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为了研究神经元限制性沉默因子(NRSF)调控神经元及胰岛细胞中神经特异性基因的表达,进一步寻找胰岛细胞中可能存在的其他NRSF调控基因.先用生物信息学手段对相关基因进行了分析.筛选及序列比对发现,人胰岛素核心启动子区有一段与NRSE相似的序列,提示,它可能受NRSF调控.构建了含NRSF基因的慢病毒载体,将其稳定转染于INS-1细胞.构建了3种荧光素酶报告载体:含有人胰岛素启动子-荧光素酶(hInsP-LUC)的慢病毒载体,pGL3-Basic载体和含有2拷贝NRSE样基序-荧光素酶(NRSE-LUC)的报告载体.利用稳定转染及瞬时转染实验观察NRSF对报告载体中荧光素酶活性的影响.利用电泳迁移率变动分析实验观察NRSE样基序与NRSF蛋白的结合情况,并通过竞争结合实验、引入特异性抗体实验证实探针与蛋白质结合的特异性.RT-PCR检测证实,感染空病毒的INS-1细胞不表达NRSF,感染含目的基因慢病毒的INS-1细胞能表达NRSF.将含有hInsP-LUC的慢病毒载体稳定转染于上述2种细胞,荧光素酶活性分析结果显示,NRSF的过表达能明显降低胰岛素启动子的活性.瞬时转染hInsP-LUC报告系统于上述2种细胞,结果也显示NRSF能明显抑制胰岛素启动子-荧光素酶的活性.将含有NRSE-LUC的报告载体瞬时转染于上述2种细胞,结果表明过表达NRSF的INS-1细胞组的荧光素酶相对值比对照组有明显下降.电泳迁移率变动分析实验进一步证实,此NRSE样序列可以与NRSF蛋白特异结合,这种特异结合可以被标准的NRSE序列所竞争.结果表明,人胰岛素启动子中含有NRSE样序列,该序列通过与NRSF蛋白结合从而抑制人胰岛素启动子的转录活性.这一研究工作有助于进一步了解NRSF在胰岛细胞中的调控作用.  相似文献   
荧光蛋白(Fluorescent protein,FPs)可作为探针用以探究细胞内分子间相互作用,追踪特定代谢物的代谢途径,对活细胞内的各种代谢过程和细胞通路进行详细、准确的描述。目前已有的FPs几乎已经覆盖了从紫外光到远红外光的所有光谱波段,这些FPs借助高分辨率显微技术应用于生命科学的诸多领域,为生物学的发展作出巨大贡献。橙色FPs通常指光谱区间在540–570nm的FPs,近几年来关于橙色FPs的研究进展较快,并且其作为标记蛋白以及荧光共振能量转移技术(Fluorescence resonance energy transfer,FRET)中的荧光受体在生物学及医学领域得到较多的应用。文中综述了近15年橙色FPs领域的相关研究,重点聚焦橙色FPs的发展和应用,为今后橙色FPs的研究提供依据。  相似文献   
大肠杆菌tyrR基因剔除及其对苯丙氨酸生物合成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TyrR是大肠杆菌芳香族氨基酸生物合成和运输途径中的一种全局性调控蛋白质。采用双交换同源重组的方法定位突变大肠杆菌染色体tyrR基因 ,在该基因中插入带有卡那霉素抗性基因的DNA片段 ,使之失活 ,实现基因剔除。经PCR、DNA测序、lacZ报告基因等多种方法证实了基因剔除的可靠性。tyrR基因剔除后 ,大肠杆菌芳香族氨基酸生物合成中受TyrR蛋白调控的关键酶的酶活力有所提高 :3 脱氧 2 阿拉伯庚酮糖 7 磷酸合成酶(DAHPS ,由aroG编码 )酶活力提高了 1.0 8倍 ,转氨酶 (AT ,由tyrB编码 )酶活力提高了 2 .70倍 ;突变菌株发酵生产苯丙氨酸的能力提高了 1.5 9倍 ;同时 ,与芳香族氨基酸运输相关的通透酶基因aroP(P)的阻遏被解除 ,细胞运输芳香族氨基酸的能力提高了 70 .2 %。  相似文献   
介绍了交变脉冲电场凝胶电泳的原理、方法及其在植物大分子DNA制备方面的应用  相似文献   
王亚军  仪茜茜  王钢  孙雪  杨锐 《生态科学》2010,29(6):507-511
为阐明中国沿海浒苔的亲缘关系及地理分布特点,采集青岛栈桥、盐城弶港、宁波象山、温州平阳四地浒苔样本,克隆测序得到ITS1、5.8SrDNA和ITS23种不同长度序列片段。四个地区的rbcL目的片段,长度均为1201bp。分析核苷酸差异和遗传距离,采用邻接法建立系统发生树。结果显示,ITS序列进化速率较快,rbcL序列相当保守。ITS区较短,GC含量均在65%以上,5.8SrDNA的CG含量在50%左右,ITS1区的序列差异大于ITS2区。四个地区的浒苔存在一定的地理差异,盐城和青岛的样本间的亲缘关系较近;宁波和温州的样本间的亲缘关系较近。石莼属(Ulva)和浒苔属(Enteromorpha)的物种没有聚成各自独立的分枝,而是相互混合在一起,应是两个亲缘关系相近的属。引起青岛绿潮的海藻很可能是来自盐城海域的Enteromorpha linzaEnteromorpha prolifera。  相似文献   
Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is a therapeutic target of anti-angiogenesis. Here, we report that a novel sulfated glycopeptide derived from Gekko swinhonis Guenther (GSPP), an anticancer drug in traditional Chinese medicine, inhibits tumor angiogenesis by targeting bFGF. GSPP significantly decreased the production of bFGF in hepatoma cells by suppressing early growth response-1. GSPP inhibited the release of bFGF from extracellular matrix by blocking heparanase enzymatic activity. Moreover, GSPP competitively inhibited bFGF binding to heparin/heparan sulfate via direct binding to bFGF. Importantly, GSPP abrogated the bFGF-stimulated proliferation and migration of endothelial cells, whereas it had no inhibitory effect on endothelial cells in the absence of bFGF. Further study revealed that GSPP prevented bFGF-induced neovascularization and inhibited tumor angiogenesis and tumor growth in a xenograft mouse model. These results demonstrate that GSPP inhibits tumor angiogenesis by blocking bFGF production, release from the extracellular matrix, and binding to its low affinity receptor, heparin/heparan sulfate.  相似文献   
