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The genomes of the two lytic mutant Staphylococcus aureus bacteriophages, vB_SauS-phiIPLA35 (phiIPLA35) and vB_SauS-phiIPLA88 (phiIPLA88), isolated from milk have been analyzed. Their genomes are 45,344 bp and 42,526 bp long, respectively, and contain 62 and 61 open reading frames (ORFS). Enzymatic analyses and sequencing revealed that the phiIPLA35 DNA molecule has 3′-protruding cohesive ends (cos) 10 bp long, whereas phiIPLA88 DNA is 4.5% terminally redundant and most likely is packaged by a headful mechanism. N-terminal amino acid sequencing, mass spectrometry, bioinformatic analyses, and functional analyses enabled the assignment of putative functions to 58 gene products, including DNA packaging proteins, morphogenetic proteins, lysis components, and proteins necessary for DNA recombination, modification, and replication. Point mutations in their lysogeny control-associated genes explain their strictly lytic behavior. Muralytic activity associated with other structural components has been detected in virions of both phages. Comparative analysis of phiIPLA35 and phiIPLA88 genome structures shows that they resemble those of φ12 and φ11, respectively, both representatives of large genomic groupings within the S. aureus-infecting phages.Staphylococcus aureus is an important etiologic agent of food-borne diseases due to its ability to produce heat-resistant staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) when it grows in foods. In fact some S. aureus strains may produce up to 20 serologically distinct SEs, which could be responsible for food poisoning (30). SEs have been divided initially into serological types SEA through SEE, and recently the existence of new types of SEs has also been reported (5).S. aureus strains harboring enterotoxin genes have been isolated from a variety of foods (38) including dairy products (9, 46, 56). Mastitis caused by this pathogen and poor hygienic processing conditions are the most important sources of dairy product contamination. Growth of enterotoxigenic S. aureus in both raw milk and dairy products poses a potential health hazard to consumers. In this context, new biocontrol strategies to prevent growth of S. aureus, suitable to be applied in the food industry, are being explored.Currently, there is a renewed interest in exploiting the antimicrobial potential of bacterial viruses for bacterial-control applications in agriculture, aquaculture, and the food industry (11, 18, 23, 49). In fact, the use of phages for the treatment of infectious diseases (or phage therapy) has a long successful history in the countries of Eastern Europe (or former Soviet Union) (50). Specifically, S. aureus bacteriophages have been assayed in the treatment of venous leg ulcers and eye infections (22, 42).Prior to any phage application, genome analysis is a prerequisite to examine the safety of the phages, specifically, traits which might enhance the virulence of the infected bacterium. In addition, genome analysis might uncover novel antibacterial targets or agents (33) with promising biotechnological applications (6). For example, various lytic phage proteins (endolysins) have shown great potential in veterinary and human medicine for the treatment and prophylaxis of infections (12) and have been applied as biocontrol agents in dairy products (36). Several technologies employing phages and endolysins for pathogen detection and decontamination have also been patented (7).To date, genomes of over 47 S. aureus phages are available in public databases. The number of known, strictly lytic phages is limited to the close-knit Myoviridae genus of the SPO1-like viruses, containing phages K, Twort, and G1. Apart from this group, a large number of genomes from unclassified Siphoviridae in lysogenic S. aureus strains are available (26, 37). Some temperate bacteriophages may play an important role in the pathogenicity of S. aureus by carrying virulence factors, mediating lateral gene transfer, and even facilitating the adaptation of the pathogen during infection (1, 21, 52).In previous work, we have characterized phiIPLA35 and phiIPLA88 S. aureus phages (17). These two lytic phages, previously named φ35 and φ88, were selected as mutants of the temperate phages φA72 and φH5, respectively, isolated from raw bovine milk. They belong to the Siphoviridae family of double-stranded DNA bacterial viruses in the order Caudovirales. Remarkably, these phages infect S. aureus of bovine and dairy origin while clinical isolates appear to be resistant. Both phiIPLA35 and phiIPLA88 are very well adapted to the dairy environment and effectively inhibit S. aureus growth in milk and curd-manufacturing processes (17, 20).In this study, we have sequenced and annotated the genomes of both bacteriophages, elucidated their physical genome structures, and identified peptidoglycan hydrolytic activities. Comparative genome analysis also allowed us to put phiIPLA35 and phiIPLA88 into a phylogenetic context.  相似文献   
