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Cleavage of the plasma membrane Na+/Ca2+ exchanger in excitotoxicity   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In brain ischemia, gating of postsynaptic glutamate receptors and other membrane channels triggers intracellular Ca2+ overload and cell death. In excitotoxic settings, the initial Ca2+ influx through glutamate receptors is followed by a second uncontrolled Ca2+ increase that leads to neuronal demise. Here we report that the major plasma membrane Ca2+ extruding system, the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX), is cleaved during brain ischemia and in neurons undergoing excitotoxicity. Inhibition of Ca2+-activated proteases (calpains) by overexpressing their endogenous inhibitor protein, calpastatin or the expression of an NCX isoform not cleaved by calpains, prevented Ca2+ overload and rescued neurons from excitotoxic death. Conversely, down-regulation of NCX by siRNA compromised neuronal Ca2+ handling, transforming the Ca2+ transient elicited by non-excitotoxic glutamate concentrations into a lethal Ca2+overload. Thus, proteolytic inactivation of NCX-driven neuronal Ca2+ extrusion is responsible for the delayed excitotoxic Ca2+ deregulation and neuronal death.  相似文献   
Large segments of intact plants that represent a heterosporous fern have been discovered within an aquatic plant community from the Late Cretaceous St. Mary River Formation near Cardston in southern Alberta, Canada. Branching rhizomes of Hydropteris pinnata gen. et sp. nov. are 1–2 mm wide. They produce fronds at intervals of 2–12 mm and bear numerous elongated roots. Fronds, up to approximately 6 cm long, are pinnate with subopposite to alternate pinnae that exhibit anastomosing venation. Large, multisoral sporocarps occur at the junctures of the rhizome and frond rachides. Both microsporangiate massulae and megaspore complexes occur within each sporocarp. Megaspore complexes are assignable to the sporae dispersae genus Parazolla Hall. Microspores are trilete, smooth-walled, and are embedded in episporal material of the massulae. A numerical cladistic analysis indicates that the heterosporous aquatic ferns are monophyletic, and not as closely related to either schizaeaceous or hymenophyllaceous ferns as they are to some other filicaleans. Systematic revisions are proposed to reflect newly recognized cladistic relationships within the heterosporous clade, and character originations in the evolution of heterosporous aquatic ferns are evaluated. Hydropteridaceae fam. nov. is proposed, and included with Salviniaceae and Azollaceae in the Hydropteridineae subord. nov., and the Hydropteridales Willdenow.  相似文献   
Unusually high levels of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were found in the nematode parasites Trichostrongylus axei, T. colubriformis and T, retortaeformis. In T. colubriformis the enzyme was located in the oesophageal and excretory glands of the parasitic stages. The highest level/unit wt was found in the fourth-stage larvae, which per worm had a comparable level to that in adult worms because the excretory gland was fully developed in the fourth-stage larvae. In acrylamide gel electrophoresis, T. axei and T. colubriformis AChE and esterases were similar but differed from those present in T. retortaeformis. Globulins prepared from the sera of sheep and guinea-pigs infected with T. colubriformis complexed with T. colubriformis and T. axei AChE, but not with esterases nor with AChE from T. retortaeformis, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, Oesophagostomum radiatum or O. venulosum. Complexing of AChE to globulins did not inhibit the enzymic function of this enzyme.  相似文献   
Microtubules that are free of microtubule-associated protein undergo dynamic changes at steady state, becoming longer but fewer in number with time through a process which was previously assumed to be based entirely on mechanisms of subunit exchange at polymer ends. However, we recently demonstrated that brain and erythrocyte microtubules are capable of joining end-to-end and suggested that polymer annealing may also affect the dynamic behavior of microtubules in vitro (Rothwell, S. W., W. A. Grasser, and D. B. Murphy, 1986, J. Cell Biol. 102:619-627). In the present study, we first show that annealing is a general property of cytoplasmic microtubules and is not a specialized characteristic of erythrocyte microtubules by documenting annealing between tryosinolated and detyrosinolated brain microtubules. We then examine the contributions of polymer annealing and subunit exchange to microtubule dynamics by analyzing the composition and length of individual polymers in a mixture of brain and erythrocyte microtubules by immunoelectron microscopy. In concentrated preparations of short-length microtubules at polymer-mass steady state, annealing was observed to be the principal factor responsible for the increase in polymer length, whereas annealing and subunit exchange contributed about equally to the reduction in microtubule number.  相似文献   

Background and aims

Liming is considered normal agricultural practise for remediating soil acidity and improving crop productivity; however recommended lime applications can reduce yield. We tested the hypothesis that elevated xylem sap Ca2+ limited gas exchange of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and Pisum sativum L. plants that exhibited reduced shoot biomass and leaf area when limed.


We used Scholander and whole-plant pressure chamber techniques to collect root and leaf xylem sap, a calcium-specific ion-selective electrode to measure xylem sap Ca2+, infra-red gas analysis to measure gas exchange of limed and unlimed (control) plants, and a detached leaf transpiration bioassay to determine stomatal sensitivity to Ca2+.


Liming reduced shoot biomass, leaf area and leaf gas exchange in both species. Root xylem sap Ca2+ concentration was only increased in P. vulgaris and not in P. sativum. Detached leaves of both species required 5 mM Ca2+ supplied to via the transpiration stream to induce stomatal closure, however, maximum in vivo xylem sap Ca2+ concentrations of limed plants was only 1.7 mM and thus not high enough to influence stomata.


