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The glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is involved in the development and maintenance of neural tissues. Mutations in components of its signaling pathway lead to severe migration deficits of neuronal crest stem cells, tumor formation, or ablation of the urinary system. In animal models of Parkinson's disease, GDNF has been recognized to be neuroprotective and to improve motor function when delivered into the cerebral ventricles or into the substantia nigra. Here, we characterize the network of 43 genes induced by GDNF overproduction of neuronal progenitor cells (ST14A), which mainly regulate migration and differentiation of neuronal progenitor cells. GDNF down-regulates doublecortin, Paf-ah1b (Lis1), dynamin, and alpha-tubulin, which are involved in neocortical lamination and cytoskeletal reorganization. Axonal guidance depends on cell-surface molecules and extracellular matrix proteins. Laminin, Mpl3, Alcam, Bin1, Id1, Id2, Id3, neuregulin1, the ephrinB2-receptor, neuritin, focal adhesion kinase (FAK), Tc10, Pdpk1, clusterin, GTP-cyclooxygenase1, and follistatin are genes up-regulated by GDNF overexpression. Moreover, we found four key enzymes of the cholesterol-synthesis pathway to be down-regulated leading to decreased farnesyl-pyrophospate production. Many proteins are anchored by farnesyl-derivates at the cell membrane. The identification of these GDNF-regulated genes may open new opportunities for directly influencing differentiation and developmental processes of neurons.  相似文献   
Ena/VASP proteins play important roles in axon outgrowth and guidance. Ena/VASP activity regulates the assembly and geometry of actin networks within fibroblast lamellipodia. In growth cones, Ena/VASP proteins are concentrated at filopodia tips, yet their role in growth cone responses to guidance signals has not been established. We found that Ena/VASP proteins play a pivotal role in formation and elongation of filopodia along neurite shafts and growth cone. Netrin-1-induced filopodia formation was dependent upon Ena/VASP function and directly correlated with Ena/VASP phosphorylation at a regulatory PKA site. Accordingly, Ena/VASP function was required for filopodial formation from the growth cone in response to global PKA activation. We propose that Ena/VASP proteins control filopodial dynamics in neurons by remodeling the actin network in response to guidance cues.  相似文献   
Analysis of human responses to hypobaric hypoxia in different lineages (lowlanders, Andean natives, Himalayan natives, and East Africans) indicates 'conservative' and 'adaptable' physiological characters involved in human responses to hypoxia. Conservative characters, derived by common descent, dominate and indeed define human physiology, but in five hypoxia response systems analyzed, we also found evidence for 'adaptable' characters at all levels of organization in all three high altitude lineages. Since Andeans and Himalayans have not shared common ancestry with East Africans for most of our species history, we suggest that their similar hypoxia physiology may represent the 'ancestral' condition for humans--an interpretation consistent with recent evidence indicating that our species evolved under 'colder, drier, and higher' conditions in East Africa where the phenotype would be simultaneously advantageous for endurance performance and for high altitude hypoxia. It is presumed that the phenotype was retained in low capacity form in highlanders and in higher capacity form in most lowland lineages (where it would be recognized by most physiologists as an endurance performance phenotype). Interestingly, it is easier for modern molecular evolution theory to account for the origin of 'adaptable' characters through positive selection than for conserved traits. Many conserved physiological systems are composed of so many gene products that it seems difficult to account for their unchanging state (for unchanging structure and function of hundreds of proteins linked in sequence to form the physiological system) by simple models of stabilizing selection.  相似文献   
The BH3-only members of the Bcl-2 protein family are essential for initiation of programmed cell death and stress-induced apoptosis. We have determined the expression pattern in mice of the BH3-only protein Bik, also called Blk or Nbk, and examined its physiological function by gene targeting. We found that Bik is expressed widely in the hematopoietic compartment and in endothelial cells of the venous but not arterial lineages. Nevertheless, its loss did not increase the numbers of such cells in mice or protect hematopoietic cells in vitro from apoptosis induced by cytokine withdrawal or diverse other cytotoxic stimuli. Moreover, whereas loss of the BH3-only protein Bim rescued mice lacking the prosurvival protein Bcl-2 from fatal polycystic kidney disease and lymphopenia, loss of Bik did not. These results indicate that any function of Bik in programmed cell death and stress-induced apoptosis must overlap that of other BH3-only proteins.  相似文献   
