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The plunge reaction of the backswimmerNotonecta glauca   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary A reaction that causes flying backswimmers to dive into the water is described. This plunge reaction consists of the following sequence of movements: the animal briefly (typically for 60 ms) raises the body axis head-up, then tilts downward while spreading out the rowing legs and closing the wings. The backswimmers also exhibit the plunge reaction in the laboratory when they are over a structured surface emitting polarized UV light. Factors that elicit the plunge reaction and affect its course are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The highly coiled testicular artery within the bovine spermatic cord has a constant luminal diameter but a continuously decreasing mural thickness. The pampini form plexus is composed of three interconnected venous networks differing in mesh sizes and calibres. The large veins of the first network display pouches and permanent constrictions, which may serve as throttle devices. The constitutents of the third network are venules or venous capillaries with diameters between 10 and 20 m; they favor a periarterial position or even occupy the media-adventitia border of the testicular artery. All plexus veins are devoid of valves. The existence of true arteriovenous anastomoses between smaller branches of the testicular artery and plexus veins was established by serial sections. The vascular morphology of the spermatic cord is discussed with special attention to a postulated venous-arterial steroid transfer in this region.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Stiftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung an der Universität Bern  相似文献   
Flash excitation of isolated intact chloroplasts promoted absorbance transients corresponding to the electrochromic effect (P-518) and the α-bands of cytochrome b6 and cytochrome f. Under conditions supporting coupled cyclic electron flow, the oxidation of cytochrome b6 and the reduction of cytochrome f had relaxation half-times of 15 and 17 ms, respectively. Optimal poising of cyclic electron flow, achieved by addition of 0.1 μM 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, increased phosphorylation of endogenous ADP and prolonged these relaxation times. The presence of NH4Cl, or monensin plus NaCl, decreased the half-times for cytochrome relaxation to approximately 2 ms. Uncouplers also revealed the presence of a slow rise component in the electrochromic absorption shift, with formation half-time of about 2 ms. The inhibitors of cyclic phosphorylation antimycin and 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone abolished the slow rise in the electrochromic shift and prolonged the uncoupled relaxation times of cytochromes b6 and f by factors of ten or more.These observations indicate that cytochrome b6, plastoquinone and cytochrome f participate in a coupled electron transport process responsible for cyclic phosphorylation in intact chloroplasts. Estimations of cyclic phosphorylation rates from 40 to 120 μmol ATP/mg chlorophyll per h suggest that this process can provide a substantial fraction of the ATP needed for CO2 fixation.  相似文献   
Antennae of the silk moth, Bombyx mori, were frozen by immersion into propane at ? 180 °C, and further processed by (a) freeze substitution (FS) or (b) freeze etching (FE). Although no cryoprotectant was used, freezing damage was observed in deeper tissue regions only. Data from FS specimens closely resemble those from FE replicas. Therefore, FS usually does not induce noticeable secondary artefacts by the preparation steps subsequent to freezing. When compared with chemically fixed antennae, the superior quality of cryofixation in this tissue is evident, particularly where cell surfaces and processes border the receptor lymph cavity: membranes are smooth following a steady course; dendrites and axons are round in cross-section with evenly distributed microtubules. The value of cryofixation is discussed with special reference to structures of presumed functional significance (e.g. stimulus conducting pore tubules, intramembrane particles of the receptor membrane, the ciliary segment of the dendrites, intercellular dilations, membrane junctions).  相似文献   
Summary Under selective growth conditions a revertant of mouse cells, defective in hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase activity (HPRT, EC-No., was isolated, which contained an electrophoretically abnormal form of HPRT activity. The specific HPRT activity in crude extracts of the revertant cells is about 30% of the level determined in normal wild type cells. The variant HPRT reacts with antiserum against normal mouse HPRT but the rate of heat inactivation of the variant activity is different from the wild type form. By isozyme and karyotype analyses of somatic cell hybrids between the revertant mouse cells and Chinese hamster cells we found that the abnormal HPRT activity is coded for by the mouse X-chromosome as expected for a mutation in the structural HPRT gene.DNA has been purified from the abnormal HPRT revertant cells and incubated with mouse A9 cells (HPRT-). After growth in selective medium one clone was isolated which expressed the electrophoretically abnormal form of HPRT. Six clones showed the normal form of HPRT due to reversion of the defective HRRT locus in A9 cells. This result indicates DNA-mediated transfer of the mouse HPRT gene at a frequency of about 0.5×10-7. A similar frequency has been found for transfer of the variant HPRT locus via isolated metaphase chromosomes to A9 recipient cells. When placed in non-selective media the DNA-mediated transferent cells gradually lost their ability to express the HPRT transgenome at a rate of about 6% per average cell generation.  相似文献   
From livers of estrogen-stimulated female Xenopus toads, large quantities of estrogen-induced, poly(A)-containing RNA could be isolated, showing the same characteristics as vitellogenin mRNA obtained from hormone-treated males.Using cDNA hybridization, vitellogenin mRNA was monitored in the cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA of the liver of male toads during 13 days of primary and the initial phase of secondary stimulation with estrogen.During primary stimulation, low amounts of vitellogenin mRNA, not exceeding 0.18% of the cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA, were first detected after 12 hr of hormone treatment, and vitellogenin mRNA was found to increase on the average to 34% of the cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA on the seventh day of hormone treatment. After 3 days of primary stimulation, accumulation of vitellogenin mRNA leveled off, showing no significant increase in the cytoplasm up to 13 days of hormone treatment. As judged from incorporation of 32PO4 into blood plasma proteins of males during primary stimulation, vitellogenin was first detected after 1 day, and its synthesis was found to increase dramatically until the thirteenth day of hormone treatment. This implies that there is a coincidence between appearance and extent of synthesis of vitellogenin and the abundance of vitellogenin mRNA in the cytoplasm, but there is evidence that during later phase of primary stimulation (day 3–13), the increase in synthesis of vitellogenin cannot be attributed anymore to a significant accumulation of vitellogenin mRNA.In male Xenopus, estrogen-induced synthesis of vitellogenin is no more detectable 41 days after hormone injection, and the concentration of vitellogenin mRNA was found to be <0.03% of the cytoplasmic poly(A)-containing RNA. Secondary stimulation by estrogen of these animals results in an at least 30 fold faster accumulation of vitellogenin mRNA in the cytoplasm within the initial 12 hr of hormone treatment. This may explain the faster appearance of vitellogenin in the blood plasma.  相似文献   