We analyzed the temporal and spatial diversity of the microbiota in a low-usage and a high-usage hospital tap. We identified a tap-specific colonization pattern, with potential human pathogens being overrepresented in the low-usage tap. We propose that founder effects and local adaptation caused the tap-specific colonization patterns. Our conclusion is that tap-specific colonization represents a potential challenge for water safety.Humans are exposed to and consume large amounts of tap water in their everyday life, with the tap water microbiota representing a potent reservoir for pathogens (8). Despite the potential impact, our knowledge about the ecological diversification processes of the tap water microbiota is limited (4, 11).The aim of the present work was to determine the temporal and spatial distribution patterns of the planktonic tap water microbiota. We compared the summer and winter microbiota from two hospital taps supplied from the same water source. We analyzed 16S rRNA gene clone libraries by using a novel alignment-independent approach for operational taxonomic unit (OTU) designation (6), while established OTU diversity and richness estimators were used for the ecological interpretations.Tap water samples (1 liter) from a high-usage kitchen and a low-usage toilet cold-water tap in Akershus University Hospital, Lørenskog, Norway, were collected in January and July 2006. The total DNA was isolated and the 16S rRNA gene PCR amplified and sequenced. Based on the sequences, we estimated the species richness and diversity, we calculated the distances between the communities, and trees were constructed to reflect the relatedness of the microbiota in the samples analyzed. Details about these analytical approaches are given in the materials and methods section in the supplemental material.Our initial analysis of species composition was done using the RDPII hierarchical classifier. We found that the majority of pathogen-related bacteria in our data set belonged to the class Gammaproteobacteria. The genera encompassed Legionella, Pseudomonas, and Vibrio (Table (Table1).1). We found a significant overrepresentation of pathogen-related bacteria in the toilet tap (P = 0.04), while there were no significant differences between summer and winter samples. Legionella showed the highest relative abundance for the pathogen-related bacteria. With respect to the total diversity, we found that Proteobacteria dominated the tap water microbiota (representing 86% of the taxa) (see Table S1 in the supplemental material). There was, however, a large portion (56%) of the taxa that could not be assigned to the genus level using this classifier.


Cloned sequences related to human pathogensa
Sampling placeSampling timePathogenNCBI accession no.Identity (%)
ToiletSummerEscherichia coliEF41861499
ToiletSummerEscherichia sp.EF07430799
ToiletSummerLegionella sp.AY92415595
ToiletSummerLegionella sp.AY92415395
ToiletSummerLegionella sp.AY92415396
ToiletWinterLegionella sp.AY92406196
ToiletWinterLegionella sp.AY92415897
ToiletWinterLegionella sp.AY92415897
KitchenWinterLegionella sp.AY92399697
ToiletSummerPseudomonas fluorescensEF41307398
ToiletSummerPseudomonas fluorescensEF41307398
KitchenSummerPseudomonas fluorescensDQ20773199
ToiletWinterVibrio sp.DQ40838898
ToiletWinterVibrio sp.AB27476098
KitchenWinterVibrio sp.DQ40838898
KitchenWinterVibrio lentusAY29293699
KitchenWinterVibrio sp.AM18376597
ToiletWinterStenotrophomonas maltophiliaAY83773099
KitchenWinterStenotrophomonas maltophiliaDQ42487098
ToiletWinterStreptococcus suisAF28457898
ToiletWinterStreptococcus suisAF28457898
Open in a separate windowaThe relatedness between the cloned sequences and potential pathogens was determined by BLAST searches of the NCBI database, carried out using default settings.To obtain a better resolution of the uncharacterized microbiota, we analyzed the data using a clustering approach that is not dependent on a predefined bacterial group (see the materials and methods section in the supplemental material for details). These analyses showed that there were three relatively tightly clustered groups in our data set (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). The largest group (n = 590) was only distantly related to characterized betaproteobacteria within the order Rhodocyclales. We also identified another large betaproteocaterial group (n = 320) related to Polynucleobacter. Finally, a tight group (n = 145) related to the alphaproteobacterium Sphingomonas was identified.