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NAD(+)-dependent glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (G3PDH) is generally absent in archaea, because archaea, unlike eukaryotes and eubacteria, utilize glycerol-1-phosphate instead of glycerol-3-phosphate for the biosynthesis of membrane lipids. Surprisingly, the genome of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus comprises a G3PDH ortholog, gpsA, most likely due to horizontal gene transfer from a eubacterial organism. Biochemical characterization proved G3PDH-like activity of the recombinant gpsA gene product. However, unlike other G3PDHs, the up to 85 degrees C thermostable A. fulgidus G3PDH exerted a 15-fold preference for NADPH over NADH. The A. fulgidus G3PDH bears the hallmarks of adaptation to halotolerance and thermophilicity, because its 1.7-A crystal structure showed a high surface density for negative charges and 10 additional intramolecular salt bridges compared to a mesophilic G3PDH structure. Whereas all amino acid residues required for dihydroxyacetone phosphate binding and reductive catalysis are highly conserved, the binding site for the adenine moiety of the NAD(P) cosubstrate shows a structural variation that reflects the observed NADPH preference, for example, by a putative salt bridge between R49 and the 2'-phosphate.  相似文献   
Knowledge of the spatial scales of diversity is necessary to evaluate the mechanisms driving biodiversity and biogeography in the vast but poorly understood deep sea. The community structure of kinetoplastids, an important group of microbial eukaryotes belonging to the Euglenozoa, from all abyssal plains of the South Atlantic and two areas of the eastern Mediterranean was studied using partial small subunit ribosomal DNA gene clone libraries. A total of 1364 clones from 10 different regions were retrieved. The analysis revealed statistically not distinguishable communities from both the South-East Atlantic (Angola and Guinea Basin) and the South-West Atlantic (Angola and Brazil Basin) at spatial scales of 1000–3000 km, whereas all other communities were significantly differentiated from one another. It seems likely that multiple processes operate at the same time to shape communities of deep-sea kinetoplastids. Nevertheless, constant and homogenous environmental conditions over large spatial scales at abyssal depths, together with high dispersal capabilities of microbial eukaryotes, maintain best the results of statistically indistinguishable communities at larger spatial scales.  相似文献   
We have previously shown that mice lacking the protein kinase B-RAF have defects in both neural and endothelial cell lineages and die around embryonic day 12 (E12). To delineate the function of B-RAF in the brain, B-RAF KIN/KIN mice lacking B-RAF and expressing A-RAF under the control of the B-RAF locus were created. B-RAF KIN/KIN embryos displayed no vascular defects, no endothelial and neuronal apoptosis, or gross developmental abnormalities, and a significant proportion of these animals survived for up to 8 weeks. Cell proliferation in the neocortex was reduced from E14.5 onwards. Newborn cortical neurons were impaired in their migration toward the cortical plate, causing a depletion of Brn-2-expressing pyramidal neurons in layers II, III, and V of the postnatal cortex. Our data reveal that B-RAF is an important mediator of neuronal survival, migration, and dendrite formation and that A-RAF cannot fully compensate for these functions.  相似文献   
The seasonal variations in community structure and cell morphology of pelagic procaryotes from a high mountain lake (Gossenköllesee, Austria) were studied by in situ hybridization with rRNA-targeted fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide probes (FISH) and image-analyzed microscopy. Compositional changes and biomass fluctuations within the assemblage were observed both in summer and beneath the winter ice cover and are discussed in the context of physicochemical and biotic parameters. Proteobacteria of the beta subclass (beta-proteobacteria) formed a dominant fraction of the bacterioplankton (annual mean, 24% of the total counts), whereas alpha-proteobacteria were of similar relative importance only during spring (mean, 11%). Bacteria of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster, although less abundant, constituted the largest fraction of the filamentous morphotypes during most of the year, thus contributing significantly to the total microbial biomass. Successive peaks of threadlike and rod-shaped archaea were observed during autumn thermal mixing and the period of ice cover formation, respectively. A set of oligonucleotide probes targeted to single phylotypes was constructed from 16S rRNA-encoding gene clone sequences. Three distinct populations of uncultivated microbes, affiliated with the alpha- and beta-proteobacteria, were subsequently monitored by FISH. About one-quarter of all of the beta-proteobacteria (range, 6 to 53%) could be assigned to only two phylotypes. The bacterial populations studied were annually recurrent, seasonally variable, and vertically stratified, except during the periods of lake overturn. Their variability clearly exceeded the fluctuations of the total microbial assemblage, suggesting that the apparent stability of