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哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mammalian target of rapamycin,mTOR)是整合细胞内外各种信号,调节蛋白质翻译与细胞生长增殖等多种生理活动的中心信号分子。活性氧类(reactive oxygen species,ROS)作为第二信使分子,可介导多种细胞信号通路并发挥广泛的生理效应。近年的研究发现ROS可通过一定的途径激活或抑制mTOR通路。而作为反馈调节,mTOR通路活性的轻度上调可促进细胞抗氧化物质的生成,而过度激活则会促进ROS生成,并增加细胞对氧化应激的敏感性,形成正反馈。本文将ROS与mTOR之间相互调节与相互作用的特点及机制的研究进展作一综述。 相似文献
Mark Bi Wen Hong Linda Kao Eric Boerwinkle Ron C. Hoogeveen Laura J. Rasmussen-Torvik Brad C. Astor Kari E. North Josef Coresh Anna K?ttgen 《PloS one》2010,5(7)
The minor T-allele of rs780094 in the glucokinase regulator gene (GCKR) associates with a number of metabolic traits including higher triglyceride levels and improved glycemic regulation in study populations of mostly European ancestry. Using data from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study, we sought to replicate these findings, examine them in a large population-based sample of African American study participants, and to investigate independent associations with other metabolic traits in order to determine if variation in GKCR contributes to their observed clustering. In addition, we examined the association of rs780094 with incident diabetes, coronary heart disease (CHD), and stroke over up mean follow-up times of 8, 15, and 15 years, respectively.Research Design and Methods
Race-stratified analyses were conducted among 10,929 white and 3,960 black participants aged 45–64 at baseline assuming an additive genetic model and using linear and logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards models.Results
Previous findings replicated among white participants in multivariable adjusted models: the T-allele of rs780094 was associated with lower fasting glucose (p = 10−7) and insulin levels (p = 10−6), lower insulin resistance (HOMA-IR, p = 10−9), less prevalent diabetes (p = 10−6), and higher CRP (p = 10−8), 2-h postprandial glucose (OGTT, p = 10−6), and triglyceride levels (p = 10−31). Moreover, the T-allele was independently associated with higher HDL cholesterol levels (p = 0.022), metabolic syndrome prevalence (p = 0.043), and lower beta-cell function measured as HOMA-B (p = 0.011). Among black participants, the T-allele was associated only with higher triglyceride levels (p = 0.004) and lower insulin levels (p = 0.002) and HOMA-IR (p = 0.013). Prospectively, the T-allele was associated with reduced incidence of diabetes (p = 10−4) among white participants, but not with incidence of CHD or stroke.Conclusions
Our findings indicate rs780094 has independent associations with multiple metabolic traits as well as incident diabetes, but not incident CHD or stroke. The magnitude of association between the SNP and most traits was of lower magnitude among African American compared to white participants. 相似文献983.
使用国内的三种厌氧菌生化鉴定装置及购进的API20A 条,对标准参考菌株10 株,临床分离株109 株及从粪便分离株 14 株共计 133 株进行了测试比较,虽然这四种方法各有其优缺点,但结果这几种方法与国外的API20A 法相比,其符合率及重复率均无明显差异(P> 0.05),而国内的厌氧菌生化鉴定装置都具有快速,简便、准确的特点,无论是符合率还是重复率都在80% 或90% 以上,当然这四种方法还存在着一定问题待改进,所以我们希望上述国内有关装置在不断地改进中完善,使我们的厌氧菌检测水平更上一层楼。 相似文献
Evidence that familial hypercholesterolemia mutations of the LDL receptor cause limited local misfolding in an LDL-A module pair 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Mutations at conserved sites within the ligand-binding LDL-A modules of the LDL receptor cause the genetic disease familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), and several of these FH mutations in modules five and six prevent the isolated single modules from folding properly to a nativelike three-dimensional structure. Because LDL-A modules occur as a series of contiguous repeats in the LDLR and related proteins, we investigated the impact of two FH mutations in LDL-A module five (D203G and D206E) and two mutations in module six (E219K and D245E) in the context of the covalently connected module five-six pair. HPLC chromatography of the products formed under conditions that efficiently refold the native module five-six pair demonstrate that, for each mutation, a folding defect persists in the module pair. NMR spectroscopy and calcium affinity measurements of the ensemble of misfolded products demonstrate that the unaltered module of each pair can fold to its native structure regardless of the range of misfolded conformations adopted by its mutated neighbor. These findings lend additional support to a model in which individual LDL-A modules of the LDL receptor act as independent structural elements. 相似文献
