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In principle, the supercoiling free energy of a small circular DNA will be enhanced by increasing the anisotropy of its bending potential at constant persistence length. The magnitude of this effect is investigated by Monte Carlo simulation using an extension of a previously proposed algorithm. The supercoiling free energy at 298 K is simulated for circular DNAs containing N = 100 bp with torsion constant α = 5.8 × 10?12 dyne cm. persistence lengths P = 500 Å and 10,000 Å and a range of anisotropies of the bending potential from p = 1.0 to 16.0. The apparent torsion constants, reckoned from these supercoiling free energies by assuming an isotropic bending potential, are found to increase by less than 3% as the input anisotropy increases from 1.0 to 16.0. When P = 500 Å, the apparent torsion constant never rises significantly above the input value over the entire range of input anisotropies. When P = 10,000 Å, the apparent torsion constant rises only about 3% above the input value for anisotropies ρ = 8.0 and 16.0. Evidently, anisotropy of the bending potential cannot account for the fact that the torsion constants reported for small circular DNAs exceed those reported for longlinear DNAs by a factor of 1.6 or more. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
International investigations on the unidirectional incompatibility between two races ofRhagoletis cerasi discovered in 1972 have yielded a new distribution map of the observed phenomenon. Genetic, cytoplasmic and symbiote-induced incompatibility can be proposed as possible mechanisms but increasing evidence indicates that the observed sterility is caused by extra-chromosomal factors. Three hypotheses are suggested to explain the possible origin and mode of action of the observed trait. The potential use of incompatible races ofR. cerasi for novel control methods are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die 1972 entdeckte Univerträglichkeit verschiedener geographischer Herkünfte vonRhagoletis cerasi wurde in internationaler Zusammenarbeit weiter untersucht und die bis heute bekannte Verbreitung der beiden Rassen in einer neuen Karte dargestellt. Die zum ersten Mal bei einem wirtschaftlich bedeutenden Landwirtschaftsschädling festgestellte Inkombatibilität manifestiert sich in einer sehr tiefen Schlüpfrate von Eiern, welche in Kreuzungen zwischen südlichen Männchen und nördlichen Weibchen produziert werden, während die reziproke Kreuzung normale Nachkommenschaft erzeugt.Drei Mechanismen stehen zur Zeit für die Erklärung dieser unilateralen Inkombatibilität zur Verfügung: Genetische (chromosomal bedingte), zytoplasmatische und symbionteninduzierte Unverträglichkeit. Erste Hinweise deuten darauf, dass beiR. cerasi kein Fall von genetischer Inkombatibilität vorliegt.Aufgrund der Verbreitungsmuster und der möglichen Wirkungsmechanismen werden bezüglich des Ursprungs des beobachteten Phänomens drei Hypothesen aufgestellt, welche in laufenden Untersuchungen auf ihre Richtigkeit überprüft werden.Ein abschliessender Teil ist der Möglichkeit gewidmet, unverträgliche Rassen für neue Bekämpfungsmethoden für die Kirschenfliege auszunützen. Während in den laufenden Feldversuchen mit der Sterilen-Insektentechnik anwendbare Erfahrungswerte für die Massenaufsammlung von Freilandmaterial und die Auswahl geeigneter Aktionsgebiete gewonnen worden sind, ist auch der Aspekt der mechanischen Trennung der Geschlechter für die notwendige Bereitstellung reiner männchenpopulationen mit erfolgversprechenden Resultaten bearbeitet worden. Internationale Experimente im Laboratorium und unter Freilandbedingungen zur Prüfung des möglichen Einsatzes unverträglicher Rassen zu Bekämpfungszwecken sind in Ausführung begriffen.
The proposal that EPR Signal II in spinach chloroplasts is due to a plastoquinone cation radical (O'Malley, P.J. and Babcock, G.T. (1983) Biophys. J. 41, 315a) has been investigated in further detail. The similarity in spectral shape between Signal II and the 2-methyl-5-isopropylhydroquinone cation radical is shown to arise from hyperfine coupling to one methyl group for both radicals. A well-resolved four line EPR spectrum of approximate relative intensity 1:3:3:1 for membrane orientation parallel and perpendicular to the applied magnetic field direction also indicates that the partially resolved structure of Signal II is due to hyperfine interaction with one methyl group, i.e., the 2-CH3 group of the plastoquinone cation radical. The ENDOR band observed for this coupling is similar to that observed for methyl group bands of model quinone radicals. The principal hyperfine tensor values obtained for the methyl group interactions are A = 27.2 MHz and A = 31.4 MHz. The large isotropic coupling value (28.6 MHz) of the plastoquinone cation radical's 2-methyl group in vivo indicates that the antisymmetric orbital is the sole contributor to the spin-density distribution of Signal II. The orientation data also suggest that the plastoquinone cation radical is oriented such that the C-CH3 bond direction, and hence the aromatic ring plane, lies perpendicular to the membrane plane.  相似文献   
