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Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping often results in data on a number of traits that have well-established causal relationships. Many multi-trait QTL mapping methods that account for the correlation among multiple traits have been developed to improve the statistical power and the precision of QTL parameter estimation. However, none of these methods are capable of incorporating the causal structure among the traits. Consequently, genetic functions of the QTL may not be fully understood. Structural equation modeling (SEM) allows researchers to explicitly characterize the causal structure among the variables and to decompose effects into direct, indirect, and total effects. In this paper, we developed a multi-trait SEM method of QTL mapping that takes into account the causal relationships among traits related to grain yield. Performance of the proposed method is evaluated by simulation study and applied to data from a wheat experiment. Compared with single trait analysis and the multi-trait least-squares analysis, our multi-trait SEM improves statistical power of QTL detection and provides important insight into how QTLs regulate traits by investigating the direct, indirect, and total QTL effects. The approach also helps build biological models that more realistically reflect the complex relationships among QTL and traits and is more precise and efficient in QTL mapping than single trait analysis.  相似文献   
Fermentation of sugar by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for production of ethanol in an immobilized cell reactor (ICR) was successfully carried out to improve the performance of the fermentation process. The fermentation set-up was comprised of a column packed with beads of immobilized cells. The immobilization of S. cerevisiae was simply performed by the enriched cells cultured media harvested at exponential growth phase. The fixed cell loaded ICR was carried out at initial stage of operation and the cell was entrapped by calcium alginate. The production of ethanol was steady after 24 h of operation. The concentration of ethanol was affected by the media flow rates and residence time distribution from 2 to 7 h. In addition, batch fermentation was carried out with 50 g/l glucose concentration. Subsequently, the ethanol productions and the reactor productivities of batch fermentation and immobilized cells were compared. In batch fermentation, sugar consumption and ethanol production obtained were 99.6% and 12.5% v/v after 27 h while in the ICR, 88.2% and 16.7% v/v were obtained with 6 h retention time. Nearly 5% ethanol production was achieved with high glucose concentration (150 g/l) at 6 h retention time. A yield of 38% was obtained with 150 g/l glucose. The yield was improved approximately 27% on ICR and a 24 h fermentation time was reduced to 7 h. The cell growth rate was based on the Monod rate equation. The kinetic constants (K(s) and mu(m)) of batch fermentation were 2.3 g/l and 0.35 g/lh, respectively. The maximum yield of biomass on substrate (Y(X-S)) and the maximum yield of product on substrate (Y(P-S)) in batch fermentations were 50.8% and 31.2% respectively. Productivity of the ICR were 1.3, 2.3, and 2.8 g/lh for 25, 35, 50 g/l of glucose concentration, respectively. The productivity of ethanol in batch fermentation with 50 g/l glucose was calculated as 0.29 g/lh. Maximum production of ethanol in ICR when compared to batch reactor has shown to increase approximately 10-fold. The performance of the two reactors was compared and a respective rate model was proposed. The present research has shown that high sugar concentration (150 g/l) in the ICR column was successfully converted to ethanol. The achieved results in ICR with high substrate concentration are promising for scale up operation. The proposed model can be used to design a lager scale ICR column for production of high ethanol concentration.  相似文献   
Multiplexed single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers have the potential to increase the speed and cost-effectiveness of genotyping, provided that an optimal SNP density is used for each application. To test the efficiency of multiplexed SNP genotyping for diversity, mapping and breeding applications in rice (Oryza sativa L.), we designed seven GoldenGate VeraCode oligo pool assay (OPA) sets for the Illumina BeadXpress Reader. Validated markers from existing 1536 Illumina SNPs and 44?K Affymetrix SNP chips developed at Cornell University were used to select subsets of informative SNPs for different germplasm groups with even distribution across the genome. A 96-plex OPA was developed for quality control purposes and for assigning a sample into one of the five O. sativa population subgroups. Six 384-plex OPAs were designed for genetic diversity analysis, DNA fingerprinting, and to have evenly-spaced polymorphic markers for quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping and background selection for crosses between different germplasm pools in rice: Indica/Indica, Indica/Japonica, Japonica/Japonica, Indica/O. rufipogon, and Japonica/O. rufipogon. After testing on a diverse set of rice varieties, two of the SNP sets were re-designed by replacing poor-performing SNPs. Pilot studies were successfully performed for diversity analysis, QTL mapping, marker-assisted backcrossing, and developing specialized genetic stocks, demonstrating that 384-plex SNP genotyping on the BeadXpress platform is a robust and efficient method for marker genotyping in rice.  相似文献   
Obesity is one of the major public health problems worldwide and it is generally associated with many diseases. Although synthetic drugs are available for the treatment of obesity, herbal remedies may provide safe, natural, and cost-effective alternative to synthetic drugs. One example of such drugs is Melastoma malabathricum var Alba Linn (MM). Although several studies have been reported for the pharmacological activities of MM, there is no report on the anti-obesity effect of MM. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the anti-obesity potential of methanolic extract of MM. The anti-obesity effect of MM on rats fed with a high-fat diet was investigated through determination of the changes in body weight, fat weight, organ weights, and blood biochemicals. The animals in this study were divided into three groups: a normal group with a standard diet (N), a control group fed with high-fat diet (C), and a MM treatment group fed with high-fat (HFD + MM) diet for 8 weeks. There was no significant difference in the amount of food intake between control and HFD + MM treatments. These results also suggest that MM does not induce a dislike for the diet due to its smell or taste. The study shows that MM significantly prevented increases in body weight, cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and total lipids that resulted from the high-fat diet. MM also decreased the epididymal fat (E-fat) and retroperitoneal fat (R-fat) weights and phospholipid concentrations induced by the high-fat diet. On the basis of these findings, it was concluded that MM had anti-obesity effects by suppressing body weight gain and abdominal fat formation.KEY WORDS: Anti-obesity, High-fat diet, Melastoma malabathricum var Alba Linn  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Complete diagnostic autopsies (CDA) remain the gold standard in the determination of cause of death (CoD). However, performing CDAs in developing countries is challenging due to limited facilities and human resources, and poor acceptability. We aimed to develop and test a simplified minimally invasive autopsy (MIA) procedure involving organ-directed sampling with microbiology and pathology analyses implementable by trained technicians in low- income settings.


