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糙叶败酱挥发油镇静作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文观察了败酱科植物糙叶败酱(Patrinia scabra Bunge)根和根茎中制得的挥发油的镇静作用,井与黄花败酱挥发油做了比较。结果表明,此油灌胃给予数组小鼠,剂量0.45ml/kg,显示如下的作用:[1]能显著延长由于腹腔注射戊巴比妥钠(50mg/kg)引起的小鼠睡眠时间,但其作用强度弱于黄花败酱挥发油。(2)一次灌胃给予小鼠大剂量10.46g/kg的糙叶败酱挥发油,连续观察10天,动物外观正常,无一死亡,体重增加与对照组相似。  相似文献   
Expression of the p85gag-mos oncoprotein in temperature sensitive transformed 6m2 cells results in desensitization of glucocorticoid induction of metallothionein-1 mRNA. Indirect immunofluorescence analyses demonstrate that hormone insensitivity in v-mos transformed cells is associated with inefficient nuclear retention of glucocorticoid receptor (GR) protein. Desensitized receptors that accumulate in the cytoplasm of transformed 6m2 cells do not regain the capacity for hormone-dependent nuclear translocation after turnover of the thermo-labile p85gag-mos oncoprotein. Although ligand induced down-regulation of immunoreactive GR protein occurs in transformed 6m2 cells, desensitized receptors appear to retain some capacity to bind hormone in vivo. Thus alterations in the intracellular partitioning of GR protein in v-mos-transformed cells result in the generation of a novel desensitized receptor that is apparently trapped in the cytoplasm and incapable of being reutilized.  相似文献   
大肠杆菌棉子糖操纵子α—半乳糖苷酶表达的调节控制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏悌之  徐铃 《微生物学报》1989,29(3):180-186
The alpha-galactosidase, coded for by the first structural gene rafA in the plasmid determined raf operon was an inducible enzyme. In contrast to lac or mel operon, raf operon has more strict structural specificity for inducers. The enzyme can be induced by melibiose and raffinose, or weakly by D-galactose, but not by structurally related sugars such as lactose, PNPG etc.. The alpha-galactosidase forming capacity as function of growth curve reached a single peak at the end of the logarithmic phase of the growth. The structure and regulation of raf operon is similar to those of lac operon. The repressormor-mediated negative control plays a major role in the regulation of raf operon, and cAMP-CAP mediated positive control is also involved in the regulation. When 0.4% glucose was added into the medium with other carbon sources, the expression of the enzyme was repressed by 2-3 fold. Transient catabolite repression has been observed neither in inducible nor constitutive alpha-galactosidase expression. Based on alpha-galactosidase assay, in mutant strains CA8306(cya) and CA8445 (cya, crp) the expression level of raf operon was only 9% and 2.5% of that in wild type strain respectively. The glucose effect or the repression in cya mutant can be abolished by 1-5 mmol cAMP. The constitutive alpha-galactosidase expression in cya and cry double mutant (CA8445) remains repressible by glucose, but irreversible by cAMP, suggesting cAMP-CAP complex is not the exclusive mediator of the catablite repression.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
记内蒙古Juxia一新种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文记述了在内蒙古沙拉木伦额尔登敖包地区第三系下渐新统乌兰戈楚组中发现的始巨犀的一个新种:寿氏始巨犀(Juxia shoui)。据其前臼齿及鼻切迹的位置等特点,这一新种当为始巨犀属中比较进步的一个成员,是包氏始巨犀和巨犀之间的过渡类型的犀类动物。  相似文献   
本实验用生物测定法观察了模拟海拔5000m高度连续缺氧20d对大鼠肺动脉内皮依赖性和非内皮依赖性舒张反应的影响。结果显示慢性缺氧明显抑制了肺内和肺外动脉对乙酰胆碱、ATP、硝普钠和异丙肾上腺素舒张反应的敏感性和反应性。在浓度为10~(-6)mol/L时,缺氧组大鼠肺内动脉对乙酰胆碱、硝普钠和异丙肾上腺素的舒张反应分别只有对照组大鼠的61.3%、75.9%和61.7%,对浓度为1.8×10~(-5)mol/L的ATP的舒张反应只有对照组大鼠的64.9%。研究表明,ATP和乙酰胆碱主要是通过内皮舒张因子使肺动脉产生内皮依赖性舒张反应,硝普钠和异丙肾上腺素分别通过直接激活血管平滑肌细胞鸟苷酸环化酶和β受体使血管产生非内皮依赖性舒张反应。缺氧同时抑制了肺动脉内皮依赖性和非内皮依赖性舒张反应,提示慢性缺氧可能抑制了正常肺内舒血管活性物质的生理作用。  相似文献   
裂叶苣荬菜的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对裂叶苣荬菜(Sonchus arvensis L)进行了初步研究。考察了它的植物生态特征和分布环境,预试了化学成分并进行了临床病例观察。为裂叶苣荬菜以其本名作为治疗肝炎的草药入药提供了可靠的依据。  相似文献   
本实验用清醒麻痹的家猫观察到,皮层第二体感区(SⅡ区)的下行活动对尾核痛相关单位的自发放电和伤害性反应均有影响。在35个痛相关单位中,刺激SⅡ区后,62.7%的自发放电受到影响(p<0.05)。在72个痛相关单位中,刺激SⅡ区后,77.8%的伤害性反应受到抑制(p<0.01),其中抑制痛兴奋单位的伤害性反应最为明显。而用利多卡因局部阻滞SⅡ区后,33个痛相关单位中,51.5%的伤害性反应增强(p<0.01)。本结果提示:(1)SⅡ区的下行活动不仅对尾核痛相关单位的自发活动有影响,而且对痛相关单位的伤害性反应有以抑制为主的下行性调制作用。(2)在正常机能状态下,SⅡ区对伤害性信息向尾核的传递有一定的紧张性的下行性抑制作用。  相似文献   
利用标记基因选配褐壳蛋鸡配套杂交亲本   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用本实验室研制的抗鸡红细胞抗原单价血清(4个位点, 14个等位基因)和DNA指纹技术,对我们组配成功的一个褐壳蛋鸡配套系统的5个亲本进行了群体遗传学分析。结果表明,由标记基因测定所提供的亲本品系遗传差异的大小, 与这些品系实际杂交效果的优劣相一致,证实了标记辅助选种方法有的效性。  相似文献   
马桑菌株的生物学特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对从湖北、四川、云南等地采集的尼泊尔马桑(Coriaria nepalensis Wall.)根瘤中分离的20株内生菌纯培养物所进行的研究表明,其形态均具有弗兰克氏菌属的特征。在粗细不一的分枝菌丝体上有泡囊和孢囊,有的还有串珠状结构的菌丝体。不同菌株在液体培养基上生长速度很不一致;菌丝体多呈絮状或颗粒状沉淀,个别还呈薄膜状沉淀;绝大多数菌株的菌丝体具有不同色调的色素;在S培养基中大多数都能产生可溶性色素。上述这些培养特征常因培养基成分和培养方式的不同而有差异。大多数菌株的胞壁组分属Ⅱ型,少数菌株为Ⅲ型;全细胞糖型变化很大,20个菌株可划分为6个糖型,而且绝大多数糖型与已知弗兰克氏菌有所不同。此外,有65%的菌株还具有明显的抗菌活性。  相似文献   
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