The tendency of brain cells to undergo apoptosis in response to exogenous events varies across neural development, with apoptotic threshold dependent on proliferation state. Proliferative neural progenitors show a low threshold for apoptosis, while terminally differentiated neurons are relatively refractory. To define the mechanisms linking proliferation and apoptotic threshold, we examined the effect of conditionally deleting Bcl2l1, the gene that codes the antiapoptotic protein BCL-xL, in cerebellar granule neuron progenitors (CGNPs), and of co-deleting Bcl2l1 homologs, antiapoptotic Mcl-1, or pro-apoptotic Bax. We found that cerebella in conditional Bcl2l1-deleted (Bcl-xLcKO) mice were severely hypoplastic due to the increased apoptosis of CGNPs and their differentiated progeny, the cerebellar granule neurons (CGNs). Apoptosis was highest as Bcl-xLcKO CGNPs exited the cell cycle to initiate differentiation, with proliferating Bcl-xLcKO CGNPs relatively less affected. Despite the overall reduction in cerebellar growth, SHH-dependent proliferation was prolonged in Bcl-xLcKO mice, as more CGNPs remained proliferative in the second postnatal week. Co-deletion of Bax rescued the Bcl-xLcKO phenotype, while co-deletion of Mcl-1 enhanced the phenotype. These findings show that CGNPs require BCL-xL to regulate BAX-dependent apoptosis, and that this role can be partially compensated by MCL-1. Our data further show that BCL-xL expression regulates MCL-1 abundance in CGNPs, and suggest that excessive MCL-1 in Bcl-xLcKO mice prolongs CGNP proliferation by binding SUFU, resulting in increased SHH pathway activation. Accordingly, we propose that BCL-xL and MCL-1 interact with each other and with developmental mechanisms that regulate proliferation, to adjust the apoptotic threshold as CGNPs progress through postnatal neurogenesis to CGNs.Subject terms: Cell biology, Neuroscience  相似文献   
Patterns of oxygen evolution in flashing light for the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans are compared with those for broken spinach chloroplasts and whole cells of the green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa. The oscillations of oxygen yield with flash number that occur in both Anacystis and Chlorella, display a greater degree of damping than do those of isolated spinach chloroplasts. The increase in damping results from a two- to threefold increase in the fraction (α) of reaction centers “missed” by a flash. The increase in α cannot be explained by non-saturating flash intensities or by the dark reduction of the oxidized intermediates formed by the flash. Anaerobic conditions markedly increase α in Anacystis and Chlorella but have no effect on α in broken spinach chloroplasts. The results signify that the mechanism of charge separation and water oxidation involved in all three organisms is the same, but that the pool of secondary electron acceptors between Photosystem II and Photosystem I is more reduced in the dark, in the algal cells, than in the isolated spinach chloroplasts.Oxygen evolution in flashing light for Anacystis and Chlorella show light saturation curves for the oxygen yield of the third flash (Y3) that differ markedly from those of the steady-state flashes (Ys). In experiments in which all flashes are uniformly attenuated, Y3 requires nearly twice as much light as Ys to reach half-saturation. Under these conditions Y3 has a sigmoidal dependence on intensity, while that of Ys is hyperbolic. These differences depend on the number of flashes attenuated. When any one of the first three flashes is attenuated, the variation of Y3 with intensity resembles that of Ys. When two of the first three flashes are attenuated, Y3 is intermediate in shape between the two extremes. A quantitative interpretation of these results based on the model of Kok et al. (Kok, B., Forbush, B. and McGloin, M. (1970) Photochem. Photobiol. 11, 457–475, and Forbush, B., Kok, B. and McGloin, M. P. (1971) Photochem. Photobiol. 14, 307–321) fits the experimental data.  相似文献   
Due to multiple-drug resistant bacteria, phage therapy is being revisited. Although most animal experiments focus on therapeutic efficacy, the blood clearance kinetics of phages have not been well described. For further development of an efficient therapeutic strategy, information on phage blood kinetics is important. In this study, time-course concentration changes in peripheral blood of healthy and neutropenic mice were measured using four therapeutic phages (φMR11, KPP10, φEF24C, and KEP10). The results showed a two- to three-day rapid phage clearance, which fits a two-compartment model.  相似文献   
The recent increase in antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria calls for new approaches to drug-target selection and drug development. Targeting the mechanisms of action of proteins involved in bacterial cell division bypasses problems associated with increasingly ineffective variants of older antibiotics; to this end, the essential bacterial cytoskeletal protein FtsZ is a promising target. Recent work on its allosteric inhibitor, PC190723, revealed in vitro activity on Staphylococcus aureus FtsZ and in vivo antimicrobial activities. However, the mechanism of drug action and its effect on FtsZ in other bacterial species are unclear. Here, we examine the structural environment of the PC190723 binding pocket using PocketFEATURE, a statistical method that scores the similarity between pairs of small-molecule binding sites based on 3D structure information about the local microenvironment, and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We observed that species and nucleotide-binding state have significant impacts on the structural properties of the binding site, with substantially disparate microenvironments for bacterial species not from the Staphylococcus genus. Based on PocketFEATURE analysis of MD simulations of S. aureus FtsZ bound to GTP or with mutations that are known to confer PC190723 resistance, we predict that PC190723 strongly prefers to bind Staphylococcus FtsZ in the nucleotide-bound state. Furthermore, MD simulations of an FtsZ dimer indicated that polymerization may enhance PC190723 binding. Taken together, our results demonstrate that a drug-binding pocket can vary significantly across species, genetic perturbations, and in different polymerization states, yielding important information for the further development of FtsZ inhibitors.  相似文献   
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