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Tap water microbiota diversity, determined by use of a principal component analysis coordinate system. (A) Each bacterium is classified by coordinates, with the following color code: brown squares, kitchen summer; red diamonds, toilet summer; green triangles, kitchen winter; and green circles, toilet winter. (B and C) Each square represents a 1 × 1 (B) or 5 × 5 (C) OTU. PC1, first principal component; PC2, second principal component.The tap-specific distributions of the bacterial groups were investigated using density distribution analyses. A dominant population related to Polynucleobacter was identified for the toilet summer samples, while for the winter samples there was a dominance of the Rhodocyclales-related bacteria. The kitchen summer samples revealed a dominance of Sphingomonas. The corresponding winter samples did not reveal distinct high-density bacterial populations (see Table S2 in the supplemental material).Hierarchical clustering for the 1 × 1 OTU density distribution confirmed the relatively low overlap for the microbiota in the samples analyzed (Fig. (Fig.2).2). We found that the microbiota clustered according to tap and not season.Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Hierarchical clustering for the density distribution of the tap water microbiota. The density of 1 × 1 OTUs was used as a pseudospecies for hierarchical clustering. The tree for the Cord distance matrix is presented, while the distances calculated using the three distance matrices Cord, Brad Curtis, and Sneath Sokal, respectively, are shown for each branch.We have described the species diversity and richness of the microbiota in Table S3 in the supplemental material. For the low taxonomic level, these analyses showed that the diversity and species richness were greater for the winter samples than for the summer samples. Comparing the two taps, the diversity and richness were greater in the kitchen tap than in the toilet tap. In particular, the winter sample from the kitchen showed great richness and diversity. The high taxonomic level, however, did not reveal the same clear differences as did the low level, and the distributions were more even. Rarefaction analyses for the low taxonomic level confirmed the richness and diversity estimates (see Fig. S1 in the supplemental material).Our final analyses sought to fit the species rank distributions to common rank abundance curves. Generally, the rank abundance curves were best fitted to log series or truncated log normal distributions (see Table S4 in the supplemental material). The log series distribution could be fit to all of the samples except the kitchen summer samples at the low taxonomic level, while the truncated log normal distribution could not be fit to the kitchen samples at the high taxonomic level. Interestingly, however, the kitchen winter sample was best fit to a geometric curve at both the high and the low taxonomic level.Diversifying, adaptive biofilm barriers have been documented for tap water bacteria (7), and it is known that planktonic bacteria can interact with biofilms in an adaptive manner (3). On the other hand, tap usage leads to water flowthrough and replacement of the global with the local water population by stochastic founder effects (1).Therefore, we propose that parts of the local diversity observed can be explained by local adaptation (10) and parts by founder effects (9).Most prokaryote diversity measures assume log normal or log series OTU dominance density distributions (5). The kitchen winter sample, however, showed deviations from these patterns by being correlated to geometric distributions (in addition to the log series and truncated log normal distributions for the high taxonomic level). This sample also showed a much greater species richness than the other samples. A possible explanation is that the species richness of the tap water microbiota can be linked to usage and that the kitchen tap is driven toward a founder microbiota by high usage.Since our work indicates an overrepresentation of Legionella in the low-usage tap, it would be of high interest to determine whether the processes for local Legionella colonization can be related to tap usage. Understanding the ecological forces affecting Legionella and other pathogens are of great importance for human health. At the Akerhus University Hospital, this was exemplified by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreak in an intensive care unit, where the outbreak could be traced back to a single tap (2).  相似文献   


