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Fluoxetine, a selective blocker of serotonin uptake, inhibits the metabolism of warfarin in rats. In contrast, after a single dose or seven daily doses of fluoxetine to human subjects, no inhibition of warfarin metabolism was observed.  相似文献   
The predator-prey relationship between California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) and northern Pacific rattlesnakes (Crotalus riridis oreganus) is a useful system in which to explore risk assessment and management. Rattlesnakes are major predators of ground-squirrel pups, but pose only a sublethal threat to adult squirrels. Adults approach, harass, and even attack rattlesnakes when confronted with them. A rattlesnake's response to such harassment can include rattling and striking. Not all rattlesnakes pose the same risk to an adult squirrel. Larger, warmer rattlesnakes strike in ways that may be more effective at overwhelming the defensive leaps of squirrels, and larger snakes can inject more venom if they are successful in landing a bite. It would therefore benefit squirrels to assess and respond appropriately to rattlesnakes of different body size and temperature. We looked for cues in rattling upon which such assessments might be based. We recorded and digitally analyzed the rattling sounds of snakes of different sizes, each tested at four different body temperatures — 10, 18, 27, and 35°C. Results indicate that warmer snakes rattle with faster click rates, higher amplitudes, and shorter latencies. Similarly, larger snakes produce rattling sounds of higher amplitude and lower dominant frequencies. Thus, rattling provides reliable cues about rattlesnake dangerousness. Nevertheless, this highly ‘informative’ characteristic of rattling has its origins in physical and physiological constraints, not in specialization for communication. Ground squirrels appear to probe for the information extractable from rattling, for example by pushing loose substrate at the snake and thus inducing it to rattle. Future reports will discuss the degree to which ground squirrels actually exploit these cues.  相似文献   

Predicting the ecosystem effects of invasive species and the best control strategies requires understanding population dynamics and population regulation. Invasive bivalves zebra and quagga mussels (Dreissena spp.) are considered the most aggressive invaders in freshwaters and have become major drivers of ecosystem processes in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Combining all lake-wide studies of Dreissena spp. conducted in the Great Lakes, we found that invasion dynamics are largely governed by lake morphometry. Where both species are present, quagga mussels generally become dominant in 8–13 years. Thereafter, zebra mussels remain common in shallow lakes and embayments and lake-wide Dreissena density may remain similar, while in deep lakes quagga led to a near-complete displacement of zebra mussels and an ensuing dramatic increase in overall dreissenid density. In deep lakes, overall Dreissena biomass peaked later and achieved?~?threefold higher levels than in shallow lakes. Comparison with 21 waterbodies in North America and Europe colonized by both dreissenids confirmed that patterns of invasion dynamics found in the Great Lakes are very consistent with other waterbodies, and thus can be generalized to other lakes. Our biophysical model predicted that the long-term reduction in primary producers by mussel grazing may be fourfold less in deep compared to shallow lakes due to thermal stratification and a smaller proportion of the epilimnion in contact with the bottom. While this impact remains greatest in shallow areas, we show that when lakes are vertically well-mixed, dreissenid grazing impact may be greatest offshore, revealing a potentially strong offshore carbon and phosphorus sink.

