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It has been proposed that C-terminal two alpha-helices of the epsilon subunit of F1-ATPase can undergo conformational transition between retracted folded-hairpin form and extended form. Here, using F(1) from thermophilic Bacillus PS3, we monitored this transition in real time by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between a donor dye and an acceptor dye attached to N terminus of the gamma subunit and C terminus of the epsilon subunit, respectively. High FRET (extended form) of F1 turned to low FRET (retracted form) by ATP, which then reverted as ATP was hydrolyzed to ADP. 5'-Adenyl-beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate, ADP + AlF4-, ADP + NaN3, and GTP also caused the retracted form, indicating that ATP binding to the catalytic beta subunits induces the transition. The ATP-induced transition from high FRET to low FRET occurred in a similar time scale to the ATP-induced activation of ATPase from inhibition by the epsilon subunit, although detailed kinetics were not the same. The transition became faster as temperature increased, but the extrapolated rate at 65 degrees C (physiological temperature of Bacillus PS3) was still too slow to assign the transition as an obligate step in the catalytic turnover. Furthermore, binding affinity of ATP to the isolated epsilon subunit was weakened as temperature increased, and the dissociation constant extrapolated to 65 degrees C reached to 0.67 mm, a consistent value to assume that the epsilon subunit acts as a sensor of ATP concentration in the cell.  相似文献   
V(1)-ATPase from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus is a molecular rotary motor with a subunit composition of A(3)B(3)DF, and its central rotor is composed of the D and F subunits. To determine the role of the F subunit, we generated an A(3)B(3)D subcomplex and compared it with A(3)B(3)DF. The ATP hydrolyzing activity of A(3)B(3)D (V(max) = 20 s(-1)) was lower than that of A(3)B(3)DF (V(max) = 31 s(-1)) and was more susceptible to MgADP inhibition during ATP hydrolysis. A(3)B(3)D was able to bind the F subunit to form A(3)B(3)DF. The C-terminally truncated F((Delta85-106)) subunit was also bound to A(3)B(3)D, but the F((Delta69-106)) subunit was not, indicating the importance of residues 69-84 of the F subunit for association with A(3)B(3)D. The ATPase activity of A(3)B(3)DF((Delta85-106)) (V(max) = 24 s(-1)) was intermediate between that of A(3)B(3)D and A(3)B(3)DF. A single molecule experiment showed the rotation of the D subunit in A(3)B(3)D, implying that the F subunit is a dispensable component for rotation itself. Thus, the F subunit binds peripherally to the D subunit, but promotes V(1)-ATPase catalysis.  相似文献   
Summary The pineal organ of neonatal rats was transplanted to the frontal part of the cerebral cortex or the cerebral interhemispheric fissure of an isogenic adult rat to determine whether pineal differentiation and pinealopetal innervation are affected by aberrant neuronal influences. Transplants were fixed for immunohistochemistry at 1, 2 and 6 months after transplantation. When treated with an anti-serotonin antibody, cells in transplants from both locations showed intense immunoreactivity and a morphology comparable to intact pinealocytes, indicating that the transplanted pinealocytes had differentiated normally. Tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry revealed that new catecholamine fibers of central nervous origin extended only into the periphery and not into the core of transplants grafted within the cortex. However, numerous catecholamine fibers were found in transplants placed in the interhemispheric fissure. These fibers were often accompanied by blood vessels, suggesting that they derived from sympathetic ganglia. Serotonin fibers, which are densely distributed in the cerebral cortex, were seldom found to enter transplants from both locations. These observations indicate that pineal cells express their characteristic properties even when transferred to a foreign milieu and that they do not receive novel innervation from the central nerves that normally do not innervate the intact pineal body; the transplant thereby retains the property of selective pinealopetal innervation.  相似文献   
The conformational changes of GroEL during the ATPase cycle in the presence of GroES were studied by measuring the fluorescence intensity time course of intrinsic tyrosine Y506, which is located near the nucleotide-binding site. A GroEL solution containing GroES was mixed with an ATP solution to initiate the reaction cycle. The tyrosine fluorescence intensity relative to that without the nucleotide reached 112% within the dead time of the apparatus (>15 s?1) and further increased to 123% at 0.57 s?1 followed by a decrease to 102% at 0.32 s?1. An initial conformational change and a second intermediate state were expected to occur in ATP-bound GroEL because similar changes were observed for the ATPase-deficient D398A mutant. The conformational change to the third intermediate state corresponded to a process during or after ATP hydrolysis because D398A had no decreasing phase. The second intermediate state before ATP hydrolysis was characterized for the first time.  相似文献   