total bacterioplankton abundances may mask highly dynamic community fluctuations.Until recently, microbial ecologist studying aquatic bacteria faced a basic dilemma: they could either measure the abundance, biomass, growth rates, activity, etc. of the “average” bacterium under in situ conditions (e.g., see reference 13), ignoring the phylogenetic and physiological diversity of microbial communities, or they could isolate and ecophysiologically characterize individual bacterial strains (e.g., see reference 36) but were then not able to tell if these microorganisms were also common in the environment. Consequently, little knowledge has been gathered about the spatial and temporal abundance fluctuations of defined phylogenetic groups and of individual bacterial species in natural habitats. Molecular biological techniques used to identify microbes in environmental samples have recently provided new tools to study bacterioplankton biodiversity (e.g., see references 1, 9, 14, 15, and 19) and the in situ abundances of bacteria and archaea that could not be adequately distinguished before (2, 4, 5, 25). Microbiologists are now in a position to potentially elucidate the biogeography (24), population dynamics, and successions (28) not only of a few morphologically conspicuous microbes but of a large number of species, most of which might still be uncharacterized.Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes selectively visualizes bacterial cells with defined phylogenetic affiliations (3, 5). Based on a rapidly growing set of 16S (and, to a lesser extend, 23S) rRNA sequence data, it is probably the phylogenetically most sophisticated (22) approach for whole-cell in situ identification. On the other hand, FISH of plankton samples can be performed with minimal laboratory requirements (16), and evaluation relies on epifluorescence microscopy, which is a standard technique of aquatic microbial ecologists, e.g., for counting (30) and sizing (33) of picoplankton. In contrast to other identification approaches, FISH largely conserves the gestalt of the targeted microorganisms, i.e., their morphologies, cell sizes (26, 34), and cellular rRNA content (7, 32). So, despite the limitations of the method (as discussed in reference 5), its potential for the identification and cytometric analysis of planktonic microbes is just about to be recognized.Recent investigations have reported that various freshwater microbial communities are dominated by bacteria which are phylogenetically affiliated with the alpha and beta subclasses of the class Proteobacteria (alpha- and beta-proteobacteria, respectively) and with members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium cluster (2, 6, 16, 19). These observations were based on single or short-term sampling schemes. The instantaneous community composition of the bacterioplankton, however, may not be representative for different seasons, and the typical ranges of annual community variability remain to be established.The size distribution of planktonic bacteria, and particularly the appearance of filamentous cells, has come into the focus of aquatic microbial ecology in the context of studies of predator-prey interactions. It has been shown both in the laboratory (18, 37) and in field experiments (20) that the filamentous morphotype is a phenotypic adaptation of some microbes to protistan grazing, but there are probably numerous other causes for bacteria to elongate far beyond their typical sizes (e.g., see reference 23). Threadlike bacteria have been observed throughout the year in the plankton of a hypertrophic lake (41) but were also found in midwinter in an oligotropic alpine lake (31).In earlier studies, we demonstrated FISH to be an appropriate tool for the monitoring of spatial (2) and short-term temporal (26) dynamics of different phylogenetic groups of the planktonic microbial community in a high mountain lake. Here we report on the seasonal and vertical abundance distributions of pelagic members of Bacteria and Archaea in Gossenköllesee and analysis of the community structure at different levels of taxonomic resolution. We applied published domain- and group-specific oligonucleotide probes (5) but also used the sequence information from a 16S rRNA-encoding gene (rDNA) library obtained from Gossenköllesee bacterioplankton 1 year earlier to construct specific probes targeted at individual bacterial populations. Particular attention was paid to the changes in abundance and taxonomic composition of the filamentous bacterial morphotypes which were recognized as a permanently important fraction of the planktonic procaryotes in Gossenköllesee. Additionally, we monitored the seasonal changes in the biomass size distributions of the nonfilamentous fraction of the pelagic microbial community.  相似文献   
