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A phylogenetic hypothesis for the origin of hiccough   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The occurrence of hiccoughs (hiccups) is very widespread and yet their neuronal origin and physiological significance are still unresolved. Several hypotheses have been proposed. Here we consider a phylogenetic perspective, starting from the concept that the ventilatory central pattern generator of lower vertebrates provides the base upon which central pattern generators of higher vertebrates develop. Hiccoughs are characterized by glottal closure during inspiration and by early development in relation to lung ventilation. They are inhibited when the concentration of inhaled CO(2) is increased and they can be abolished by the drug baclofen (an agonist of the GABA(B) receptor). These properties are shared by ventilatory motor patterns of lower vertebrates, leading to the hypothesis that hiccough is the expression of archaic motor patterns and particularly the motor pattern of gill ventilation in bimodal breathers such as most frogs. A circuit that can generate hiccoughs may persist in mammals because it has permitted the development of pattern generators for other useful functions of the pharynx and chest wall muscles, such as suckling or eupneic breathing.  相似文献   
A newly selected cold-adapted mutant 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (IPMDH) from a random mutant library was a double mutant containing the mutations I11V and S92F that were found in cold-adapted mutant IPMDHs previously isolated. To elucidate the effect of each mutation on enzymatic activity, I11V and six multiple mutant IPMDHs were constructed and analyzed. All of the multiple mutant IPMDHs were found to be improved in catalytic activity at moderate temperatures by increasing the k(cat) with a simultaneous increase of K(m) for the coenzyme NAD(+). k(cat) was improved by a decrease in the activation enthalpy, DeltaH( not equal). The multiple mutants did not show large reduction in thermal stability, and one of them showed enhanced thermal stability. Mutation from I11 to V was revealed to have a stabilizing effect. Mutants showed increased thermal stability when the mutation I11V was combined. This indicates that it is possible to construct mutants with enhanced thermal stability by combining stabilizing mutation. No additivity was observed for the thermodynamic properties of catalytic reaction in the multiple mutant IPMDHs, implying that the structural changes induced by the mutations were interacting with each other. This indicates that careful and detailed tuning is required for enhancing activity in contrast to thermal stability.  相似文献   
Regulation and distribution of MAdCAM-1 in endothelial cells in vitro   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1(MAdCAM-1) is a 60-kDa endothelial cell adhesion glycoprotein thatregulates lymphocyte trafficking to Peyer's patches and lymph nodes.Although it is widely agreed that MAdCAM-1 induction is involved inchronic gut inflammation, few studies have investigated regulation ofMAdCAM-1 expression. We used two endothelial lines [bEND.3 (brain) and SVEC (high endothelium)] to study the signal paths that regulate MAdCAM-1 expression in response to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- using RT-PCR, blotting, adhesion, and immunofluorescence. TNF- induced both MAdCAM-1 mRNA and protein in a dose- and time-dependent manner. This induction was tyrosine kinase (TK), p42/44, p38mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and nuclear factor(NF)-B/poly-ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) dependent. Because MAdCAM-1is regulated via MAPKs, we examined mitogen/extracellularsignal-regulated kinase (MEK)-1/2 activation in SVEC. We found thatMEK-1/2 is activated by TNF- within minutes and is dependent on TKand p42/44 MAPKs. Similarly, TNF- activated NF-B through TK,p42/44, p38 MAPKs, and PARP pathways in SVEC cells. MAdCAM-1 was alsoshown to be frequently distributed to endothelial junctions both invitro and in vivo. Cytokines like TNF- stimulate MAdCAM-1 inhigh endothelium via TK, p38, p42/22 MAPKs, and NF-B/PARP.MAdCAM-1 expression requires NF-B translocation through both directp42/44 and indirect p38 MAPK pathways in high endothelial cells.

