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Effects of marine mammal parasites on human health   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The activities of the two unique enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle,isocitrate lyase (EC [EC] ) and malate synthase (EC [EC] ),were undetectable in petals of pumpkin (Cucurbita sp. AmakuriNankin) until the end of blooming, but they appeared duringsenescence. The activity of catalase (EC [EC] ) increased,glycolate oxidase (EC [EC] ) activity did not change, whilehydroxypyruvate reductase (EC [EC] ) activity peaked at fullblooming stage and declined thereafter. After fractionationof cellular organelles on a sucrose density gradient, we detectedisocitrate lyase and malate synthase activities in peroxisomalfractions only from petals at the senescing stage. Northernblot analysis revealed that malate synthase mRNA increased duringpetal senescence. Citrate synthase (EC [EC] ) and malate dehydrogenase(EC [EC] ) activities were also present, while aconitase(EC [EC] ) was not detectable in peroxisomal fractions. Moreoverthe presence of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC [EC] )and urate oxidase (EC [EC] ) in the peroxisomal fractionsfrom senescing petals indicates that peroxisomes could be involvedboth in the ß-oxidation pathway and in the purinecatabolism during petal senescence. (Received May 25, 1991; Accepted September 25, 1991)  相似文献   
The arrangement of wall microtubules (MTs) in Pisum sativumroots was viewed immunofluorescently using cryosectioning. Mostcells in the tip region of pea roots (0–2 mm from tip)had wall MTs arranged transversely to the root axis. In theregion elongating at a higher rate (2–4 mm), wall MTsof epidermal, cortical and stelar cells were all transverselyarranged. In the region of about 5 mm from the tip, in whichcell elongation had already ceased, wall MTs in cortical cellschanged from a transverse to an oblique arrangement in relationto the root axis. Some cells had a crossed arrangement of wallMTs, which was interpreted as representing two sets of unidirectional,oblique wall MTs in opposite cell cortices of a single cell.This change was completed within a region of 1-mm width. Sinceroots elongated at a rate of 0.6 mm h–1, it means thatthe arrangement of wall MTs changed within 2 h. An oblique arrangementof wall MTs was also observed in stelar cells. As the cellsaged, the oblique arrangement tended to change to a steeperor even a longitudinal one. (Received January 24, 1986; Accepted May 15, 1986)  相似文献   
A cDNA clone of a keratin-related, intermediate filament protein, designated Endo B, was constructed from size-fractionated parietal endodermal mRNA and characterized. The 1466-nucleotide cDNA insert contains an open reading frame of 1272 nucleotides that would result in 5' and 3' noncoding sequences of 54 and 60 nucleotides, respectively. The predicted amino acid composition, molecular weight (47,400), and peptide pattern correlate well with data obtained on the isolated protein. The predicted amino acid sequence fits easily into the general domain structure suggested for all intermediate filament proteins with a unique amino-terminal head domain, a large conserved central domain of predominantly alpha-helical structure, and a relatively unique carboxyl-terminal or tail domain. Over the entire molecule, Endo B is 43% identical with human 52-kDa epidermal type I keratin. However, over two of the three regions contained in the central domain that are predicted to form coiled-coil structures, the Endo B is 54-68% identical with other type I keratin sequences. This homology, along with the presence of the completely conserved sequence DNARLAADDFR-KYE, which is found in all type I keratins, permits the unambiguous identification of Endo B as a type I keratin. Comparison of the Endo B sequence to other intermediate filament proteins reveals 22 residues which are identical in all intermediate filament proteins regardless of whether filament formation requires only one type of protein subunit (vimentin, desmin, glial fibrillar acidic protein, or a neurofilament protein) or two dissimilar types (type I and type II keratins). Endo B mRNA was detectable in RNA isolated from F9 cells treated with retinoic acid for 48 h. Approximately three to five genes homologous to Endo B were detected in the mouse genome.  相似文献   
The amidolytic activity of chymotrypsin for Suc-Ala2-Pro-Phe-MCA was somewhat enhanced by dimyristoyl PC at low ionic strength, but not at high ionic strength. The activity was strongly inhibited by pure egg yolk PA. The inhibition by 200 ng PA was neutralized by addition of 1 microgram dimyristoyl PC or pure egg yolk PC, which formed vesicles with the PA. The Km and kcat (s-1) values of chymotrypsin for hydrolysis of Suc-Ala2-Pro-Phe-MCA changed from 15 microM to 42 microM, 0.1 mM and 0.5 mM, and from 1.5 to 2.7, 3.7, and 1.0 in the presence of 1 microgram dimyristoyl PC, 0.5 micrograms pure egg yolk PE and 0.2 microgram egg yolk PA, respectively. Gel-filtration chromatography showed that dimyristoyl PC formed a complex with chymotrypsin, but did not interact with the substrate, indicating that the basic globular protein, chymotrypsin, interacted with net-neutral PL.  相似文献   
