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Right-handed RNA duplexes of (CG)n sequence undergo salt-induced helicity reversal, forming left-handed RNA double helices (Z-RNA). In contrast to the thoroughly studied Z-DNA, no Z-RNA structure of natural origin is known. Here we report the NMR structure of a half-turn, left-handed RNA helix (CGCGCG)2 determined in 6 M NaClO4. This is the first nucleic acid motif determined at such high salt. Sequential assignments of non-exchangeable proton resonances of the Z-form were based on the hitherto unreported NOE connectivity path [H6(n)-H5′/H5″(n)-H8(n+1)-H1′(n+1)-H6(n+2)] found for left-handed helices. Z-RNA structure shows several conformational features significantly different from Z-DNA. Intra-strand but no inter-strand base stacking was observed for both CpG and GpC steps. Helical twist angles for CpG steps have small positive values (4–7°), whereas GpC steps have large negative values (−61°). In the full-turn model of Z-RNA (12.4 bp per turn), base pairs are much closer to the helix axis than in Z-DNA, thus both the very deep, narrow minor groove with buried cytidine 2′-OH groups, and the major groove are well defined. The 2′-OH group of cytidines plays a crucial role in the Z-RNA structure and its formation; 2′-O-methylation of cytidine, but not of guanosine residues prohibits A to Z helicity reversal.  相似文献   
Spermatozoa of sturgeons (Acipenseriformes), unlike teleosts, possess an acrosome. This paper provides data concerning biochemical characteristics of arylsulfatase (AS), an acrosomal enzyme, found in Russian sturgeon spermatozoa and seminal plasma. The enzymes were purified by a four-step procedure, using n-butanol extraction, ion-exchange chromatography repeated twice and gel filtration. High purity of our enzymes was confirmed by silver staining electrophoresis and an immunological experiment. Kinetic parameters indicated that the purified enzymes belong to arylsulfatase type A. Similarity of the seminal plasma arylsulfatase to the spermatozoan enzyme showed us that arylsulfatase from seminal plasma might originate from damaged spermatozoa. The possible physiological consequences of the presence of arylsulfatase in Russian sturgeon semen are discussed.  相似文献   
Alternative splicing allows the production of several different proteins from a single pre-mRNA, resulting in an increased diversity of proteins derived from a relatively limited number of transcribed genes. Although it is necessary for normal development, alternative splicing and its aberrations are also implicated in disease states from thalassemia and cancer to neurodegenerative disorders. Techniques that trick the splicing machinery to alter the splicing pathways can be of high therapeutic value. Antisense technology, used mostly for RNA downregulation, recently has been adapted to alter the splicing process. The promise of this approach is now being realized as a result of chemical modification of oligonucleotides and improvements in their delivery in vivo.  相似文献   
We present a model of the phytoplankton dynamics. The distribution of the size of the phytoplankton aggregates is described by a non-linear transport equation that contains terms responsible for the growth of phytoplankton aggregates, their fragmentation and coagulation. We study asymptotic behaviour of moments of the solutions and we explain why phytoplankton tends to create large aggregates.  相似文献   
The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is expressed in the fetal lung, but during lung development it gradually disappears in cells of future alveolar spaces. Recent studies have implicated the CFTR in fluid transport by the adult alveolar epithelium, but its presence has not been demonstrated directly. This study re-evaluated CFTR expression and activity in the adult pulmonary epithelium by using freshly isolated rat alveolar type II (ATII) cells. CFTR mRNA was detected by semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction on the day of cell isolation but was rapidly reduced by 60% after 24 h of cell culture. This was paralleled by a similar decrease of surfactant protein A expression and alkaline phosphatase staining, markers of the ATII cell phenotype. CFTR expression increased significantly on day 4 in cells grown on filters at the air-liquid interface compared with cells submerged or grown on plastic. Significantly higher CFTR expression was detected in distal lung tissue compared with the trachea. The CFTR was also found at the protein level in Western blot experiments employing lysates of freshly isolated alveolar cells. Whole cell patch-clamp experiments revealed cAMP-stimulated, 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropylamino)-benzoate-sensitive Cl(-) conductance with a linear current-voltage relationship. In cell-attached membrane patches with 100 microM amiloride in pipette solution, forskolin stimulated channels of approximately 4 pS conductance. Our results indicate that 50-250 of functional CFTR Cl(-) channels occur in adult alveolar cells and could contribute to alveolar liquid homeostasis.  相似文献   
