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The sudden death of a Cebus apella female (>19 years old) on an experimental hyperlipidic diet during three years is described. The gross lesions were hemothorax, atherosclerotic plaques in the aortic curve, and an aneurysm in the ascending aorta. Histologically, an enlargement of the intima in the ascending aorta with hyalinization and a thrombus were observed. The media was thinned and showed sclerosis and hemorrhage extending to the tunica adventicia.  相似文献   
Alpha 6 integrin is an adhesion molecule that connects cells with extracellular matrix molecules of the laminin family. The laminin interaction seems to be essential for cell differentiation during embryogenesis and for the subsequent maintenance of tissue integrity in the adult. Alpha 6 integrin can also interact with laminin-independent cellular ligands and in this way plays a role in homing of leucocytes. Furthermore, in cancer biology 6 integrin has an important role in metastasis and as a possible new prognostic factor; exact knowledge of 6 integrin distribution in normal human tissues is therefore a crucial element. By immuno-histochemical methods we have screened 6 integrin expression of representative human tissues from the adult and the embryonic organism. All tested epithelia were 6 integrin positive, except for the endocrine cells of the pancreas and the adrenal glands. Heterogeneous staining was found on non-epithelial tissues. Strong staining was evident in peripheral nerves (Schwann cells), germ and Sertoli cells, endothelia, and smooth muscle cells of the myometrium. Weak staining was found in nerve cells of the stratum granulosum, the microglia, Kupffer's cells and stromal cells of the ovary. All fibroblasts, striated muscle cells and astrocytes were negative. The tissue distribution of 6 integrin and the semi-quantitative estimation of their expression level should provide a better understanding of 6 integrin function under normal and phathological conditions, in particular in tumour progression.  相似文献   
Huntington's disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative and hereditary disease characterized by progressive movement disorders and mental and behavioral abnormalities. The HD gene is an expanding and unstable trinucleotide repeat (CAG repeat sequences). We studied 77 individuals from 38 families with HD in an attempt to obtain information for genetic counselling and differential diagnosis. Our results indicate that individuals with more than 40 repeats will be affected by the disease, whereas those with fewer than 30 will be healthy. There can be some overlap between 30 and 40 repeats, and one should be careful when interpreting these results.  相似文献   
Active transport systems in bacteria can be divided into two groups: those that are osmotic shock-resistant with one single membrane protein, and those that are shock-sensitive and have a membrane-bound protein complex plus a soluble periplasmic protein. Whether the bacterial assimilatory nitrate transport falls into the one or the other of these two groups has not been studied before. We report that nitrate uptake by the strictly aerobic, N2-fixing heterotrophic bacterium Azotobacter chroococcum is sensitive to osmotic shock. The polypeptide composition of cytoplasmic membranes changes in response to the nitrogen source available to the cells. Incorporation of [35S]-methionine into proteins as well as use of the A. chroococcum TRI mutant, which is defective in nitrate transport, and the A. choococcum MCD1 strain, a mutant unable to use nitrate as a nitrogen source, suggest that nitrate transport into A. chroococcum cells is mediated by a multicomponent system tightly bound to the cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   
To study the effect of sperm concentration on the results of pig in vitro fertilization (IVF), 313 oocytes recovered from oviducts of prepubertal gilts after induction of ovulation were used. After capacitation, the number of live spermatozoa in the fertilization dishes was adjusted to 3 x 10(5), 6 x 10(5) and 12 x 10(5) cell/ml. After 4 hours of co-culture in TCM-199, the oocytes were pippeted to remove cumulus cells and the excess spermatozoa around the zona pellucida, and were transferred to fresh TCM-199 for another 12 14 hours . The results showed that 6 x 10(5) spermatozoa/ml is the optimum concentration for this system; the percentage of fertilized ova (71.6%) was not different from the best (76.8%), that was obtained with the highest concentration, and the percentage of monospermy (62.3%) was not different from the best (68.1%), that was obtained with the lowest concentration. The percentage of spermatozoa that reached the pronuclear stage increased while sperm concentration was decreased. The percentage of spermatozoa at the decondensed stage was decreased when the sperm concentration increased.  相似文献   
