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Binding of a series of synthetic multivalent carbohydrate analogs to the Man/Glc-specific lectins concanavalin A and Dioclea grandiflora lectin was investigated by isothermal titration microcalorimetry. Dimeric analogs possessing terminal alpha-D-mannopyranoside residues, and di-, tri-, and tetrameric analogs possessing terminal 3, 6-di-O-(alpha-D-mannopyranosyl)-alpha-D-mannopyranoside residues, which is the core trimannoside of asparagine-linked carbohydrates, were selected in order to compare the effects of low and high affinity analogs, respectively. Experimental conditions were found that prevented precipitation of the carbohydrate-lectin cross-linked complexes during the isothermal titration microcalorimetry experiments. The results show that the value of n, the number of binding sites on each monomer of the lectins, is inversely proportional to the number of binding epitopes (valency) of each carbohydrate. Hence, n values close to 1.0, 0.50, and 0.25 were observed for the binding of mono-, di-, and tetravalent sugars, respectively, to the two lectins. Importantly, differences in the functional valency of a triantennary analog for concanavalin A and D. grandiflora lectin are observed. The enthalpy of binding, DeltaH, is observed to be directly proportional to the number of binding epitopes in the higher affinity analogs. For example, DeltaH of a tetravalent trimannoside analog is nearly four times greater than that of the corresponding monovalent analog. Increases in K(a) values of the multivalent carbohydrates relative to monovalent analogs, known as the "multivalency effect," are shown to be due to more positive entropy (TDeltaS) contributions to binding of the former sugars. A general thermodynamic model for distinguishing binding of multivalent ligands to a single receptor with multiple, equal subsites versus binding to separate receptor molecules is given.  相似文献   
Physiological and developmental implications of motor unit anatomy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is increasing evidence that the architectural design and arrangement of the fibers within a motor unit have important physiological and developmental ramifications. Limited data, however, are available to directly address this issue. In the present study the physiological properties of one motor unit in each of seven cat tibialis anterior (TA) muscles were determined. Each of these units then was repetitively stimulated to deplete the glycogen in all muscle fibers within the unit. Subsequently, the length, type of ending, and spatial distribution of fibers sampled from these physiologically and histochemically typed motor units were determined. Four fast fatigable (FF), one fast, fatigue resistant (FR), and two slow (S) motor units (MU) were studied. The samples consisted of all those glycogen-depleted fibers (9-27) contained within a single fascicle or a circumscribed area of each of the motor unit territories. The mean fiber lengths for the two slow motor units were 35.9 and 45.5 mm. The mean fiber lengths for the fast motor unit samples ranged from 8.8 to 48.5 mm. Some fibers of both the fast and slow units reached lengths of 58 mm. Most of the fibers in the slow units extended the entire distance between the proximal and distal musculotendinous planes, had relatively constant cross-sectional areas, and terminated at the tendon as blunt endings. In contrast, the majority of the fibers in the fast units terminated intrafascicularly at one end, and the cross-sectional area decreased progressively along their lengths, that is, showed a tapering pattern for a significant proportion of their lengths. Therefore, the force generated by units that end midfascicularly would appear to be transmitted to connective tissue elements and/or adjacent fibers. All fibers of a fast unit within a fascicle were located at approximately the same proximo-distal location. Thus, developmentally the selection of muscle fibers by a motoneuron would seem to be influenced by their spatial distribution. The architectural complexities of motor units also have clear implications for the mechanical interactions of active and inactive motor units. For example, the tension capabilities of a motor unit may be influenced not only by the spatial arrangement of its own fibers, but also by the level of activation of neighboring motor units.  相似文献   
Production of the plant cytokinin, trans-zeatin, by a number of strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens was measured by a combination of traceenrichment, HPLC and radioimmunoassay and confirmed by mass spectrometry. Secretion of trans-zeatin into a culture medium is a constitutive function of those strains which harbor a nopaline Ti plasmid. Strains cured of the nopaline Ti plasmid and those which harbor octopine or agropine plasmids are non-producers. Reacquisition of nopaline plasmids by cured strains restores production.  相似文献   
