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Priming: a Nonantiviral Function of Interferon   总被引:37,自引:7,他引:30       下载免费PDF全文
No interferon is made by L cells when they are infected with MM virus. However, several thousand units of interferon are produced when interferon-treated L cells are infected with MM virus. We call the conversion of cells, from nonproducers to producers, priming. The time required for cells to become fully primed is dependent on the interferon concentration with which they are incubated. Primed cells produced interferon earlier than normal cells stimulated by other inducers. Cells which were exposed to interferon in the presence of inhibitors of protein synthesis became fully primed yet developed no virus resistance. Also, primed cells produced interferon in response to low concentrations of polyriboinosinic acid . polyribocytidylic acid that did not induce interferon in normal cells. Therefore, priming appears to be a function of interferon separable from its antiviral activity. Several other picornaviruses that failed to induce interferon in L cells, human embryonic lung cells, or monkey kidney cells did induce interferon when these cells had been primed by homologous interferons.  相似文献   
Interferons are proteins of cellular origin capable of conferring virus resistance to vertebrate cells. Most cells do not produce interferons except in response to proper stimulation. Clearly, the stimulation of interferon production encompasses two phenomena. When stimulated, some cell systems produce their interferons by synthesizing new proteins. Other cell systems do not require the synthesis of new proteins to produce interferons, and still other cell systems may produce interferons by both means. Before much can be learned from the detailed study of the nature of the molecules which stimulate interferons, the type of phenomenon which the stimulus induces must be identified. Chick embryo tissues apparently make interferons by synthesizing new proteins. Many viruses stimulate interferon production in chick embryo tissues. Data available suggest that neither the protein nor nucleic acid moieties of the added virions act as inducing molecules. Also, double-stranded replicative form is probably not responsible. It is suggested that the inducer molecule may be cellular in nature and may be produced in response to a wide variety of insults among which are viral infections.  相似文献   
A number of aspects of copper utilization have been studied in crinkled mice, the symptoms of which have been claimed to result from copper deficiency. In none of these aspects has any evidence been found to support this contention.1. Copper concentrations in liver, kidney, and brain, and serum ceruloplasmin oxidase activity were normal incr/cr mice.2. Copper concentrations in cultured lung fibroblasts and kidney epithelial cells derived fromcr/cr mice were normal.3. The elution profile of bound copper by gel-filtration chromatography of liver homogenates was the same in +/? andcr/cr mice.4. Neither maternal nor direct copper supplementation resulted in any reduction in mortality ofcr/cr mice.5. No increase in the concentration of hair sulfhydryl groups was apparent incr/cr mice.6. Histological studies revealed that the thin skin incr/cr mice owed to a reduction of the cutis; the epidermal and dermal layers were of normal thickness.7. Lysyl oxidase activity was normal in extracts of skin from 6-day-oldcr/cr mice, and in the culture medium ofcr/cr lung fibroblasts.8. Chemical analysis of brain myelin from 21- and 60-day-oldcr/cr mice showed no differences from +/? mice.  相似文献   
The total concentration of dissolved carbon dioxide in fermentation broths is one to two orders of magnitude greater than that of oxygen for pH > 6.5. The rate of change in this total concentration can be sufficiently large to produce a discrepancy between the carbon dioxide transfer rate (CTR) across the gas-liquid interface, available from gas analyses, and the carbon dioxide evolution rate (CER) of biomass in the fermentor. The CER is the variable of most interest to fermentation technologists but cannot be measured directly. The CTR is commonly used to yield the measured respiratory quotient (called here the TQ, or transfer quotient). Evaluation of the real underlying respiratory quotient (RQ), however, requiures the unmeasureable CER. Equations defining the problem are presented and are found to accurately predict the discrepancy between the TQ and the RQ in fed-batch fermentations of Escherichia coli. During the exponential growth phase, the TQ is less than the RQ. A changing pH can cause the TQ to be bigger or smaller than the RQ, while pH fluctuations associated with on-off pH controller action make the CTR and hence the TQ noisy. The RQ is estimated on-line during an E. coli fermentation and is shown to be constant during the fermentation, even though the TQ varies greatly. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