The behaviour of the spider crab Inachus phalangium (Fabricius, 1775), which lives in association with the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata (Pennant), was studied in the field. The crab was found in the littoral zone of the Mediterranean Sea near Banyuls sur Mer, France, in the whole depth range studied (0.5–25 m). The crabs had a long-lasting association with individual Anemonia sulcata, occasionally with Aiptasia mutabilis. Most crabs were found in association with the same anemone for several days, some crabs were found in association with the same anemone for longer than one month. In the areas studied, on average 65 Inachus phalangium were found on 100 anemones. Crabs released in the vicinity of anemones moved towards them and entered them. Inachus phalangium could walk between the tentacles of Anemonia sulcata and Aiptasia mutabilis without eliciting feeding reactions of the anemone. The crabs left the anemones for moulting. After moulting masking material was removed from the exuvia and used again. The animals returned into an anemone while still soft. Material used for masking, usually algae, could be picked off the body and eaten. Masking material may be a food reservoir in addition to providing camouflage. Anemones were left only during night-time. The crabs left their anemone to moult, to feed in the vicinity, fleeing from larger conspecifics, and to migrate to a different anemone. Outside the anemone's protection Inachus was eaten by several species of fish. Individuals appeared to avoid each other. 57% of all animals were found alone on an anemone. Large males and females were more frequently found alone than were small males and females. Fights were observed between members of the same and of the opposite sex. During fights, legs and claws could be torn off. Adult males migrated more often between anemones and moved over larger distances when migrating than did adult females. Adult males probably migrated in search of sexually mature females. Such a roving strategy is evolutionarily stable only when the higher costs (in terms of energy expenditure and mortality) are compensated for by a higher number of offspring than produced in the alternative, pair-bonding strategy.  相似文献   
The chick axon-associated surface glycoprotein neurofascin is implicated in axonal growth and fasciculation as revealed by antibody perturbation experiments. Here we report the complete cDNA sequence of neurofascin. It is composed of four structural elements: At the NH2 terminus neurofascin contains six Ig-like motifs of the C2 subcategory followed by four fibronectin type III (FNIII)-related repeats. Between the FNIII-like repeats and the plasma membrane spanning region neurofascin contains a domain 75-amino acid residues-long rich in proline, alanine and threonine which might be the target of extensive O-linked glycosylation. A transmembrane segment is followed by a 113-amino acid residues-long cytoplasmic domain. Sequence comparisons indicate that neurofascin is most closely related to chick Nr-CAM and forms with L1 (Ng-CAM) and Nr-CAM a subgroup within the vertebrate Ig superfamily. Sequencing of several overlapping cDNA probes reveals interesting heterogeneities throughout the neurofascin polypeptide. Genomic Southern blots analyzed with neurofascin cDNA clones suggest that neurofascin is encoded by a single gene and its pre-mRNA might be therefore alternatively spliced. Northern blot analysis with domain specific probes showed that neurofascin mRNAs of about 8.5 kb are expressed throughout development in embryonic brain but not in liver. Isolation of neurofascin by immunoaffinity chromatography results in several molecular mass components. To analyze their origin the amino-terminal sequences of several neurofascin components were determined. The NH2-terminal sequences of the 185, 160, and 110-135 kD components are all the same as the NH2 termini predicted by the cDNA sequence, whereas the other neurofascin components start with a sequence found in a putative alternatively spliced segment between the Ig- and FNIII-like part indicating that they are derived by proteolytic cleavage. A combination of enzymatic and chemical deglycosylation procedures and the analysis of peanut lectin binding reveals O- and N-linked carbohydrates on neurofascin components which might generate additional heterogeneity.  相似文献   
Summary Almost all of the body's extracellular immunoglobulin (Ig) is derived from Ig-secreting plasma cells of lymphoid tissues. The secreted material is a heterogeneous mixture of different classes and specificities. Lymphoid tissues also contain a large number of essentially non-secretory cells — B lymphocytes — which bear Ig firmly associated with their plasma membranes. Ig molecules thus exist in two functionally different forms, as membrane-bound antigen receptors on the surface of B lymphocytes on the one hand, and as humoral secreted Ig antibodies on the other. On B cells, membrane-bound heavy chains have an apparent mol. wt. slightly larger than that of secreted heavy chains from plasma cells. Membrane-bound but not secreted heavy chains bind detergents, thus suggesting the presence of a hydrophobic region in membrane-bound heavy chains, which is absent in secreted heavy chains. Most investigations have dealt with immunoglobulin M. The two types of IgM heavy chains differ at their carboxy termini. Recent investigations at the nucleic acid level demonstrate that membrane-associated µ chains contain a 41-residue hydrophobic tail adjacent to the last constant domain, whereas secretory µ chains contain a 20-residue hydrophilic tail. At the present time, evidence is accumulating that all membrane-bound Ig heavy chain classes may contain similar hydrophobic structures necessary for anchorage of the molecules into the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   
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