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We have tested the possible genesis of kinetin from a 2′-deoxyadenylate unit of DNA by a chemical route involving a head-to-tail transfer of deoxyribose from the 9 to the 3 position of the adenine nucleus via a cyclonucleoside, with subsequent elimination of 1′- and 3′-polar groups and 3 → N6 intramolecular rearrangement leading to kinetin. We have also determined quantitatively the per cent conversions to 3-furfuryladenine and/or kinetin of the following under autoclaving conditions at 120°, pH 4, 2 atm, and 4 hr: (1) adenine/furfury alcohol; (2) adenine/2-deoxy-d-ribose; (3) 2′-deoxyadenosine; (4) 3-furfuryladenine; (5) 3,5′-(3′-O-diethylphosphoryl-2′-deoxya-denosine)-cyclonucleoside p-toluenesulfonate. The sequence of reactions involving cyclonucleoside formation and rearrangement has been shown to be a chemically feasible route by which kinetin can be formed, although it is not the only way this cytokinin can be generated.  相似文献   
Antibodies elicited in rabbits by chromatin and by purified histone H2B have been used to study the structure of chromatin by immunoelectron microscopy. Chromatin spread on grids reveals a structure of closely packed spherical particles with an average diameter of 104 Å, arranged either in clusters or in linear arrays of beads, some of which have a supercoil-like arrangement. No DNA strings connecting the beads could be observed. Upon antibody binding, the diameter of the particles increases up to 300 Å. This size is compatible with a model where one layer of gamma globulin molecules 110 Å long encircles a sphere of chromatin 100 Å in diameter. The presence of rabbit gamma globulins on the enlarged beads has been verified by the addition of ferritin-labeled goat anti-rabbit gamma globulins. Anti-chromatin sera which react with nonhistone proteins but not with free histones or DNA react with more than 95% of the beads; this suggests that most of the beads contain nonhistone proteins. Since the number of nonhistone proteins is large, it is improbable that each sphere contains a full complement of these proteins. We therefore suggest that the various chromatin spheres contain different types of nonhistone proteins. About 90% of the chromatin spheres reacted with antibodies to histone H2B, suggesting that most of the chromatin beads contain this type of histone.  相似文献   
Studies with crosses of inbred chicken lines demonstrate that resistance to Marek's disease, a herpesvirus-induced lymphoma of chickens, is associated with an allele (B 21) of the major histocompatibility locus (theB locus). TheB 21 allele is thus the first genetic marker for resistance to herpesvirus-induced neoplastic disease, and our studies suggest the means whereby similar associations might be found in man.  相似文献   
Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and Concanavalin A (ConA) cause normal chicken lymphocytes to adhere to glass and plastic surfaces. Pokeweed mitogen (PWM) does not cause adherence. The effect of ConA was studied in detail. The reaction begins within 15 min at 25 °C and proceeds to completion by 2 h. It is independent of pH and resembles in this respect the spontaneous adherence which can occur in protein-depleted suspensions of chicken lymphocytes. It is distinguished from spontaneous adherence by conducting the reaction in 1% or more serum protein; high concentrations exert a slight restraint, which can be overcome by increasing the concentration of ConA. The reaction is slightly greater at high cell concentrations, is inhibited by 3 mM sodium cyanide, and is effectively blocked by 3 mM iodoacetamide and the α-methyl- -glycosides of glucose and mannose. The reaction is not affected by 2-deoxy- -glucose or N-acetyl glucosamine. Adherent lymphocytes detach when the lectin solution is replaced with lectin-free saline; they readhere when reexposed to ConA or to alloantibody directed against lymphocyte surface antigen. At low concentrations of ConA the large lymphocytes of the bursa of Fabricius adhere more rapidly than the small lymphocytes of the blood and thymus. Mouse lymph node lymphocytes adhere in the same manner as small chicken lymphocytes.  相似文献   
Seeds and embryos contained within the silicified ovuliferous cone Araucaria mirabilis from the Cerro Cuadrado petrified forest are described. One wingless seed, 0.8–1.3 cm in length and 0.2–0.6 cm in width, is embedded in each ovuliferous scale. Seeds show a three-layered integument and a prominent wavy nucellus which is attached basally to the endotesta. The megagametophyte contains cellular inclusions that may represent starch grains. Ovule vascularization is complex and appears most similar to that of Araucaria bidwillii. Embryos 2 mm long and 0.25 mm wide appear to be in a telo-stage period of development. Shoot apex, cotyledons, root meristem, and calyptroperiblem are present in the embryos in which vascular tissues and secretory elements were beginning to differentiate at the time of fossilization. Embryo ontogeny is considered in light of stages encountered in extant gynmosperm taxa. The absence of the microgametophyte phase in the Cerro Cuadrado collection is discussed.  相似文献   