The prevailing belief for some decades has been that human radiation-related cataract occurs only after relatively high doses; for instance, the ICRP estimates that brief exposures of at least 0.5-2 Sv are required to cause detectable lens opacities and 5 Sv for vision-impairing cataracts. For protracted exposures, the ICRP estimates the corresponding dose thresholds as 5 Sv and 8 Sv, respectively. However, several studies, especially in the last decade, indicate that radiation-associated opacities occur at much lower doses. Several studies suggest that medical or environmental radiation exposure to the lens confers risk of opacities at doses well under 1 Sv. Among Japanese A-bomb survivors, risks for cataracts necessitating lens surgery were seen at doses under 1 Gy. The confidence interval on the A-bomb dose threshold for cataract surgery prevalence indicated that the data are compatible with a dose threshold ranging from none up to only 0.8 Gy, similar to the dose threshold for minor opacities seen among Chernobyl clean-up workers with primarily protracted exposures. Findings from various studies indicate that radiation risk estimates are probably not due to confounding by other cataract risk factors and that risk is seen after both childhood and adult exposures. The recent data are instigating reassessments of guidelines by various radiation protection bodies regarding permissible levels of radiation to the eye. Among the future epidemiological research directions, the most important research need is for adequate studies of vision-impairing cataract after protracted radiation exposure. 相似文献
Daniel G.M. Shore Zachary K. Sweeney Alan Beresford Bryan K. Chan Huifen Chen Jason Drummond Andrew Gill Tracy Kleinheinz Xingrong Liu Andrew D. Medhurst Edward G. McIver John G. Moffat Haitao Zhu Anthony A. Estrada 《Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters》2019,29(4):674-680
The discovery of disease-modifying therapies for Parkinson’s Disease (PD) represents a critical need in neurodegenerative medicine. Genetic mutations in LRRK2 are risk factors for the development of PD, and some of these mutations have been linked to increased LRRK2 kinase activity and neuronal toxicity in cellular and animal models. As such, research towards brain-permeable kinase inhibitors of LRRK2 has received much attention. In the course of a program to identify structurally diverse inhibitors of LRRK2 kinase activity, a 5-azaindazole series was optimized for potency, metabolic stability and brain penetration. A key design element involved the incorporation of an intramolecular hydrogen bond to increase permeability and potency against LRRK2. This communication will outline the structure-activity relationships of this matched pair series including the challenge of obtaining a desirable balance between metabolic stability and brain penetration. 相似文献
The conditions that favor the in vitro synthesis of cellulose from tobacco BY-2 cell extracts were determined. The procedure leading to the highest yield of cellulose consisted of incubating digitonin extracts of membranes from 11-day-old tobacco BY-2 cells in the presence of 1 mM UDP-glucose, 8 mM Ca2+ and 8 mM Mg2+. Under these conditions, up to nearly 40% of the polysaccharides synthesized in vitro corresponded to cellulose, the other polymer synthesized being callose. Transmission electron microscopy an... 相似文献
Plasma membrane aquaporins play a significant role during recovery from water deficit 总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29
Martre P Morillon R Barrieu F North GB Nobel PS Chrispeels MJ 《Plant physiology》2002,130(4):2101-2110
The role of plasma membrane aquaporins (PIPs) in water relations of Arabidopsis was studied by examining plants with reduced expression of PIP1 and PIP2 aquaporins, produced by crossing two different antisense lines. Compared with controls, the double antisense (dAS) plants had reduced amounts of PIP1 and PIP2 aquaporins, and the osmotic hydraulic conductivity of isolated root and leaf protoplasts was reduced 5- to 30-fold. The dAS plants had a 3-fold decrease in the root hydraulic conductivity expressed on a root dry mass basis, but a compensating 2.5-fold increase in the root to leaf dry mass ratio. The leaf hydraulic conductance expressed on a leaf area basis was similar for the dAS compared with the control plants. As a result, the hydraulic conductance of the whole plant was unchanged. Under sufficient and under water-deficient conditions, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, plant hydraulic conductance, leaf water potential, osmotic pressure, and turgor pressure were similar for the dAS compared with the control plants. However, after 4 d of rewatering following 8 d of drying, the control plants recovered their hydraulic conductance and their transpiration rates faster than the dAS plants. Moreover, after rewatering, the leaf water potential was significantly higher for the control than for the dAS plants. From these results, we conclude that the PIPs play an important role in the recovery of Arabidopsis from the water-deficient condition. 相似文献
近年来,创伤后肠道细菌易位引起的内源性感染日益受到重视。为了探讨细菌易位时免疫功能的作用,本文采用20%Ⅲ°烫伤的 T 细胞、NK 细胞,B 细胞免疫功能缺陷的与免疫功能正常的杂合子 SpF 小鼠进行实验,观察免疫功能缺陷时,伤后3个时相点中肠道细菌易位发生率,肠道微生态,回肠 MDA 和病理形态改变。获得;在肠道微生态未有改变,肠粘膜发生损伤的情况下,T 细胞和 NK 细咆免疫功能缺陷时,烫伤能促进肠道细菌易位,B 细胞免疫缺陷和免疫功能正常小鼠烫伤未发生肠道细菌易位。从机体的特异性和非特异性免疫的角度,对肠道正常菌丛易位引起的内源性感染进行了讨论。 相似文献