The c subunit of Streptococcus mutans ATP synthase (FoF1) is functionally exchangeable with that of Escherichia coli, since E. coli with a hybrid FoF1 is able to grow on minimum succinate medium through oxidative phosphorylation. E. coli F1 bound to the hybrid Fo with the S. mutans c subunit showed N,N′-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-sensitive ATPase activity similar to that of E. coli FoF1. Thus, the S. mutans c subunit assembled into a functional Fo together with the E. coli a and b subunits, forming a normal F1 binding site. Although the H+ pathway should be functional, as was suggested by the growth on minimum succinate medium, ATP-driven H+ transport could not be detected with inverted membrane vesicles in vitro. This observation is partly explained by the presence of an acidic residue (Glu-20) in the first transmembrane helix of the S. mutans c subunit, since the site-directed mutant carrying Gln-20 partly recovered the ATP-driven H+ transport. Since S. mutans is recognized to be a primary etiological agent of human dental caries and is one cause of bacterial endocarditis, our system that expresses hybrid Fo with the S. mutans c subunit would be helpful to find antibiotics and chemicals specifically directed to S. mutans.  相似文献   
F(1)-ATPase is an ATP-driven rotary molecular motor in which the central gamma-subunit rotates inside a stator cylinder made of alpha(3)beta(3) subunits. To elucidate the role of rotor-stator interactions in torque generation, we truncated the gamma-subunit at its carboxyl terminus, which forms an alpha helix that penetrates deeply into the stator cylinder. We used an alpha(3)beta(3)gamma subcomplex of F(1)-ATPase derived from thermophilic Bacillus PS3 and expressed it in Escherichia coli. We could obtain purified subcomplexes in which 14, 17, or 21 amino-acid residues were deleted. The rotary characteristics of the truncated mutants, monitored by attaching a duplex of 0.49-microm beads to the gamma-subunit, did not differ greatly from those of the wild-type over the ATP concentrations of 20 nM-2 mM, the most conspicuous effect being approximately 50% reduction in torque and approximately 70% reduction in the rate of ATP binding upon deletion of 21 residues. The ATP hydrolysis activity estimated in bulk samples was more seriously affected. The 21-deletion mutant, in particular, was >10-fold less active, but this is likely due to instability of this subcomplex. For torque generation, though not for rapid catalysis, most of the rotor-stator contacts on the deeper half of the penetrating portion of the gamma-subunit are dispensable.  相似文献   
In prion propagation, fragmentation of amyloid fibers, as well as conformational conversion of prion protein, is critical: the latter increases the net amount of abnormal prion proteins and the former multiplies number of seeds. We present here a method for in vitro measurement of fragmentation of amyloid fibers of yeast Sup35 prion protein. In this method, amyloid fibers are tethered to the surface of magnetic beads. Fragmentation of the fibers results in release of fiber fragments into the medium, which are then quantified by immunoblotting. This method is versatile for other amyloid fibers.  相似文献   
Cytochrome bd is a heterodimeric terminal ubiquinol oxidase of Escherichia coli under microaerophilic growth conditions. The oxidase activity shows sigmoidal concentration-dependence with low concentrations of ubiquinols, and a marked substrate inhibition with high concentrations of ubiquinol-2 analogs [Sakamoto, K., Miyoshi, H., Takegami, K., Mogi, T., Anraku, Y., and Iwamura H. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 29897-29902]. Kinetic analysis of the oxidation of the ubiquinol-2 analogs, where the 2- or 3-methoxy group has been substituted with an azido or ethoxy group, suggested that its peculiar enzyme kinetics can be explained by a modified ping-pong bi-bi mechanism with the formation of inactive binary complex FS in the one-electron reduced oxygenated state and inactive ternary complex (E2S)S(n) on the oxidation of the second quinol molecule. Structure-function studies on the ubiquinol-2 analogs suggested that the 6-diprenyl group and the 3-methoxy group on the quinone ring are involved in the substrate inhibition. We also found that oxidized forms of ubiquinone-2 analogs served as weak noncompetitive inhibitors. These results indicate that the mechanism for the substrate oxidation by cytochrome bd is different from that of the heme-copper terminal quinol oxidase and is tightly coupled to dioxygen reduction chemistry.  相似文献   
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