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Intact S49 mouse lymphoma cells were used as a model system to study the effects of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and its analogs on the phosphorylation of regulatory (R) subunit of type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Phosphorylation of R subunit was negligible in mutants deficient in adenylate cyclase; low levels of cAMP analogs, however, stimulated R subunit phosphorylation in these cells to rates comparable to those in wild-type cells. In both wild-type and adenylate cyclase-deficient cells, R subunit phosphorylation was inhibited by a variety of N6-substituted derivatives of cAMP; C-8-substituted derivatives were generally poor inhibitors. Two derivatives that were inactive as kinase activators (N6-carbamoylmethyl-5'-AMP and 2'-deoxy-N6-monobutyryl-cAMP) were also ineffective as inhibitors of R subunit phosphorylation. Preferential inhibition by N6-modified cAMP analogs could not be ascribed simply to selectivity for the more aminoterminal (site I) of the two cAMP-binding sites in R subunit: Analog concentrations required for inhibition of R subunit phosphorylation were always higher than those required for activation of endogenous kinase; 8-piperidino-cAMP, a C-8-substituted derivative that is selective for cAMP-binding site I, was relatively ineffective as in inhibitor; and, although thresholds for activation of endogenous kinase by site I-selective analogs could be reduced markedly by coincubation with low levels of site II-selective analogs, no such synergism was observed for the inhibitory effect. The uncoupling of cyclic nucleotide effects on R subunit phosphorylation from activation of endogenous protein kinase suggests that, in intact cells, activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase requires more than one and fewer than four molecules of cyclic nucleotide.  相似文献   
Studies of unidirectional Cl-, Na+, and K+ effluxes were performed on isolated, internally dialyzed squid giant axons. The studies were designed to determine whether the coupled Na/K/Cl co-transporter previously identified as mediating influxes (Russell. 1983. Journal of General Physiology. 81:909-925) could also mediate the reverse fluxes (effluxes). We found that 10 microM bumetanide blocked 7-8 pmol/cm2 X s of Cl- efflux from axons containing ATP, Na+, and K+. However, if any one of these solutes was removed from the internal dialysis fluid, Cl- efflux was reduced by 7-8 pmol/cm2 X s and the remainder was insensitive to bumetanide. About 5 pmol/cm2 X s of Na+ efflux was inhibited by 10 microM bumetanide in the continuous presence of 10(-5) M ouabain and 10(-7) M tetrodotoxin if Cl-, K+, and ATP were all present in the internal dialysis fluid. However, the omission of Cl- or K+ or ATP reduced the Na+ efflux, leaving it bumetanide insensitive. K+ efflux had to be studied under voltage-clamp conditions with the membrane potential held at -90 mV because the dominant pathway for K+ efflux (the delayed rectifier) has a high degree of voltage sensitivity. Under this voltage-clamped condition, 1.8 pmol/cm2 X s of K+ efflux could be inhibited by 10 microM bumetanide. All of these results are consistent with a tightly coupled Na/K/Cl co-transporting efflux mechanism. Furthermore, the requirements for cis-side co-ions and intracellular ATP are exactly like those previously described for the coupled Na/K/Cl influx process. We propose that the same transporter mediates both influx and efflux, hence demonstrating "reversibility," a necessary property for an ion-gradient-driven transport process.  相似文献   
The dielectric constant in the active site cleft of subtilisin from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens has been probed by mutating charged residues on the rim and measuring the effect on the pKa value of the active site histidine (His64) by kinetics. Mutation of a negatively charged surface residue, which is 12 to 13 A from His64, to an uncharged one Asp----Ser99) lowers the pKa of the histidine by up to 0.4 unit at low ionic strength (0.005 to 0.01 M). This corresponds to an apparent dielectric constant of about 40 to 50 between Asp99 and His64. The mutation is in an external loop that is known to tolerate a serine at position 99 from homologies with subtilisins from other bacilli. The environment between His64 and Asp99 is predominantly protein. Another charged residue that is at a similar distance from His64 (14 to 15 A) and is also in an external loop that is known to tolerate a serine residue is Glu156, at the opposite side of the active site. There is only water in a direct line between His64 and Glu156. Mutation of Glu----Ser156 also lowers the pKa of His64 by up to 0.4 unit at low ionic strength. This change again corresponds to an apparent dielectric constant of about 40 to 50. The pKa values were determined from the pH dependence of kcat/KM for the hydrolysis of peptide substrates, with a precision of typically +/- 0.02 unit. The following suggests that the changes in pKa are real and not artefacts of experimental conditions: Hill plots of the data for pKa determination have gradients (h) of -1.00(+/- 0.02), showing that there are negligible systematic deviations from theoretical ionization curves involving a monobasic acid: the pH dependence for the hydrolysis of two different substrates (succinyl-L-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-prolyl-L-phenylalanyl p-nitroanilide and benzoyl-L-valyl-L-glycyl-L-arginyl p-nitroanilide) gives identical results so that the pKa is independent of substrate; the pH dependence is unaffected by changing the concentration of enzyme, so that aggregation is not affecting the results; the shift in pKa is masked by high ionic strength, as expected qualitatively for ionic shielding of electrostatic interactions.  相似文献   