BCG- or glucan-elicited murine peripheral macrophages released a cytotoxin in the presence of loach egg lectin, whereas proteose peptone-, glycogen-, or thioglycollate-elicited or resident macrophages did not. The macrophages that released cytotoxin coincided with those that showed lectin-dependent macrophage-mediated cytolysis (LDMC) in response to loach egg lectin. The cytotoxin released by BCG-elicited macrophages in response to loach egg lectin had a molecular weight of 55 K daltons. The macrophages that released cytotoxin and other cytotoxic macrophages such as those that showed LDMC- and antibody-dependent macrophage-mediated cytolysis (ADMC) were examined by using several antibodies to surface antigens of macrophages. The results showed that murine peripheral macrophages could be divided into three types. Resident macrophages (Type I) which had common macrophage antigens (Mac-1 and B12) showed only LDMC in response to wheat germ agglutinin. Some elicited macrophages (Type II) were asialo GM1-positive and showed both ADMC and LDMC in response to wheat germ agglutinin. Activated macrophages (Type III) showed LDMC in response to loach egg lectin and cytotoxin-release, but had no antigen detectable with monoclonal anti-macrophage antibody (C14). These three types of macrophages were clearly distinguished diagrammatically by their roof-shaped, rocket-shaped and irregular-shaped profiles of activities and antigens. These data suggest that several selected surface antigens of macrophages are associated with distinct cytotoxic stages of peripheral macrophages.  相似文献   
Two types of iron-sulfur clusters, [3 Fe–3 S] and [4 Fe–4 S], were identified by 1H-NMR in ferredoxins from Thermus thermophilus, Mycobacterium smegmatis and Pseudomonas ovalis. The [4 Fe–4 S] clusters always showed the redox couples which had potentials lower than that of the [3 Fe–3 S] clusters.  相似文献   
A 454 base pair fragment of double stranded DNA consisting of a gene for a human immune interferon (hIFN-gamma), initiation and termination signals plus appropriate restriction endonuclease sites, was totally synthesized. The synthesis involved preparation of 62 oligodeoxyribonucleotides by rapid, solid phase procedures, and enzymatic ligation of the oligonucleotides. This synthetic gene was expressed in E. coli under the control of the lac UV5 promoter. The product has antiviral activity which was acid labile and completely neutralized by antiserum to hIFN-gamma but not by antiserum to hIFN-alpha or hIFN-beta. Molecular weight of hIFN-gamma produced by E. coli was estimated to be about 32,000 and 17,000 by gel filtration and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis respectively.  相似文献   
The autonomously replicating sequences (ARSs) of pSR1, a cryptic circular DNA plasmid detected in a strain of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii, were delimited by subcloning and deletion analysis and by the isolation of nucleotide substitution mutations. A 30 base-pair (bp) sequence from inverted repeat 1 (IR1) and presumably the same region from IR2 of pSR1 functions as an ARS in the native host, Z. rouxii, and in a heterologous host, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Thus, pSR1 has two ARSs per molecule, either of which is sufficient for replication of the plasmid molecule in both hosts. These hosts, however, respond differently to nucleotide substitutions in the 30 bp sequence, suggesting that the sequences required for ARS function in the two organisms are not exactly the same. In addition, a 137 bp sequence that overlaps the 30 bp sequence by 11 bp also functions as an ARS in Z. rouxii but not in S. cerevisiae. However, this 137 bp sequence enhances the stability of plasmids carrying the pSR1 ARS in S. cerevisiae. The 30 bp and 137 bp sequences each contain a single copy of the 11 bp ARS consensus sequence, which is essential for ARS function in S. cerevisiae. Small insertions between the 11 bp overlapping region and the 11 bp ARS consensus sequence showed that a proper distance between these two 11 bp sequences is essential for the ARS function of the 30 bp sequence. Point mutations that inactivate ARS function show that the ARS consensus sequence, as well as a short A:T segment in the overlapping sequence, is required for the ARS function of the 30 bp sequence.  相似文献   
Nerve growth factor-induced decrease in the calpain activity of PC12 cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
PC12 cells are a nerve growth factor-responsive clone derived from a rat pheochromocytoma. Treatment with nerve growth factor causes the cells to differentiate. One of the hallmarks of this differentiation is the generation of neurites. PC12 cells contain both calpain I and calpain II; about 90% of the total calpain activity is due to calpain II. Treatment of the cells with nerve growth factor causes a time-dependent decrease in calpain activity, more than 50% being lost over a 5-day period. Both the decrease in calpain activity and the growth of neurites are reversible upon the removal of nerve growth factor from the cultures. Agents other than nerve growth factor that cause neurite outgrowth, such as fibroblast growth factor and dibutyryl cyclic AMP, also cause a decrease in calpain activity. Calpain levels, as detected with immunoblotting or immunohistochemistry, show no decrease. Removal of calpastatin, the endogenous inhibitor of the calpains, by phenyl-Sepharose chromatography increases the calpain activity of extracts from both control and nerve growth factor-treated cells and brings the activity in the extracts from treated cells up to the activity in those from controls. Calpastatin-containing fractions from extracts of nerve growth factor-treated cells inhibit more calpain activity than do comparable fractions from control cells. These studies suggest that nerve growth factor causes a decrease in the activity of calpain in morphologically differentiating PC12 cells by causing an increase in the activity of calpastatin.  相似文献   
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