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The fish, Erythrinus erythrinus, shows an interpopulation diversity, with four karyomorphs differing by chromosomal number, chromosomal morphology and heteromorphic sex chromosomes. Karyomorph A has a diploid number of 2n = 54 and does not have differentiated sex chromosomes. Karyomorph D has 2n = 52 chromosomes in females and 2n = 51 in males, and it is most likely derived from karyomorph A by the differentiation of a multiple X1X2Y sex chromosome system. In this study, we analyzed karyomorphs A and D by means of cytogenetic approaches to evaluate their evolutionary relationship.  相似文献   
Little is known about past vegetation dynamics in Eastern Tropical South America (ETSA). Here we describe patterns of chloroplast (cp) DNA variation in Plathymenia reticulata, a widespread tree in the ETSA Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes, but not found in the xeromorphic Caatinga. Forty one populations, comprising 220 individuals, were analysed by sequencing the trnS‐trnG and trnL‐trnL‐trnF cpDNA regions. Combined, they resulted in 18 geographically structured haplotypes. The central region of the sampling area, comprising Minas Gerais and Goiás Brazilian states, is a centre of genetic diversity and probably the most longstanding area of the distribution range of the species. In contrast, populations from northeastern Brazil and the southern Cerrados showed very low diversity levels, almost exclusively with common haplotypes which are also found in the central region. Coupled with a long‐branched star‐like network, these patterns suggest a recent range expansion of P. reticulata to those regions from central region sources. The recent origin of the species (in the early Pleistocene) or the extinction of some populations due to drier and cooler climate during the last glacial maximum could have been responsible for that phylogeographic pattern. The populations from northeastern Brazil originated from two colonization routes, one eastern (Atlantic) and one western (inland). Due to its high diversity and complex landscape, the central region, especially central‐north Minas Gerais (between 15°–18° S and 42°–46° W), should be given the highest priority for conservation.  相似文献   
With great interest, we read the article by Toms and colleagues [1] in the previous issue of Arthritis Research & Therapy, in which they assessed prevalences of metabolic syndrome (MetS) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Moreover, they identified demographic and clinical factors that may be associated with MetS. Toms and colleagues found prevalences of up to 45% of MetS and demonstrated older age and health status (health assessment questionnaire) to be associated with MetS irrespectively of the definition used. Of most interest, an association between methotrexate (MTX) use and decreased presence of MetS was observed in patients more than 60 years of age. The investigators hypothesized that this may be attributed to a drug-specific effect (and not to an anti-inflammatory effect) either by changing levels of adenosine, which is known to interact with glucose and lipid metabolism, or by an indirect effect mediated through concomitant folic acid administration, thereby decreasing homocysteine levels.Recently, we also examined the prevalence of MetS in (a subgroup of) RA patients in the CARRÉ investigation, a prospective cohort study on prevalent and incident cardiovascular disease and its underlying cardiovascular risk factors [2]. The findings of Toms and colleagues stimulated us to perform additional analyses in our total study population (n = 353).The prevalences of MetS were 35% and 25% (Table (Table1)1) according to criteria of National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) 2004 and NCEP 2001, respectively. In multivariate backward regression analyses, we found significant associations between body mass index, pulse rate, creatinine levels, hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus and the presence of MetS independently of the criteria used (Table (Table2).2). However, an independent association between single use of MTX or use of MTX in combination with other disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, on the one hand, and a decreased prevalence of MetS, on the other hand, could not be demonstrated (even in the subgroup of patients over the age of 60).

