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L-type calcium currents (ICa) are influenced by changes in extracellular chloride, but sites of anion effects have not been identified. Our experiments showed that CaV1.2 currents expressed in HEK293 cells are strongly inhibited by replacing extracellular chloride with gluconate or perchlorate. Variance-mean analysis of ICa and cell-attached patch single channel recordings indicate that gluconate-induced inhibition is due to intracellular anion effects on Ca2+ channel open probability, not conductance. Inhibition of CaV1.2 currents produced by replacing chloride with gluconate was reduced from ∼75%–80% to ∼50% by omitting β subunits but unaffected by omitting α2δ subunits. Similarly, gluconate inhibition was reduced to ∼50% by deleting an α1 subunit N-terminal region of 15 residues critical for β subunit interactions regulating open probability. Omitting β subunits with this mutant α1 subunit did not further diminish inhibition. Gluconate inhibition was unchanged with expression of different β subunits. Truncating the C terminus at AA1665 reduced gluconate inhibition from ∼75%–80% to ∼50% whereas truncating it at AA1700 had no effect. Neutralizing arginines at AA1696 and 1697 by replacement with glutamines reduced gluconate inhibition to ∼60% indicating these residues are particularly important for anion effects. Expressing CaV1.2 channels that lacked both N and C termini reduced gluconate inhibition to ∼25% consistent with additive interactions between the two tail regions. Our results suggest that modest changes in intracellular anion concentration can produce significant effects on CaV1.2 currents mediated by changes in channel open probability involving β subunit interactions with the N terminus and a short C terminal region.  相似文献   
Interactions between the malignant plasma cells of multiple myeloma and stromal cells within the bone marrow microenvironment are essential for myeloma cell survival, mirroring the same dependence of normal bone marrow-resident long-lived plasma cells on specific marrow niches. These interactions directly transduce prosurvival signals to the myeloma cells and also induce niche production of supportive soluble factors. However, despite their central importance, the specific molecular and cellular components involved remain poorly characterized. We now report that the prototypic T cell costimulatory receptor CD28 is overexpressed on myeloma cells during disease progression and in the poor-prognosis subgroups and plays a previously unrecognized role as a two-way molecular bridge to support myeloid stromal cells in the microenvironment. Engagement by CD28 to its ligand CD80/CD86 on stromal dendritic cell directly transduces a prosurvival signal to myeloma cell, protecting it against chemotherapy and growth factor withdrawal-induced death. Simultaneously, CD28-mediated ligation of CD80/CD86 induces the stromal dendritic cell to produce the prosurvival cytokine IL-6 (involving novel cross-talk with the Notch pathway) and the immunosuppressive enzyme IDO. These findings identify CD28 and CD80/CD86 as important molecular components of the interaction between myeloma cells and the bone marrow microenvironment, point to similar interaction for normal plasma cells, and suggest novel therapeutic strategies to target malignant and pathogenic (e.g., in allergy and autoimmunity) plasma cells.  相似文献   
To estimate the oxidative stress in patients with prostate cancer and in a control group, we used the biomarker of lipid peroxidation?Cisoprostanes (8-isoPGF2) and the level of selected antioxidants (glucose and uric acid [UA]). The level of urinary isoprostanes was determined in patients and controls using an immunoassay kit according to the manufacturer??s instruction. The levels of UA and glucose were also determined in serum by the use of UA Assay Kit and Glucose Assay Kit. We observed a statistically increased the level of isoprostanes in urine of patients with prostate cancer in compared with a control group. The concentration of tested antioxidants in blood from patients with prostate cancer was also higher than in healthy subjects. Moreover, our experiments indicate that the correlation between the increased amount of UA and the lipid peroxidation exists in prostate cancer patients (in all tested groups). Prostate cancer risk by urinary isoprostanes level was analyzed, and a positive association was found (relative risk for highest vs. lowest quartile of urinary isoprostanes?=?1.6; 95?% confidence interval 1.2?C2.4; p for trend?=?0.03). We suggest that reactive oxygen species induce peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acid in patients with prostate cancer, and the level of isoprostanes may be used as a non-invasive marker for determination of oxidative stress. We also propose that UA may enhance the oxidative stress in patients with prostate cancer.  相似文献   


