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Plasma growth hormone (GH) measured by immunoassay [immunoassayable GH (IGH)] and by tibial bioassay [bioassayable GH (BGH)] increases in humans in response to exercise. In rats, however, IGH does not change in response to exercise. The objective of this study was to determine the BGH response to an acute exercise bout in rats. The rats ran on a treadmill at a rate of 27 m/min for 15 min, after which plasma and pituitary hormones, including IGH and BGH, and plasma metabolites were measured. Plasma and pituitary IGH were unchanged from control groups after the acute exercise bout, whereas plasma BGH was increased by 300% and pituitary BGH was decreased by 50%. Plasma thyroxine and corticosterone levels were significantly increased after a single exercise bout, but plasma testosterone, 3,5, 3'-triiodothyronine, glucose, lactate, and triglyceride concentrations were unchanged. Given previous results from in situ nerve stimulation studies (Gosselink KL, Grindeland RE, Roy RR, Zhong H, Bigbee AJ, Grossman EJ, and Edgerton VR. J Appl Physiol 84: 1425-1430, 1998), these in vivo results are consistent with the rapid BGH response during exercise being induced by the activation of muscle afferents.  相似文献   
A preliminary account of Entolomataceae from Costa Rica is presented. Three new taxa are described, two inClitopilus, one inRhodocybe, and three new combinations are proposed inInocephalus. Five taxa ofClitopilus are reported for the first time from Costa Rica and a key to species is provided. Four species ofRhodocybe are discussed and a key to the six species known from Costa Rica is also provided.Alboleptonia earlei, Inocephalus murraii, Inocephalus quadratum, Rhodocybe incarnata andRhodocybe pseudonitellina are now known to occur in Costa Rica.  相似文献   
Loss of cardiomyocytes through programmed cell death is a key event in the development of heart failure, but the inciting molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. We used microarray analysis to identify a genetic program for myocardial apoptosis in Gq-mediated and pressure-overload cardiac hypertrophy. A critical component of this apoptotic program was Nix/Bnip3L. Nix localized to mitochondria and caused release of cytochrome c, activation of caspase-3 and apoptotic cell death, when expressed in HEK293 fibroblasts. A previously undescribed truncated Nix isoform, termed sNix, was not targeted to mitochondria but heterodimerized with Nix and protected against Nix-mediated apoptosis. Forced in vivo myocardial expression of Nix resulted in apoptotic cardiomyopathy and rapid death. Conversely, sNix protected against apoptotic peripartum cardiomyopathy in G(alpha)q-overexpressors. Thus, Nix/Bnip3L is upregulated in myocardial hypertrophy, and is both necessary and sufficient for Gq-mediated apoptosis of cardiomyocytes and resulting hypertrophy decompensation.  相似文献   
Thermus thermophilus possesses two aspartyl-tRNA synthetases (AspRSs), AspRS1 and AspRS2, encoded by distinct genes. Alignment of the protein sequences with AspRSs of other origins reveals that AspRS1 possesses the structural features of eubacterial AspRSs, whereas AspRS2 is structurally related to the archaebacterial AspRSs. The structural dissimilarity between the two thermophilic AspRSs is correlated with functional divergences. AspRS1 aspartylates tRNA(Asp) whereas AspRS2 aspartylates tRNA(Asp), and tRNA(Asn) with similar efficiencies. Since Asp bound on tRNA(Asn) is converted into Asn by a tRNA-dependent aspartate amidotransferase, AspRS2 is involved in Asn-tRNA(Asn) formation. These properties relate functionally AspRS2 to archaebacterial AspRSs. The structural basis of the dual specificity of T. thermophilus tRNA(Asn) was investigated by comparing its sequence with those of tRNA(Asp) and tRNA(Asn) of strict specificity. It is shown that the thermophilic tRNA(Asn) contains the elements defining asparagine identity in Escherichia coli, part of which being also the major elements of aspartate identity, whereas minor elements of this identity are missing. The structural context that permits expression of aspartate and asparagine identities by tRNA(Asn) and how AspRS2 accommodates tRNA(Asp) and tRNA(Asn) will be discussed. This work establishes a distinct structure-function relationship of eubacterial and archaebacterial AspRSs. The structural and functional properties of the two thermophilic AspRSs will be discussed in the context of the modern and primitive pathways of tRNA aspartylation and asparaginylation and related to the phylogenetic connexion of T. thermophilus to eubacteria and archaebacteria.  相似文献   


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are recommended for the relief of pain associated with hand osteoarthritis (OA) but do not alter the underlying structural changes that contribute to impaired physical function. The current analysis examined the relationship of pain relief with measures of function and global rating of disease in patients with hand OA.  相似文献   
The present study describes the phytochemical profile and antimicrobial activity of Andrographis paniculata. For the present investigation, two samples of A. paniculata extracts, obtained by extraction in chloroform and chloroform + HCl, respectively, were compared for their antimicrobial activity and further subjected to GC-MS analysis to find out the nature of the compounds responsible for the antimicrobial activity. The antibacterial activities were assessed by measuring the diameter of the inhibition zones, MIC and MBC values. Compared to the chloroform + HCl extract, the chloroform extract showed better antimicrobial activity against all the nine pathogenic bacterial strains tested. The chloroform extract was observed to be active against the opportunistic and pathogenic gram-negative bacteria, indicating its potential application related to noscomial infections. GC-MS results revealed phenols, aromatic carboxylic acids and esters in the chloroform extract to be the molecules responsible for the antimicrobial activity of A. paniculata. This is the first report on analysis of antimicrobial components from A. paniculata, and our results confer the utility of this plant extract in developing a novel broad spectrum antimicrobial agent.  相似文献   
