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Whole-cell hydrolysates were prepared from 58 strains of nocardiae and streptomycetes. Strains morphologically intermediate between the two genera and morphological variants of the same strains were included. Paper chromatograms made from the whole-cell hydrolysates clearly demonstrated meso-diaminopimelic acid as a major constituent of cultures of Nocardia spp., and LL-diaminopimelic acid as a major constituent of cultures of Streptomyces spp. In cultures of ten strains of N. madurae and of three of N. pelletieri, meso-diaminopimelic acid predominated, thereby supporting the assignment of these species to the genus Nocardia.  相似文献   
Summary Three non-chromosomal and two chromosomal genes which influence resistance to streptomycin are described. Each of the non-chromosomal factors,sr-500,sr-1500, andsd, exhibits uniparental inheritance, with all progeny receiving the factor when it is carried by the parent of mating-typeplus, and none when it is carried by the mating-typeminus parent. The streptomycin-dependence factor,sd, shows zygotic dominance when contributed by the mating-typeplus parent, but not when coming from the mating-typeminus parent, indicating that the uniparental transmission results from events occurring within the zygote early in maturation and well before meiosis. The chromosomal geneA interacts both with chromosomal and non-chromosomal genes at the biochemical level, but does not alter their patterns of inheritance.With 1 Figure in the TextThis paper is dedicated to ProfessorL. C. Dunn in gratitude to him as teacher and advisor, on the occasion of his retirement.This work was supported by grants from the U.S. Public Health Service and the National Science Foundation. The generosity and interest of ProfessorFrancis J. Ryan in providing laboratory space is gratefully acknowledged, as is the technical assistance of MissFran Yablonsky.  相似文献   
Stylet ultrastructure of five Xiphinema, four Longidorus, and three Californidorus species was compared by scanning electron microscopy. Morphological differences were seen in the odontophores and odontostyle bases between the genera and some of the species. All Xiphinema studied had well-developed odontophore flanges; the Longidorus species lacked flanges, except for weakly developed ones in L. diadecturus; and none of the Californidorus had flanges. Three sinuses were present in the odontophores of all species. The sinuses varied in length depending upon species. In Xiphinema and Californidorus the odontostyle bases had distinct overlapping collars, but in Longidorus the collars were absent except for L. diadecturus. The odontostyle-odontophore junction from a lateral view appeared as a slanted transverse line in all the species, but in a dorsal view of Xiphinema and Californidorus it was V-shaped. Dorsal longitudinal seams of the odontostyle and odontophore were observed in all the species. The dorsally located odontostyle aperture was ca. 1 μm from the anterior end in all species, except in one Longidorus sp. it was ca. 4 μm from the end.  相似文献   
Summary Structural gene mutants of the cell-surface glycoprotein acid phosphatase of Schizosaccharomyces pombe were analysed to define structural determinants that are responsible for enzymatic activity, N-glycosylation and secretion. All seven defined mutations cause a single amino acid substitution in the mature acid phosphatase protein and destroy the enzymatic activity. The mutational lesions are distributed throughout the pho1 gene. A ser to phe substitution at position 349 abolishes enzymatic activity only and does not affect glycosylation and secretion. Two mutations create a new N-glycosylation site by substitution of pro at position 56 by phe and ser, respectively. This new site is apparently used in the mutants. Their core-glycosylated acid phosphatase is slightly larger than that of the wild type. Overglycosylation seems not to affect secretion. Four different mutations (a gly to asp substitution at position 281 and ser to phe substitutions at positions 150, 271 and 277) cause intracellular accumulation of enzymatically inactive core-glycosylated acid phosphatase precursor. These mutational lesions apparently block transport of acid phosphatase from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   
Metabolism of Choline Chloride and Its Analogs in Wheat Seedlings   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The incorporation rate of choline chloride and allylcholinebromide into wheat protoplasts were rapid compared with theincorporation rate of benzylcholine bromide. Choline chloridewas metabolized via two pathways: choline betaine and choline phosphorylcholine phos-phatidylcholine. Allylcholine bromidewas metabolized via only one pathway: allylcholine phosphorylallylcholine phosphatidylallylcholine, and benzylcholine bromide was notmetabolized at all. These results suggest that the stimulationof photosynthesis (Hyeon et al. 1988) by these compounds iscaused directly by these choline analogs and not by their metabolites. (Received June 29, 1989; Accepted October 20, 1989)  相似文献   
