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Smooth muscle tissue from mouse urinary bladder, uterus, and gall bladder has been studied by means of the electron microscope. The smooth muscle cells are distinctly and completely separated from each other by a cytolemma comparable to the sarcolemma of striated muscle. The tissue is thus cellular and not syncytial. With this evidence, supported by electron microscopy of other tissues, we question the existence of true syncytia in animal tissues. Individual cell membranes necessary for the electrophysiologic events exist in smooth muscle, and its nerve and conduction in a tissue such as uterus or bladder can occur at the cellular level as well as at the tissue area level. The smooth muscle cell contains myofilaments, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, Golgi complex, centrosome, and pinocytotic vesicles. These structures are described in some detail, and their probable interrelations and functions are discussed. The autonomic nerves innervating smooth muscle cells are composed of axons and lemnoblasts. The axon is suspended by the mesaxon formed by the infolded plasma membrane of the lemnoblast. The respective plasma membranes separate axon and lemnoblast from each other and from surrounding muscle cells. The axons of autonomic nerves never penetrate the plasma membrane of the muscle cell, but pass or intrude into muscle cell pockets, forming a contact between axonal plasma membrane and smooth muscle plasma membrane. The lemnoblast shows well developed endoplasmic reticulum with Palade granules, mitochondria, and a long, elliptical nucleus. The axon contains neurofilaments, mitochondria, and synaptic vesicles; the quantity of the latter two being significantly greater in the periphery of lemnoblasts and near axon-muscle contact regions. We regard the contact regions as the synapses between the autonomic nerves and the smooth muscle cells.  相似文献   
1. The structure and distribution of the components of striated muscle cells vary with the species and with the specialization of muscle fiber function. 2. There appear to be two, easily distinguishable, general categories of striated muscle structure. A. High frequency muscle (represented by flight muscle of higher insects and hummingbird, and cicada tympanal muscle) is characterized by widely spaced, non-branching fibrils of large diameter and short period, little endoplasmic reticulum, and large quantities of large mitochondria (low fibril-sarcoplasm ratio). This structure is correlated with heavy tracheolization or vascularization, high oxidative activity, and dark color as compared with other muscles of the same species. B. Low frequency muscle is characterized, in general, by high fibril-sarcoplasm ratio, relatively long period, few mitochondria increasing with activity and decreasing with absolute power of the fiber. Oxidative capacity and color are proportional to the quantity of mitochondria. These fibers are further differentiated into (a) fibrillar arrangement of contractile material which permits a regular pattern of interfibrillar and segmental reticulum, and (b) afibrillar arrangement of contractile material leading to an unsystematic distribution of reticulum. 3. The endoplasmic reticulum appears as a complex coordination system in the muscle fiber. Peripherally, it links the Z and M lines of the fibrils to the sarcolemma and between the fibrils it links the cross-bands, forming the Grundmembran of earlier authors. By longitudinal linkage, it connects with the sarcolemma at the muscle extremity to form a digital arrangement into which the tendon fibrils are spliced. The extent of its development and its position have a definite relationship to the degree and site of fiber shortening. At present the reticulum is the only structure that one can consider to be an internal conducting system. It may distribute the excitation transversely from fibril to fibril, and lengthwise saltatorially to the symmetry centers of the sarcomeres. 4. The nucleus is the mediating element between the cytoplasmic phases within and without the tubular system of the endoplasmic reticulum. A possible mechanism which correlates nucleus, adenylic acid system, ion exchange, and reticulum with the initiation of contraction is postulated.  相似文献   
Schmidt  W. J.  Ruska  H. 《Cell and tissue research》1962,58(5):693-713
