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Stbd1 is a protein of previously unknown function that is most prevalent in liver and muscle, the major sites for storage of the energy reserve glycogen. The protein is predicted to contain a hydrophobic N terminus and a C-terminal CBM20 glycan binding domain. Here, we show that Stbd1 binds to glycogen in vitro and that endogenous Stbd1 locates to perinuclear compartments in cultured mouse FL83B or Rat1 cells. When overexpressed in COSM9 cells, Stbd1 concentrated at enlarged perinuclear structures, co-localized with glycogen, the late endosomal/lysosomal marker LAMP1 and the autophagy protein GABARAPL1. Mutant Stbd1 lacking the N-terminal hydrophobic segment had a diffuse distribution throughout the cell. Point mutations in the CBM20 domain did not change the perinuclear localization of Stbd1, but glycogen was no longer concentrated in this compartment. Stable overexpression of glycogen synthase in Rat1WT4 cells resulted in accumulation of glycogen as massive perinuclear deposits, where a large fraction of the detectable Stbd1 co-localized. Starvation of Rat1WT4 cells for glucose resulted in dissipation of the massive glycogen stores into numerous and much smaller glycogen deposits that retained Stbd1. In vitro, in cells, and in animal models, Stbd1 consistently tracked with glycogen. We conclude that Stbd1 is involved in glycogen metabolism by binding to glycogen and anchoring it to membranes, thereby affecting its cellular localization and its intracellular trafficking to lysosomes.  相似文献   
农业生态系统中新物种引进的初步探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在现有的农业生态系统中,引进某些新物种,往往可以使整个系统的功能发生变化。如果新物种引进得当,则可产生良好的效果,系统功能得以改善,效益提高;反之,则会造成人力、物力、财力的损失,削弱系统的功能,甚至可能遗患无穷。因此,对农业生态系统中  相似文献   
A tandemly repeated DNA sequence (RRS7) was isolated from Oryza alta (CCDD). RRS7-related sequences were also found tandemly arrayed in genomes AA, BB, BBCC, CC, and EE, and a small amount of RRS7-related sequences were detected in genome FF and the Oryza species with unknown genomes. DNA sequence analysis of the 1844-bp insert of RRS7 revealed that it contained six tandemly repeated units, of which five were 155 bp in length and one was 194 bp in length and contained an imperfect internal 39-bp duplication. Southern blot analysis showed that the boundary sequence contained in RRS7 is a single-copy sequence. A 155-bp consensus sequence derived from the six monomeric repeats contained no internal repeat and showed no significant homology to other currently known sequences. The results of Southern blot and sequence analysis revealed that there are at least two subfamilies present in the RRS7 family; these are represented by the DraI site and the MspI site, respectively. Restriction digestion with two pairs of isoschizomers MboI/Sau3A and MspI/HpaII demonstrated that most of the C residues in the GATC sites and the internal C in the CCGG sites of the RRS7 family in O. Alta were methylated. The usefulness of the RRS7 family in determining the evolutionary relationship of the genome DD and other Oryza genomes is discussed.  相似文献   
长白山劲松林场植物群落的分类和排序   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
将长白山白河林业局劲松林场的54块样地用聚类分析法划分成6个植被类群,再用PC-VTAB程序中经过改进的Braun-Blanquet学派的植被排表分析法进行综合,产生了鉴别概要表,为各个等级的植被类群筛选出诊断种。此外,还用鉴别种地样地记录进行主成分分析,以验证诊断种的有效性,结果表明,PC-VTAB中的植被排表分析法是筛选鉴别种的有效方法,而鉴别种以显著地提高植被分析和排序的质量。  相似文献   
衣藻(Chlamydomonas sp)是属于绿藻门的最低等单细胞植物,为典型的真核生物。迄今以衣藻为材料所作的有关细胞骨架方面的研究多集中在微管蛋白(tubulin)。C.J.Miller等曾以衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)全蛋白与几种中间纤维抗体进行免疫印迹实验有阳性反应,但是衣藻中是否存在中间纤维与核纤层是不清楚的问题。衣藻中间纤维与核纤层的形态研究更未见报道。目前认为中间纤维-核纤  相似文献   
