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In this study, we explore the hypothesis that some member of the mitochondrial carrier family has specific uncoupling activity that is responsible for the basal proton conductance of mitochondria. Twenty-seven of the 35 yeast mitochondrial carrier genes were independently disrupted in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Six knockout strains did not grow on nonfermentable carbon sources such as lactate. Mitochondria were isolated from the remaining 21 strains, and their proton conductances were measured. None of the 21 carriers contributed significantly to the basal proton leak of yeast mitochondria. A possible exception was the succinate/fumarate carrier encoded by the Xc2 gene, but deletion of this gene also affected yeast growth and respiratory chain activity, suggesting a more general alteration in mitochondrial function. If a specific protein is responsible for the basal proton conductance of yeast mitochondria, its identity remains unknown.  相似文献   
In early embryonic development, the cell cycle is paced by a biochemical oscillator involving cyclins and cyclin-dependent kinases (cdks). Essentially the same machinery operates in all eukaryotic cells, although after the first few divisions various braking mechanisms (the so-called checkpoints) become significant. Haase and Reed have recently shown that yeast cells have a second, independent oscillator which coordinates some of the events of the G1 phase of the cell cycle.(1) Although the biochemical nature of this oscillator is not known,it seems unlikely to be a redundant cyclin/cdk system. BioEssays 22:3-5, 2000.  相似文献   
INK4d-deficient mice are fertile despite testicular atrophy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The INK4 family of cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors includes four 15- to 19-kDa polypeptides (p16(INK4a), p15(INK4b), p18(INK4c), and p19(INK4d)) that bind to CDK4 and CDK6. By disrupting cyclin D-dependent holoenzymes, INK4 proteins prevent phosphorylation of the retinoblastoma protein and block entry into the DNA-synthetic phase of the cell division cycle. The founding family member, p16(INK4a), is a potent tumor suppressor in humans, whereas involvement, if any, of other INK4 proteins in tumor surveillance is less well documented. INK4c and INK4d are expressed during mouse embryogenesis in stereotypic tissue-specific patterns and are also detected, together with INK4b, in tissues of young mice. INK4a is expressed neither before birth nor at readily appreciable levels in young animals, but its increased expression later in life suggests that it plays some checkpoint function in response to cell stress, genotoxic damage, or aging per se. We used targeted gene disruption to generate mice lacking INK4d. These animals developed into adulthood, had a normal life span, and did not spontaneously develop tumors. Tumors did not arise at increased frequency in animals neonatally exposed to ionizing radiation or the carcinogen dimethylbenzanthrene. Mouse embryo fibroblasts, bone marrow-derived macrophages, and lymphoid T and B cells isolated from these animals proliferated normally and displayed typical lineage-specific differentiation markers. Males exhibited marked testicular atrophy associated with increased apoptosis of germ cells, although they remained fertile. The absence of tumors in INK4d-deficient animals demonstrates that, unlike INK4a, INK4d is not a tumor suppressor but is instead involved in spermatogenesis.  相似文献   
We have analyzed by (31)P MRS the relationship between kinetic parameters of phosphocreatine (PCr) recovery and end-of-exercise status under conditions of moderate and large acidosis induced by dynamic exercise. Thirteen healthy subjects performed muscular contractions at 0.47 Hz (low frequency, moderate exercise) and 0.85 Hz (high frequency, heavy exercise). The rate constant of PCr resynthesis (k(PCr)) varied greatly among subjects (variation coefficients: 43 vs. 57% for LF vs. HF exercises) and protocols (k(PCr) values: 1.3+/-0.5 min(-1) vs. 0.9+/-0.5 min(-1) for LF vs. HF exercises, P<0.03). The large intersubject variability can be captured into a linear relationship between k(PCr), the amount of PCr consumed ([PCr(2)]) and pH reached at the end of exercise (pH(end)) (k(PCr)=-3.3+0.7 pH(end)-0.03 [PCr(2)]; P=0.0007; r=0.61). This dual relationship illustrates that mitochondrial activity is affected by end-of-exercise metabolic status and allows reliable comparisons between control, diseased and trained muscles. In contrast to k(PCr), the initial rate of PCr recovery and the maximum oxidative capacity were always constant whatever the metabolic conditions of end-of-exercise and can then be additionally used in the identification of dysfunctions in the oxidative metabolic pathway.  相似文献   