A low-carbohydrate (L-CHO) diet has been shown to shift the lactate threshold toward higher workloads. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of an L-CHO diet on the ammonia threshold and to compare it with the lactate threshold in men. The plasma catecholamine threshold was also measured. Eight young, untrained men participated in the study. Two exercise tests with graded workload were performed. The workload was increased every 3 minutes by 40 W until volitional exhaustion. The first test was performed after 3 days of a controlled mixed diet. After the first test, the mixed diet was switched to a L-CHO diet. Three days later the same test was repeated. The blood concentration of lactate, ammonia, noradrenaline, and adrenaline was measured before and after each workload in both groups. It was found that the concentration of the examined compounds in the blood increases exponentially with graded workload after each kind of diet. This led us to calculate the blood ammonia, lactate, epinephrine, and norepinephrine thresholds. The thresholds were defined as points at which the concentration of a given compound starts to increase in a nonlinear fashion, which is calculated using 2 segmental linear regressions. After the mixed diet, the threshold for each compound occurs at the same workload. The L-CHO diet resulted in dissociation of the lactate threshold from the ammonia threshold: the lactate threshold was shifted toward a higher workload, whereas the ammonia threshold was shifted toward a lower workload. The norepinephrine threshold was also shifted toward a lower workload, and the epinephrine threshold remained unchanged. The results obtained indicate that an L-CHO diet accelerates production of ammonia and delays production of lactate during graded exercise, as well as that diet must be strictly controlled when ammonia and lactate thresholds are measured.  相似文献   
Like the previously reported 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzotriazole (TBBt), the structurally related 4,5,6,7-tetrabromobenzimidazole (TBBz) is a selective ATP-competitive inhibitor of protein kinase CK2 from such divergent sources as yeast, rat liver, Neurospora crassa and Candida tropicalis, with K(i) values in the range 0.5-1 microM. It is virtually inactive vs. PKA, PKC, and a very weak inhibitor of protein kinase CK1. The corresponding tetrachlorobenzimidazole (TCBz) is a much weaker inhibitor of CK2, like tetrachlorobenzotriazole (TCBt) relative to TBBt. Bearing in mind the similarity of the van der Waals radii of Br (1.95 A) and CH(3) (2.0 A), the corresponding much less hydrophobic 4,5,6,7-tetramethylbenzotriazole (TMeBt) was prepared and found to be a very weak inhibitor of CK2, as well as of CK1. An unexpected, and significant, difference between TBBt and TBBz are their inhibitory activities vs. the yeast protein kinase PK60S, which phosphorylates, both in vitro and in intact yeast cells, three of the five pp13 kDa ribosomal surface acidic proteins in yeast cells. TBBt was previously noted to be a more effective inhibitor of PK60S than of yeast CK2; by contrast, TBBz is a relatively feeble inhibitor of PK60S, hence more selective than TBBt vs. CK2 in yeast cells. TMeBt was virtually inactive vs PK60S. Like TBBt, TBBz is an additional lead compound for development of more potent inhibitors of CK2.  相似文献   
Addition of hydrazoic acid to alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes derived from tri-O-acetyl-D-glucal and -D-galactal gave 3-azido-2,3-dideoxyhexopyranoses. These were converted into 1,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-3-azido-2,3-dideoxyhexopyranoses as well as methyl and ethyl glycosides. Hydrogenation of the proamine group in 3-azido-2,3-dideoxy derivatives provided different 3-amino and 3-acetamido sugars. The configuration and conformation of all products were established on the basis of the 1H and 13 C NMR, IR and polarimetric data.  相似文献   
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