The pollution of heavy metals in soil to the environment is becoming more and more serious, resulting in the reduction of crop production and the occurrence of medical accidents. In order to remove heavy metal ions from soil and reduce the harm of heavy metals to the environment, modified peanut shell was used to adsorb Cr3+ in this article. The effects of different adsorption conditions on the adsorption rate and adsorption capacity of Cr3+ on ZnCl2 modified peanut shell were studied, the best adsorption conditions were explored, and the relationship of kinetics, thermodynamics and adsorption isotherm properties of adsorption process were explored. The results showed that the optimum adsorption pH value, dosage, initial concentration, adsorption temperature and contact time of ZnCl2 modified peanut shell were 2.5, 2.5 g/L, 75 μg/mL, 25 °C and 40 min, respectively. The prepared materials were characterized and analyzed by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyzer. It was concluded that the modified peanut shell had a good adsorption capacity to Cr3+. The kinetic study showed that the adsorption process of Cr3+ on peanut shell modified by zinc chloride was in accordance with the quasi-second-order kinetic model. The adsorption process belonged to exothermic reaction and belonged to spontaneous reaction process. In summary, it is proved that zinc chloride modified peanut shell can efficiently adsorb Cr3+, which can be used for the treatment of heavy metal wastes in industry, which is beneficial to environmental protection and avoid heavy metal pollution.  相似文献   
本文利用荧光、紫外差光谱研究了根霉葡萄糖淀粉酶在盐酸胍变性后的复性、复活动力学。结果表明,该酶在小于4mol/L盐酸胍中变性是可逆的,其复性过程遵循一级反应方程。酶复活过程是由两个一级反应组成的复合反应,构象变化速度与复活过程中较快的反应速度相差无几,这可能是在Trp及Tyr微区的构象变化基本完成之后,酶活力恢复还没有完成造成的。  相似文献   
TGFβ activated kinase 1 (TAK1), a member of the MAPKKK family, controls diverse functions ranging from innate and adaptive immune system activation to vascular development and apoptosis. To analyse the in vivo function of TAK1 in cartilage, we generated mice with a conditional deletion of Tak1 driven by the collagen 2 promoter. Tak1col2 mice displayed severe chondrodysplasia with runting, impaired formation of secondary centres of ossification, and joint abnormalities including elbow dislocation and tarsal fusion. This phenotype resembled that of bone morphogenetic protein receptor (BMPR)1 and Gdf5-deficient mice. BMPR signalling was markedly impaired in TAK1-deficient chondrocytes as evidenced by reduced expression of known BMP target genes as well as reduced phosphorylation of Smad1/5/8 and p38/Jnk/Erk MAP kinases. TAK1 mediates Smad1 phosphorylation at C-terminal serine residues. These findings provide the first in vivo evidence in a mammalian system that TAK1 is required for BMP signalling and functions as an upstream activating kinase for Smad1/5/8 in addition to its known role in regulating MAP kinase pathways. Our experiments reveal an essential role for TAK1 in the morphogenesis, growth, and maintenance of cartilage.  相似文献   
探讨我国森林野生动物红外相机监测规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野生动物多样性是生物多样性监测与保护管理评价的关键指标, 因此对野生动物进行长期监测是中国森林生物多样性监测网络(CForBio)等大尺度生物多样性监测研究计划的一个重要组成部分。2011年以来, CForBio网络陆续在多个森林动态监测样地开展以红外相机来监测野生动物多样性。随着我国野生动物红外相机监测网络的初步形成, 亟待建立和执行基于红外相机技术的统一监测规范。基于3年来在我国森林动态监测样地红外相机监测的进展情况, 以及热带生态评价与监测网络针对陆生脊椎动物(兽类和鸟类)所提出的红外相机监测规范, 本文从监测规范和监测注意事项等方面探讨了我国森林野生动物红外相机监测的现状和未来。  相似文献   
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