The innate immune system plays an important role in the recognition and induction of protective responses against infectious pathogens, whilst there is increasing evidence for a role in mediating chronic inflammatory diseases at older age. Despite indications that environmental conditions can influence the senescence process of the adaptive immune system, it is not known whether the same holds true for the innate immune system. Therefore we studied whether age-related innate immune responses are similar or differ between populations living under very diverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   
A high sodium (HS) intake is associated to increased cardiovascular and renal risk, especially in overweight subjects. We hypothesized that abnormal sodium and fluid handling is involved, independent of hypertension or insulin resistance. Therefore, we studied the relation between BMI and sodium‐induced changes in extracellular fluid volume (ECFV; distribution volume of 125I‐iothalamate) in 78 healthy men, not selected for BMI. A total of 78 subjects with a median BMI of 22.5 (range: 19.2–33.9 kg/m2) were studied after 1 week on a low sodium (LS) diet (50 mmol Na+/d) and after 1 week on HS (200 mmol Na+/d). The change from LS to HS resulted in an increase in ECFV of 1.2 ± 1.8 l. Individual changes in ECFV were correlated to BMI (r = 0.361, P < 0.01). Furthermore, in response to HS, a higher BMI was associated to a higher rise in filtered load of sodium (FLNa+ = [Na+] × GFR, r = 0.281, P < 0.05). Thus, a shift to HS leads to a larger rise in ECFV in healthy subjects with higher BMI, associated with an elevated FLNa+ during HS. Although no hypertension occurred in these healthy subjects, our data provide a potential explanation for the interaction of sodium intake and BMI on cardiovascular and renal risk. Exaggerated fluid retention may be an early pathogenic factor in the cardiorenal complications of overweight.  相似文献   


Caspase-12 functions as an antiinflammatory enzyme inhibiting caspase-1 and the NOD2/RIP2 pathways. Due to increased susceptibility to sepsis in individuals with functional caspase-12, an early-stop mutation leading to the loss of caspase-12 has replaced the ancient genotype in Eurasia and a significant proportion of individuals from African populations. In African-Americans, it has been shown that caspase-12 inhibits the pro-inflammatory cytokine production.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We assessed whether similar mechanisms are present in African individuals, and whether evolutionary pressures due to plague may have led to the present caspase-12 genotype population frequencies. No difference in cytokine induction through the caspase-1 and/or NOD2/RIP2 pathways was observed in two independent African populations, among individuals with either an intact or absent caspase-12. In addition, stimulations with Yersinia pestis and two other species of Yersinia were preformed to investigate whether caspase-12 modulates the inflammatory reaction induced by Yersinia. We found that caspase-12 did not modulate cytokine production induced by Yersinia spp.


Our experiments demonstrate for the first time the involvement of the NOD2/RIP2 pathway for recognition of Yersinia. However, caspase-12 does not modulate innate host defense against Y. pestis and alternative explanations for the geographical distribution of caspase-12 should be sought.  相似文献   


Chronic inflammation is involved in the pathogenesis of chronic age-associated, degenerative diseases. Pro-inflammatory host responses that are deleterious later in life may originate from evolutionary selection for genetic variation mediating resistance to infectious diseases under adverse environmental conditions.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In the Upper-East region of Ghana where infection has remained the leading cause of death, we studied the effect on survival of genetic variations at the IL10 gene locus that have been associated with chronic diseases. Here we show that an IL10 haplotype that associated with a pro-inflammatory innate immune response, characterised by low IL-10 (p = 0.028) and high TNF-α levels (p = 1.39×10−3), was enriched among Ghanaian elders (p = 2.46×10−6). Furthermore, in an environment where the source of drinking water (wells/rivers vs. boreholes) influences mortality risks (HR 1.28, 95% CI [1.09–1.50]), we observed that carriers of the pro-inflammatory haplotype have a survival advantage when drinking from wells/rivers but a disadvantage when drinking from boreholes (pinteraction = 0.013). Resequencing the IL10 gene region did not uncover any additional common variants in the pro-inflammatory haplotype to those SNPs that were initially genotyped.