The mechanism of tumour necrosis factor-mediated cytotoxicity was investigated by using various inhibitors of arachidonic acid metabolism. Phospholipase A2 inhibitors with different modes of action interfered with the cytotoxic action of TNF, whereas phospholipase C inhibitors did not. Neither cyclooxygenase nor lipoxygenase-blockers had a significant effect on TNF action. Experiments with scavengers of toxic oxygen radicals gave ambiguous results. The data obtained suggest the involvement of phospholipase A2 and arachidonic acid in the cytotoxic mechanism of TNF, but the exact role of these molecules is, however, still to be determined.  相似文献   
The biological activities of methyl jasmonate, ABA, methyl abscisate, and malformin were compared in a variety ofVigna radiata abscission tests. Although each compound diminished or completely negated the antiethylene properties of Ag+, differences in potency were observed. ABA and ABA-Me stimulated leaf abscission in the dark, potentiated abscission with low concentrations of ethephon, and interacted synergistically with malformin, whereas methyl jasmonate was inactive in each of these tests. Methyl jasmonate was most active in potentiating leaf abscission induced by high ethephon concentrations and stimulated petiole abscission, whether applied proximally or distally, from debladed explants. In two tests, negation of Ag+ activity and interaction with malformin, ABA concentrations as low as 0.1 M were biologically active and indicated that ABA can be a highly active abscission-inducing compound. Based on differences in biological activity, it was concluded that the modes of action of methyl jasmonate, ABA, and malformin were different.Journal Paper No. 9811 of the Purdue Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   
A. Pal  A. Roy 《Plant cell reports》1991,10(11):565-568
Mature embryos of Costus speciosus were excised and cultured on Schenk and Hildebrandt's (1972) nutrient medium containing auxins and cytokinins either alone or in combination. Multiple shoots were obtained when kinetin and indole-3-butyric acid were supplemented each at 0.1 mg 1–1 concentration. Embryo-derived plantlets were multiplied through propagation of rhizomes and the propagules derived from a single embryo were designated as an embryoclone. Twenty such embryo-clones were maintained in the field. Variations in rhizome biomass yield and diosgenin contents of these embryoclones were noted. Thirty-six percent of the embryo-clones studied were high diosgenin yielding types. Diosgenin contents at the intraclonal level were uniform. The in vitro raised plants were morphologically uniform and indistinguishable from their parent.Abbreviations SH Schenk and Hildebrandt (1972) medium - Kn kinetin - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - CA casaminoacids (vitamin free) - TLC thin layer chromatography  相似文献   
This study describes the genetic structure and provides estimates of mating system parameters in three natural populations of Prosopis velutina Woot. in southeastern Arizona. F statistics derived from isozyme data revealed the presence of both interpopulation and intrapopulation genetic differentiation. This population structure is discussed in relation to the ecological history of these populations that invaded the grasslands sites from adjacent riparian areas within the last 90 years, and possible modes of seed dispersal. The multilocus estimation program MLT of Ritland (Journal of Heredity 8: 235–237, 1990) was used to provide estimates of ts, tm, and the fixation index (F) of the maternal parents. Average estimates of ts ranged from 0.591 to 0.912. Estimates of tm ranged from 0.609 to 1.004, and averaged 0.758. The difference between tm and ts, which provides a measure of biparental inbreeding, averaged 0.058. This last result, together with significant heterogeneity found in pollen allele frequencies, suggests that a family structure has developed in the populations. A negative F value for one of the populations suggests selection against homozygotes between the seedling stage and maturity.  相似文献   
Sixteen tyrosinemic patients were evaluated in our institution for a possible liver transplantation. All patients showed biochemical and/or radiological evidence of liver dysfunction. Renal involvement was found to be more abnormal than expected. Seven patients have been transplanted, with two patients receiving a combined liver-kidney transplant. Hepatocarcinoma was detected in two of eight patients in whom the whole liver was examined. Six (37.5%) of the initial 16 patients have died since evaluation, one of the six dying after combined liver-kidney transplantation. Posttransplantation survival was 86%, with normal liver function, normal growth, and no recurrence of neurological crises on a normal diet.  相似文献   
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