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Coevolution of cellular genetic compartments is a fundamental aspect in eukaryotic genome evolution that becomes apparent in serious developmental disturbances after interspecific organelle exchanges. The genus Oenothera represents a unique, at present the only available, resource to study the role of the compartmentalized plant genome in diversification of populations and speciation processes. An integrated approach involving cDNA cloning, EST sequencing, and bioinformatic data mining was chosen using Oenothera elata with the genetic constitution nuclear genome AA with plastome type I. The Gene Ontology system grouped 1621 unique gene products into 17 different functional categories. Application of arrays generated from a selected fraction of ESTs revealed significantly differing expression profiles among closely related Oenothera species possessing the potential to generate fertile and incompatible plastid/nuclear hybrids (hybrid bleaching). Furthermore, the EST library provides a valuable source of PCR-based polymorphic molecular markers that are instrumental for genotyping and molecular mapping approaches.  相似文献   
The lantibiotic (lanthionine-containing antibiotic) mersacidin is an antimicrobial peptide consisting of 20 amino acids and is produced by Bacillus sp. strain HIL Y-85,54728. The structural gene (mrsA) and the genes for producer self-protection, modification enzymes, transport proteins, and regulator proteins are organized in a 12.3-kb biosynthetic gene cluster on the chromosome of the producer strain. Mersacidin is produced in stationary phase in a synthetic medium (K. Altena, A. Guder, C. Cramer, and G. Bierbaum, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 66:2565-2571, 2000). To investigate the influence of the alternative sigma factor H on mersacidin biosynthesis, a SigH knockout was constructed. The knockout mutant was asporogenous, and a comparison to the wild-type strain indicated no significant differences concerning mersacidin production and immunity. Characterization of the mrsA promoter showed that the gene is transcribed by the housekeeping sigma factor A. The biosynthesis of some lantibiotic peptides like nisin or subtilin is regulated in a cell-density-dependent manner (M. Kleerebezem, Peptides 25:1405-1414, 2004). When mersacidin was added at a concentration of 2 mg/liter to an exponentially growing culture, an earlier production of antibacterial activity against Micrococcus luteus ATCC 4698 in comparison to that of the control culture was observed, suggesting that mersacidin itself functions as an autoinducer. In real-time PCR experiments, the expression of mrsA was remarkably increased in the induced culture compared to the control. In conclusion, mersacidin is yet another lantibiotic peptide whose biosynthesis can be regulated by an autoinducing mechanism.  相似文献   
We recently reported that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) carrying PTAP and LYPX(n)L L domains ceased budding when the nucleocapsid (NC) domain was mutated, suggesting a role for NC in HIV-1 release. Here we investigated whether NC involvement in virus release is a property specific to HIV-1 or a general requirement of retroviruses. Specifically, we examined a possible role for NC in the budding of retroviruses relying on divergent L domains and structurally homologous NC domains that harbor diverse protein sequences. We found that NC is critical for the release of viruses utilizing the PTAP motif whether it functions within its native Gag in simian immunodeficiency virus cpzGAB2 (SIVcpzGAB2) or SIVsmmE543 or when it is transplanted into the heterologous Gag protein of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV). In both cases, virus release was severely diminished even though NC mutant Gag proteins retained the ability to assemble spherical particles. Moreover, budding-defective NC mutants, which displayed particles tethered to the plasma membrane, were triggered to release virus when access to the cell endocytic sorting complex required for transport pathway was restored (i.e., in trans expression of Nedd4.2s). We also examined the role of NC in the budding of EIAV, a retrovirus relying exclusively on the (L)YPX(n)L-type L domain. We found that EIAV late budding defects were rescued by overexpression of the isolated Alix Bro1 domain (Bro1). Bro1-mediated rescue of EIAV release required the wild-type NC. EIAV NC mutants lost interactions with Bro1 and failed to produce viruses despite retaining the ability to self-assemble. Together, our studies establish a role for NC in the budding of retroviruses harboring divergent L domains and evolutionarily diverse NC sequences, suggesting the utilization of a common conserved mechanism and/or cellular factor rather than a specific motif.  相似文献   
The syntaxin 11 (STX11) gene is mutated in a proportion of patients with familial haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (FHL) and exocytosis of cytotoxic granules is impaired in STX11-deficient NK cells. However, the subcellular localization, regulation of expression and molecular function of STX11 in NK cells and other cytotoxic lymphocytes remain unknown. Here we demonstrate that STX11 expression is strictly controlled by several mechanisms in a cell-type-specific manner and that the enzymatic activity of the proteasome is required for STX11 expression in NK cells. In resting NKL cells, STX11 was localized in the cation-dependent mannose-6-phosphate receptor (CD-M6PR)-containing compartment, which was clearly distinct from cytotoxic granules or Rab27a-expressing vesicles. These subcellular structures appeared to fuse at the contact area with NK-sensitive target cells as demonstrated by partial colocalization of STX11 with perforin and Rab27a. Although STX11-deficent allo-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocytes efficiently lysed target cells and released cytotoxic granules, they exhibited a significantly lower extent of spontaneous association of perforin with Rab27a as compared with STX11-expressing T cells. Thus, our results suggest that STX11 promotes the fusion of Rab27a-expressing vesicles with cytotoxic granules and reveal an additional level of complexity in the spatial/temporal segregation of subcellular structures participating in the process of granule-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   
The sequences encoding the QUAD1 RNAs were initially identified as four repeats in Escherichia coli. These repeats, herein renamed SIB, are conserved in closely related bacteria, although the number of repeats varies. All five Sib RNAs in E. coli MG1655 are expressed, and no phenotype was observed for a five-sib deletion strain. However, a phenotype reminiscent of plasmid addiction was observed for overexpression of the Sib RNAs, and further examination of the SIB repeat sequences revealed conserved open reading frames encoding highly hydrophobic 18- to 19-amino-acid proteins (Ibs) opposite each sib gene. The Ibs proteins were found to be toxic when overexpressed and this toxicity could be prevented by coexpression of the corresponding Sib RNA. Two other RNAs encoded divergently in the yfhL-acpS intergenic region were similarly found to encode a small hydrophobic protein (ShoB) and an antisense RNA regulator (OhsC). Overexpression of both IbsC and ShoB led to immediate changes in membrane potential suggesting both proteins affect the cell envelope. Whole genome expression analysis showed that overexpression of IbsC and ShoB, as well as the small hydrophobic LdrD and TisB proteins, has both overlapping and unique consequences for the cell.  相似文献   
Development of convenient strategies for identification of plant N-glycan profiles has been driven by the emergence of plants as an expression system for therapeutic proteins. In this article, we reinvestigated qualitative and quantitative aspects of plant N-glycan profiling. The extraction of plant proteins through a phenol/ammonium acetate procedure followed by deglycosylation with peptide N-glycosidase A (PNGase A) and coupling to 2-aminobenzamide provides an oligosaccharide preparation containing reduced amounts of contaminants from plant cell wall polysaccharides. Such a preparation was also suitable for accurate qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the N-glycan content by mass spectrometry. Combining these approaches allows the profiling to be carried out from as low as 500 mg of fresh leaf material. We also demonstrated that collision-induced dissociation (CID) mass spectrometry in negative mode of N-glycans harboring α(1,3)- or α(1,6)-fucose residue on the proximal GlcNAc leads to specific fragmentation patterns, thereby allowing the discrimination of plant N-glycans from those arising from mammalian contamination.  相似文献   
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