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Developing methods for understanding the connectivity of signalling pathways is a major challenge in biological research. For this purpose, mathematical models are routinely developed based on experimental observations, which also allow the prediction of the system behaviour under different experimental conditions. Often, however, the same experimental data can be represented by several competing network models.  相似文献   
In the kidney vitamin D is converted to its active form. Since vitamin D exerts its activity through binding to the nuclear vitamin D receptor (VDR), most genetic studies have primarily focused on variation within this gene. Therefore, analysis of genetic variation in VDR and other vitamin D pathway genes may provide insight into the role of vitamin D in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) etiology. RCC cases (N = 777) and controls (N = 1,035) were genotyped to investigate the relationship between RCC risk and variation in eight target genes. Minimum-p-value permutation (Min-P) tests were used to identify genes associated with risk. A three single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sliding window was used to identify chromosomal regions with a False Discovery Rate of <10%, where subsequently, haplotype relative risks were computed in Haplostats. Min-P values showed that VDR (p-value = 0.02) and retinoid-X-receptor-alpha (RXRA) (p-value = 0.10) were associated with RCC risk. Within VDR, three haplotypes across two chromosomal regions of interest were identified. The first region, located within intron 2, contained two haplotypes that increased RCC risk by approximately 25%. The second region included a haplotype (rs2239179, rs12717991) across intron 4 that increased risk among participants with the TC (OR = 1.31, 95% CI = 1.09–1.57) haplotype compared to participants with the common haplotype, TT. Across RXRA, one haplotype located 3′ of the coding sequence (rs748964, rs3118523), increased RCC risk 35% among individuals with the variant haplotype compared to those with the most common haplotype. This study comprehensively evaluated genetic variation across eight vitamin D pathway genes in relation to RCC risk. We found increased risk associated with VDR and RXRA. Replication studies are warranted to confirm these findings.  相似文献   
The hypersensitive response (HR) is a cell death phenomenon associated with localized resistance to pathogens. Biphasic patterns in the generation of H2O2, salicylic acid and ethylene have been observed in tobacco during the early stages of the HR. These biphasic models reflect an initial elicitation by pathogen-associated molecular patterns followed by a second phase, induced by pathogen-encoded avirulence gene products. The first phase has been proposed to potentiate the second, to increase the efficacy of plant resistance to disease. This potentiation is comparable to the “priming” of plant defenses which is seen when plants display systemic resistance to disease. The events regulating the generation of the biphasic wave, or priming, remains obscure, however recently we demonstrated a key role for nitric oxide in this process in a HR occurring in tobacco. Here we use laser photoacoustic detection to demonstrate that biphasic ethylene production also occurs during a HR occurring in Arabidopsis. We suggest that ethylene emanation during the HR represents a ready means of visualising biphasic events during the HR and that exploiting the genomic resources offered by this model species will facilitate the development of a mechanistic understanding of potentiating/priming processes.Key words: hypersensitive response, biphasic patterns, potentiation, defense priming, ethylene, ArabidopsisThe Hypersensitive Response (HR) is a cell death process which occurs at the site of attempted pathogen attack and which has been associated with host resistance.1 Much work on the regulation of the HR has indicated the importance of H2O2,2 and NO.3 A feature of H2O2 generation during the HR is its biphasic pattern (Fig. 1A). The first rise reflects elicitation by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)4 and the second reflects the interaction between a pathogen-encoded avirulence (avr) gene product with a plant resistance (R) gene. A key aspect of the first rise is the initiation of salicylic acid (SA) synthesis which potentiates the second rise and hence the potency of plant defense and the HR.5Open in a separate windowFigure 1Patterns of defense signal generation during the Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola elicited-hypersensitive response in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). Generation of (A) H2O2 (●, Mur18); (B) nitric oxide (◇; Mur12 (C) salicylic acid (SA, ■19) and (D) ethylene (○ Mur9) during a HR elicited by Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Psph) in tobacco cv. Samsun NN. In (A) a phase where SA acts to augment the second rise in H2O2—the potentiation phase—is highlighted. The potentiation phase is likely to be similar to defense “priming”.6 Methodological details are contained within the appropriate references. (E) A possible model for biphasic defense signal regulation during the Psph-elicited HR in tobacco. During an initial phase NO and H2O2 act to initiate SA biosynthesis, where SA and NO act to initiate a “H2O2 biphasic switch”. This could initially suppress both SA and the H2O2 generation but subsequently acts to potentiate a second phase of H2O2 generation. This in turn increases SA biosynthesis which could act with NO to initiate the “C2H4 biphasic switch” to potentiate ethylene production. These (and other) signals contribute to initiation of the HR and SAR.This potentiation mechanism appears to be similar to defense priming; when whole plants display systemic resistance to disease as opposed to a localized resistance against pathogens. Priming can be initiated (the “primary