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Relaxation time measurements T1 and T2 of sodium in Halobacterium halobium pellets were carried out at two frequencies. From those measurements, combined with intensity measurements of the sodium in the system, estimation of the properties of the sodium ions in the system was carried out. It is suggested that three types of sodium ions are present in the bacterial pellet. (A) The extracellular sodium with properties of free solution and (B) sodium which is in the pericellular volume between the cell wall and the cell membrane. There is an exchange between type A and type B sodium. The type B sodium has (e2qQ)/h = 3.7 · 107 rad/s, τcB = 5.2 · 10−6 s and τB = 1 · 10−3 s. The sodium of type C is bound inside the cell and undetected. It's concentration inside the cell is assumed to be 1.9 M.  相似文献   
Summary A male patient with an interstitial deletion 13q14q31 is described. Our necropsy findings included a left retinoblastoma and several gross internal malformations. In this paper we reaffirm that band 13q14 is involved in cases of retinoblastoma and we propose, after studying accompanying cases of total or partial long arm trisomies 13, that the loss of specific 13q bands, from 13q14 to 13q31 is responsible for the congenital defects we are describing.  相似文献   
Summary Because it had been reported that splenectomy produces a tumor-inhibitory effect in several transplantable tumor systems when the surgery is performed before tumor challenge, we attempted to examine this putative immunological manipulation in a therapeutic situation.A spontaneous, autochthonous, murine breast tumor system was utilized in the present studies, and treatment was initiated in animals bearing large tumors (averaging 0.5 g). To amplify any immunological benefit ensuing from splenectomy, the tumor burden in the host was reduced by ancillary treatment with enucleative tumor surgery or with enucleative tumor surgery plus cytoreductive combination chemotherapy.Splenectomy performed in conjunction with enucleative tumor surgery was associated with an increment of cure in each of four separate experiments in comparison to treatment with enucleative tumor surgery alone. In four of five experiments utilizing different combinations or schedules of chemotherapeutic agents following enucleative tumor surgery, the addition of splenectomy resulted in a decrease in the rate of tumor recurrence as well as an increment in the cure rate. In the fifth experiment, splenectomy resulted in a decrease in the rate of tumor recurrence, but did not effect the ultimate cure rate.Although the nature of the immunological changes resulting from splenectomy are incompletely defined at present, these results provide encouragement in the search for immunological treatments for solid tumors.This work was supported in part by Contract No. N01-CM-73703 and Grant IR01CA-14768-01A1, both from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, USA, and in part by a grant from the Chemotherapy Foundation of New York, Inc.  相似文献   
Summary An enrichment procedure which facilitates the isolation of conditional respiratory-deficient mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is reported. Detailed genetic analysis of one mutant which exhibits a respiratory deficient phenotype at low temperature (18°C) is also presented. The phenotype is due to a single lesion at a new locus, tsr1, located on the mitochondrial DNA. By analysis of locus retention patterns in a set of physically characterized petite strains, the tsr1 mutation has been mapped within the segment 0–5 map units on the physical map of the yeast mitochondrial genome. This segment of the mitochondrial DNA also contains the cap1 and ery1 loci and the cistron for the mitochondrial 21S rRNA. Studies of the frequencies of co-retention of markers in petite populations, and of the frequencies of recombination of markers in non-polar crosses (+ × +), demonstrate linkage of the tsr1 locus to both the cap1 and ery1 loci. The degree of linkage indicates that tsr1 is closer to the ery1 locus. Comparison of pairwise recombination frequencies for these three markers indicate the order cap1-tsr1-ery1. The tsr1 locus lies within the segment of the mitochondrial genome which is influenced by the polarity locus , and analysis of transmission and recombination frequencies and polarities in a polar (+ × -) cross show that the behaviour of the tsr1 locus is similar to that of ery1. However striking features of this cross are that the recombination frequency between tsr1 and ery1 is comparable to that observed in non-polar crosses, and that the polarity for recombination between tsr1 and cap1 or ery1 is extremely low.  相似文献   
1. When Triton-filled lysosomes from rat liver are incubated for up to 50min at 37 degrees C, pH7.4, in 0.25m-sucrose, no loss of latency of N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase or p-nitrophenyl phosphatase occurs unless the incubated lysosomes are cooled to approx. 15 degrees C. 2. It is suggested that a phase change takes place in the incubated lysosomal membranes on cooling; it starts at approx. 15 degrees C and probably is not complete at 0 degrees C. 3. Incubation of the lysosomes causes an increased potential for loss of latency of the lysosomal enzymes. This potential is not fully expressed at elevated temperature (e.g. 37 degrees C), but is expressed on cooling. 4. The increase at elevated temperature in potential for loss of latency exhibits biphasic kinetics, with an initial rapid phase followed by a slower phase, which is linear with respect to time. The extra loss of latency resulting from the rapid phase in proportional to the temperature of the incubation. 5. Arrhenius plots of the increase is potential for loss of latency during the slow phase for N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase and p-nitrophenyl phosphatase exhibit marked deviations from linearity beginning at approx. 15 degrees C. This suggests that the increase in potential for loss of latency is affected by a phase change that occurs around this temperature. 6. Activation energies for the increase in potential for loss of latency at and above 22 degrees C are 53.1+/-5.4kJ/mol (12.7+/-1.3kcal/mol) for N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase and 45.2+/-7.5kJ/mol (10.8+/-1.8kcal/mol) for p-nitrophenyl phosphatase. It is postulated that these energies reflect enzymic action, the products of which cause loss of latency to occur on cooling.  相似文献   