Mosquito collections with CDC light traps using dry ice and pigeon‐baited traps were carried out in south Moravia (Czech Republic) from April to October in 2007 and 2008 at two study sites. In 2007, 11 two‐day captures were carried out in two‐week intervals, and 1,490 female mosquitoes of nine species were caught. In 2008, 15 two‐day trappings of mosquitoes were carried out: 6,778 females of 22 species of mosquitoes were trapped. The results showed marked differences in abundance and species composition of mosquitoes between both study sites and between the trapping methods. In the floodplain forest ecosystem of the Soutok study area, Aedes vexans predominated. The species composition in the Nesyt study site was more varied and the most common species was Culex pipiens. At the latter study site, Anopheles hyrcanus (var. pseudopictus) and Uranotaenia unguiculata, mosquito species with largely southern Eurasian distribution, were repeatedly demonstrated. The largest capture of mosquitoes was in traps with CO2 placed at a height 1 m above the ground. The capture of mosquitoes in the pigeon‐baited traps as well as in the traps with CO2 placed in the canopy of trees was markedly lower in both study sites, with the predominant species being Culex pipiens.  相似文献   
A unique opportunity for the study of the role of serial passage and cross-species transmission was offered by a series of experiments carried out at the Tulane National Primate Research Center in 1990. To develop an animal model for leprosy, three black mangabeys (BkMs) (Lophocebus aterrimus) were inoculated with lepromatous tissue that had been serially passaged in four sooty mangabeys (SMs) (Cercocebus atys). All three BkMs became infected with simian immunodeficiency virus from SMs (SIVsm) by day 30 postinoculation (p.i.) with lepromatous tissue. One (BkMG140) died 2 years p.i. from causes unrelated to SIV, one (BkMG139) survived for 10 years, whereas the third (BkMG138) was euthanized with AIDS after 5 years. Histopathology revealed a high number of giant cells in tissues from BkMG138, but no SIV-related lesions were found in the remaining two BkMs. Four-color immunofluorescence revealed high levels of SIVsm associated with both giant cells and T lymphocytes in BkMG138 and no detectable SIV in the remaining two. Serum viral load (VL) showed a significant increase (>1 log) during the late stage of the disease in BkMG138, as opposed to a continuous decline in VL in the remaining two BkMs. With the progression to AIDS, neopterin levels increased in BkMG138. This study took on new significance when phylogenetic analysis unexpectedly showed that all four serially inoculated SMs were infected with different SIVsm lineages prior to the beginning of the experiment. Furthermore, the strain infecting the BkMs originated from the last SM in the series. Therefore, the virus infecting BkMs has not been serially passaged. In conclusion, we present the first compelling evidence that direct cross-species transmission of SIV may induce AIDS in heterologous African nonhuman primate (NHP) species. The results showed that cross-species-transmitted SIVsm was well controlled in two of three BkMs for 2 and 10 years, respectively. Finally, this case of AIDS in an African monkey suggests that the dogma of SIV nonpathogenicity in African NHP hosts should be reconsidered.  相似文献   
Usage of the enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) in living mammalian cells is limited to aerobic conditions due to requirement of oxygen during chromophore formation. Since many diseases or disease models are associated with acute or chronic hypoxia, eGFP-labeling of structures of interest in experimental studies might be unreliable leading to biased results. Thus, a chromophore yielding a stable fluorescence under hypoxic conditions is desirable. The fluorescence of flavin mononucleotide (FMN)-based fluorescent proteins (FbFPs) does not require molecular oxygen. Recently, the advantages of FbFPs for several bacterial strains and yeasts were described, specifically, their usage as a real time fluorescence marker in bacterial expression studies and their ability of chromophore formation under anaerobic conditions. Our objective was to verify if FbFPs also function in mammalian cells in order to potentially broaden the repertoire of chromophores with ones that can reliably be used in mammalian studies under hypoxic conditions. In the present study, we demonstrate for the first time, that FbFPs can be expressed in different mammalian cells, among them murine neural stem cells during proliferative and differentiated stages. Fluorescence intensities were comparable to eGFP. In contrast to eGFP, the FbFP fluorescence did not decrease when cells were exposed to defined hypoxic conditions neither in proliferating nor in differentiated cells. Thus, FbFPs can be regarded as an alternative to eGFP in studies that target cellular structures which are exposed to hypoxic conditions.  相似文献   
Transport and metabolization of iron bound to the fungal siderophore rhizoferrin was analyzed by transport kinetics, Mössbauer and EPR spectroscopy. Saturation kinetics (v max=24.4 pmol/(mg min), K m=64.4M) and energy dependence excluded diffusion and provided evidence for a rhizoferrin transport system in M. smegmatis. Based on the spectroscopic techniques indications for intracellular presence of the ferric rhizoferrin complex were found. This feature could be of practical importance in the search of novel drugs for the treatment of mycobacterial infections. EPR and Mössbauer spectroscopy revealed different ferritin mineral cores depending on the siderophore iron source. This finding was interpreted in terms of different protein shells, i.e. two types of ferritins.  相似文献   
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