Rabies virus P-protein is expressed as five isoforms (P1-P5) which undergo nucleocytoplasmic trafficking important to roles in immune evasion. Although nuclear import of P3 is known to be mediated by an importin (IMP)-recognised nuclear localization sequence in the N-terminal region (N-NLS), the mechanisms underlying nuclear import of other P isoforms in which the N-NLS is inactive or has been deleted have remained unresolved. Based on the previous observation that mutation of basic residues K214/R260 of the P-protein C-terminal domain (P-CTD) can result in nuclear exclusion of P3, we used live cell imaging, protein interaction analysis and in vitro nuclear transport assays to examine in detail the nuclear trafficking properties of this domain. We find that the effect of mutation of K214/R260 on P3 is largely dependent on nuclear export, suggesting that nuclear exclusion of mutated P3 involves the P-CTD-localized nuclear export sequence (C-NES). However, assays using cells in which nuclear export is pharmacologically inhibited indicate that these mutations significantly inhibit P3 nuclear accumulation and, importantly, prevent nuclear accumulation of P1, suggestive of effects on NLS-mediated import activity in these isoforms. Consistent with this, molecular binding and transport assays indicate that the P-CTD mediates IMPα2/IMPβ1-dependent nuclear import by conferring direct binding to the IMPα2/IMPβ1 heterodimer, as well as to a truncated form of IMPα2 lacking the IMPβ-binding autoinhibitory domain (ΔIBB-IMPα2), and IMPβ1 alone. These properties are all dependent on K214 and R260. This provides the first evidence that P-CTD contains a genuine IMP-binding NLS, and establishes the mechanism by which P-protein isoforms other than P3 can be imported to the nucleus. These data underpin a refined model for P-protein trafficking that involves the concerted action of multiple NESs and IMP-binding NLSs, and highlight the intricate regulation of P-protein subcellular localization, consistent with important roles in infection.  相似文献   
Local environmental features can shape hybrid zone dynamics when hybrids are bounded by ecotones or when patchily distributed habitat types lead to a corresponding mosaic of genotypes. We investigated the role of marsh‐level characteristics in shaping a hybrid zone between two recently diverged avian taxa – Saltmarsh (Ammodramus caudacutus) and Nelson's (A. nelsoni) sparrows. These species occupy different niches where allopatric, with caudacutus restricted to coastal marshes and nelsoni found in a broader array of wetland and grassland habitats and co‐occur in tidal marshes in sympatry. We determined the influence of habitat types on the distribution of pure and hybrid sparrows and assessed the degree of overlap in the ecological niche of each taxon. To do this, we sampled and genotyped 305 sparrows from 34 marshes across the hybrid zone and from adjacent regions. We used linear regression to test for associations between marsh characteristics and the distribution of pure and admixed sparrows. We found a positive correlation between genotype and environmental variables with a patchy distribution of genotypes and habitats across the hybrid zone. Ecological niche models suggest that the hybrid niche was more similar to that of A. nelsoni and habitat suitability was influenced strongly by distance from coastline. Our results support a mosaic model of hybrid zone maintenance, suggesting a role for local environmental features in shaping the distribution and frequency of pure species and hybrids across space.  相似文献   
When considering the large‐scale deployment of bioenergy crops, it is important to understand the implication for ecosystem hydrological processes and the influences of crop type and location. Based on the potential for future land use change (LUC), the 10,280 km2 West Wales Water Framework Directive River Basin District (UK) was selected as a typical grassland dominated district, and the Soil & Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrology model with a geographic information systems interface was used to investigate implications for different bioenergy deployment scenarios. The study area was delineated into 855 sub‐basins and 7,108 hydrological response units based on rivers, soil type, land use, and slope. Changes in hydrological components for two bioenergy crops (Miscanthus and short rotation coppice, SRC) planted on 50% (2,192 km2) or 25% (1,096 km2) of existing improved pasture are quantified. Across the study area as a whole, only surface run‐off with SRC planted at the 50% level was significantly impacted, where it was reduced by up to 23% (during April). However, results varied spatially and a comparison of annual means for each sub‐basin and scenario revealed surface run‐off was significantly decreased and baseflow significantly increased (by a maximum of 40%) with both Miscanthus and SRC. Evapotranspiration was significantly increased with SRC (at both planting levels) and water yield was significantly reduced with SRC (at the 50% level) by up to 5%. Effects on streamflow were limited, varying between ?5% and +5% change (compared to baseline) in the majority of sub‐basins. The results suggest that for mesic temperate grasslands, adverse effects from the drying of soil and alterations to streamflow may not arise, and with surface run‐off reduced and baseflow increased, there could, depending on crop location, be potential benefits for flood and erosion mitigation.  相似文献   