The aim of endocrine therapy is to reduce the estrogenic stimulus for tumour growth. After failure of tamoxifen — the standard “first-line” hormonotherapy for advanced breast cancer (ABC) — the most frequently prescribed endocrine therapies are progestins and aromatase inhibitors (AIs) (“second-line” hormonotherapy). Estrogen deprivation through AIs provides effective treatment of hormone-dependent ABC in postmenopausal (PMP) women. Over the past few years, the goals of our research programme were to develop more potent, more selective and better tolerated AIs than our first AI, aminoglutethimide (AG). Lentaron® (4-hydroxyandrostenedione, formestane), a highly selective steroidal compound was the first of the new AIs to be used in clinical trials. It is a substrate analogue, administered as an i.m. injection every 2 weeks. It is effective in the treatment of ABC with an objective response rate (ORR) similar to tamoxifen and megestrol acetate (MA) and is generally well tolerated; rare instances of injection site reactions have been reported. Afema® (fadrozole HCl), a non-steroidal AI is active orally, and effectively suppresses estrogen levels in PMP women, but it is not completely selective for aromatase when administered at higher than therapeutic doses. At the therapeutic dose of 1 mg twice a day it has an anti-tumour efficacy similar to MA, a good tolerability and no clinically relevant effects on other hormones of the endocrine system. Letrozole is the fourth of our AIs in clinical development. It is a non-steroidal, achiral, orally active, potent and highly selective competitive AI. Clinical endocrine studies have shown that the dose of 0.5 mg a day is the lowest dose achieving maximum estrogen suppression. Over a wide dose range, a lack of clinically relevant effects on other hormones of the endocrine system has confirmed its high selectivity. In four phase Ib/IIa studies in PMP patients with ABC who failed previous therapy, letrozole produced ORRs of 9, 31, 33 and 36%. One phase IIb/III study has been completed and two others are ongoing, comparing two doses of letrozole with MA or AG to confirm the anti-tumour efficacy of letrozole in the treatment of ABC in PMP women after treatment with anti-estrogens. Preliminary results from the completed trial show that letrozole 2.5 mg is superior to 0.5 mg in terms of ORR, time to progression and time to treatment failure, and is superior to the standard dose of MA in terms of ORR and tolerability. Therefore letrozole 2.5 mg can be recommended as a first choice for the treatment of PMP patients with hormone receptor-positive or unknown ABC after anti-estrogen therapy.  相似文献   
We examined the relative importance of climatic factors and population density to territorial start time ofVanessa atalanta males. Start time varies with solar altitude and therefore with seasons. We removed seasonal effects by converting start times to corresponding solar altitudes. Start time solar altitude correlates primarily with ambient temperature (T a) and secondarily with substrate temperature (T s), regardless of cloud cover. Overcast cloud cover resulted in later not earlier start times as expected from reduced solar radiation (R) levels. R may affect start time indirectly by affectingT s and later start times under overcast skies may be a result ofT s. Start times under solid overcast but not under broken overcast were different than under clear skies, suggesting thatV. atalanta males can use dim sun or blue patches in broken overcast as a start time cue. Early interaction frequency is correlated withT a and wind direction, but not with start time itself, suggesting that male population density is unimportant compared with climatic factors. We conclude thatV. atalanta has a climate-dependent start time but, also, that maintaining a relatively fixed daily schedule is more important to males than is achieving an optimal body temperature while perching.  相似文献   