Table 1

Characteristics of the study population
MetS presentaMetS absentaMetS presentbMetS absentb
n = 84n = 265n = 121n = 228P valueaP valueb
 Age, years63.8 (± 8)63.1 (± 7)64.3 (± 8)62.7 (± 7)0.460.045
 Female, percentage766374620.0220.028
RA-related characteristics
 DAS284.2 (± 1.3)3.9 (± 1.4)4.1 (± 1.3)3.8 (± 1.4)0.210.062
 ESR, mm/hour22 (10-35)16 (9-30)20 (10-34)17 (9-31)0.0590.33
 CRP, mg/L11 (4-21)6 (3-16)8 (3-18)6 (3-19)0.0210.46
 RA duration, years7 (4-10)7 (4-10)7 (4-10)7 (5-10)0.830.19
 Erosion, percentage778379830.200.36
 Number of DMARDs1 (1-2)1 (1-1)1 (1-2)1 (1-1)0.260.43
 MTX current, percentage626063590.710.46
 MTX only, percentage393941380.950.67
 SSZ only, percentage8139140.230.22
 HCQ only, percentage14340.310.55
 Combination of DMARDs, percentage312529250.240.38
 TNF-blocking agent, percentage1191190.730.65
 Prednisolone only, percentage12311.000.42
Cardiovascular risk factors
 Current smoker, percentage263125320.420.15
 Pack-years, years17 (0-34)19 (2-38)19 (0-35)18 (2-38)0.230.75
 BMI, kg/m230 (± 4)26 (± 5)29 (± 4)25 (± 5)< 0.001< 0.001
 Creatinine, μmol/L89 (± 21)89 (± 16)91 (± 22)87 (± 14)0.990.070
 Renal clearance, mL/minute81 (± 24)72 (± 19)77 (± 23)73 (± 19)0.0030.062
 Pulse, beats per minute76 (± 11)73 (± 9)75 (± 11)73 (± 9)0.0050.015
 Diabetes mellitus, percentage143123< 0.0010.001
 Hypothyroidism, percentage122920.0010.003
Open in a separate windowaMetabolic syndrome (MetS) according to National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) 2001; bMetS according to NCEP 2004. Continuous variables are presented as means (± standard deviations) in cases of normal distribution or as medians (interquartile ranges) in cases of non-normal distribution. BMI, body mass index; CRP, C-reactive protein; DAS28, disease activity score using 28 joint counts; DMARD, disease-modifying antirheumatic drug; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; HCQ, hydroxychloroquine; MTX, methotrexate; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; SSZ, sulfasalazine; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.

Table 2

Variables associated with metabolic syndrome

OR95% CIP valueOR95% CIP value
Body mass index1.21.1-1.3< 0.0011.21.1-1.3< 0.001
Diabetes mellitus4.81.8-12.90.0024.51.4-15.20.014
Open in a separate windowaIn multivariate analyses, the following variables were used: gender, age, prednisolone only, methotrexate only, sulfasalazine only, hydroxychloroquine only, tumour necrosis factor-blocking agents, combination of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs, pack-years, smoking, erosions, DAS28 (disease activity score using 28 joint counts), body mass index, pulse rate, creatinine levels, renal clearance, hypothyroidism and diabetes mellitus. CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.Therefore, to get more support for a drug-specific effect, it is of interest to know whether or not in the study of Toms and colleagues the MTX effect was present only in the group of RA patients with single use of MTX or in the group of MTX-treated patients with other antirheumatic drugs. As patients with MetS were significantly older, it would give further information whether age was an independent risk factor for MetS in regression analyses. Moreover, as readers, we are not informed about comorbidities like diabetes and clinical hypothyroidism, which are notorious cardiometabolic risk factors. On the whole, we could not confirm a plausible protective role for the use of MTX and presence of MetS, and hence further investigation is required to explain the discrepancy between our findings and those of Toms and colleagues.  相似文献   


Systemic sclerosis (SSc) complicated by pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) carries a poor prognosis, despite pulmonary vascular dilating therapy. Platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β (PDGFR-β) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are potential therapeutic targets for PAH because of their proliferative effects on vessel remodelling. To explore their role in SScPAH, we compared PDGFR- and EGFR-mmunoreactivity in lung tissue specimens from SScPAH. We compared staining patterns with idiopathic PAH (IPAH) and pulmonary veno-occlusive disease (PVOD), as SScPAH vasculopathy differs from IPAH and sometimes displays features of PVOD. Immunoreactivity patterns of phosphorylated PDGFR-β (pPDGFR-β) and the ligand PDGF-B were evaluated to provide more insight into the patterns of PDGFR-b activation.


Lung tissue specimens from five SScPAH, nine IPAH, six PVOD patients and five controls were examined. Immunoreactivity was scored for presence, distribution and intensity.


