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The effects of exogenous platelet-activating factor (PAF, 0.0186-18.6 microM) on the production of CO2 from [U-14C]glucose and [1-14C]lactate by mouse embryos in vitro were investigated. Two-cell embryos displayed significant dose-dependent responses for both energy substrates. The maximal response was observed at 9.3 microM-PAF for glucose metabolism and 1.86 microM-PAF for lactate with increases of 62% and 18%, respectively, over control treatments. After culture from the 2-cell stage for 72 h in the presence of PAF, the resulting blastocysts exhibited a significant dose-dependent increase in metabolism of lactate. It was also apparent that such embryos were not desensitized to PAF as demonstrated by a further enhancement of the metabolic response after re-exposure to PAF. The specificity of action of PAF was confirmed by the absence of any effect on the oxidative metabolism of glucose by lyso-PAF (a catabolite of PAF) over a concentration range of 0.0202-20.2 microM and by the demonstration that SRI 63-441 (a PAF-receptor antagonist) significantly reduced the amount of CO2 produced from glucose in response to 9.3 microM-PAF and abolished the effect on lactate metabolism in response to 1.86 microM-PAF. These results demonstrate a specific, direct influence of exogenous PAF on the oxidative metabolism of glucose and lactate by the preimplantation mouse embryo and suggest an autocrine role for embryo-derived PAF in early pregnancy.  相似文献   
This study is a direct continuation of Jensen, J., and N?rby, J. G., (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 18063-18070. A new model in which we propose that the in situ organization of the Na,K-ATPase alpha-subunit is an alpha 2-dimer and which describes the stepwise degradation by radiation inactivation of this assembly is presented on the basis of the following findings. Radiation inactivation size for alpha-peptide integrity, normal nucleotide, vanadate and ouabain binding, and K-pNPPase activity is close to m(alpha) = 112 kDa; for Na-ATPase activity it is 135 kDa and for Na,K-ATPase activity it increases from 140 to about 195 kDa with increasing assay ATP concentration (equal to increasing average turnover). Normal Tl+ occlusion had the same radiation inactivation size as Vmax for Na,K-ATPase, i.e. about 195 kDa. The binding experiments disclosed radiation-produced molecules with active binding sites but with a lower than normal affinity. Radiation inactivation size for the total binding capacity of ADP and ouabain was therefore smaller than the size of an alpha-peptide, namely about 70 kDa, and for total Tl+ occlusion it was down to 40 kDa. We can explain all these observations by using a new approach to target size analysis and by assuming a dimeric organization of the alpha-subunit. Each alpha-peptide is degraded stepwise by first destruction of either a 42- or a 70-kDa domain, and the partly damaged peptide may retain biochemical activity. We conclude that there is no role for the beta-subunit in catalysis and that the alpha-peptide is organized as an alpha 2-dimer in the membrane with each alpha-subunit being able to perform complete catalytic cycles (and probably also active transport), provided that it is stabilized by an adjacent alpha-peptide or a sufficiently large fragment thereof.  相似文献   
Ca2+-sensitive protein kinases are thought to play a pivotal role in Ca2+-mediated neuronal communication. We describe here the cloning, purification, and characterization of a major Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent, brain-specific protein kinase which is particularly enriched in cerebellar granule cells. The enzyme is comprised of Mr 65,000 and 67,000 polypeptides which copurify to homogeneity and phosphorylate synapsin I. The protein kinase is coded for by two poly(A+) RNAs of 2.0 and 3.5 kilobases which probably derive from a single gene. Two cDNA inserts, one of 198 base pairs and one of 1225 base pairs, contain a total of 677 base pairs of the protein coding sequence which includes sequences homologous to other calmodulin-dependent protein kinases including part of the calmodulin-binding domain. The surprising presence of extended sequences which are enriched in glutamate residues may influence the subcellular distribution of this kinase. Immunohistochemical localization with an affinity-purified antibody reveals that whereas the enzyme is expressed in several neuronal subpopulations, it is exceptionally enriched in the granule cells of the cerebellum. The relevance of the biochemical, molecular, and histologic properties of this enzyme is discussed in the context of neuronal Ca2+ signaling.  相似文献   
As part of an analysis of the function and assembly of the mitochondrial outer membrane, we have cloned and characterized the yeast gene encoding a 45-kDa polypeptide (OM45) which is a major constituent of this membrane. The nuclear gene was isolated by immunological screening of plaques of recombinant phage lambda gt11 containing fragments of yeast genomic DNA using an antibody against OM45. Determination of the nucleotide sequence of the DNA fragment isolated by this approach revealed a single open reading frame of 1179 base pairs which encodes a protein having a predicted molecular mass of 44.6-kDa. Disruption of the OM45 gene in haploid yeast cells eliminated the expression of OM45. The mutant strain showed no apparent defect in cell viability, growth, mitochondrial function, or mitochondrial protein import.  相似文献   
