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We have examined the nonparallel changes in tampanic membrane temperatures (T ty) from the two ears in response to various changes in body and head positions. Upon assuming a lateral recumbent position, the T ty on the lower side increased while that on the upper side decreased. Pressure application over a wide area of the lateral chest only caused inconsistent and obscure asymmetric changes in T ty. A lateral flexion of the head with the subject sitting upright and a rotation of the head to the side in a supine position induced an increase in the T ty on the lower side compared to that on the upper side. The temperature and blood flow of the forehead often decreased on the lower side and increased on the upper side, although such responses were not always concomitant with the asymmetric changes in T ty. A dorsal flexion of the head with the subject in a reclining position caused a slight increase in the T ty, whereas raising the head upright induced a slight decrease in them. Two additional experiments were carried out with single photon emission computed tomography using 99mTc-hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime as tracer, and a slight, relative decrease in counts was noted in the right hemisphere during rotation of the head to the right. These results would strongly suggest that unilateral increases and decreases in T ty could have been caused by one-sided decreases and increases, respectively, in blood flow to the brain and/or the tympanic membrane, induced by a vasomotor reflex involving vestibular stimulation.  相似文献   
Peptide tag systems are a robust biophysical and biochemical method that is widely used for protein detection and purification. Here, we developed a novel tag system termed “HiP4” (histidine plus four amino acids) whose epitope sequence comprises only seven amino acids (HHHDYDI) that partially overlap with the conventional 6x histidine tag (6xHis-tag). We produced a monoclonal antibody against the HiP4 tag that can be used in multiple immunoassays with high specificity and affinity. Using this system, we developed a tandem affinity purification (TAP) and mass spectrometry (TAP-MS) system for comprehensive protein interactome analysis. The integrated use of nickel bead purification followed by HiP4 tag immunoprecipitation made it possible to reduce nonspecific binding and improve selectivity, leading to the recovery of previously unrecognized proteins that interact with hepatitis B virus X (HBx) protein or TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TARDBP or TDP-43). Our results indicate that this system may be viable as a simple and powerful tool for TAP-MS that can achieve low background and high selectivity in comprehensive protein–protein interaction analyses.  相似文献   
In many seed species, the major source of HCN evolved during water imbibition is cyanogenic glycosides. The present investigation was performed to elucidate the role of endogenous cyanogenic glycosides in the control of seed germination and to examine the involvment of β-glucosidase in this process. All seed species used here contained some activities of β-glucosidase already in the dry state before imbibition. in the decreasing order of Malus pumila, Daucus carota, Hordeum vulgare, Chenopodium album and so on. β-Gluosidase activity in upper and lower seeds of cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr.) decreased with imbibition, and in lower seeds the activity disappeared when they germinated. On the contrary, in caryopses of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Sasanishiki) β-glucosidase increased during imbibition, and this increase continued even after germination. β-Glucosidase in cocklebur seeds was more active in the axial than in the cotyledonary tissue. Amygdalin, prunasin and linamarin could all serve as substrattes for the β-glucosidase(s) from both cocklebur and rice. Amygdalin, prunasin and linamarin as well as KCN, were effective in stimulating the germination of upper cocklebur seeds. The seeds evolved much more free HCN gas when they were exposed to the cyanogenic glycosides than when the glycosides were absent. Moreover, the application of the cyanogenic glycosides or of KCN caused accumulation of bound HCN in the seeds. Carbon monoxide, which stimulated cocklebur seed germination only slightly, did not cause accumulation of bound HCN. We suggest that a balance between the cytochrome and the alternative respiration pathways, which is adequate for germination (Esashi et al. 1987. Plant Cell Physiol. 28: 141–150), may be brought about by the action of endogenous HCN; a large portion of which is liberated from cyanogenic glycosides via the action of β-glucosidase. In addition to the partial suppression of the cytochrome path and unlike carbon monoxide, the HCN thus produced may act to supply cyanide group(s) to unknown compounds necessary for germination.  相似文献   
The red tide flagellate, Chattonella antiqua, was shown to beattracted to inorganic phosphate in both aged seawater and artificialseawater by well-test assays.  相似文献   
