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Assays designed to quantitate the plasma levels of norethisterone (NET) are compared. Results from radioimmunoassay were compared with those from gas chromatography-mass fragmentography which were established in 5 subjects after a 1-mg oral dose of the steroid. In general, the levels of steroid measured by radioimmunoassay were usually higher than those measured by gas chromatography-mass fragmentography; there was however a correlation coefficient of .96 (P .001). For concentrations of the steroid above 500 pg/ml, the mean overestimate by radioimmunoassay was less than 30%.  相似文献   
A variant of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) with lower molecular weight than a CEA reference preparation has been separated from CEA. Using a polyclonal, spleen absorbed anti-CEA antiserum, the variant crossreacts with reference CEA in immunodiffusion. The CEA-activity of the variant has been demonstrated using an enzyme-immunoassay with monoclonal CEA specific antibodies. There is sufficient immunological evidence that this variant is a distinct antigen different from the crossreactive antigens described so far. The reactivity of the polyclonal anti-CEA antiserum with the CEA variant was abolished by absorption against the immobilized variant.  相似文献   
A novel large heterodimeric dermatan sulfate proteoglycan with core proteins of 460 and 300 kDa, respectively, had been described as a secretory product of human fetal skin fibroblasts (Breuer et al., J. Biol. Chem. 266, 13224-13232 (1991)). Pulse-chase experiments showed a preferential association of the proteoglycan with the cell membrane. Immunogold labeling indicated its localization in fibrils on the cell surface as well as in fibrillar extensions from the cell body. Immunofluorescence studies yielded a fibrillar and punctate staining pattern which was also seen in cultured human and porcine endothelial cells. Dot-like structures were observed in transformed human keratinocytes. Various immunocytochemical double-labeling experiments indicated a remarkable colocalization of the proteoglycan with fibronectin, laminin, perlecan, and type IV collagen whereas only occasionally a colocalization with chondroitin-6-sulfate was found. No evidence for an enrichment of the proteoglycan in vinculin-containing structures was obtained. These results suggest that the proteoglycan is a widely distributed macromolecule which can associate with basement membrane components. Preliminary findings in rat cornea supported this conclusion.  相似文献   
The fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342 is able to differentiate F9 EC cells at low concentrations. This differentiation is accompanied by synthesis of large amounts of laminin, production of a well-developed cytoskeleton, disappearance of the SSEA-1 antigen, and synthesis of large amounts of fibronectin, all characteristics of the primitive endoderm. The dye immediately blocks the cells at the S/G2 phase of the cell cycle and produces a complete arrest in proliferation. This effect is not specific for the nullipotent F9 cell line, as multipotent EC cell lines like PCC3, P19, and PCC4 can also be easily differentiated into the same pathway by treatment with the Hoechst dye. In contrast, the dye has no remarkable effects on terminal differentiated, immortalized cells like NIH 3T3 or the parietal endoderm-like cell PYS-2.  相似文献   
Summary The intratesticular excurrent duct system of the bull is composed of rete testis, tubuli recti, and the terminal segment of the seminiferous tubules. Each terminal segment is surrounded by a vascular plexus and may be subdivided into a transitional region, middle portion, and terminal plug. The modified supporting cells of the middle portion and the terminal plug no longer display the typical Sertoli-Sertoli junctions seen in the transitional region and the seminiferous tubule proper. In the region of the terminal plug a distinct central lumen is generally not observed: spermatozoa and tubular fluid must pass through an intricate system of communicating clefts between the apices of the closely attached modified supporting cells. Vacuoles in the supranuclear region of the cells in the middle portion indicate strong transepithelial fluid transport. In analogy to the epithelium of rete testis and tubuli recti, the supporting cells of the terminal segment are capable of phagocytosing spermatozoa. The vascular plexus investing the terminal segment serves a dual purpose: it is a regulatory device for fluid and sperm transport, as well as an area of increased diapedesis for white blood cells.