A standardized scheme for the MIA has been developed and tested in a series of 30 autopsies performed at the Maputo Central Hospital, Mozambique. The procedure involves the collection of 20 mL of blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and puncture of liver, lungs, heart, spleen, kidneys, bone marrow and brain in all cases plus uterus in women of childbearing age, using biopsy needles.


The sampling success ranged from 67% for the kidney to 100% for blood, CSF, lung, liver and brain. The amount of tissue obtained in the procedure varied from less than 10 mm2 for the lung, spleen and kidney, to over 35 mm2 for the liver and brain. A CoD was identified in the histological and/or the microbiological analysis in 83% of the MIAs.


A simplified MIA technique allows obtaining adequate material from body fluids and major organs leading to accurate diagnoses. This procedure could improve the determination of CoD in developing countries.  相似文献   
Commercial whey protein hydrolysates containing bovine β-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) may have residual allergenicity due to the inaccessibility of some sequential epitopes to proteases. Microwave may enhance unfolding pathways in protein structure due to its non-thermal effects. This research compared the effects of microwave heating (MW) and conventional heating (CH) on the unfolding in the secondary and tertiary structures of β-Lg over a temperature range of 40-90 °C using circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence spectroscopy, and two dimensional (2D) 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Above 50 °C, β-sheet and α-helical secondary structures decreased during MW and CH, with a higher decrease being observed during MW. The near-UV spectra of MW β-Lg showed lower intensity suggesting higher tertiary structure loss than in CH β-Lg at all temperatures. The fluorescence spectra of MW β-Lg showed increased exposure of tryptophan residues to solvent as compared to CH β-Lg and suggested greater unfolding in tertiary structure in MW β-Lg at 60 °C than in CH β-Lg at 70 °C. 2D 1H NMR spectra confirmed more extensive H-D exchange in MW β-Lg explained by the exposure of β-sheets (C, G, and H) at 50 °C under microwave treatment, which are thermally resistant to H-D exchange up to 75 °C during conventional heating. These results revealed a substantial enhancing effect of microwave treatment on the thermal unfolding and exposure of buried amide groups in β-Lg compared to conventional heating. Microwave processing could be a promising alternative to produce hydrolysates with lower allergenicity and improved bioactivity through structure modification.  相似文献   
Im Jahre 1990 wurden Freilanderhebungen zur Abundanzdynamik von Getreideblattläusen und ihrer Antagonisten in verschiedenen Weizenbeständen und ‐Sorten in Hammar‐alkassra bei Deir Ezzor (Syrische A.R.) durchgeführt.

Die Besiedlung der Pflanzen durch die Blattlausarten Sitobion avenae (F.), Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) und Metopolophium dirhodum (Walk.) begann zum Schossen des Weizens. Ihr Abundanzmaximum trat zum Ende des Ährenschiebens/Beginn der Blüte ein. Danach brach die Population schnell zusammen.

Unter den spezifischen Prädatoren waren die Coccinellidae, insbesondere die Arten Coccinella septempunctata L. und Adalia bipunctata (L.), in den Beständen kontinuierlich nachzuweisen. Vertreter der Familien Syrphidae und Chrysopidae erreichten in den Weizenbeständen sehr geringe Dichten. Die Parasitierungsrate der Blattläuse (Mikrohymenopteren und entomopathogene Pilze) variierte zwischen 7 % und 17 % bezogen auf die Aphidenpopulation.