The gene le25 is an abscisic acid (ABA)-induced gene of tomatowhich is expressed both in wilted vegetative organs and developingseeds. Spatial and temporal expression was analysed in tobaccoplants transformed with a chimeric gene in which 5'-upstreamDNA sequences of le25 were fused to the E. coli uidA gene, whichencodes ß-glucuronidase (GUS). Histochemical stainingrevealed that GUS was expressed in all tissues of vegetativeorgans in response to water deficit. Exogenous ABA induced expressionto a lesser extent, even though ABA content was the same asdroughtstressed leaves, indicating a difference in responseto endogenous ABA compared to exogenous ABA. Water-deficit-inducedGUS expression in floral tissues was examined in pre-anthesisfloral buds from four different stages (I–IV; 11, 16,33, 49 mm bud length, respectively). While non-stressed floralorgans showed no GUS activity except in pollen at stages IIIand IV, GUS activity was water-deficit-induced in sepals ofall stages, petals of stage II, and stigmas of stage II andIII. In seeds, GUS activity was detected in both the embryoand endosperm at 15 d post-anthesis, which coincided with alarge increase in the concentration of ABA in the seed. In transgenicplants, the le25 5'-flanking DNA drove expression of GUS duringwater deficit in two modes: non-tissue-specific expression invegetative organs, and tissue-specific expression in reproductiveorgans. The location of GUS activity indicated that ABA concentrationis elevated throughout the tissues of the leaf during periodsof water deficit. Key words: Tomato, ABA, drought stress, lea gene, water deficit  相似文献   
A possible involvement of ß-cyanoalanine synthase(CAS: EC [EC] ) in germination processes of seeds was demonstratedusing pre-soaked upper seeds of cocklebur (Xanthium pennsylvanicumWallr.). Pretreatment in anoxia not only with KCN but also cysteine,as the substrates for CAS, stimulated the subsequent germinationof cocklebur seeds in air. However, the effect of cysteine wasmanifested even in air when applied together with C2H4, andits effect was further enhanced in combination with KCN. Thegermination-stimulating effect of KCN was intensified by C2H4only when 02 was present. In contrast, serine, another substrateof CAS, was effective in air only when combined with C2H4 and/orKCN. The addition of cysteine greatly reduced the cyanogenicglycoside content of seeds, but increased HCN evolution. Onthe other hand, glutathione did not have any effect on cockleburseed germination, HCN evolution or bound cyanogen content, suggestingthat cysteine is not acting as a reducing reagent. It is suggestedthat CAS regulates the process of cocklebur seed germinationby the dual action of enlarging the pool of amino acids andsupplying sulphydryl bases, the latter being more determinatelyimportant. Serine is effective only via the former action, whilecysteine would act via both. Key words: Cyanide, cyanogenic glycoside, ß-cyanoalanine synthase, seed germination, Xanthium pennsylvanicum  相似文献   
The efficiency of guanidine hydrochloride (GuHCl) addition in the suppression of gel formation and the extraction of lysozyme during reverse micellar extraction from chicken egg white was investigated. A low concentration of GuHCl in the feed permitted the successful extraction of lysozyme in its native form without gel formation, which is perceived as a novel function of GuHCl. The highest recovery and specific activity of lysozyme were obtained at a GuHCl concentration of 0.06 M in 25 mM AOT reverse micellar extraction from 20-fold-diluted natural chicken egg white. Lysozyme and ovalbumin CD spectra in the corresponding GuHCl aqueous solutions revealed no changes in the higher order structures of the proteins. Furthermore, the specific activity of lysozyme in the feed was well preserved in the GuHCl system. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Chromosomes from several species of ants from the genus Myrmecia were hybridized with deoxyoligomer probes of either (T2AG2)7, the putative insect telomere repeat sequence, or (T2AG3)7, the vertebrate telomere repeat sequence. While both sequence hibridized over a range of stringency conditions, (T2AG2)n was clearly the predominant sequence at the termini of the Myrmecia chromosomes. No interstitial sites of either sequence were detected. The genus Myrmecia has a wide range of karyotypes, with chromosome numbers ranging from 2n=2–84. It has been hypothesized that the ancestral karyotype was 2n=4 and karyotype evolution proceeded with an increase in chromosome number. In the absence of detectable interstitial sites of telomere sequence, it is interesting to speculate on the origin of the new telomeres as the chromosome numbers increased.  相似文献   
 It is generally accepted that early human prostate cancers reveal higher androgen dependency than do advanced ones. In the present study, we examined whether the animal model of prostate cancer has already lost androgen dependency at the early stages of carcinogenesis. At experimental week 46, androgen deprivation was induced in rats and the incidences of atypical hyperplasia and cancer were examined in the ventral, dorsolateral prostate, coagulating glands, and seminal vesicles. Androgen deprivation significantly lowered the incidence of atypical hyperplasia in all four organs. As for the incidence of cancer, no significant differences were observed in the coagulating glands and seminal vesicles. Regarding atypical hyperplasia, androgen deprivation significantly decreased the proliferative cell nuclear antigen labeling index in the coagulating gland and seminal vesicles. The presence of cancer was also decreased in the coagulating gland but not in the seminal vesicles. With control group specimens, more intense staining of androgen receptor was observed in atypical hyperplasias than in cancers. Compared with the atypical hyperplasias, the cancers revealed low androgen dependency at the early stages of carcinogenesis. The cancers in the seminal vesicles also revealed higher androgen independency than did those in the coagulating gland. Accepted: 6 May 1997  相似文献   
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