近年来,细菌耐药性已成为抗感染领域面临的严峻问题,临床对一些细菌性感染疾病束手无策。噬菌体疗法是一种通过噬菌体裂解细菌来治疗病原菌感染的治疗手段。噬菌体在抗菌领域表现出显著的优越性,成为目前治疗细菌性感染的研究热点。本文对近年来噬菌体治疗动物和人类病原菌感染、限制其临床应用的因素及解决措施进行综述。  相似文献   
采用血管灌流大鼠离体胃模型,探讨生长抑素对胃运动的影响。结果表明:(1)生长抑素能明显抑制胃窦自发和胃动素兴奋的胃运动;(2)生长抑素可抑制离体胃内源性胃泌素释放;(3)抗生长抑素血清和前列腺素合成酶抑制剂消炎痛可阻断生长抑素对胃窦运动的抑制作用。上述结果提示:生长抑素的抑制作用除通过直接作用于生长抑素受体外,还可能通过胃窦局部前列腺素介导来抑制胃的运动。  相似文献   
A multi-vitamin auxotroph, Torulopsis glabrata strain WSH-IP303, which can use ammonium chloride as a sole nitrogen source for pyruvate production, was selected. To optimize pyruvate yield and productivity, a simple but useful, orthogonal design method, was used to investigate the relationship between thiamine, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, and riboflavin. Thiamine was confirmed to be the most important factor affecting pyruvate production. When the concentration of thiamine was 0.01 mg/l or 0.015 mg/l, glucose consumption was improved by increasing the nicotinic acid concentration. When the concentrations of nicotinic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine, biotin, and riboflavin were 8.0, 0.015, 0.4, 0.04, and 0.1 mg/l, respectively, pyruvate concentration and yield reached 52 g/l and 0.52 g/g, respectively, in a 48-h flask culture. By employing a combination of the optimum vitamin concentrations, a batch culture was conducted in a 2.5-l fermentor with an initial glucose concentration of 112 g/l; and the pyruvate concentration reached 69 g/l after 56 h (yielding 0.62 g/g).  相似文献   
Gao Y  Li N  Fei R  Chen Z  Zheng S  Zeng X 《Molecules and cells》2005,19(3):350-355
Selectins are carbohydrate-binding cell adhesion molecules that play a major role in the initiation of inflammatory responses. Heparin can bind to P-selectin, and its anti-inflammatory property is mainly due to inhibition of P-selectin. However, the strong anticoagulant activity of heparin limits its clinical use. We prepared periodate-oxidized, borohydride-reduced heparin (RO-heparin) by chemical modification and tested its anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory activities. Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assays showed that, compared with heparin, RO-heparin had greatly reduced anticoagulant activity. Intravenous administration of this compound led to reduction in the peritoneal infiltration of neutrophils in a mouse acute inflammation model. In vitro cell adhesion experiments demonstrated that the effect of RO-heparin on inflammatory responses was mainly due to inhibiting the interaction of P-selectin with its ligands. These results indicate that RO-heparin may be a safer treatment for inflammation than heparin, especially when selectin is targeted.  相似文献   
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