The major outer-membrane proteins of 40-41 kDa were identified by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in Fusobacterium nucleatum strains ATCC 10953, ATCC 25586, F3, F6 and Fev1. The proteins were purified by preparative gel electrophoresis. Their behaviour in gel filtration and gel electrophoresis, their sensitivity to proteolytic enzymes, and their amino acid composition were investigated. The purified proteins were partly sequenced from the N-terminal end. A 36.5 kDa portion was protected against extrinsic proteolytic (trypsin, chymotrypsin or pronase) digestion of whole cells. This polypeptide was isolated and partially sequenced from the N-terminal end. From these data and data from extrinsic iodination it was concluded that the N-terminal end of the protein is probably exposed on the surface of the cell. A database search revealed amino acid sequence similarity in an Ala-Pro-rich region of outer-membrane protein A (OmpA) in other Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   
Hyperekplexia, or startle disease (STHE), is an autosomal dominant neurologic disorder characterized by muscular rigidity of central nervous system origin, particularly in the neonatal period, and by an exaggerated startle response to sudden, unexpected acoustic or tactile stimuli. STHE responds dramatically to the benzodiazepine drug clonazepam, which acts at gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA-A) receptors. The STHE locus (STHE) was recently assigned to chromosome 5q, on the basis of tight linkage to the colony-stimulating factor 1-receptor (CSF1-R) locus in a single large family. We performed linkage analysis in the original and three additional STHE pedigrees with eight chromosome 5q microsatellite markers and placed several of the most closely linked markers on an existing radiation hybrid (RH) map of the region. The results provide strong evidence for genetic locus homogeneity and assign STHE to a 5.9-cM interval defined by CSF1-R and D5S379, which are separated by an RH map distance of 74 centirays (roughly 2.2-3.7 Mb). Two polymorphic markers (D5S119 and D5S209) lie within this region, but they could not be ordered with respect to STHE. RH mapping eliminated the candidate genes GABRA1 and GABRG2, which encode GABA-A receptor components, by showing that they are telomeric to the target region.  相似文献   
The pcbC gene, which encodes isopenicillin N synthase (IPNS), was subcloned from Streptomyces clavuligerus into Escherichia coli by using the pT7 series of plasmid vectors. The polymerase chain reaction was used to introduce an NdeI site at the translation initiation codon of pcbC, allowing the gene to be inserted behind an E. coli type of ribosome binding site. This construction directed high-level expression of IPNS, but the IPNS was in an inactive form in inclusion bodies. Active IPNS was recovered by solubilizing and renaturing the protein.  相似文献   
The amino acid sequence of the fatty acid binding protein (FABP) from flight muscle of the locust, Schistocerca gregaria, has been determined. The sequence of the N-terminal 39 amino acid residues, determined by automated Edman degradation, was used to prepare a degenerate oligonucleotide that corresponded to amino acid residues 16-23. cDNA coding for FABP was constructed from flight muscle mRNA and amplified by the polymerase chain reaction using the degenerate oligonucleotide and an oligo dT-NotI primer adapter as primers. The amplification product was cloned and sequenced. Additionally, a cDNA library of flight muscle mRNA was prepared and screened with a 414-bp probe prepared from the clone. The primary structure of locust FABP was compared with the proteins in the Swiss protein databank and found to have significant homology with mammalian FABPs over the entire 133-residue sequence. The best match was versus human heart FABP (41% identity), attesting to the highly conserved nature of this protein. The results suggest that locust muscle FABP is a member of the lipid binding protein superfamily and may provide valuable insight into the evolution of this abundant protein class.  相似文献   
A wound-inducible proteinase Inhibitor I gene from tomato containing 725 bp of the 5 region and 2.5 kbp of the 3 region was stably incorporated into the genome of black nightshade plants (Solanum nigrum) using an Agrobacterium Ti plasmid-derived vector. Transgenic nightshade plants were selected that expressed the tomato Inhibitor I protein in leaf tissue. The leaves of the plants contained constitutive levels of the inhibitor protein of up to 60 g/g tissue. These levels increased by a factor of about two in response to severe wounding. Only leaves and petioles exhibited the presence of the inhibitor, indicating that the gene exhibited the same tissue specificity of expression found in situ in wounded tomato leaves. Inhibitor I was extracted from leaves of wounded transformed nightshade plants and was partially purified by affinity chromatography on a chymotrypsin-Sepharose column. The affinity-purified protein was identical to the native tomato Inhibitor I in its immunological reactivity and in its inhibitory activity against chymotrypsin. The protein exhibited the same M r of 8 kDa as the native tomato Inhibitor I and its N-terminal amino acid sequence was identical to that of the native tomato inhibitor I, indicating that the protein was properly processed in nightshade plants. These expriments are the first report of the expression of a member of the wound-inducible tomato Inhibitor I gene family in transgenic plants. The results demonstrate that the gene contains elements that can be regulated in a wound-inducible, tissuespecific manner in nightshade plants.  相似文献   
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