C305 in human M-CPTI using COS cells for the expression system. Our results showed that C305 was replaceable with aspartic acid but that substitution with other amino acids caused both loss of function and reduced expression.  相似文献   
The link between nitritation success in a membrane‐aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) and the composition of the initial ammonia‐ and nitrite‐oxidizing bacterial (AOB and NOB) population was investigated. Four identically operated flat‐sheet type MABRs were initiated with two different inocula: from an autotrophic nitrifying bioreactor (Inoculum A) or from a municipal wastewater treatment plant (Inoculum B). Higher nitritation efficiencies (NO2‐N/NH4+‐N) were obtained in the Inoculum B‐ (55.2–56.4%) versus the Inoculum A‐ (20.2–22.1%) initiated reactors. The biofilms had similar oxygen penetration depths (100–150 µm), but the AOB profiles [based on 16S rRNA gene targeted real‐time quantitative PCR (qPCR)] revealed different peak densities at or distant from the membrane surface in the Inoculum B‐ versus A‐initiated reactors, respectively. Quantitative fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed that the predominant AOB in the Inoculum A‐ and B‐initiated reactors were Nitrosospira spp. (48.9–61.2%) versus halophilic and halotolerant Nitrosomonas spp. (54.8–63.7%), respectively. The latter biofilm displayed a higher specific AOB activity than the former biofilm (1.65 fmol cell?1 h?1 versus 0.79 fmol cell?1 h?1). These observations suggest that the AOB and NOB population compositions of the inoculum may determine dominant AOB in the MABR biofilm, which in turn affects the degree of attainable nitritation in an MABR.  相似文献   
Pombe Cdc15 homology (PCH) proteins play an important role in a variety of actin-based processes, including clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME). The defining feature of the PCH proteins is an evolutionarily conserved EFC/F-BAR domain for membrane association and tubulation. In the present study, we solved the crystal structures of the EFC domains of human FBP17 and CIP4. The structures revealed a gently curved helical-bundle dimer of approximately 220 A in length, which forms filaments through end-to-end interactions in the crystals. The curved EFC dimer fits a tubular membrane with an approximately 600 A diameter. We subsequently proposed a model in which the curved EFC filament drives tubulation. In fact, striation of tubular membranes was observed by phase-contrast cryo-transmission electron microscopy, and mutations that impaired filament formation also impaired membrane tubulation and cell membrane invagination. Furthermore, FBP17 is recruited to clathrin-coated pits in the late stage of CME, indicating its physiological role.  相似文献   
CD66b regulates adhesion and activation of human eosinophils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eosinophils and their products are likely important in the pathophysiology of allergic diseases, such as bronchial asthma, and in host immunity to parasitic organisms. However, the mechanisms for proinflammatory mediator release by eosinophils are poorly understood. CD66b (CEACAM8, CGM6, NCA-95) is a single chain, GPI-anchored, highly glycosylated protein belonging to the carcinoembryonic Ag supergene family. CD66b is an activation marker for human granulocytes; however, its biological functions are largely unknown in eosinophils. We found that CD66b is highly expressed on the surface of human peripheral blood eosinophils isolated from healthy individuals. Engagement of CD66b, but not CD66a, by mAb or a natural ligand, galectin-3, activated a Src kinase family molecule, hemopoietic cell kinase (Hck), and induced cellular adhesion, superoxide production, and degranulation of eosinophils. CD66b molecules were localized in lipid rafts, and disruption of lipid rafts or removal of the GPI anchor inhibited the adhesion and activation of eosinophils. Importantly, CD66b was constitutively and physically associated with a beta2 integrin, CD11b, and cross-linking of CD66b induced a striking clustering of CD11b molecules. Thus, CD66b molecules are involved in regulating adhesion and activation of eosinophils, possibly through their localization in lipid rafts and interaction with other cell surface molecules, such as CD11b. Binding of exogenous or endogenous carbohydrate ligands(s) to CD66b may be important in the release of proinflammatory mediators by human eosinophils.  相似文献   
The epithelium of upper respiratory tissues such as nasal mucosa forms a continuous barrier to a wide variety of exogenous antigens. The epithelial barrier function is regulated in large part by the intercellular junctions, referred to as gap and tight junctions. However, changes of gap and tight junctions during differentiation of human nasal epithelial (HNE) cells are still unclear. In the present study, to investigate changes of gap and tight junctions during differentiation of HNE cells in vitro, we used primary human HNE cells cocultured with primary human nasal fibroblast (HNF) cells in a noncontact system. In HNE cells cocultured with HNF cells for 2 weeks, numerous elongated cilia-like structures were observed compared to those without HNF cells. In the coculture, downregulation of Cx26 and upregulation of Cx30.3 and Cx31 were observed together with extensive gap junctional intercellular communication. Furthermore, expression of the tight junction proteins claudin-1, claudin-4, occludin and ZO-2 was increased. These results suggest that switching in expression of connexins and induction of tight junction proteins may be closely associated with differentiation of HNE cells in vitro and that differentiation of HNE cells requires unknown soluble factors secreted from HNF cells.  相似文献   