We conclude that an alternative xylem-borne antitranspirant other than Ca2+ decreases gas exchange of limed plants.  相似文献   
In rats fed a normal (22% protein) diet, injection of clenbuterol (1 mg/kg/d for 21 d) did not affect energy intake, energy expenditure or weight gain, but reduced energetic efficiency, and fat and energy gains and increased body protein content. Presenting a low-protein (8%) diet reduced energy intake, gain and efficiency, body protein content and the mass of the gastrocnemius muscle when compared to rats fed the control diet. Injection of the protein-deficient rats with clenbuterol (1 mg/kg/d for 21 d) caused hypophagia and reduced body weight and energy gains, energy expenditure and total body fat. However, the total body content of protein was not significantly reduced and the percentage of body protein in this protein deficient, clenbuterol-treated group was greater than that of untreated rats on both the high- and low-protein diets. The ratio of body protein to fat following clenbuterol treatment was increased by over 50% in both normal and protein-deficient rats. The results show that in protein deficient animals, clenbuterol treatment may help conserve body protein at the expense of fat, resulting in a smaller, but leaner body mass.  相似文献   
End-to-end annealing of microtubules in vitro   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Mixtures of pre-formed microtubules, polymerized from chicken erythrocyte and brain tubulin, rapidly anneal end-to-end in vitro in standard microtubule assembly buffer. The erythrocyte tubulin segments in annealed heteropolymers can be distinguished by an immunoelectron microscopic assay that uses an antibody specific for chicken erythrocyte beta-tubulin. An annealing process is consistent with the following observations: (a) Microtubule number decreases while the polymer mass remains constant. (b) As the total number of microtubules declines, the number of heteropolymers, and the number of segments contained in each heteropolymer, increases. (c) The size of the segments determined after annealing and antibody labeling is the same as the original microtubule polymers. (d) Points of discontinuity in the annealing heteropolymers can be observed directly by electron microscopy, and correspond to type-specific polymer domains. The junctions probably represent initial contact points during the annealing process. Microtubule annealing occurs rapidly in vitro and may be significant for determining properties of microtubule dynamics in vivo.  相似文献   
? Premise of the study: Seed cone morphology and anatomy reflect some of the most important changes in the phylogeny and evolutionary biology of conifers. Reexamination of the enigmatic Jurassic seed cone Pararaucaria patagonica reveals previously unknown systematically informative characters that demonstrate affinities with the Cheirolepidiaceae. This paper documents, for the first time, internal anatomy for seed cones of this important extinct Mesozoic conifer family, which may represent the ghost lineage leading to modern Pinaceae. ? Methods: Morphology and anatomy of cones from the Jurassic La Matilde Formation in Patagonia are described from a combination of polished wafers and thin section preparations. New photographic techniques are employed to reveal histological details of thin sections in which organic cell wall remains are not preserved. Specific terminology for conifer seed cones is proposed to help clarify hypotheses of homology for the various structures of the cones. ? Key results: Specimens are demonstrated to have trilobed ovuliferous scale tips along with a seed enclosing pocket of ovuliferous scale tissue. Originally thought to represent a seed wing in P. patagonica, this pocket-forming tissue is comparable to the flap of tissue covering seeds of compressed cheirolepidiaceous cones and is probably the most diagnostic character for seed cones of the family. ? Conclusions: Pararaucaria patagonica is assigned to Cheirolepidiaceae, documenting anatomical features for seed cones of the family and providing evidence for the antiquity of pinoid conifers leading to the origin of Pinaceae. A list of key morphological and anatomical characters for seed cones of Cheirolepidiaceae is developed to facilitate assignment of a much broader range of fossil remains to the family. This confirms the presence of Cheirolepidiaceae in the Jurassic of the Southern Hemisphere, which was previously suspected from palynological records.  相似文献   
Changes in somatosensory input can remodel human cortical motor organization, yet the input characteristics that promote reorganization and their functional significance have not been explored. Here we show with transcranial magnetic stimulation that sensory-driven reorganization of human motor cortex is highly dependent upon the frequency, intensity, and duration of stimulus applied. Those patterns of input associated with enhanced excitability (5 Hz, 75% maximal tolerated intensity for 10 min) induce stronger cortical activation to fMRI. When applied to acutely dysphagic stroke patients, swallowing corticobulbar excitability is increased mainly in the undamaged hemisphere, being strongly correlated with an improvement in swallowing function. Thus, input to the human adult brain can be programmed to promote beneficial changes in neuroplasticity and function after cerebral injury.  相似文献   
Four anatomically preserved ovulate cycadeoid cones have been recovered from three localities in Upper Cretaceous (Turonian/Coniacian-Late Campanian) sediments of Vancouver and Hornby Islands, British Columbia, Canada. All of the specimens are preserved by calcareous cellular permineralization and are quite similar to seed cones described as several species of Cycadeoidea and Bennettites. These cones, described as Cycadeoidea maccafferyi sp. nov., consist of tightly packed interseminal scales and ovulate sporophylls with terminal ovules. Two specimens also preserve remains of a small receptacle. Interseminal scales and ovulate sporophylls are oriented parallel to one another. Ovules are distinctly stellate at the base of the micropylar tube, and the sarcotesta consists of both longitudinally oriented tubular cells and large radially elongated cells attached to the sclerotesta. The vascular strand below each ovule is highly contorted in a pattern that is characteristic of contractile tissue in the roots of living plants. These specimens are the most recent anatomically preserved cycadeoid cones yet discovered, revealing details of the reproductive biology shortly before extinction of the clade. Superb preservation of the British Columbia cones confirms that Bennettitales lack a cupule, have radial seeds, and have a vascularized nucellus (but no integumentary tracheids), and that no pollen chamber is produced. Together with a new species of Williamsonia preserved at one of the same localities, these specimens reveal a clear set of contrasting systematic characters for differentiating between isolated seed cones of Williamsoniaceae and Cycadeoidaceae.  相似文献   
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