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Radioimmunoassays were developed for the basement membrane components, 7 S collagen and fragments of the noncollagenous protein laminin, which allowed quantitative analysis of as little as 0.1–0.4 ng of these proteins. Similar materials could be detected by these assays in serum, in kidney digests, and in the medium of cell cultures obtained from mice and rats. Distinct changes in the amounts of antigen in serum and kidney were observed during aging and in mice inoculated with a basement membrane tumor.  相似文献   
The characteristics of pure preparations of short-tail fibers of bacteriophage T4 have been studied in the optical and electron microscope. Three main structures were observed: 1) spheres of 8.1 nm diameter; 2) fibers 43 nm long and 3.8 nm thick; and 3) fibers 54 nm long and 3.2 nm thick. Both types of fibers exhibited a regular beaded appearance. The 43-nm fibers were the most abundant structure. During the process of purification of the short-tail fibers, the formation of aggregates was observed each time the material containing the short-tail fibers was dialyzed against saline solutions. These aggregates became increasingly fibrous (as observed in the optical microscope) as the material used was increasingly enriched in short-tail fibers. Finally, most of the aggregates were of the fibrous type when they were formed from a purified preparation of short-tail fibers. In the electron microscope, it was found that the filamentous aggregates were organized in well-defined bundles. The amino acid composition of the highly purified short-tail fibers was also determined. Among the known fibrous proteins, the ones that most resemble the amino acid composition of the short-tail fibers are actin and fibrinogen. These observations are discussed in relation to the T4 short-tail fiber structure and their localization on the hexagonal baseplate of the T4 tail structure.  相似文献   
Nine dysmenorrheic women were run in EMG and thermal biofeedback procedures with concurrent autogenic relaxation practice. Significant reductions in subjective estimates of symptomology associated with dysmenorrhea were noted in all subjects. EMG levels correlated positively with the reductions in symptoms. Thermal levels did not correlate with EMG. In fact no consistent patterns in thermal measures were noted. However, thermal biofeedback cannot be ruled out as an effective treatment for dysmenorrhea since reductions in symptoms occurred during thermal biofeedback training. Another significant aspect of the present study is the effectiveness of long treatment procedures. A six month period was employed and significant reductions in symptoms were noted following two months of biofeedback treatment. Finally, the importance of beginning biofeedback treatment prior to onset of menstrual symptoms is indicated.  相似文献   
Plasma fibronectin (pFn) is a serum protein which, when adsorbed to a glass or plastic substratum, mediates the adhesion of fibroblasts in culture. We have studied some of the details of its adsorption and subsequent fate. By using 125l-labeled pFn, we show that a substratum incubated with pFn adsorbs approximately 0.4 μg/cm2 pFn (a monomolecular layer), and one incubated with medium containing serum adsorbs approximately 7 ng/cm2 pFn (a 12-fold enrichment relative to a random selection of the soluble proteins). SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) suggests the bound serum proteins (eluted with SDS) are primarily BSA and β-globulins. The bound pFn adheres so tightly, though, that most resists elution, as assayed (1) with pFn radioiodinated before binding, (2) with pFn radioiodinated after binding, or (3) by the cell spreading activity of the bound pFn retained after SDS treatment. Under culture conditions, there is a continuous “turnover” of substratum-bound pFn: soluble pFn can bind to a serum-coated substratum, while bound pFn is gradually removed by incubation with serum proteins. The presence of fibroblasts increases the rate of this removal several-fold. By SDS-PAGE the material removed (as well as that eluted from the substratum with SDS after cell detachment) is intact pFn or large (possibly proteolytically generated) fragments. Thus, pFn binds preferentially to the tissue culture substratum, but can be removed subsequently by the combined action of cells and other serum proteins.  相似文献   