The utilization of cellulose or cellobiose by Bacteroides succinogenes S85 was severely inhibited at pH values of less than 5.7. Since low pH inhibited the utilization of both cellobiose and cellulose, changes in cellulase activity could not explain the effect. At an extracellular pH of 6.9, the pH gradient (delta pH) across the cell membrane was only 0.07 U. As extracellular pH declined from 6.9 to 5.7, intracellular pH decreased to a smaller extent than extracellular pH and delta pH increased. Below pH 5.7, there was a linear and nearly proportional decrease in intracellular pH. B. succinogenes took up the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium ion (TPP+) in the presence of cellobiose, and uptake was sensitive to the ionophore valinomycin. As pH was decreased with phosphoric acid, the cells lost TPP+ and electrical potential, delta psi, decreased. From extracellular pH 6.9 to 5.7, the decrease in delta psi was compensated for by an increase in delta pH, and the proton motive force ranged from 152 to 158 mV. At a pH of less than 5.7, there was a large decrease in proton motive force, and this decrease corresponded to the inhibition of cellobiose utilization.  相似文献   
Ricin A chain has previously been shown to intoxicate macrophages in vitro following binding and endocytosis by the macrophage mannose receptor. In this report it is demonstrated that the intravenous injection of ricin A chain in nephrectomized rats leads to a prolonged plasma half-life for [125I]beta-glucuronidase, a ligand for the mannose receptor. Clearance of [125I]asialofetuin, a ligand for the galactose receptor of hepatocytes, was unaffected by injection of A chain. Microscopic examination of the livers of A chain-treated animals revealed a loss of phagocytic cells from the liver sinusoids. These results suggest that ricin A chain may be useful as a toxin specific for mannose receptor bearing cells of the reticuloendothelial system.  相似文献   
The LA/N rat is one of two congenic strains bred from the original obese, hyperphagic and hypertensive rats of Koletsky. With the exception of hypertension the LA/N strain, when homozygous for the corpulent gene, is phenotypically similar to the parent Koletsky strain and prone to the development of vascular and myocardial lesions. Here we report a detailed analysis of the serum lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins B, E and A-I levels in young adult homozygous corpulent (cp/cp) rats of both sexes and in lean males of the same age which were demonstrable non-carriers (+/+) of the cp gene. Both male and female cp/cp rats were hypertriglyceridemic (282-512 mg/100 ml) and moderately hypercholesterolemic (74-84 mg/100 ml). Elevations in these lipids reflected the presence of large (622 A), triacylglycerol-rich and apoprotein-poor VLDL containing both apolipoproteins Bh and B1 and increased phospholipid-rich HDL. Similar, but less pronounced, elevations in serum apolipoproteins B and E in the cp/cp rats when compared to the +/+ animals were also noted. Apolipoproteins A-I levels were 2.7-3-fold higher in cp/cp rats. The levels of VLDL were significantly higher in female cp/cp rats; however, the levels of IDL (intermediate-density lipoproteins), LDL and HDL were significantly lower than in the more atherosclerosis prone male cp/cp rats. Similarly, apolipoprotein A-I was higher and apolipoprotein B lower in the male cp/cp than in the female cp/cp rats. The LDL (d = 1.030-1.063 g/ml) in cp/cp rats, like that in normal animals, was heterogeneous and contained apolipoproteins Bh, E, A-I and C. This fraction was significantly elevated in male cp/cp rats when compared to females but still represented less than 13% of the total serum cholesterol and less than 6% of the total serum lipids in 3-month-old cp/cp animals. The ratio of cholesterol to phospholipids was significantly lower for all lipoproteins in cp/cp rats when compared to +/+ males and these ratios for female cp/cp rats were in all cases lower than those of male cp/cp animals.  相似文献   
Inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) may be important in the regulation of mineralisation but its origin in epiphyseal cartilage is ill-defined. Nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphatase is one potential source, as this enzyme catalyses the formation of PPi from nucleoside triphosphates. This enzyme has been identified in matrix vesicles derived from rabbit epiphyseal cartilage and a method developed to measure the activity using ATP as substrate in intact matrix vesicles under relatively physiological conditions. The enzyme had a high affinity for ATP (Km less than 10 microM) and was also active towards GTP, CTP and UTP. Disruption of the matrix vesicle membrane by sonication failed to alter the activity. Treatment of sonicated matrix vesicles with Triton X-100 increased the activity which may indicate a direct effect of the detergent on the enzyme. Activity towards ATP was inhibited substantially by ADP and AMP and by another potential substrate beta,gamma-methyleneadenosine 5'-triphosphate. Dichloromethylene bisphosphonate, an analogue of the product PPi, inhibited the activity to a lesser extent. Two other potential substrates, NADP+ and thymidine 5'-monophosphate p-nitrophenyl ester were only weakly inhibitory as was 1-hydroxyethylidene 1,1-bisphosphonate. These results imply that nucleoside triphosphates are the substrates in vivo and the inhibitory effects of ADP and AMP suggest mechanisms whereby this activity could be regulated.  相似文献   
The Cactaceae contain many economically promising species primarily in the genus Opuntia. This genus appears to have its center of genetic diversity in Mexico where it is widely used as fodder, forage, fruit, and a green vegetable. In southwestern United States, the prickly-pears have been considered as both weeds and valuable forage plants. During the frequent, unpredictable droughts, propane torches known as “pear burners” are used to singe the spines off cactus pads so that they can be eaten by livestock. Although spineless varieties of Opuntia can be consumed directly by domestic livestock, they are extremely susceptible to herbivory by wildlife. The Cactaceae possess Crassulacean Acid Metabolism, which can be four- to five-fold more efficient in converting water to dry matter than the most efficient grasses. Some Opuntia strains grow rapidly with fresh-fruit yields of 8,000–12,000 kg/ha/ yr or more and dry-matter vegetative production of 20,000–50,000 kg/ha/yr.  相似文献   
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