Suspensions of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae display free-running light scattering oscillations at the onset of development. We describe a device to monitor these oscillations in several samples in parallel. The apparatus consists of a thermostated cuvette holder where up to eight cuvettes containing cell suspension are inserted. Cells are aerated and kept in suspension via an airlift. Infrared light emitted from a five-diode array passes through the suspension and is detected by an array of five light detecting diodes. The resulting signal is digitized and recorded with a sampling rate of two measuring points/second. The parallel analysis approach allows determination of the effects of adding of agents or of variations in the external conditions in the same batch of amoebae at the same developmental time point. This represents an advantage over the conventional single cuvette approach, as oscillation characteristics themselves are developmentally regulated. Moreover, as the new experimental setup enables simultaneous analyses of up to eight samples, the behavior of wild-type and several mutant strains can be compared under identical experimental conditions.  相似文献   
The adaptor protein FADD/MORT1 is essential for apoptosis induced by 'death receptors', such as Fas (APO-1/CD95), mediating aggregation and autocatalytic activation of caspase-8. Perhaps surprisingly, FADD and caspase-8 are also critical for mitogen-induced proliferation of T lymphocytes. We generated novel monoclonal antibodies specific for mouse FADD and caspase-8 to investigate whether cellular responses, apoptosis or proliferation, might be explained by differences in post-translational modification and subcellular localisation of these proteins. During both apoptosis signalling and mitogenic activation, FADD and caspase-8 aggregated in multiprotein complexes and formed caps at the plasma membrane but they did not colocalise with lipid rafts. Interestingly, mitogenic stimulation, but not Fas ligation, induced a unique post-translational modification of FADD. These different modifications may determine whether FADD and caspase-8 induce cell death or proliferation.  相似文献   
In the CNS, microglia become activated, i.e. change their functional state and phenotype, in response to a wide variety of pathological stimuli. Since this activation is triggered at a very low threshold and at the same time remains territorially restricted, the spatial distribution of activated microglia can be used as a sensitive, generic measure of the anatomical localisation of ongoing disease processes. One protein complex, undetectable in resting microglia but highly up-regulated upon activation in vivo and in vitro, is the ‘peripheral benzodiazepine binding site’, as measured by binding of the isoquinoline derivate PK11195. Particularly numerous in the outer membrane of mitochondria, this binding site has also been referred to as the ‘mitochondrial benzodiazepine receptor’. The de novo expression of this receptor by activated microglia suggests that the process of activation may be associated with important qualitative changes in the state of mitochondria. Here, we provide confocal light- and electron microscopic evidence that the activation of microglia indeed entails conspicuous mitochondrial alterations. In cultured rat microglia stained with the fluorescent probe, JC-1, a sensitive indicator of mitochondrial membrane potential, we demonstrate that stimulation by bacterial lipopolysaccharide and interferon-γ increases the number of microglial mitochondrial profiles and leads to marked changes in their morphology. Prominent elongated, “needle-like” mitochondria are a characteristic feature of activated microglia in vitro. Electron microscopically, an abundance of abnormal profiles, including circular cristae or ring- and U-shaped membranes, are found. Our observations support the notion that the previously reported increase in microglial binding of PK11195, that labelled with carbon-11 ([11C] (R)-PK11195) has clinical use for the visualisation of activated microglia in vivo by positron emission tomography, may at least in part relate to an increased number and altered functional state of microglial mitochondria.  相似文献   
Cytomics is a novel perspective from which to look at life. As with genomics and proteomics before, this discipline requires novel and innovative techniques and technologies to focus on its substrate of research--the cytome. With cytomics being the discipline that analyzes cellular systems and their interdependencies, advanced microscopy represents a key technology in cytomics research. Yet, conventional microscopy-based investigations, i.e., "look and conclude" analyses, do not meet the major cytomics criteria of 1) relating multiple parameters to each other, 2) within large populations of cells, 3) on a single-cell basis, and 4) in a quantitative and observer-independent manner. However, emerging improvements in the fields of fluorophore technology, sensitive fluorescence detection devices, and sophisticated image analysis procedures, are important and necessary steps into the cytomics era. Tissue represents an important class of cytomes, hence tissue cytometry--on the single cell level--can be expected to become an important cytomics technology. In this report, the techniques and technologies of microscopy-based multicolor tissue cytometry (MMTC) are outlined and applications are discussed, including the phenotypic characterization of tissue infiltrating leukocytes, in situ quantification of proliferation markers and tumor suppressors, and in situ quantification of apoptosis.  相似文献   
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