The addition of carbachol to superior cervical ganglia causes a rapid increase in tyrosine hydroxylation in situ. The increase occurs in ganglia from both newborn and adult animals, and in ganglia from animals pretreated with reserpine. The increase is not due to increased transport of the substrate. The increase is dependent upon the presence of calcium, and is additive to the stimulation produced by dibutyryl cyclic AMP. The stimulation seems specific for tyrosine hydroxylation; dopamine beta-hydroxylation is not increased. Preincubation experiments suggest that the carbachol-induced stimulation is due to a change in the availability of, or the affinity of the enzyme for, reduced pterin cofactor. The stimulation is inhibited by atropine and also by low concentrations of phenoxybenzamine or haloperidol, which suggests that it is caused by an action of carbachol on the interneurons in the ganglia.  相似文献   
Summary Energy reserve utilization and energy budgets were compared in tailed and tailless adult female Coleonyx brevis. Carcass, fat body and caudal energy reserves were used for vitellogenesis; mass and energy content (cal/mg and/or cal/reserve) of each were significantly lower at oviposition than at the initiation of vitellogenesis. Total energy reserves accounted for 53% of the reproductive energy investment in tailed females compared to 29% in tailless females. Tailed females had over twice as many reserve calories for egg production than tailless females. Caudal energy reserves represented 60% of the total reserves of tailed females and were one-third greater than the total energy reserves of tailless females. To produce a clutch of eggs both tailed and tailless females supplemented energy reserves with net metabolizable energy that was available after metabolic costs were paid. Tailless females had a significantly greater rate of food ingestion and more net metabolizable energy available for reproduction than tailed females, yet allocated significantly fewer calories/day to reproduction than tailed females, primarily because of the loss of caudal reserves. Reproductive efforts of tailed and tailless females were equivalent. However, the loss of caudal reserves resulted in the production of eggs that were significantly lower in mass and energy content (cal/mg and cal/egg) than when caudal reserves were used. Results empirically support the hypothesis that reproduction has energetic priority over tail regeneration in short-lived, iteroparous species with a low probability of future reproductive success.  相似文献   
The interaction of tracheal cilia with the biphasic mucus layer covering the surface of the mammalian respiratory tract may be influenced by many cell surface coat components including those having an overall negative charge. In order to assess the distribution of ciliary anionic sites, cationized ferritin (CF) was used to label the surface of rat tracheal epithelium. If pieces of trachea were fixed with 3% glutaraldehyde and treated with CF at low (L) (0.08 mg/ml), medium (M) (0.32 mg/ml PBS), or high (H) (0.64 mg/ml PBS) concentrations, the label was distributed evenly over the entire external surface of the ciliary membrane at all concentrations. Unfixed tracheal tissue was also treated with L, M, and H CF for 1 or 5 min at 4 degrees C in order to minimize lateral redistribution of CF receptors. To ensure accessibility of the cell surface to CF the samples were agitated thoroughly during exposure. Exposure for 1 min to L, M, and H CF resulted in a light binding of ferritin particles on all portions of the ciliary membrane with occasional areas of multilayered binding distributed randomly on the ciliary shaft. When unfixed trachea was treated with CF for 5 min at 4 degrees C, CF binding was similar except heavier and more uniform. In no instance was there any preferential binding of CF to the ciliary tips at any of the concentrations used. Moreover, as indicated by the CF binding pattern at L concentrations, high density negative charges are present over almost the entire surface of the cilium. These results suggest that, unlike the ciliary membrane of other organs such as oviduct, negatively charged cell surface coat molecules are present on all areas of the ciliary membrane of rat tracheal epithelia.  相似文献   
Summary A mutant strain of E. coli which was isolated initially because of its strong hyper-recombination phenotype was shown to carry a lesion in uvrD. The presence of this mutation, designated uvrD210, increased the frequency of recombination between chromosomal duplications in F-prime repliconant cells and reduced linkage between closely linked markers in crosses with Hfr donors. A comparable hyper-rec phenotype was demonstrated in strains carrying other alleles of uvrD previously referred to as mutU4, uvr502 and recL152. The recombination activity of a uvrD210 strain was abolished by mutation of recA but the mutator activity associated with this allele proved to be independent of recA. It is suggested that uvrD mutations reduce the fidelity of DNA replication and that the accumulation of lesions in the newly synthesized strand provides additional sites for initiating recombination.  相似文献   
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