Behavioral barriers to gene flow often evolve faster than intrinsic incompatibilities and can eliminate the opportunity for hybridization between interfertile species. While acoustic signal divergence is a common driver of premating isolation in birds and insects, its contribution to speciation in mammals is less studied. Here we characterize the incidence of, and potential barriers to, hybridization among three closely related species of grasshopper mice (genus Onychomys). All three species use long‐distance acoustic signals to attract and localize mates; Onychomys arenicola and Onychomys torridus are acoustically similar and morphologically cryptic whereas Onychomys leucogaster is larger and acoustically distinct. We used genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) to test for evidence of introgression in 227 mice from allopatric and sympatric localities in the western United States and northern Mexico. We conducted laboratory mating trials for all species pairs to assess reproductive compatibility, and recorded vocalizations from O. arenicola and O. torridus in sympatry and allopatry to test for evidence of acoustic character displacement. Hybridization was rare in nature and, contrary to prior evidence for O. torridus/O. arenicola hybrids, only involved O. leucogaster and O. arenicola. In contrast, laboratory crosses between O. torridus and O. arenicola produced litters whereas O. leucogaster and O. arenicola crosses did not. Call fundamental frequency in O. torridus and O. arenicola was indistinguishable in allopatry but significantly differentiated in sympatry, a pattern consistent with reproductive character displacement. These results suggest that assortative mating based on a long‐distance signal is an important isolating mechanism between O. torridus and O. arenicola and highlight the importance of behavioral barriers in determining the permeability of species boundaries.  相似文献   
Methacholine, nicotine and succinylcholine stimulated the phospholipase A2-acylation system of synaptic membranes isolated from the cerebral cortex of guinea pig. Stimulation by acetylcholine was partially blocked by atropine and by D-tuberocurarine respectively, indicating both muscarinic and nicotinic stimulation. Muscarinic stimulation by acetylcholine was greater than -isotinic stimulation, and stimulation by acetylcholine was completely blocked by a combip, or;. and n-tuberocurarine. The phospholipase A2-acylat tem was stimulated by phenylcphrine., id. Cqxoterenoi. Stimulation by noradrenaline was J-. tidlr, by phenoxybenzamine and pindalol i:spectively, indicating both 8-adrenergic and P-adrenergic ztimulation. n-Adrenergic stimulation by noradrenaline was greater than P-adrenergic-stimulation. 5 -mlation by noradrenaline was completely blocked by a combination of phenoxybenzamins and pindalol. Stimulation of both acylation and phospholipid hydrolysis, by 5-hydroxytryptamine and histamine were partially blocked by methysergide and diphenhydramine respectively. Stimulation by dopamine was blocked by halopcridol. Stimulation by y-aminobutyric acid was partially blocked by strychnine and by picrotoxin. Dichloroisoproterenol, atropine, methysergidr, diphenhydramine, strychnine, picrotoxin and eserine, at relatively high concentrations (1 mM), stimuhted the phospholipase A2-acylation system. Synergistic stimulations of both acylatior, and hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine, were observed by adenosine combined with noradrenaline, 5-hydroxytryptamine, histamine, dopamine or yaminobutyric acid, respectively. In the presence of ATP-MgCI, synergistic stimulations of the hydrolysis of phosphatidyicholine were observed after 30 s by noradrenaline combined with 5-hydroxytryptamine, histamine, dopamine, aminobutyric acid or carbamoylcholine respectively. In the presence of GTP-MgC12 synergistic stimulations were obtained by cdrbamoylcholine combined with noradrenaline. 5-hydroxytryptamine. histamine, dopamine or y-aminobutyric acid, respectively. In the presence of ATP-MgC12 plus GTP-MgC12, stimulation by noradrenaline and one other agonist including 5-hydroxytryptamine, histamine, dopamine, y-aminobutyric acid or carbamoylcholine were close to additive.  相似文献   
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