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The structural stability of the protein, phycocyanin isolated from two strains of cyanophyta, Synechococcus lividus (thermophile) and Phormidium luridum (mesophile), are investigated by comparative thermal and denaturant unfolding, using differential scanning calorimetry, visible absorption spectrophotometry, and circular dichroism. The thermophilic protein exhibits a much higher temperature and enthalpy of unfolding from the native to the denatured state. The concentration of urea at half-completion of thermal unfolding is essentially the same between the thermophilic and mesophilic proteins; in contrast, the corresponding temperature and the enthalpy of thermal unfolding are much higher for the thermophilic protein. In addition, the concentration of urea at which the non-thermal (denaturant) unfolding of protein is half-completed, as detected by either circular dichroism or absorption spectroscopy, is significantly higher in the thermophilic protein, while the apparent free energy of unfolding only shows a moderate difference between the two proteins. The distinct differences in the enthalpy of thermal unfolding and the free energy of denaturant unfolding are interpreted in terms of a significant entropy change associated with the unfolding of these proteins. This entropy contribution is much higher in the thermophilic protein, and may be derived from its more rigid overall structure that possesses higher internal hydrophobicity and stronger internal packing.  相似文献   
The polymerase chain reaction was used to detect and characterize low-abundance bovine leukemia virus (BLV) mRNAs. In infected cattle we could detect spliced mRNA with a splice pattern consistent with a Tax/Rex mRNA, as well as at least four alternatively spliced RNAs. Two of the alternatively spliced mRNAs encoded hitherto unrecognized BLV proteins, designated RIII and GIV. The Tax/Rex and alternatively spliced mRNAs could be detected at their highest levels in BLV-infected cell cultures; the next highest levels were found in samples from calves experimentally infected at 6 weeks postinoculation. Alternatively spliced mRNAs were also expressed, albeit at lower levels, in naturally infected animals; they were detected by a nested polymerase chain reaction. Interestingly, the GIV mRNA was specifically detected in naturally infected cows with persistent lymphocytosis and in two of five calves at 6 months after experimental infection with BLV. Furthermore, the calf with the strongest signal for GIV had the highest lymphocyte counts. These data may suggest a correlation between expression of the GIV product and development of persistent lymphocytosis. Some of the donor and acceptor sites in the alternatively spliced mRNAs were highly unusual. The biological mechanisms and significance of such a choice of unexpected splice sites are currently unknown.  相似文献   
The disintegration activity of Moloney murine leukemia virus (M-MuLV) integrase (IN) was investigated through structural and sequence modifications of a Y substrate that resembles an integration intermediate. The Y substrates, constructed from individual oligonucleotides, contain a single viral long terminal repeat (LTR) joined to a nicked target DNA. Truncation of the double-stranded LTR sequences distal to the conserved 5'-CA-3' dinucleotide progressively diminished disintegration activity. M-MuLV IN was also able to catalyze disintegration of a heterologous double-stranded LTR sequence. Significantly, the activity of M-MuLV IN on single-stranded LTR Y substrates was more dependent on the sequence and length of the LTR strand than that reported for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) IN. Modifications introduced at the Y-substrate junction demonstrated that the 3'-hydroxyl group at the terminus of the target strand was necessary for efficient joining of the target DNA strands. The presence of a 2'-hydroxyl group at the 3' end of the target strand, as well as a single-nucleotide gap at the LTR-target junction, reduced disintegration activity. The absence of hydroxyl groups on the terminal nucleotide abolished joining of the target strands. The results presented here suggest that M-MuLV IN disintegration activity is dependent on substantially different LTR sequence requirements than those reported for HIV-1 IN and may be mediated primarily through a structural recognition event.  相似文献   
The development of the tectum mesencephali was studied in the frog Rana temporaria and the salamander Pleurodeles waltl by means of nuclear staining and by labeling of cells with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). The general spatial and temporal pattern of cell proliferation and cell migration is the same in both species, despite drastic differences in overall tectal morphology. However, the salamander species differs from the frog species by (1) a generally lower cell proliferation rate, (2) a reduction in the activity of the lateral proliferation zone, and (3) a reduction in the formation of superficial cellular layers. Because point (3) affects processes that occur late in ontogeny, our experiments provide evidence that the simple morphology of the tectum of Pleurodeles waltl, compared with the multilayered tectum of Rana, is a consequence of a paedomorphic alteration of the ancestral developmental pattern of the amphibian tectum.