In a recent experimental study, Ouyang et al. (1998, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.95, 8660-8664) have shown that, in direct competition, cyanobacterial strains whose circadian clocks have free-running periods (FRPs) which match the period of an imposed light/dark (LD) cycle exclude strains whose FRPs are out of resonance with the LD cycle. These differences in competitive fitness are observed despite the lack of measurable differences in monoculture growth rates between the strains. Here we show that the experimental results are consistent with a mathematical model in which cells rhythmically produce a metabolic inhibitor to which they display a sensitivity modulated by their circadian rhythm. We argue that models in which there is a circadian modulation of nutrient uptake kinetics cannot account for the results of these experiments. We discuss possible experiments to further characterize this phenomenon. The experimental protocol we propose can be used to distinguish between mutual inhibition and substrate depletion as underlying causes of the competitive advantage of circadian resonance.  相似文献   
Dicer, a ribonuclease III enzyme, is required for the maturation of microRNAs. To assess its role in cerebellar and medulloblastoma development, we genetically deleted Dicer in Nestin-positive neural progenitors and in mice lacking one copy for the Sonic Hedgehog receptor, Patched 1. We found that conditional loss of Dicer in mouse neural progenitors induced massive Trp53-independent apoptosis in all proliferative zones of the brain and decreased proliferation of cerebellar granule progenitors at embryonic day 15.5 leading to abnormal cerebellar development and perinatal lethality. Loss of one copy of Dicer significantly accelerated the formation of mouse medulloblastoma of the Sonic Hedgehog subgroup in Patched1-heterozygous mice. We conclude that Dicer is required for proper cerebellar development, and to restrain medulloblastoma formation.  相似文献   
The ARF tumor suppressor protein stabilizes p53 by antagonizing its negative regulator, Mdm2 (Hdm2 in humans). Both mouse p19(ARF) and human p14(ARF) bind to the central region of Mdm2 (residues 210 to 304), a segment that does not overlap with its N-terminal p53-binding domain, nuclear import or export signals, or C-terminal RING domain required for Mdm2 E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. The N-terminal 37 amino acids of mouse p19(ARF) are necessary and sufficient for binding to Mdm2, localization of Mdm2 to nucleoli, and p53-dependent cell cycle arrest. Although a nucleolar localization signal (NrLS) maps within a different segment (residues 82 to 101) of the human p14(ARF) protein, binding to Mdm2 and nucleolar import of ARF-Mdm2 complexes are both required for cell cycle arrest induced by either the mouse or human ARF proteins. Because many codons of mouse ARF mRNA are not recognized by the most abundant bacterial tRNAs, we synthesized ARF minigenes containing preferred bacterial codons. Using bacterially produced ARF polypeptides and chemically synthesized peptides conjugated to Sepharose, residues 1 to 14 and 26 to 37 of mouse p19(ARF) were found to interact independently and cooperatively with Mdm2, while residues 15 to 25 were dispensable for binding. Paradoxically, residues 26 to 37 of mouse p19(ARF) are also essential for ARF nucleolar localization in the absence of Mdm2. However, the mobilization of the p19(ARF)-Mdm2 complex into nucleoli also requires a cryptic NrLS within the Mdm2 C-terminal RING domain. The Mdm2 NrLS is unmasked upon ARF binding, and its deletion prevents import of the ARF-Mdm2 complex into nucleoli. Collectively, the results suggest that ARF binding to Mdm2 induces a conformational change that facilitates nucleolar import of the ARF-Mdm2 complex and p53-dependent cell cycle arrest. Hence, the ARF-Mdm2 interaction can be viewed as bidirectional, with each protein being capable of regulating the subnuclear localization of the other.  相似文献   
Two subspecies of the European abalone have been morphologically recognized: Haliotis tuberculata tuberculata, present in the North Atlantic, and Haliotis tuberculata coccinea, present in the Canary Islands. Among the different nuclear markers used to differentiate these two subspecies, the sperm lysin gene was the most reliable, leading to a 2.2% divergence. Concerning the subunit I of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxydase gene (COI), we observed a difference of 3.3% between the two subspecies. In the North Atlantic, an introgression of mitochondrial DNA from H. tuberculata coccinea to H. tuberculata tuberculata was evident in around 30% of individuals. Due to this difference, we were able to experimentally detect the transfer of paternal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) by specific quantitative polymerase chain reaction measurements. The presence of the two mtDNA signatures was also detected in 20% of individuals tested in the field. Moreover, one mt DNA hybrid sequence was identified. The sequencing of this mitochondrial DNA hybrid revealed a mosaic structure with many specific mutations. The origin of this hybrid sequence is discussed.  相似文献   
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