Summary The normal development and cytology of the pineal organ in the newt, Taricha torosa has been described in detail. Particular emphasis has been placed on the origin of the initial pineal bud in the embryonic diencephalic roof, and the manner in which new pineal cells are proliferated in a zone surrounding the orifice of the developing pineal vesicle. These new cells apparently migrate into the walls of the enlarging vesicle and a certain number undergo progressive differentiation to become photoreceptor-like pineal sensory cells; the highest degree of this differentiation being obtained by cells whose processes protrude into the anterior, posterior, and lateral margins of the vesicle lumen.The well-formed, wide-lumened vesicle typical of early larval stages has thusfar not demonstrated any detectable cytological alterations under the influence of light, dark, pressure, or chemical stimulating agents we have employed. Within a few weeks, this young larval vesicle becomes flattened to assume the appearance of a more glial vascularized organ. In adult pineal organs it has been possible to observe aldehyde fuchsin-positive accumulations in the processes of supportive cells terminating near capillary walls. Other aspects of adult pineal cytology and innervation have also been considered in this report.A series of implants of embryonic pineal primordia into older larval host eye chambers and tailfins has given information on the development of vesicles in these sites under the influence of varying amounts of diencephalic roof tissue included with the grafts. A tentative hypothesis has been formulated to account for the tendency of a single primordium to differentiate into a larger than normal pineal mass when implanted into the tail mesenchyme with a moderate amount of diencephalic roof tissue. This hypothesis brings into focus the normal growth characteristics of the young organ developing from a broad initial pineal field and their possible modification under the influence of surrounding tissues during normal ontogeny.Incidental to the main purposes of the study, observations have been made on the pigment behavior of larvae carrying supernumerary pineal implants. These observations are discussed in the light of recent proposals by other authors.With technical assistance of Mr. Charles Cintron, Mr. Gary Clark, Miss Jean Ewalt, and Mr. Paul Johnson. The author has also been fortunate to have the interest and suggestions of Dr. Stuart Smith. Since a portion of this study was accomplished at the Zoological Laboratory, Utrecht, Holland, special thanks are due the members of that organization for their hospitality and technical advice.Portions of this research were supported by a post-doctoral fellowship (BF7283-C) from the United States Public Health Service, a research grant (G-14423) from the National Science Foundation, and grants from the University of Colorado Council on Research and Creative Work.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An Querschnitten durch gelbe lipochromführende Federäste eines Fasans (Lady Imhurst-Fasan) und auch durch die zugehörigen Federstrahlen ließen sich in den verhornten Rinden- bzw. Radienzellen Kernreste mit dem Elektronenmikroskop nachweisen. Ihr Umriß wechselt mannigfach, indem die Austrocknung der Feder am Ende ihrer Entwicklung auch die Zellkerne zum Schrumpfen bringt, wobei benachbarte Tonofibrillenbündel in sie hineingepreßt werden können. Die Reste lassen stets die Kernbegrenzung durch die Zisterne erkennen; der Kerninhalt ist manchmal homogen, manchmal körnig strukturiert. Die elektronenmikroskopischen Befunde lehren also, daß an den Kernorten, die das Lichtmikroskop bei geeigneten Objekten zeigt, zusammengeschrumpfte Zellkerne vorliegen. Auch bei einigen anderen Vögeln wurden Kernreste verhornter Rindenzellen im elektronenmikroskopischen Bild beobachtet, so in den schillernden Schwanzfedern eines polnischen Hahns. Kernreste finden sich also sowohl bei lipochrom- wie bei melaninführenden Zellen.Die Markzellen der hier behandelten Federäste vom Fasan zeigen einen bemerkenswerten Übergang von gewöhnlichen Markzellen (mit Keratinmantel und einheitlichem luftgefülltem intramoenialem Raum) zu Tyndallblau-Zellen (in ganzer Ausdehnung mit schaumiger Gerüststruktur): sie ähneln den erstgenannten Zellen durch den Besitz eines Keratinmantels, enthalten aber zugleich im Innern ein freilich grobes Keratingerüst, das mit dem schrittweise sich auflockernden Mantel zusammenhängt.Frl. Christiane Liebich danken wir für ihre Hilfe bei der elektronenmikroskopischen Arbeit.  相似文献   
We developed an immunocapture-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay for simultaneous detection of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and Giardia intestinalis cysts in surface water. Using primer pairs Cry9/Cry15 and LaxA/LaxB for Cryptosporidium and Gdh1/Gdh4 for Giardia, the sensitivity of the entire detection procedure (dealing with concentration, separation, DNA purification and PCR amplification) was at the level of 50–100 oocysts and cysts. Of 54 surface water samples, 4 were positive for Cryptosporidium and 1 for Giardia. Cryptosporidium and Giardia were detected for the first time in surface water in Finland.  相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungBei der Durchführung der elektronenmikroskopischen Arbeiten leistete uns Fräulein Christiane Liebich wertvolle Hilfe.  相似文献   
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