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In order to analyze the molecular mechanism of sexual cell fusion between cells of HM1 and NC4 (opposite mating type strains in Dictyostelium discoideum ), monoclonal antibodies were raised against partially-purified gp 70, a fusion-related protein of HM1 cells. The antibodies were screened for activity to inhibit cell fusion and 9 hybridoma clones were obtained. One of the fusion-blocking monoclonal antibodies, mAb1G7, was used for further analysis. It recognized nearly ten bands in an immunoblot of fusion competent HM1 cells, but no bands when HM1 membrane proteins had been deglycosylated. These results suggest the importance of carbohydrates in the cell fusion process. To confirm this possibility, effects of sugars or lectins on cell fusion were examined. Although inhibition by the sugars was incomplete, Con A, WGA, LCA, strongly inhibited cell fusion. Furthermore, tunicamycin inhibited the acquisition of fusion competence in HM1 cells, indicating the importance of N-linked glycosylation of proteins in cell fusion. All above results suggest that N-linked carbohydrates on HM1 cell surface are involved in the sexual cell fusion of D. discoideum .  相似文献   
DNA fragments containing the genes involved in the conversion of 5-substituted hydantoins to their corresponding L-amino acids have been cloned from the 172-kb native plasmid (pHN671) of Pseudomonas sp. strain NS671. The largest recombinant plasmid, designated pHPB14, encoded the ability to convert D-5-substituted hydantoins to the corresponding L-amino acids, whereas the smallest one, designated pHPB12, encoded the ability to convert them to their corresponding N-carbamyl-D-amino acids. Restriction analysis suggested that the inserts of both recombinant plasmids are derived from the identical portion in pHN671 and that the insert of pHPB14, compared with that of pHPB12, has an extra 5.3 kb in length. DNA sequencing revealed that pHPB14 contains two additional complete open reading frames, designated ORF5 and hyuE. Analysis of deletion derivatives of pHPB14 indicated that hyuE is required for the ability to produce L-amino acids from the corresponding D-5-substituted hydantoins, but ORF5 is not. Cells of Escherichia coli transformed with a plasmid containing hyuE were capable of racemizing different 5-substituted hydantoins, indicating that hyuE is a gene encoding a hydantoin racemase.  相似文献   
A novel adenylylcyclase cDNA (type V) was isolated from a canine heart cDNA library. Northern blotting indicates that the expression of this message is most abundant in heart with a lesser amount in brain but is absent in a variety of other tissues including lung, kidney, skeletal muscle, lymphocyte, and testis. The putative protein product predicted from the cDNA sequence has the motif of tandem six-transmembrane spans separated by a large hydrophilic cytoplasmic loop as seen in other members of the adenylylcyclase family. When this protein is expressed using a CMT cell transient expression system, the adenylylcyclase activity was stimulated by NaF, GTP gamma S, and forskolin, but not by calmodulin. The activity was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner with either P-site active agents such as adenosine or in the presence of calcium. These data indicate that the protein encoded by this cDNA is adenylylcyclase with the biochemical features characteristic of the cardiac isoform.  相似文献   
Diploid yeast cells that carry a part of the CYR1 gene deficient in a region coding for the N-terminal domain of adenylate cyclase were growth arrested and accumulated unbudded cells after inoculation into complete medium or nitrogen-free medium, but produced many cells which had one or more buds after incubation in sporulation medium. The cells incubated in sporulation medium had abnormal spindles which were free from the spindle pole bodies, larger in size, or frequently distributed in cytoplasm. The levels of cyclic AMP in these cells did not decrease to the wild-type level after transfer to the sporulation medium and remained at a constant level. The results suggest that the N-terminal domain of adenylate cyclase is associated with the regulatory function for sporulation. The environmental signals for sporulation may be transferred to the adenylate cyclase system through a factor that negatively interacts with the N-terminal domain of this enzyme.  相似文献   
The effect of arginine vasopressin (AVP) on Na+ kinetics was examined in cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and rat renal papillary collecting tubule cells (RPCT) by the direct measurement of intracellular sodium concentration [(Na+]i) using fluorescence dye; SBFI. AVP increased [Na+]i in a dose-dependent manner at a concentration of 10(-9) M or higher in rat VSMC but did not affect [Na+]i in rat RPCT. The calcium (Ca2+)-free solution completely blocked the increasing effect of AVP on [Na+]i in rat VSMC. A Ca2+ ionophore, ionomycin (1-2 x 10(-6) M) increased [Na+]i both in rat VSMC and RPCT. The Ca2(+)-free solution abolished the ionomycin-increased [Na+]i both in rat VSMC and RPCT. These results therefore indicate that after binding the V1 receptor AVP increases [Na+]i mediated through an increase in cellular Ca2+ uptake in VSMC.  相似文献   