RNA silencing is a potent means of antiviral defense in plants and animals. A hallmark of this defense response is the production of 21- to 24-nucleotide viral small RNAs via mechanisms that remain to be fully understood. Many viruses encode suppressors of RNA silencing, and some viral RNAs function directly as silencing suppressors as counterdefense. The occurrence of viroid-specific small RNAs in infected plants suggests that viroids can trigger RNA silencing in a host, raising the question of how these noncoding and unencapsidated RNAs survive cellular RNA-silencing systems. We address this question by characterizing the production of small RNAs of Potato spindle tuber viroid (srPSTVds) and investigating how PSTVd responds to RNA silencing. Our molecular and biochemical studies provide evidence that srPSTVds were derived mostly from the secondary structure of viroid RNAs. Replication of PSTVd was resistant to RNA silencing, although the srPSTVds were biologically active in guiding RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC)-mediated cleavage, as shown with a sensor system. Further analyses showed that without possessing or triggering silencing suppressor activities, the PSTVd secondary structure played a critical role in resistance to RISC-mediated cleavage. These findings support the hypothesis that some infectious RNAs may have evolved specific secondary structures as an effective means to evade RNA silencing in addition to encoding silencing suppressor activities. Our results should have important implications in further studies on RNA-based mechanisms of host-pathogen interactions and the biological constraints that shape the evolution of infectious RNA structures.  相似文献   
The HAMP domain plays an essential role in signal transduction not only in histidine kinase but also in a number of other signal-transducing receptor proteins. Here we expressed the EnvZ HAMP domain (Arg(180)-Thr(235)) with the R218K mutation (termed L(RK)) or with L(RK) connected with domain A (Arg(180)-Arg(289)) (termed LA(RK)) of EnvZ, an osmosensing transmembrane histidine kinase in Escherichia coli, by fusing it with protein S. The L(RK) and LA(RK) proteins were purified after removing protein S. The CD analysis of the isolated L protein revealed that it consists of a random structure or is unstructured. This suggests that the EnvZ HAMP domain by itself is unable to form a stable structure and that this structural fragility may be important for its role in signal transduction. Interestingly the substitution of Ala(193) in the EnvZ HAMP domain with valine or leucine in Tez1A1, a chimeric protein of Tar and EnvZ, caused a constitutive OmpC phenotype. The CD analysis of LA(RK)(A193L) revealed that this mutated HAMP domain possesses considerable secondary structures and that the thermostability of this entire LA(RK)(A193L) became substantially lower than that of LA(RK) or just domain A, indicating that the structure of the HAMP domain with the A193L mutation affects the stability of downstream domain A. This results in cooperative thermodenaturation of domain A with the mutated HAMP domain. These results are discussed in light of the recently solved NMR structure of the HAMP domain from a thermophilic bacterium (Hulko, M., Berndt, F., Gruber, M., Linder, J. U., Truffault, V., Schultz, A., Martin, J., Schultz, J. E., Lupas, A. N., and Coles, M. (2006) Cell 126, 929-940).  相似文献   
Detachment of parenchymal cells from a solid matrix switches contextual cues from survival to death during anoikis. Marked shape changes accompany detachment and are thought to trigger cell death, although a working model to explain the coordination of attachment sensation, shape change, and cell fate is elusive. The constitutive form of the adapter Shc, p52Shc, confers survival properties, whereas the longer p66Shc signals death through association with cytochrome c. We find that cells that lack p66Shc display poorly formed focal adhesions and escape anoikis. However, reexpression of p66Shc restores anoikis through a mechanism requiring focal adhesion targeting and RhoA activation but not an intact cytochrome c-binding motif. This pathway stimulates the formation of focal adhesions and stress fibers in attached cells and tension-dependent cell death upon detachment. p66Shc may thus report attachment status to the cell by imposing a tension test across candidate anchorage points, with load failure indicating detachment.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) in ischemia/reperfusion (I/R)-induced acute kidney injury (AKI). Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and serum creatinine were significantly higher in ASK1+/+ mice than in ASK1−/− mice after I/R injury. Renal histology of ASK1+/+ mice showed significantly greater tubular necrosis and degradation. In ASK1−/− mice, phosphorylation of ASK1, JNK, and p38K, and the number of TUNEL-positive cells and infiltrated leukocytes decreased after I/R injury. Apoptotic changes were significantly decreased in cultured renal tubular epithelial cells (TECs) from ASK1−/− mice under hypoxic condition. Transfection with dominant-active ASK1 induced apoptosis in TECs. Protein expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) was significantly weaker in ASK1−/− mice after I/R injury. Transfection with dominant negative-ASK1 significantly decreased MCP-1 production in TECs. These results demonstrated that ASK1 is activated in I/R-induced AKI, and blockage of ASK1 attenuates renal tubular apoptosis, MCP-1 expression, and renal function.  相似文献   
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