Fibroproliferative airway remodelling, including increased airway smooth muscle (ASM) mass and contractility, contributes to airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma. In vitro studies have shown that maturation of ASM cells to a (hyper)contractile phenotype is dependent on laminin, which can be inhibited by the laminin-competing peptide Tyr-Ile-Gly-Ser-Arg (YIGSR). The role of laminins in ASM remodelling in chronic asthma in vivo, however, has not yet been established.


Using an established guinea pig model of allergic asthma, we investigated the effects of topical treatment of the airways with YIGSR on features of airway remodelling induced by repeated allergen challenge, including ASM hyperplasia and hypercontractility, inflammation and fibrosis. Human ASM cells were used to investigate the direct effects of YIGSR on ASM proliferation in vitro.


Topical administration of YIGSR attenuated allergen-induced ASM hyperplasia and pulmonary expression of the proliferative marker proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Treatment with YIGSR also increased both the expression of sm-MHC and ASM contractility in saline- and allergen-challenged animals; this suggests that treatment with the laminin-competing peptide YIGSR mimics rather than inhibits laminin function in vivo. In addition, treatment with YIGSR increased allergen-induced fibrosis and submucosal eosinophilia. Immobilized YIGSR concentration-dependently reduced PDGF-induced proliferation of cultured ASM to a similar extent as laminin-coated culture plates. Notably, the effects of both immobilized YIGSR and laminin were antagonized by soluble YIGSR.


These results indicate that the laminin-competing peptide YIGSR promotes a contractile, hypoproliferative ASM phenotype in vivo, an effect that appears to be linked to the microenvironment in which the cells are exposed to the peptide.  相似文献   


The development and implementation of innovative vector control strategies for malaria control in Africa requires in-depth ecological studies in contained semi-field environments. This particularly applies to the development and release of genetically-engineered vectors that are refractory to Plasmodium infection. Here we describe a modified greenhouse, designed to simulate a natural Anopheles gambiae Giles ecosystem, and the first successful trials to complete the life-cycle of this mosquito vector therein.  相似文献   


IL-1β and IL-1RA levels are higher in the serum of cerebral malaria patients than in patients with mild malaria. Recently, the level of IL1B expression was reported to be influenced by a polymorphism in the promoter of IL1, IL1B -31C>T.


To examine whether polymorphisms in IL1B and IL1RA influence the susceptibility to cerebral malaria, IL1B -31C>T, IL1B 3953C>T, and IL1RA variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) were analysed in 312 Thai patients with malaria (109 cerebral malaria and 203 mild malaria patients).


In this population, IL1B -31C>T and IL1RA VNTRwere detected, while IL1B 3953C>T (i.e., IL1B 3953T) was not observed in the polymorphism screening for 32 patients. Further analyses for IL1B -31C>T and IL1RA VNTR in 110 cerebral malaria and 206 mild malaria patients showed no significant association of these polymorphisms with cerebral malaria.


The present results suggest that IL1B -31C>T and IL1RA VNTR polymorphisms do not play a crucial role in susceptibility or resistance to cerebral malaria.  相似文献   


Based on sensitivity analysis of the MacDonald-Ross model, it has long been argued that the best way to reduce malaria transmission is to target adult female mosquitoes with insecticides that can reduce the longevity and human-feeding frequency of vectors. However, these analyses have ignored a fundamental biological difference between mosquito adults and the immature stages that precede them: adults are highly mobile flying insects that can readily detect and avoid many intervention measures whereas mosquito eggs, larvae and pupae are confined within relatively small aquatic habitats and cannot readily escape control measures.  相似文献   
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