Jasmonates enhance the expression of various genes involved in terpenoid indole alkaloid (TIA) biosynthesis in Catharanthus roseus. We applied precursor feeding to our C. roseus suspensions to determine how methyl jasmonate (MJ) alters the precursor availability for TIA biosynthesis. C. roseus suspensions were induced with MJ (100 μM) on day 6 and fed loganin (0.30 mM), tryptamine (0.15 mM), loganin plus tryptamine, or geraniol (0.1–1.0 mM) on day 7. While MJ increased ajmalicine production by 3-fold, induced cultures were still limited by terpenoid precursors. However, both induced and non-induced cultures became tryptamine-limited with excess loganin. Geraniol feeding also increased ajmalicine production in non-induced cultures. But MJ appeared to increase geraniol availability in induced cultures, due presumably to the increased expression of Dxs with MJ addition.  相似文献   
Direct UV irradiation of dendritic cells and Langerhans cells reduces their Ag presenting ability. However, the effects of UV on CD11c(+) cells located distally to the point of irradiation are poorly understood. Three days after UV irradiation (8 kJ/m(2)) of BALB/c mice, bone marrow cells were isolated and cultured for 7 d with IL-4 and GM-CSF for the propagation of CD11c(+) cells. Bone marrow-derived CD11c(+) cells from UV-irradiated or nonirradiated mice were loaded with dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid and injected into the ear pinnas of naive BALB/c mice. After 7 d, the ears were painted with 2,4-dinitro-1-fluorobenzene and the ear swelling determined 24 h later. A reduced contact hypersensitivity response was found in mice injected with CD11c(+) cells from the UV-irradiated animals compared with those injected with cells from the nonirradiated animals. Further, a long-lasting suppression of the memory response to 2,4-dinitro-1-fluorobenzene was created. This suppressed response corresponded to increased IL-10 and PGE(2) secretion by freshly isolated bone marrow cells from UV-irradiated mice, and to increased myelopoiesis. The reduction in competence of bone marrow-derived CD11c(+) cells from UV-irradiated mice was not due to delayed maturation, as it was maintained upon LPS exposure prior to CD11c(+) cell purification. The UV-induced effect was reversed by the administration of indomethacin to mice prior to UV irradiation and could be reproduced by s.c. PGE(2). These results show that UV irradiation of mice can affect the function of bone marrow-derived CD11c(+) cells via a mechanism inhibitable by indomethacin; this pathway is likely to contribute to systemic UV-induced immunosuppression.  相似文献   
Petroleum contamination of soils and sediments is a national concern due to the toxicity and recalcitrance of the aromatic components in the absence of oxygen. Oxygen can be introduced into the anaerobic zone of a contaminated environment by injection of gaseous O2 to stimulate biodegradation, but this process is costly and inefficient. Other more soluble electron acceptors, such as nitrate or sulfate, may alternatively be used, but the rates of oxidation are slow and not all hydrocarbons are degraded. Here we report that chlorite dismutation by (per)chlorate-reducing bacteria may offer an alternative source of oxygen for contaminant degradation. The dismutation of chlorite is an intermediate step in the microbial reduction of chlorate. Chlorite dismutation can stimulate the rapid oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzene or naphthalene in anoxic environments by supplying oxygen to the aerobic hydrocarbon-oxidizing population. Benzene, which is extremely recalcitrant under anaerobic conditions, is rapidly degraded to CO2 even in pristine soils with no prior exposure to hydrocarbons. The (per)chlorate-reducing bacteria grew rapidly in a broad diversity of environmental conditions and survived in significant numbers over the long term in inoculated sediments. In addition, the (per)chlorate-reducer Dechlorimonas agitatus strain CKB could survive starvation, forming a stable ultramicrobacterium with a cell size less than one-tenth that of the vegetative cells. Such ultramicrobacterial cells can readily pass through small pore sizes of subsurface environments preventing near-well plugging in bioaugmentation strategies. The ultramicrobacterial cells formed could readily be recovered as vegetative cells and could be used to stimulate hydrocarbon oxidation after only 68 hours recovery. Our results suggest that chlorite in the presence of (per)chlorate-reducing bacteria may be used as an effective in situ remediation strategy for petroleum contamination.  相似文献   
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