Jahreszeitliche und tageszeitliche Veränderungen des Haselpollengehalts der Luft nach Untersuchungen aus den Jahren 1967 bis 1972 an elf mitteleuropäischen Meßstellen. Vergleich mit einigen anderen europäischen Daten über den Haselpollengehalt der Luft. In Mitteleuropa kamen die meisten Haselpollen zu Beginn oder gegen Ende des Monats März vor. Stündliche Höchstwerte wurden in den Tag- und Abendstunden gemessen. Morgens kamen keine hohen Stundenwerte vor. Temperaturmessungen lassen vermuten, daß für hohe Haselpollengehalte der Luft in Norddeutschland höhere Temperaturen nötig sind als in südwestdeutschen Gebieten.  相似文献   
The adults of Streptogonopus phipsoni (Pocock), an Indian polydesmoid millipede, emerge from the soil at the onset of the monsoon and mate. Eggs are laid in the soil and the adults die. The larvae leave the soil at stadium III and, apart from moulting periods, remain on the surface until the end of the monsoon. The larvae are aggregated in swarms, usually consisting of several hundred individuals. They are active on open ground, including metalled roads, during daylight, but usually spend the night in an inactive state under cover of stones or vegetation. If a swarm is disturbed, the individuals scatter but later reaggregate.
Laboratory experiments show that the larvae are sensitive to light even though they lack eyes, and if given a choice spend more time in the light than the dark. Just before and after moulting however they spend more time in the dark than in the light.
Experiments were carried out on the reactions of the larvae to aquatic suspensions of benzaldeyde, since this substance is related to components of the exudate of the repugnatorial glands; strong concentrations (10-1) repelled the larvae, whilst weak concentrations (10-6) attracted them. It is suggested that swarms may be dispersed or reaggregated by the effects of variations in concentration of components of the exudates. The benefits to the larvae which may result from swarming are discussed.  相似文献   
Leukotriene D4 (LTD4) administered intravenously to anesthetized, spontaneously breathing guinea pigs elicited decreases in dynamic lung compliance (Cdyn) and airway conductance (GAW) with a maximal response achieved at 0.5 min. Simultaneously, plasma levels of thromboxane metabolite, TxB2, and the prostacyclin metabolite, 6-keto-PGF, increased 10-fold over pre-LTD4 levels. Pretreatment of the guinea pigs with meclofenamic acid delayed the onset of the LTD4-induced bronchoconstriction, antagonized the magnitude of the decreases in Cdyn and GAW, and blocked the increase in plasma TxB2 and 6-keto-PGF levels. The thromboxane synthetase inhibitor, UK 37,248, suppressed the LTD4-induced bronchoconstriction, while it completely blocked TxB2 production without significantly affecting 6-keto-PGF. The SRS-A end organ antagonist, FPL 55712, blocked both the LTD4-induced bronchoconstriction and the production of the arachidonic acid metabolites. These results suggest that thromboxane A2 plays an important role in mediating part of the bronchoconstriction elicited by intravenously administered LTD4 in the guinea pig.  相似文献   
The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor is thought to contain several distinct binding sites that can regulate channel opening. In the present experiments, the effects of ligands for these sites have been examined on [3H]MK-801 binding to a soluble receptor preparation, which had been passed down a gel filtration column to reduce the levels of endogenous small-molecular-weight substances. Glycine site agonists, partial agonists, and antagonists gave effects similar to those observed in membranes [EC50 values (in microM): glycine, 0.31; D-serine, 0.20; D-cycloserine, 1.46; (+)-HA-966, 4.06; and 7-chlorokynurenic acid, 1.81]. Spermine and spermidine enhanced [3H]MK-801 binding to the soluble receptor preparation (EC50, 4.3 and 20.1 microM, respectively), whereas putrescine and cadaverine gave small degrees of inhibitions. When spermine and spermidine were tested under conditions where [3H]MK-801 binding approached equilibrium, their ability to enhance [3H]MK-801 binding was much reduced, a result suggesting that the polyamines increase the rate to equilibrium. Putrescine antagonised the effects of spermine. Ifenprodil reduced [3H]MK-801 binding under both equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions, although the high-affinity component of inhibition described in membranes was not observed. Ifenprodil antagonised spermine effects in an apparently noncompetitive manner. Desipramine was able to give total inhibition of specific [3H]MK-801 binding under nonequilibrium conditions with an IC50 of 4 microM, and this value was unaltered when [3H]MK-801 binding was allowed to reach equilibrium. These results suggest that the sites mediating the effects of glycine and its analogues, polyamines and desipramine are integral components of the NMDA receptor protein.  相似文献   
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