stimulus”) following attack with a necrotizing pathogen (leading to “systemic acquired resistance”, SAR) or non-pathogenic rhizosphere bacteria (to confer “induced systemic resistance”, ISR). In the primed state a plant stimulates a range of plant defense genes, produces anti-microbial phytoalexins and deposits cell wall strengthening molecules, but only on imposition of a “secondary stimulus”.6 Such secondary stimuli include SA3 or PAMPs7 and is likely to be mechanistically similar to the potentiation step in the biphasic pattern of H2O2 generation (shaded in Fig. 1A). Accordingly, the two phases in the biphasic wave represent primary and secondary stimuli in priming.Highlighting a similarity between local HR-based events and priming, adds further impetus to efforts aiming to describe the underlying mechanism(s), however both phenomena remain poorly understood. Besides SA, both jasmonates and abscisic acid (ABA) have been shown to prime defenses as have a range of non-plant chemicals, with β-aminobutyric acid (BABA) being perhaps most widely used.6,8 Mutants which fail to exhibit BABA-mediated potentiation were defective in either a cyclin-dependent kinase-like protein, a polyphosphoinositide phosphatase or an ABA biosynthetic enzyme.8We have recently investigated biphasic ethylene production during the HR in tobacco elicited by the nonhost HR-eliciting bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola.9 As with H2O2 generation, this pattern reflected PAMP-and AVR-dependent elicitation events and included a SA-mediated potentiation stage. Crucially, we also showed that NO was a vital component in the SA-potentiation mechanism. When this finding is integrated with our other measurements of defense signal generation in the same host-pathogen system the complexity in the signaling network is revealed (Fig. 1). NO generation (Fig. 1B) appeared to be coincident with the first rise in H2O2 (Fig. 1A) which initiated SA biosynthesis10,11 and together would contribute to the first small, but transient, rise in that hormone (Fig. 1C). In line with established models5 this momentary rise in SA coincides with the potentiation phase (shaded in Fig. 1A) required to augment the second rise in ROS. However, ethylene production seems to be correlated poorly with the patterns of NO, H2O2 and SA (Fig. 1D). Nevertheless, biphasic ethylene production was found to reflect PAMP and AVR-dependent recognition and included a SA-mediated potentiation step.9 Hence, ethylene production could be used as a post-hoc indicator of the potentiation mechanism. Therefore, our discovery that the second wave of ethylene production—a “biphasic switch”—is influenced by NO acting with SA could also be relevant to the H2O2 generation. Significantly, the second phases in both H2O2 and ethylene production occur exactly where SA and NO production coincides; in the case of H2O2 generation 2–4 h post challenge and with ethylene 6 h onwards (Fig. 1E).Thus, ethylene production represents a readily assayable marker to indicate perturbations in the underlying biphasic and possible priming mechanisms. As we have demonstrated, laser photoacoustic detection (LAPD) is a powerful on-line approach to determine in planta ethylene production in tobacco9,12 but any mechanistic investigations would be greatly facilitated if the genetic resources offered by the model species Arabidopsis could be exploited.To address this, Arabidopsis Col-0 rosettes were vacuum infiltrated with either Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) avrRpm1 (HR-eliciting), the virulent Pst strain and the non-HR eliciting and non-virulent Pst hrpA strain. Ethylene production was monitored by LAPD (Fig. 2A). Significantly, Pst avrRpm1 initiated a biphasic pattern of ethylene production whose kinetics were very similar to that seen in tobacco (compare Figs. 2A with with1D).1D). Inoculations with Pst and Pst hrpA only displayed the first PAMP-dependent rise in ethylene production. Thus, these data establish that Arabidopsis can be used to investigate biphasic switch mechanism(s) in ethylene production during the HR and possibly defense priming. When considering such mechanisms, it is relevant to highlight the work of Foschi et al.13 who observed that biphasic activation of a monomeric G protein to cause phase-specific activation of different kinase cascades. Interestingly, ethylene has been noted to initiate biphasic activation of G proteins and kinases in Arabidopsis, although differing in kinetics to the phases seen during the HR.14 Further, plant defense priming has been associated with the increased accumulation of MAP kinase protein.6Open in a separate windowFigure 2Ethylene in the Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato elicited-hypersensitive response in Arabidopsis thaliana. (A) Ethylene production from 5 week old short day (8 h light 100 µmol.m2.sec−1) grown Arabidopsis rosette leaves which were vacuum infiltrated with bacterial suspensions (2 × 106 colony forming units.ml−1) of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst) strains detected using laser photoacoustic detection (LAPD). Experimental details of the ethylene detection by LAPD are detailed in Mur et al.9 The intercellular spaces in leaves were infiltrated with the HR-eliciting strain Pst avrRpm1, (■), the virulent strain Pst (△) or the non-virulent and non-HR eliciting derivative, Pst hrpA (◇). (B) The appearance of Arabidopsis Col-0 and etr1-1 leaves at various h following injection with 2 × 106 c.f.u.mL−1 with of Pst avrRpm1. (C) Explants (1 cm diameter discs) from Arabidopsis leaf areas infiltrated with suspensions of Pst avrRpm1 were placed in a 1.5 cm diameter well, bathed in 1 mL de-ionized H2O. Changes in the conductivity of the bathing solution, as an indicator of electrolyte leakage from either wild type Col-0 (◆), mutants which were compromised in ethylene signaling; etr1-1 (□), ein2-2 (▲) or which overproduced ethylene; eto2-1 (●) were measured using a