Altogether, these data lend strong arguments for the selection of pro-inflammatory host responses to overcome fatal infection and promote survival in adverse environments.  相似文献   
Transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M member 4 (TRPM4) is a Ca2+-activated nonselective cation channel that mediates membrane depolarization. Although, a current with the hallmarks of a TRPM4-mediated current has been previously reported in pancreatic acinar cells (PACs), the role of TRPM4 in the regulation of acinar cell function has not yet been explored. In the present study, we identify this TRPM4 current and describe its role in context of Ca2+ signaling of PACs using pharmacological tools and TRPM4-deficient mice. We found a significant Ca2+-activated cation current in PACs that was sensitive to the TRPM4 inhibitors 9-phenanthrol and 4-chloro-2-[[2-(2-chlorophenoxy)acetyl]amino]benzoic acid (CBA). We demonstrated that the CBA-sensitive current was responsible for a Ca2+-dependent depolarization of PACs from a resting membrane potential of −44.4 ± 2.9 to −27.7 ± 3 mV. Furthermore, we showed that Ca2+ influx was higher in the TRPM4 KO- and CBA-treated PACs than in control cells. As hormone-induced repetitive Ca2+ transients partially rely on Ca2+ influx in PACs, the role of TRPM4 was also assessed on Ca2+ oscillations elicited by physiologically relevant concentrations of the cholecystokinin analog cerulein. These data show that the amplitude of Ca2+ signals was significantly higher in TRPM4 KO than in control PACs. Our results suggest that PACs are depolarized by TRPM4 currents to an extent that results in a significant reduction of the inward driving force for Ca2+. In conclusion, TRPM4 links intracellular Ca2+ signaling to membrane potential as a negative feedback regulator of Ca2+ entry in PACs.  相似文献   
Loesel, R. and Heuer, C.M. 2010. The mushroom bodies – prominent brain centres of arthropods and annelids with enigmatic evolutionary origin. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 91 : 29–34 Mushroom bodies (MBs) are the most prominent and conspicuous neuropils in the brain of arthropods, onychophorans and vagile polychaete annelids but have not been described in any other animal group with complex brain architecture. Due to a number of unique neuroanatomical characters MBs can easily be identified and distinguished from other brain centres. However, their evolutionary origin and the question whether MBs are homologous structures is still under debate. This paper will briefly summarize the available morphological data and their implications with respect to the molecular evidence on early metazoan radiation. Unraveling the origin of MBs is an example of the challenges neurophylogenists will face in the future, especially so since it will signify a major step towards reconstructing early metazoan brain evolution.  相似文献   
The amyloid peptides Aβ40 and Aβ42 of Alzheimer's disease are thought to contribute differentially to the disease process. Although Aβ42 seems more pathogenic than Aβ40, the reason for this is not well understood. We show here that small alterations in the Aβ42:Aβ40 ratio dramatically affect the biophysical and biological properties of the Aβ mixtures reflected in their aggregation kinetics, the morphology of the resulting amyloid fibrils and synaptic function tested in vitro and in vivo. A minor increase in the Aβ42:Aβ40 ratio stabilizes toxic oligomeric species with intermediate conformations. The initial toxic impact of these Aβ species is synaptic in nature, but this can spread into the cells leading to neuronal cell death. The fact that the relative ratio of Aβ peptides is more crucial than the absolute amounts of peptides for the induction of neurotoxic conformations has important implications for anti‐amyloid therapy. Our work also suggests the dynamic nature of the equilibrium between toxic and non‐toxic intermediates.  相似文献   
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