The liver is the major organ which eliminates leukotriene C4 (LTC4) and other cysteinyl leukotrienes from the blood circulation into bile. Transport of LTC4 was studied using inside-out vesicles enriched in canalicular and sinusoidal membranes from rat liver. The incubation of canalicular membrane vesicles with [3H]LTC4 in the presence of ATP resulted in an uptake of LTC4 into vesicles. The initial rate of ATP-stimulated LTC4 uptake was about 40-fold higher in canalicular than in sinusoidal membrane vesicles. When liver plasma membrane vesicles were incubated in the absence of ATP, an apparent transient uptake of LTC4 was observed which was temperature-dependent and not affected by the osmolarity. This indicates that LTC4 was bound to proteins on the surface of plasma membrane vesicles. Two proteins with relative molecular weights of 17,000 and 25,000 were detected by direct photoaffinity labeling as major LTC4-binding proteins. One protein (Mr 25,000) was ascribed to subunit 1 (Ya) of glutathione S-transferase which was associated with the membrane. LTD4, LTE4, N-acetyl-LTE4, and omega-carboxy-N-acetyl-LTE4 were also transported into liver plasma membrane vesicles in an ATP-dependent manner with initial rates relative to LTC4 (1.0) of 0.46, 0.11, 0.35, and 0.22, respectively. Mutual competition between the cysteinyl leukotrienes and S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-glutathione for uptake indicated that they are transported by a common carrier. Apparent Km values of the transport system for LTC4, LTD4, and N-acetyl-LTE4 were 0.25, 1.5, and 5.2 microM, respectively. The ATP-dependent transport of LTC4 into vesicles was not inhibited by doxorubicin, daunorubicin, or verapamil, or by the monoclonal antibody C219, suggesting that the transport system differs from P-glycoprotein. Liver plasma membrane vesicles prepared from mutant rats deficient in the hepatobiliary excretion of cysteinyl leukotrienes lacked the ATP-dependent transport of cysteinyl leukotrienes and S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-glutathione. These results demonstrate that the ATP-dependent carrier system is responsible for the transport of cysteinyl leukotrienes and glutathione S-conjugates from the hepatocytes into bile.  相似文献   
Nucleotide sequence of 5.8S rRNA of the silkworm, Bombyx mori has been determined by gel sequencing methods. The 5.8S rRNA was the longest so far reported, with the 5'-terminal sequence several nucleotides longer than those of the other organisms. Upon constructing the secondary structure in accordance with the "burp gun" model (12), the Bombyx 5.8S rRNA formed a wide-open "muzzle" due to several unpaired bases at the ends. The overall structure also appeared less stable with less G . C pairs and more unpaired bases than that of the HeLa 5.8S rRNA. These structural features may be essential for those 5.8S rRNAs which interact with 28S rRNAs containing the hidden break to form a stable complex.  相似文献   
The Tetrahymena 5.8S rRNA is 154 nucleotides long, the shortest so far reported except for the split 5.8S rRNAs of Diptera (m5.8S plus 2S rRNA). In this molecule several nucleotides are deleted in the helix e (GC-rich stem) region. Upon constructing the secondary structure in accordance with "burp-gun" model, the Tetrahymena 5.8S rRNA forms a wide-open "muzzle" of the terminal regions due to both extra nucleotides and several unpaired bases. The aphid 5.8S rRNA consists of 161 nucleotides and can form stable helices in both terminal and helix e regions. As a whole, the secondary structure of Tetrahymena 5.8S rRNA resembles that of Bombyx 5.8S molecule while the aphid 5.8S rRNA shares several structural features with the HeLa 5.8S molecule. Likely, the 5.8S rRNA attached to the 28S rRNA with the hidden break differs in structure from those interacting with the 28S partners without the break. Nucleotide sequences of 5.8S rRNA in insects as well as in protozoans are not so conservative evolutionarily as in vertebrates.  相似文献   
Zinc deficiency states were produced in rabbit erythrocytes by experimentally induced bleeding anemia and hemolytic anemia. Parallel decreases in total zinc levels and the contents for major zinc protein, carbonic anhydrase I and II isozymes were observed in the erythrocytes. During the process of the anemias the zinc status in the erythrocytes varied remarkably and the relative increase of zinc ions other than that derived from carbonic anhydrase was observed, suggesting that the former zinc ions play an important role in forming a zinc pool in the erythrocytes under the anemic conditions.  相似文献   
Several functional subclones of rat anterior pituitary cells were established from our 2A8 clone which apparently contains a heterogenous population of committed and uncommitted cells. On the basis of the hormones secreted into the culture media, as measured by radioimmunoassay, these subclones were divided into four categories, i.e., subclones which secrete (1) ACTH only, (2) prolactin only, (3) prolactin and GH or (4) ACTH, prolactin and GH. None of the subclones produced detectable amounts of thyrotrophic or gonadotrophic hormones. Subclones which secrete a single hormone have shown no change in the type of hormone produced, indicating that these subclones were each derived from a committed cell. The cells of all subclones exhibit a normal diploid karyotype and show good growth characteristics. The cells of the different subclones can be classified by phase contrast microscopy into four categories. However, no clear-cut ultrastructural features have been observed which can be correlated with the different categories of subclones. On the basis of the results a hypothesis is proposed relative to the functional cytodifferentiation of anterior pituitary cells.  相似文献   
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