conductivity meter. Methodological details are set out in Mur et al.9A further point requires consideration; the role of ethylene as a direct contributor to plant defense.15 The contribution of ethylene to the HR has been disputed,16 but in tobacco we have observed that altered ethylene production influenced the formation of a P. syringae pv. phaseolicola elicited HR.9 In Arabidopsis, cell death in the ethylene receptor mutant etr1-1 following inoculation with Pst avrRpm1 is delayed compared to wild type (Fig. 2B). When electrolyte leakage was used to quantify Pst avrRpm1 cell death, both etr1-1 and the ethylene insensitive signaling mutant ein2-1 exhibited slower death than wild-type but in the ethylene overproducing mutant eto2, cell death was augmented (Fig. 2C). These data indicate that ethylene influences the kinetics of the HR.Taking these data together we suggest that the complexity of signal interaction during the HR or in SAR/ISR could be further dissected by combining the genetic resources of Arabidopsis with measurements of ethylene production using such sensitive approaches as LAPD.  相似文献   
A synthetic sequence has been developed to selectively functionalize the furan ring of the natural product salvinorin A (2a). The synthetic routes described convert the furan ring in 2a into an N-sulfonylpyrrole, oxazole or an oxadiazole. In addition, a procedure has been found to remove the furan skeleton completely. Biological results indicate that replacement of the furan ring with an N-sulfonylpyrrole leads to reduced affinity and efficacy at kappa opioid receptors.  相似文献   
The tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) superfamily mediates signals critical for regulation of the immune system. One family member, CD40, is important for the efficient activation of antibody-producing B cells and other antigen-presenting cells. The molecules and mechanisms that mediate CD40 signaling are only partially characterized. Proteins known to interact with the cytoplasmic domain of CD40 include members of the TNF receptor-associated factor (TRAF) family, which regulate signaling and serve as links to other signaling molecules. To identify additional proteins important for CD40 signaling, we used a combined stimulation/immunoprecipitation procedure to isolate CD40 signaling complexes from B cells and characterized the associated proteins by mass spectrometry. In addition to known CD40-interacting proteins, we detected SMAC/DIABLO, HTRA2/Omi, and HOIP/RNF31/PAUL/ZIBRA. We found that these previously unknown CD40-interacting partners were recruited in a TRAF2-dependent manner. HOIP is a ubiquitin ligase capable of mediating NF-κB activation through the ubiquitin-dependent activation of IKKγ. We found that a mutant HOIP molecule engineered to lack ubiquitin ligase activity inhibited the CD40-mediated activation of NF-κB. Together, our results demonstrate a powerful approach for the identification of signaling molecules associated with cell surface receptors and indicate an important role for the ubiquitin ligase activity of HOIP in proximal CD40 signaling.  相似文献   


Dengue virus is endemic in tropical and sub-tropical resource-poor countries. Dengue illness can range from a nonspecific febrile illness to a severe disease, Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS), in which patients develop circulatory failure. Earlier diagnosis of severe dengue illnesses would have a substantial impact on the allocation of health resources in endemic countries.

Methods and Findings

We compared clinical laboratory findings collected within 72 hours of fever onset from a prospective cohort children presenting to one of two hospitals (one urban and one rural) in Thailand. Classification and regression tree analysis was used to develop diagnostic algorithms using different categories of dengue disease severity to distinguish between patients at elevated risk of developing a severe dengue illness and those at low risk. A diagnostic algorithm using WBC count, percent monocytes, platelet count, and hematocrit achieved 97% sensitivity to identify patients who went on to develop DSS while correctly excluding 48% of non-severe cases. Addition of an indicator of severe plasma leakage to the WHO definition led to 99% sensitivity using WBC count, percent neutrophils, AST, platelet count, and age.


This study identified two easily applicable diagnostic algorithms using early clinical indicators obtained within the first 72 hours of illness onset. The algorithms have high sensitivity to distinguish patients at elevated risk of developing severe dengue illness from patients at low risk, which included patients with mild dengue and other non-dengue febrile illnesses. Although these algorithms need to be validated in other populations, this study highlights the potential usefulness of specific clinical indicators early in illness.  相似文献   
A single gene encodes multiple neuropeptides mediating a stereotyped behavior   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Egg laying in Aplysia is characterized by a stereotyped behavioral array which is mediated by several neuroactive peptides. We have sequenced two genes encoding the A and B peptides thought to initiate the egg-laying process, as well as a gene encoding egg-laying hormone (ELH) which directly mediates the behavioral array. The three genes share 90% sequence homology and are representatives of a small multigene family. Each gene encodes a protein precursor in which the active peptides are flanked by internal cleavage sites providing the potential to generate multiple small peptides. Each of the three genes consists of sequences homologous to A or B peptide as well as ELH. Although these genes share significant nucleotide homology, they have diverged such that different member genes express functionally related but nonoverlapping sets of neuroactive peptides in different tissues.  相似文献   
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