Three families of tandemly repetitive DNA from Crepis capillaris were cloned and characterized. Data obtained from in situ hybridization indicate that these families are located mainly in the heterochromatic C-bands. The pCcH32 family hybridizes at the paracentromeric C-band of the NOR (nucleolus-organized region) chromosome and along most of the long arm of the same chromosome. The pCcD29 family is located in all the remaining C-bands of the karyotype, while the third family, pCcE9, is restricted to the more proximal C-bands. Nucleotide sequence comparisons between one cloned repeating unit from each DNA family showed some significant regions of homology between the families. We discuss the sequence relationships between the three DNA families and the significance of our data in relation to models of heterochromatin evolution, emphasizing the concepts of equilocality and the differentiation of the NOR-bearing chromosome. We also examine the possible role that chromosome disposition, in either mitotic or meiotic nuclei, plays in the distribution and homogenization of heterochromatic DNA sequences.  相似文献   
One hundred strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from dry cured sausages were tested for antagonistic activity against a set of test strains. Nine of 52 strains of Lactobacilus casei and three of 48 strains of Lact. plantarun produced inhibition zones against the indicator species. The substance excreted by Lact. casei CRL 705 was active against Lact. plantarum, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and a wide range of Gram-negative bacteria. The activity of the antibacterial compound from Lact. casei CRL 705 was destroyed by papain, trypsin and pepsin, but was resistant to heat (100°C for 20 min), lysozyme and catalase. The agent was produced during the growth cycle and when the concentrated and neutralized supernatant fluid was added to a fresh culture of sensitive cells it produced a rapid inactivation. A decrease in optical density (O.D.) over time, indicative of cell lysis, was also observed. These characteristics allowed us to identify the inhibitory compound as a bacteriocin which we termed Lactocin 705.  相似文献   
Lactobacillus rhamnosus ATCC 7469 exhibited diauxie when grown in a medium containing both glucose and citrate as energy source. Glucose was used as the primary energy source during the glucose-citrate diauxie. Uptake of citrate was carried out by an inducible citrate transport system. The induction of citrate uptake system was repressed in the presence of glucose. This repression was reversible and mediated by cAMP.  相似文献   
Penicillium candidum grew and produced lipase in a culture medium supplemented with 0.2% olive oil. Significant enzyme production required the presence of olive, oil and was prevented by cycloheximide. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of filtrates from olive oil fermentations gave a single band of lipase activity (MW 80 KDa). Among the olive oil components only oleate allowed significant lipase production. Other carboxylic and saturated fatty acids containing similar or lower numbers of carbon atoms, did not cause derepression of lipase formation.  相似文献   
The rat liver asialoglycoprotein receptor consists of two typesof subunits, a predominant polypeptide designated rat hepaticlectin 1 (RHL-1) and a minor polypeptide, RHL-2/3, that comesin two differentially glycosylated forms. The exact stoichiometryand arrangement of the subunits in the RHL oligomer are notknown. The carbohydrate-recognition domain of RHL-2/ has beenprepared by limited proteolysis of the liver receptor so thatits properties can be compared with those of the correspondingdomain of RHL-1 previously produced in a bacterial expressionsystem. Binding studies indicate that while RHL-1 binds N-acetylgalactosaminewith approximately 60-fold higher affinity than it binds galactose,RHL-2/ has only 2-fold selectivity for N-acetylgalactosamine.In general, the pattern of monosaccharide-binding specificityfor RHL-2/ is similar to RHL-1, but the discrimination of varioussugars relative to galactose is reduced substantially. Limitedproteolysis and crosslinking studies demonstrate that RHL- 2/is easily removed from the RHL oligomer in detergent solutionand that RHL-1 remains at least trimeric following removal ofRHL-2/. These studies suggest that RHL-1 forms a ligand-bindingcore while RHL-2/ acts more as an accessory subunit contributingto selective binding of certain oligosaccharide structures. asialoglycoprotein receptor binding carbohydrate recognition lectin proteolysis  相似文献   
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