Thermal stability of the Thermus thermophilus isopropylmalate dehydrogenase enzyme was substantially lost upon the deletion of three residues from the C-terminus. However, the stability was partly recovered by the addition of two, four and seven amino acid residues (called HD177, HD708 and HD711, respectively) to the C-terminal region of the truncated enzyme. Three structures of these mutant enzymes were determined by an X-ray diffraction method. All protein crystals belong to space group P2(1) and their structures were solved by a standard molecular replacement method where the original dimer structure of the A172L mutant was used as a search model. Thermal stability of these mutant enzymes is discussed based on the 3D structure with special attention to the width of the active-site groove and the minor groove, distortion of beta-sheet pillar structure and size of cavity in the domain-domain interface around the C-terminus. Our previous studies revealed that the thermal stability of isopropylmalate dehydrogenase increases when the active-site cleft is closed (the closed form). In the present study it is shown that the active-site cleft can be regulated by open-close movement of the minor groove located at the opposite side to the active-site groove on the same subunit, through a paperclip-like motion.  相似文献   
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) undergoes receptor-mediated internalization into target cells which are normally restricted to neutrophilic granulocytes and their committed progenitor cells, suggesting that it may be applicable as a myeloid cell-targeting vehicle. To test this notion, we constructed a cDNA encoding a human G-CSF/murine stem cell factor (mSCF) chimeric molecule in a mammalian expression vector and transfected NIH3T3 cells with this plasmid. The resulting chimeric cytokine consisted of the entire G-CSF sequences fused to Lys148 of mSCF. It can be released from the surface membrane of NIH3T3 transformants through proteolytic cleavage at Ala164 of mSCF. The culture media conditioned by a number of stable transformants, which were confirmed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to secrete an hG-CSF derivative, were examined for their ability to stimulate CFU-G-derived colony formation as well as the proliferation of G-CSF-dependent NFS-60 cells. The results indicated that this C-terminus modified version of hG-CSF is as potent as recombinant hG-CSF in both assays.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the pathophysiological roles of soluble interleukin 6 receptor (sIL-6R) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF was obtained from patients suspected with meningitis. Eight patients without any meningeal signs or symptoms were enrolled as controls. An additional 34 CSF samples were collected to measure both biologically active and immunoreactive sIL-6R. All CSF samples were proven to be aseptic. IL-6 and sIL-6R were measured using specific ELISAs. Patients were divided into three groups on the basis of cell number in CSF; inflammatory group (cell number >5 microl, mean 241+/-363.1, n=61); non-inflammatory group (cell number < or =5 microl, mean=2.1+/-1.7, n=12) and controls (cell number < or =5 microl, mean=0.3+1.7, n=8). Among these three groups, the differences in protein (F (2,78)=8.274, P<0.0001) and IL-6 concentration (F (2,78)=6.475, P<0.001) were statistically significant but those of sIL-6R concentration were not. There were only weak correlations between log (sIL-6R) versus log (cell number) (r=0.23, P=0.0375), log (protein) (r=0.239, P=0.0358) and log (IL-6) (r=0.27, P=0.0167). Amounts of immunoreactive and biologically active sIL-6R were closely correlated (r=0.62, n=34, P<0.005). It was concluded that sIL-6R is present constitutively in CSF and its level may not increase significantly in inflammatory conditions; infiltrating cells in CSF are not the main source of sIL-6R; and sIL-6R in CSF can bind IL-6.  相似文献   
Mutations at the Werner helicase locus (WRN) are responsible for the Werner syndrome (WS). WS patients prematurely develop an aged appearance and various age-related disorders. We have generated transgenic mice expressing human WRN with a putative dominant-negative mutation (K577M-WRN). Primary tail fibroblast cultures from K577M-WRN mice showed three characteristics of WS cells: hypersensitivity to 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO), reduced replicative potential, and reduced expression of the endogenous WRN protein. These data suggest that K577M-WRN mice may provide a novel mouse model for the WS.  相似文献   
We examine the effects of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) on the reduction in the incisor iron content in gastrectomized rat. Twenty-eight 5-wk-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two groups: sham operated (bSH) and gastrectomized (bGX). After 4 wk each group was divided into two subgroups according to the presence or absence of 7.5% FOS in the synthetic diet (SH, SH+FOS, GX, and GX+FOS). At 10 wk wafter surgery, the maxilla was prepared to examine the iron content of the incisor enamel surface at four points. These points corresponded to the iron content at 6,7,8, and 10 wk, respectively. Blood was collected to determine serum iron levels at 4 and 10 wk. The serum iron level significantly decreased at 4 and 10 wk the GX group. At 10 wk, the level in the GX+FOS group significantly increased but did not reaach that in the SH group. The iron content of the enamel surface time-dependently increased and no significant differences were seen between SH and GX+FOS at 8 and 10 wk. These results suggest that FOS consumption impaired the loss of enamel content following gastrectomy, and this effect preceded the effect on the serum iron level.  相似文献   
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) causes acute central nervous system (CNS) disease in humans, in whom the clinical symptoms vary from febrile illness to meningitis and encephalitis. However, the mechanism of severe encephalitis has not been fully elucidated. In this study, using a mouse model, we investigated the pathogenetic mechanisms that correlate with fatal JEV infection. Following extraneural infection with the JaOArS982 strain of JEV, infected mice exhibited clinical signs ranging from mild to fatal outcome. Comparison of the pathogenetic response between severe and mild cases of JaOArS982-infected mice revealed increased levels of TNF-α in the brains of severe cases. However, unexpectedly, the mortality rate of TNF-α KO mice was significantly increased compared with that of WT mice, indicating that TNF-α plays a protective role against fatal infection. Interestingly, there were no significant differences of viral load in the CNS between WT and TNF-α KO mice. However, exaggerated inflammatory responses were observed in the CNS of TNF-α KO mice. Although these observations were also obtained in IL-10 KO mice, the mortality and enhanced inflammatory responses were more pronounced in TNF-α KO mice. Our findings therefore provide the first evidence that TNF-α has an immunoregulatory effect on pro-inflammatory cytokines in the CNS during JEV infection and consequently protects the animals from fatal disease. Thus, we propose that the increased level of TNF-α in severe cases was the result of severe disease, and secondly that immunopathological effects contribute to severe neuronal degeneration resulting in fatal disease. In future, further elucidation of the immunoregulatory mechanism of TNF-α will be an important priority to enable the development of effective treatment strategies for Japanese encephalitis.  相似文献   
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