Isolated microspores of rice (Oryza saliva L.) cultivars, IR36and IR43, belonging to the recalcitrant indica subspecies werecultured. Two types of microspores were observed after isolationfrom the fresh anthers and from pre-cultured anthers—onetype consisted of vacuolated, larger-sized grains, while theother was composed of microspores of smaller sizes with densecytoplasm. Within few days in culture, all the smaller sizedgrains were dead, and only the large grains were viable andproduced pollen embryos. After 30 days from culture, microcalliwere transferred to semisolid modified Murashige and Skoog mediumcontaining 1 mg/liter each of kinetin and naphthaleneaceticacid and kept under continuous light at 25?C. IR36 showed onlycell division while IR43 gave 32 green plants from these experiments. (Received January 18, 1990; Accepted July 4, 1990)  相似文献   
This study documents age-related changes in the interactions of wild-born cynomolgus macaque mothers and their infants living in individual cages during the first 14 weeks of infant life. Body contact between mother and infant, maternal holding, and infant sucking were found to decrease, and the mothers showed an increased frequency of aggression toward their infants with age. These results were broadly similar to those reported for mother-infant interactions in other macaques living in social groups. Nevertheless, a clear difference between the present cynomolgus macaques and other macaques in social groups was apparent. The cynomolgus macaque mothers tended to permit their infants to move about freely without displaying maternal protectiveness such as restraint or retrieval, unlike other macaque mothers in social groups. Such maternal behaviors might derive from the experience of living in individual cages for many years and the relative safety of living in individual cages. The lack of maternal restraint and retrieval could be responsible for the observed sex differences in behavior: male infants moved more actively, and broke, and made contact with their mothers more frequently than did female infants. Moreover, mothers of female infants held and groomed them more frequently and were less aggressive toward them.  相似文献   
The cytoplasmic domains of two human transmembrane protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPases), LAR and CD45, have been expressed in Escherichia coli, purified to near-homogeneity, and compared for catalytic efficiency toward several phosphotyrosine-containing peptide substrates. A 615-residue LAR fragment (LAR-D1D2) containing both tandemly repeated PTPase domains shows almost identical specific activity and high catalytic efficiency as the 40-kDa single-domain LAR-D1 fragment, consistent with a single functional active site in the 70-kDa LAR-D1D2 enzyme. A 90-kDa fragment of the human leukocyte CD45 PTPase, containing two similar tandemly repeated PTPase domains, shows parallel specificity to LAR-D1 and LAR-D1D2 with a high kcat/Km value for a phosphotyrosyl undecapeptide. Sufficient purified LAR-D1 and LAR-D1D2 PTPases were available to demonstrate enzymatic exchange of 18O from 18O4 inorganic phosphate into H2(16)O at rates of approximately 1 x 10(-2) s-1. The oxygen-18 exchange probably proceeds via a phosphoenzyme intermediate. Brief incubation of all three PTPase fragments with a [32P]phosphotyrosyl peptide substrate prior to quench with SDS sample buffer and gel electrophoresis led to autoradiographic detection of 32P-labeled enzymes. Pulse/chase studies on the LAR 32P-enzyme showed turnover of the labeled phosphoryl group.  相似文献   
Aliquotes of human amniotic fluid (AF), fetal serum (FS), and cord blood (CB) were obtained as by-products of routine clinical diagnostic procedures at term or in the second trimester of pregnancy. When samples of CB were applied to a pH 5.5-4 chromatofocusing gradient, three isoforms of AFP could be resolved; a pl 4.57 form (isoform IA, 52% AFP), a pl 4.27 form (isoform IB, 43% AFP), and one species that was bound to the column but could be eluted with 1.0 M NaCl (isoform II, pl less than 4.00, 5% AFP). Term AF displayed a profile similar to that observed in term CB. When samples of 15-20-week gestation AF were chromatofocused, the immunoreactive AFP recovered was distributed between isoform IA and IB (60%) and isoform II (40%). FS and AF obtained from same pregnancy (23-26 weeks) displayed an identical chromatofocusing profile. Aliquotes of AF subjected to conA revealed 83% reactive variants compared with greater than 95% reactive variants for CB. FS displayed a conA profile identical to CB. When individual CB charge isoforms were isolated and subjected to conA analysis, greater than 97% of the AFP bound to conA. In contrast, when AFP isoform IA and IB were isolated from midgestation AF, approximately 22% of the AFP did not bind to the lectin while 100% of isolated AFP isoform II eluted as the reactive variant. These data suggest that human AFP exists as at least three charge and two lectin variants and that the charge profile may change during fetal development.  相似文献   
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