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Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is the causative bacterium of Johne’s disease (JD) in ruminants. The control of JD in the dairy industry is challenging, but can be improved with a better understanding of the diversity and distribution of MAP subtypes. Previously established molecular typing techniques used to differentiate MAP have not been sufficiently discriminatory and/or reliable to accurately assess the population structure. In this study, the genetic diversity of 182 MAP isolates representing all Canadian provinces was compared to the known global diversity, using single nucleotide polymorphisms identified through whole genome sequencing. MAP isolates from Canada represented a subset of the known global diversity, as there were global isolates intermingled with Canadian isolates, as well as multiple global subtypes that were not found in Canada. One Type III and six “Bison type” isolates were found in Canada as well as one Type II subtype that represented 86% of all Canadian isolates. Rarefaction estimated larger subtype richness in Québec than in other Canadian provinces using a strict definition of MAP subtypes and lower subtype richness in the Atlantic region using a relaxed definition. Significant phylogeographic clustering was observed at the inter-provincial but not at the intra-provincial level, although most major clades were found in all provinces. The large number of shared subtypes among provinces suggests that cattle movement is a major driver of MAP transmission at the herd level, which is further supported by the lack of spatial clustering on an intra-provincial scale.  相似文献   

During physiological or ‘natural’ childbirth, the fetal head follows a distinct motion pattern—often referred to as the cardinal movements or ‘mechanisms’ of childbirth—due to the biomechanical interaction between the fetus and maternal pelvic anatomy. The research presented in this paper introduces a virtual reality-based simulation of physiological childbirth. The underpinning science is based on two numerical algorithms including the total Lagrangian explicit dynamics method to calculate soft tissue deformation and the partial Dirichlet–Neumann contact method to calculate the mechanical contact interaction between the fetal head and maternal pelvic anatomy. The paper describes the underlying mathematics and algorithms of the solution and their combination into a computer-based implementation. The experimental section covers first a number of validation experiments on simple contact mechanical problems which is followed by the main experiment of running a virtual reality childbirth. Realistic mesh models of the fetus, bony pelvis and pelvic floor muscles were subjected to the intra-uterine expulsion forces which aim to propel the virtual fetus through the virtual birth canal. Following a series of simulations, taking variations in the shape and size of the geometric models into account, we consistently observed the cardinal movements in the simulator just as they happen in physiological childbirth. The results confirm the potential of the simulator as a predictive tool for problematic childbirths subject to patient-specific adaptations.

The human lung cytochrome P450 2A13 (CYP2A13) activates the nicotine-derived procarcinogen 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) into DNA-altering compounds that cause lung cancer. Another cytochrome P450, CYP2A6, is also present in human lung, but at much lower levels. Although these two enzymes are 93.5% identical, CYP2A13 metabolizes NNK with much lower K(m) values than does CYP2A6. To investigate the structural differences between these two enzymes the structure of CYP2A13 was determined to 2.35A by x-ray crystallography and compared with structures of CYP2A6. As expected, the overall CYP2A13 and CYP2A6 structures are very similar with an average root mean square deviation of 0.5A for the Calpha atoms. Like CYP2A6, the CYP2A13 active site cavity is small and highly hydrophobic with a cluster of Phe residues composing the active site roof. Active site residue Asn(297) is positioned to hydrogen bond with an adventitious ligand, identified as indole. Amino acid differences between CYP2A6 and CYP2A13 at positions 117, 300, 301, and 208 relate to different orientations of the ligand plane in the two protein structures and may underlie the significant variations observed in binding and catalysis of many CYP2A ligands. In addition, docking studies suggest that residues 365 and 366 may also contribute to differences in NNK metabolism.  相似文献   
Stout AL 《Biophysical journal》2001,80(6):2976-2986
The development of scanning probe techniques has made it possible to examine protein-protein interactions at the level of individual molecular pairs. A calibrated optical tweezers, along with immunoglobulin G (IgG)-coated polystyrene microspheres, has been used to detect individual surface-linked Staphylococcus protein A (SpA) molecules and to characterize the strength of the noncovalent IgG-SpA bond. Microspheres containing, on average, less than one IgG per contact area were held in the optical trap while an SpA-coated substrate was scanned beneath them at a distance of approximately 50 nm. This geometry allows the trapped bead to make contact with the surface, from bond formation to rupture, and results in an enhancement of the force applied to a bond due to leverage supplied by the bead itself. Experiments yielded median single-bond rupture forces from 25 to 44 pN for IgG from four mammalian species, in general agreement with predictions based on free energies of association obtained from solution equilibrium constants.  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to investigate the role of phosphodiesterase type 4 (PDE4) enzymes in cryptorchidism-induced apoptosis of the germ cells. Regulation of expression of PDE4 enzymes was studied in the abdominal and scrotal testes of surgically induced cryptorchid rats for 10, 20, and 30 days. In some cases orchidopexy was performed after 30 days of cryptorchidism, and rats were allowed to recover for an additional 50 days. Upon histological examination, marked degenerative changes in the epithelial lining of the seminiferous tubules within abdominal testes were observed compared with contralateral control or age-matched sham-operated rats. These changes included degeneration of some spermatogonia, apoptosis of the secondary spermatocytes, incomplete spermatogenesis, and lack of spermatozoa in the lumen. In contrast, contralateral scrotal testes exhibited normal histology. Significant improvement in the regeneration of spermatogonia was observed in rats after 50 days of recovery following orchidopexy. Immunocytochemical examination suggested the presence of PDE4A in germ cells while PDE4B was predominantly expressed on somatic cells. Western blotting using PDE4 subtype-selective antibodies showed the presence of two PDE4A variants (a 109-kDa PDE4A8 and a previously uncharacterized 88-kDa PDE4A variant) and two PDE4B (78-kDa PDE4B2 and 66-kDa PDE4B variant) bands. In unilaterally cryptorchid animals, the abdominal testis showed a time-dependent decrease in both PDE4A8 and 88-kDa PDE4A variants. In contrast, the expression of 66-kDa PDE4B was markedly increased in a time-dependent fashion in abdominal testes of cryptorchid rats. Animals surgically corrected for cryptorchidism and allowed to recover for 50 days exhibited normal expression of both PDE4A and PDE4B variants compared with aged-matched, sham-operated controls. In conclusion, this study suggests that down-regulation of PDE4A variants in cryptorchid testes may play an important role in the degeneration of spermatogonia and increased apoptotic activity in the germ cells.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of the S642A mutant of mitochondrial aconitase (mAc) with citrate bound has been determined at 1.8 A resolution and 100 K to capture this binding mode of substrates to the native enzyme. The 2.0 A resolution, 100 K crystal structure of the S642A mutant with isocitrate binding provides a control, showing that the Ser --> Ala replacement does not alter the binding of substrates in the active site. The aconitase mechanism requires that the intermediate product, cis-aconitate, flip over by 180 degrees about the C alpha-C beta double bond. Only one of these two alternative modes of binding, that of the isocitrate mode, has been previously visualized. Now, however, the structure revealing the citrate mode of binding provides direct support for the proposed enzyme mechanism.  相似文献   
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