The complexes of horse myoglobin (Mb) with the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and with the cationic surfactants cetyltrimethylammonium chloride (CTAC) and decyltrimethylammonium bromide (DeTAB), have been studied by a combination of surface tension measurements and optical spectroscopy, including heme absorption and aromatic amino acid fluorescence. SDS interacts in a monomeric form with Mb, which suggests the existence of a specific binding site for SDS, and induces the formation of a hexacoordinated Mb heme, possibly involving the distal histidine. Fluorescence spectra display an increase of tryptophan emission. Both effects point to an increased protein flexibility. SDS micelles induce both the appearance of two more heme species, one of which has the features of free heme, and protein unfolding. Mb/CTAC complexes display a very different behavior. CTAC monomers have no effect on the absorption spectra, and only a slight effect on the fluorescence spectra, whereas the formation of CTAC aggregates on the protein strongly affects both absorption and fluorescence. Mb/DeTAB complexes behave in a very similar way as Mb/CTAC complexes. The surface activity of the different Mb/surfactant complexes, as well as the interactions between the surfactants and Mb, are discussed on the basis of their structural properties.  相似文献   
Gonadally intact pseudohermaphroditic female and normal female and neonatally castrated male rhesus monkeys were given estrogen treatment as adults and evaluated for attractivity, proceptivity, and receptivity during tests with a tethered stud male. Pseudohermaphrodites were produced by injecting their mothers during pregnancy with either testosterone propionate (TP) or dihydrotestosterone propionate (DHTP). Castrated males had reliably lower attractivity than normal females on all indicator responses shown by the tethered males. Additionally, castrated males showed reliably fewer proceptive responses on 4 of 5 measures than normal females. Receptivity could not be assessed in this situation for castrated males, because tethered males never contacted them unless the castrated males were displaying presentation. No reliable differences were observed between pseudohermaphrodites produced by prenatal treatments with TP or DHTP. Pseudohermaphrodites generally showed reliably less attractivity and proceptivity than normal females and reliably more of these traits than castrated males. Attractivity scores for pseudohermaphrodites were not different from those for normal females until proximity to the tethered male was established. Receptivity was not different in pseudohermaphrodites compared with normal females. Results indicate prenatal androgenization and its developmental sequelae lead to a defeminization in adulthood which, in this testing situation, was principally manifested by a deficiency in the performance of proceptive behaviors. Additionally, defeminization in rhesus monkeys, unlike that demonstrated in rodents, does not depend upon actions of an aromatizable androgen.  相似文献   
The wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region and in the Great Plains are notorious for their sensitivity to weather variability. These wetlands have been the focus of considerable attention because of their ecological importance and because of the expected impact of climate change. Few models in the literature, however, take into account spatial variation in the importance of wetland drivers. This is surprising given the importance spatial heterogeneity in geomorphology and climatic conditions have in the region. In this paper, I use spatially-varying coefficients to assess the variation in ecological drivers in a number of ponds observed over a 50-year period (1961-2012). I included the number of ponds observed the year before on a log scale, the log of total precipitation, and mean maximum temperature during the four previous seasons as explanatory variables. I also included a temporal component to capture change in the number of ponds due to anthropogenic disturbance. Overall, fall and spring precipitation were most important in pond abundance in the west, whereas winter and summer precipitation were the most important drivers in the east. The ponds in the east of the survey area were also more dependent on pond abundance during the previous year than those in the west. Spring temperature during the previous season influenced pond abundance; while the temperature during the other seasons had a limited effect. The ponds in the southwestern part of the survey area have been increasing independently of climatic conditions, whereas the ponds in the northeast have been steadily declining. My results underline the importance of accounting the spatial heterogeneity in environmental drivers, when working at large spatial scales. In light of my results, I also argue that assessing the impacts of climate change on wetland abundance in the spring, without more accurate climatic forecasting, will be difficult.  相似文献   
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