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht, die Sonnenorientierung der Vögel in ihrer Funktionsweise, ontogenetischen Entwicklung und biologischen Bedeutung nach dem heutigen Wissensstand darzustellen. Theoretisch kann die Sonne zur Bestimmung der Heimrichtung ( navigation), zum Aufsuchen einer als Kompaßrichtung bekannten Richtung und zum Einhalten der Richtung benutzt werden. Die meisten vorliegenden Befunde sprechen gegen eine Rolle der Sonne bei der Bestimmung der Heimrichtung nach Verfrachtung; die Funktion der Sonne als Sonnenkompaß und beim Richtungseinhalten ist dagegen durch zahlreiche Versuche bei verschiedenen Vogelarten gut belegt.Beim Aufsuchen einer Richtung mit dem Sonnenkompaß verrechnet der Vogel die Bewegung der Sonne auf ihrer scheinbaren Bahn, d. h. er schlägt einen tageszeitlich variablen Winkel zur Sonne ein, um in eine konstante Richtung zu fliegen. Dieser Winkel hängt allein von der inneren Uhr ab. Dabei scheint der Vogel im allgemeinen zu berücksichtigen, daß die Azimutwinkelgeschwindigkeit der Sonne gegen Mittag erheblich größer ist als in den frühen Vormittags- und späten Nachmittagsstunden.Untersuchungen bei Tauben ergaben, daß der Sonnenkompaß ein erlernter Orientierungsmechanismus ist: Sonnenazimut, Zeit und geographische Richtung werden aufgrund von Erfahrung miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt. Dabei muß die junge Taube die Sonne zu verschiedenen Tageszeiten beobachten, um den Sonnenkompaß während des ganzen Tages benutzen zu können. Der Zeitpunkt, zu dem der Sonnenkompaß gelernt wird, hängt stark von der Flugerfahrung der Tauben ab; er scheint sich zu entwickeln, sobald die Notwendigkeit, sich zu orientieren, auftritt, was normalerweise etwa gegen Ende des 3. Lebensmonats der Fall sein dürfte. Die Grundlagen und näheren Umstände des Lernprozesses sind noch weitgehend unbekannt.Versuche mit jungen Tauben sprechen dafür, daß der Sonnenkompaß bei der Entwicklung der Navigationsfähigkeit keine Rolle spielt; er scheint quasi nachträglich in das fertige Navigationssystem eingebaut zu werden. Dann aber stellt der Sonnenkompaß beim Heimfinden das bevorzugt benutzte Kompaßsystem dar, solange die Sonne zu sehen ist. Bei bedecktem Himmel kann er allerdings durch ein gleich leistungsfähiges nicht-visuelles System ersetzt werden.Bei tagziehenden jungen Zugvögeln — finnischen Staren — ließ sich eine Orientierung nach dem Sonnenkompaß noch nicht während des ersten Herbstzuges, sondern erst während des folgenden Frühjahrszuges nachweisen; allerdings ist unklar, inwieweit diese an handaufgezogenen Vögeln gewonnenen Befunde die natürlichen Verhältnisse widerspiegeln. Eine realistische Abschätzung der Bedeutung des Sonnenkompaß bei der Zugorientierung ist heute noch nicht möglich; theoretische überlegungen und die wenigen vorliegenden Befunde scheinen jedoch gegen eine Rolle des Sonnenkompaß als Referenzsystem für die angeborene Zugrichtung zu sprechen.
The sun orientation of birds
Summary In the present paper (part I: J. Orn. 121: 121–143, 1980), the sun orientation of birds, its way of functioning, ontogenetic development, and biological significance are described in the light of current experimental evidence. Theoretically, the sun can be used to determine which compass direction is the home direction ( true navigation), to set a compass course, and to maintain a given direction during flight. Most of the available evidence speaks against the sun's being used for determining the home direction after displacement, whereas many findings in several species of birds demonstrate use of the sun as a sun compass and for maintaining directions.Using the sun compass to go in a constant direction, the birds compensate for the sun's apparent movement, i. e. they fly at angles to the sun's azimuth direction which vary according to the time of day. The magnitude of these angles seems to depend on the birds' internal clock only, and the birds apparently consider the different rates of change of the sun's azimuth during the day (greater around noon than in early morning or late afternoon).Experiments with young homing pigeons show that the sun compass is not a completely innate orientation mechanism, but that the relation between sun azimuth, time and geographic direction is learned. A young pigeon must experience the sun at different hours of the day to establish a sun compass for the entire day. The age at which the sun compass is learned strongly depends on the bird's flying experience. The sun compass seems to be developed as soon as the bird encountered the necessity of orienting, which normally will be about the end of its third month. The details of the learning process are not yet known.The sun does not seem to be necessary for the development of the ability to navigate; in fact, some findings with young pigeons seem to indicate that the navigational system is already developed before the sun compass is added to it. Afterwards, however, the sun compass is used preferentially whenever the sun is visible. Under overcast skies, it is replaced by an equally effective non-visual system.In day-migrating birds — young Finnish starlings — sun compass orientation could not be demonstrated during the first autumn migration period, but the starlings were shown to use it during the following spring period. It is not clear, though, whether these data from handraised birds reflect the natural situation correctly. The available evidence does not yet allow a realistic estimate of the significance of the sun compass for orientation during migration; theoretical considerations and the few present data, however, make it appear improbable that the sun compass acts as a reference system for the innate migratory direction.