Die Ergebnisse ließen eine Bevorzugung der Weizensorte “Gesira 17”; gegenüber der Sorte “Maxiki”; durch die Aphiden erkennen. Eine gezielte Bekämpfung der Blattläuse müßte anhand vorliegender Resultate zum Ende der Schoßphase des Weizens (DC 35/40), Anfang bis Mitte April, erfolgen.

Zukünftige Untersuchungen sollen in erster Linie klären, ob ein hoher Befall durch Aphiden zu Ertragseinbußen führt. Dazu macht es sich erforderlich, die Abundanzdynamik der Blattläuse und ihrer Gegenspieler zu untersuchen und darauf aufbauend Befall‐Schadens‐Beziehungen abzuleiten, um somit im Bedarfsfall ökonomisch und ökologisch gerechtfertigte Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen durchführen zu können.  相似文献   
The short QT syndrome (SQTS) is a genetically heterogeneous condition characterized by abbreviated QT intervals and an increased susceptibility to arrhythmia and sudden death. This simulation study identifies arrhythmogenic mechanisms in the rapid-delayed rectifier K(+) current (I(Kr))-linked SQT1 variant of the SQTS. Markov chain (MC) models were found to be superior to Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) models in reproducing experimental data regarding effects of the N588K mutation on KCNH2-encoded hERG. These ionic channel models were then incorporated into human ventricular action potential (AP) models and into 1D and 2D idealised and realistic transmural ventricular tissue simulations and into a 3D anatomical model. In single cell models, the N588K mutation abbreviated ventricular cell AP duration at 90% repolarization (APD(90)) and decreased the maximal transmural voltage heterogeneity (δV) during APs. This resulted in decreased transmural heterogeneity of APD(90) and of the effective refractory period (ERP): effects that are anticipated to be anti-arrhythmic rather than pro-arrhythmic. However, with consideration of transmural heterogeneity of I(Kr) density in the intact tissue model based on the ten Tusscher-Noble-Noble-Panfilov ventricular model, not only did the N588K mutation lead to QT-shortening and increases in T-wave amplitude, but δV was found to be augmented in some local regions of ventricle tissue, resulting in increased tissue vulnerability for uni-directional conduction block and predisposing to formation of re-entrant excitation waves. In 2D and 3D tissue models, the N588K mutation facilitated and maintained re-entrant excitation waves due to the reduced substrate size necessary for sustaining re-entry. Thus, in SQT1 the N588K-hERG mutation facilitates initiation and maintenance of ventricular re-entry, increasing the lifespan of re-entrant spiral waves and the stability of scroll waves in 3D tissue.  相似文献   
Drug metabolizing enzymes participate in the neutralizing of xenobiotics and biotransformation of drugs. Human cytochrome P450, particularly CYP1A1, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5, play an important role in drug metabolism. The genes encoding the CYP enzymes are polymorphic, and extensive data have shown that certain alleles confer reduced enzymatic function. The goal of this study was to determine the frequencies of important allelic variants of CYP1A1, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 in the Jordanian population and compare them with the frequency in other ethnic groups. Genotyping of CYP1A1(m1 and m2), CYP2C9 (*2 and *3), CYP2C19 (*2 and *3), CYP3A4*5, CYP3A5 (*3 and *6), was carried out on Jordanian subjects. Different variants allele were determined using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). CYP1A1 allele frequencies in 290 subjects were 0.764 for CYP1A1*1, 0.165 for CYP1A1*2A and 0.071 for CYP1A1*2C. CYP2C9 allele frequencies in 263 subjects were 0.797 for CYP2C9*1, 0.135 for CYP2C9*2 and 0.068 for CYP2C9*3. For CYP2C19, the frequencies of the wild type (CYP2C19*1) and the nonfunctional (*2 and *3) alleles were 0.877, 0.123 and 0, respectively. Five subjects (3.16?%) were homozygous for *2/*2. Regarding CYP3A4*1B, only 12 subjects out of 173 subjects (6.9?%) were heterozygote with none were mutant for this polymorphism. With respect to CYP3A5, 229 were analyzed, frequencies of CYP3A5*1,*3 and *6 were 0.071, 0.925 and 0.0022, respectively. Comparing our data with that obtained in several Caucasian, African-American and Asian populations, Jordanians are most similar to Caucasians with regard to allelic frequencies of the tested variants of CYP1A1, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5.  相似文献   
Two novel cell wall structural proteins of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell.). undergo rapid deposition in the cell wall matrix in a H(2)O(2)-dependent reaction after the elicitation of cultures with Fusarium graminearum (L.)-derived elicitor. The amino acid compositions of these proteins were remarkably similar and indicated that they were highly acidic (pI 3.8). These proteins contained 13--17% each of Gly, Glx and Ser with lesser amounts (6--8%) of Ala, Asx and Thr, and it has been suggested that they are known as glycine- and serine-rich proteins (GSRPs). SELDI-MS ionization spectra demonstrated that these proteins have low molecular masses of 8590 and 4292 Da. These results are discussed in relation to the possible role of these novel proteins in rapid, cell wall defensive reactions to pathogenic attack.  相似文献   
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