Roots are a highly organised plant tissue consisting of different cell types with distinct developmental functions defined by cell identity networks. Roots are the target of some of the most devastating diseases and possess a highly effective immune system. The recognition of microbe‐ or plant‐derived molecules released in response to microbial attack is highly important in the activation of complex immunity gene networks. Development and immunity are intertwined, and immunity activation can result in growth inhibition. In turn, by connecting immunity and cell identity regulators, cell types are able to launch a cell type‐specific immunity based on the developmental function of each cell type. By this strategy, fundamental developmental processes of each cell type contribute their most basic functions to drive cost‐effective but highly diverse and, thus, efficient immune responses. This review highlights the interdependence of root development and immunity and how the developmental age of root cells contributes to positive and negative outcomes of development‐immunity cross‐talk.  相似文献   
Two large, electron dense heavy-metal complexes were found to bind to crystals of heavy riboflavin synthase. The crystallographic analysis by difference Fourier methods shows that the tungsten cluster compound [(W3O2(O2CCH3)6]2+, which has trigonal symmetry, binds to a site on the 3-fold axis of the protein. The heteropolytungstate compound [NaP5W30O110]14-, which has pentagonal symmetry, binds to a site on the 5-fold axis of the protein.  相似文献   
Systems’ welfare evaluation, including behavioural testing, is becoming increasingly popular in farm animal assurance schemes. The aims of this study were to investigate whether fairly short-term exposure to gestation housing systems, which varied in physical, environmental and human-input factors, influenced behavioural and physiological measures during a human approach test—often used to identify problems in human–animal interactions. Twenty-four Large White×Landrace gilts were initially subjected to identical human contact and daily husbandry. Forty-two days after service, the gilts were randomly assigned to either an indoor housing system (n=16) or an outdoor housing system (n=8), which differed physically and in the amount of human contact and daily husbandry. The indoor system used an electronic sow feeder (ESF), was more space-limited and thermally-controlled and had human contact centered on cleaning out. The outdoor system was more extensive, had much greater space accessible, was not thermally-controlled and had human contact that centered around feeding. The human approach test was carried out on all gilts 30–44 days after entry to the gestation system. At testing, each individual was fitted with heart rate monitor and then moved into a test arena. After 2 min an unfamiliar human entered the pen and stood motionless for 3 min against one wall and then approached the gilt and touched her snout. Throughout the experimental period, behaviour and sound within the test arena were recorded continuously. During the 2 min familiarisation period, outdoor gilts had lower heart rates (108.2 bpm versus 123.7 bpm, P<0.05) and tended to perform fewer short vocalisations (0.5 calls per min versus 3.4 calls per min, P<0.1). Outdoor-housed gilts also carried out less locomotor behaviour (2.2 sections crossed versus 4.0 sections crossed, P<0.05) and tended to perform fewer short (1.4 calls per min versus 5.0 calls per min, P<0.1) and long vocalisations (0.2 calls per min versus 1.8 calls per min, P<0.1) over the 3 min test period. Outdoor gilts tended to be slower to approach within 0.5 m of the human (69.9 s versus 19.3 s, P<0.1) but they then took less extra time to make physical contact (3.3 s versus 52.7 s, P<0.1). Mean heart rate was significantly lower in outdoor sows over the whole 3 min period (99.5 bpm versus 115.5 bpm, P<0.05). The results demonstrate that short-term exposure to different housing systems did influence behavioural and physiological measures during a standard human approach test and thus, systems differences should be taken into account before making judgements about the human–animal relationship on any commercial farm, based on results of behavioural tests of this type.  相似文献   
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