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies were prepared against the trisaccharide Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc, a sequence which occurs on the surface of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells as well as in thyroglobulin, laminin and a variety of other proteins. This was accomplished by immunizing BALB/c mice with the fraction of Ehrlich cell membrane glycoproteins obtained by affinity chromatography on aGriffonia simplicifolia I (GS I) column which selectively binds -d-galactosyl-terminated structures. Detection of Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc-specific antibodies was accomplished by employing glycoproteins containing the trisaccharide sequence; fusion with spleen cells from an immunized mouse was accomplished in the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG1500). An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system was used to identify two clones (2.10G and 6.8E), which recognized the desired trisaccharide conjugate. These clones also recognized a thyroglobulin fraction isolated by GS I affinity chromatography and murine laminin, both of which possess the Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc sequence. Inhibition of antibody-trisaccharide reactivity, examined employing an ELISA assay, revealed that two trisaccharides, Gal1-3Gal1-4GlcNAc/Glc, were the best inhibitory haptens; Gal1-4GlcNAc (LacNAc), Gal1-3Gal and Gal1-4Glc (lactose) were poor inhibitors. Indirect immunofluorescence staining of unfixed Ehrlich cells using the monoclonal antibody at 4° C revealed fluorescence over the entire cell surface. Indirect immunogold labeling of semithin and ultrathin sections of aldehyde fixed and Lowicryl K4M-embedded Ehrlich cells resulted in specific labeling of the cell surface and internal structure. Immunoblot analysis revealed that removal of the -galactosyl residues of laminin by -galactosidase abolished reactivity with the monoclonal antibodies. The availability of this antibody, which belongs to the IgM family of immunoglobulins, now makes possible the detection of this sugar sequence on cells and tissue sections, as well as on glycoproteins in solution.  相似文献   
Dividing nuclei from the giant ameba Pelomyxa carolinensis were fixed in osmium tetroxide solutions buffered with veronal acetate to pH 8.0. If divalent cations (0.002 M calcium, magnesium, or strontium as chlorides) were added to the fixation solution, fibrils that are 14 mµ in diameter and have a dense cortex are observed in the spindle. If the divalent ions were omitted, oriented particles of smaller size are present and fibrils are not obvious. The stages of mitosis were observed and spindle components compared. Fibrils fixed in the presence of calcium ions are not so well defined in early metaphase as later, but otherwise have the same diameter in the late metaphase, anaphase, and early telophase. Fibrils are surrounded by clouds of fine material except in early telophase, when they are formed into tight bundles lying in the cytoplasm unattached to nuclei. Metaphase and anaphase fibrils fixed without calcium ions are less well defined and are not observably different from each other. The observations are consistent with the concept that spindle fibrils are composed of polymerized, oriented protein molecules that are in equilibrium with and bathed in non-oriented molecules of the same protein. Partially formed spindle fibrils and ribosome-like particles were observed in the mixoplasm when the nuclear envelope had only small discontinuities. Remnants of the envelope are visible throughout division and are probably incorporated into the new envelope in the telophase. Ribosome-like particles are numerous in the metaphase and anaphase spindle but are not seen in the telophase nucleus, once the envelope is reestablished, or in the interphase nucleus.  相似文献   
1. Structurally the "sensory bristles" in Euplotes patella are typical cilia, but no ciliary rootlets connect their bases. 2. The "neuromotor fibrils" are composed of filaments 21 mµ in diameter. At the point of junction of the filaments with the peripheral ciliary fibrils a granular structure 65 to 90 mµ in diameter is seen which has dense central and peripheral zones separated by a less dense layer. Information on the interconnection of organelles is expanded. 3. A system of subpellicular fibrils is described. The external fibrillar system described by others could not be found. 4. The motorium is shown to be a mass of intertwining rootlet filaments. 5. The micronucleus is shown to have a spongy, dense material in a less dense material, all of which is surrounded by a double-layered membrane. 6. The double-layered macronuclear membrane contains annuli whose outside diameter is 70 mµ; the macronuclear bodies are sometimes closely applied to the membrane. In the macronuclear reorganization bands, the solution plane is a fine network, while the reconstruction plane is devoid of structure at the level of resolution observed. 7. The mitochondria are composed of tubules, only occasionally oriented, usually embedded in a surrounding material of lower density. 8. Microbodies whose diameters are 250 to 350 mµ are frequently observed in close association with mitochondrial surfaces. 9. The food vacuoles, contractile vacuoles, and ciliary vacuoles are bounded by single-layered membranes. In the food vacuoles, the bacteria are surrounded by membranes individually or in small groups. 10. Cytoplasmic rods localized in the oral region, and cytoplasmic granules dispersed at random, are described. No typical ergastoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum, or Golgi material was observed.  相似文献   
Abstract: Six species of Nabidae (Heteroptera) were collected by standardized sweep net sampling in alfalfa fields in Thuringia, Germany, from 1993 to 1995: Nabis pseudoferus , N. ferus , N. brevis , N. major , Nabicula flavomarginata and Aptus mirmicoides . Colonization of a newly cultivated field was studied over a 3-year period. The density of all the studied nabid species was low (less than five individuals per 100 sweeps) and not related to time since colonization started, or to the distance from the margin of the field. Macropterous species were able to colonize the whole field within one season. The density of one macropterous species, N. pseudoferus , varied between the years of study and was mainly affected by the harvest regime. The brachypterous species reached the margin within one season but for density it took three seasons to reach satiated values also in the centre of the field. The abundance of the brachypterous N. brevis was significantly different both between years and sampling sites. This indicates the importance of the surroundings on the succession of this species. Nabis major , a fully winged species, showed a migration pattern intermediate to macropterous and brachypterous nabids. These results suggest that the total abundance of nabid predators cannot be predicted by time or distance from the expansion source (shelter belts). The abundance of brachypterous nabid individuals can be predicted from time since colonization but is best analysed at the species level.  相似文献   
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