All SScPAH and three of nine IPAH cases (P = 0.03) showed PDGFR-β-immunoreactivity in small vessels (arterioles/venules); of five SScPAH vs. two of nine IPAH cases (P = 0.02) showed venous immunoreactivity. In small vessels, intensity was stronger in SScPAH vs. IPAH. No differences were found between SScPAH and PVOD. One of five normal controls demonstrated focally mild immunoreactivity. There were no differences in PDGF-ligand and pPDGFR-b-immunoreactivity between patient groups; however, pPDGFR-b-immunoreactivity tended to be more prevalent in SScPAH small vasculature compared to IPAH. Vascular EGFR-immunoreactivity was limited to arterial and arteriolar walls, without differences between groups. No immunoreactivity was observed in vasculature of normals.


PDGFR-β-immunoreactivity in SScPAH is more common and intense in small- and post-capillary vessels than in IPAH and does not differ from PVOD, fitting in with histomorphological distribution of vasculopathy. PDGFR-β immunoreactivity pattern is not paralleled by pPDGFR-β or PDGF-B patterns. PDGFR-β- and EGFR-immunoreactivity of pulmonary vessels distinguishes PAH patients from controls.  相似文献   
Wild canids are reservoir hosts for Leishmania infantum and Trypanosoma cruzi. The present study examined the prevalence of antibodies to these zoonotic parasites in a population of wild canids from a nonagricultural setting in South Carolina. Sera from 26 gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) and 2 coyotes (Canis latrans) were examined for antibodies to L. infantum and T. cruzi using the indirect immunofluorescent antibody test and commercially available parasite-specific immunochromatigraphic strip assays. Antibodies to L. infantum were not detected by either assay in gray foxes or coyotes. Two (8%) of 26 gray foxes were positive in both the T. cruzi immunofluorescent antibody and strip assays. Antibodies to T. cruzi were not detected in coyotes. Results from this study indicate that wild canids are exposed to T. cruzi, but not L. infantum. in this geographic region.  相似文献   


The canonical core promoter elements consist of the TATA box, initiator (Inr), downstream core promoter element (DPE), TFIIB recognition element (BRE) and the newly-discovered motif 10 element (MTE). The motifs for these core promoter elements are highly degenerate, which tends to lead to a high false discovery rate when attempting to detect them in promoter sequences.  相似文献   
水稻涝害生理及其与水稻生产的关系   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
概述了水稻涝害生理、影响水稻涝害的因素以及涝害与水稻生产的关系,提出了减轻涝害的途径与灾后的补救措施。  相似文献   


Various clinical protocols have been developed to aid in the clinical diagnosis of classical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), which is confirmed by postmortem examinations based on vacuolation and accumulation of disease-associated prion protein (PrPd) in the brain. The present study investigated the occurrence and progression of sixty selected clinical signs and behaviour combinations in 513 experimentally exposed cattle subsequently categorised postmortem as confirmed or unconfirmed BSE cases. Appropriate undosed or saline inoculated controls were examined similarly and the data analysed to explore the possible occurrence of BSE-specific clinical expression in animals unconfirmed by postmortem examinations.  相似文献   


Maraviroc is an HIV entry inhibitor that alters the conformation of CCR5 and is poorly efficient in patients infected by viruses that use CXCR4 as an entry coreceptor. The goal of this study was to assess the capacity of ultra-deep pyrosequencing (UDPS) and different data analysis approaches to characterize HIV tropism at baseline and predict the therapeutic outcome on maraviroc treatment.


113 patients with detectable HIV-1 RNA on HAART were treated with maraviroc. The virological response was assessed at months 1, 3 and 6. The sequence of the HIV V3 loop was determined at baseline and prediction of maraviroc response by different software and interpretation algorithms was analyzed.


UDPS followed by analysis with the Pyrotrop software or geno2pheno algorithm provided better prediction of the response to maraviroc than Sanger sequencing. We also found that the H34Y/S substitution in the V3 loop was the strongest individual predictor of maraviroc response, stronger than substitutions at positions 11 or 25 classically used in interpretation algorithms.


UDPS is a powerful tool that can be used with confidence to predict maraviroc response in HIV-1-infected patients. Improvement of the predictive value of interpretation algorithms is possible and our results suggest that adding the H34S/Y substitution would substantially improve the performance of the 11/25/charge rule.  相似文献   
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