After incubation of [4-14C]oestrone (E1) with kidney cortex slices of minipigs, [4-14C]oestradiol-17 beta (E2) and small amounts of a polar metabolite were detected in the ether-soluble fraction. E1, E2 and polar metabolites were found in the protein-bound fraction. The water-soluble fraction contained E1-3-glucuronide (80% of total glucuronides), E2-3-glucuronide and trace amounts of the 3-monoglucuronide of oestriol (E3). When E2 was used as substrate, the main product formed was E1; it was detected in both the ether-soluble and protein-bound fractions. E1-3-Glucuronide was the main metabolite in the water-soluble fraction, which also contained some E2-3-Glucuronide. In male minipigs, the mast, the rate of conversion of E1 and E2 as well as the formation of glucuronides were significantly greater in fertile females than in infertile females. Whereas no sex difference was observed in the metabolism of oestrogens in kidneys of infertile minipigs, the rate of oxidoreduction and glucuronidation was more pronounced in fertile female animals than in the corresponding males. The present results suggest that, in the kidneys of minipigs, the ratio of E1 to E2 is shifted towards the former; furthermore, by a comparatively rapid metabolism of the oestrogenic hormone, the renal tissue contributes to the maintenance of hormonal equilibrium.  相似文献   
Reconstructing the colonization and demographic dynamics that gave rise to extant forests is essential to forecasts of forest responses to environmental changes. Classical approaches to map how population of trees changed through space and time largely rely on pollen distribution patterns, with only a limited number of studies exploiting DNA molecules preserved in wooden tree archaeological and subfossil remains. Here, we advance such analyses by applying high‐throughput (HTS) DNA sequencing to wood archaeological and subfossil material for the first time, using a comprehensive sample of 167 European white oak waterlogged remains spanning a large temporal (from 550 to 9,800 years) and geographical range across Europe. The successful characterization of the endogenous DNA and exogenous microbial DNA of 140 (~83%) samples helped the identification of environmental conditions favouring long‐term DNA preservation in wood remains, and started to unveil the first trends in the DNA decay process in wood material. Additionally, the maternally inherited chloroplast haplotypes of 21 samples from three periods of forest human‐induced use (Neolithic, Bronze Age and Middle Ages) were found to be consistent with those of modern populations growing in the same geographic areas. Our work paves the way for further studies aiming at using ancient DNA preserved in wood to reconstruct the micro‐evolutionary response of trees to climate change and human forest management.  相似文献   
Investigating sexual dimorphism is important for our understanding of its influence on reproductive strategies including male-male competition, mate choice, and sexual conflict. Measuring physical traits in wild animals can be logistically challenging and disruptive for the animals. Therefore body size and ornament variation in wild primates have rarely been quantified. Gorillas are amongst the most sexually dimorphic and dichromatic primates. Adult males (silverbacks) possess a prominent sagittal crest, a pad of fibrous and fatty tissue on top of the head, have red crest coloration, their saddle appears silver, and they possess a silverline along their stomach. Here we measure levels of sexual dimorphism and within-male variation of body length, head size, and sexual dichromatism in a population of wild western gorillas using photogrammetry. Digital photogrammetry is a useful and precise method to measure sexual dimorphism in physical traits yielding sexual dimorphism indices (ISD), similar to those derived from traditional measurements of skeletal remains. Silverbacks were on an average 1.23 times longer in body length than adult females. Sexual dimorphism of head size was highest in measures of crest size (max ISD: 60.4) compared with measures of facial height (max ISD: 24.7). The most sexually dimorphic head size measures also showed the highest within-sex variation. We found no clear sex differences in crest coloration but there was large sexual dichromatism with high within-male variation in saddle coloration and silverline size. Further studies should examine if these sexually dimorphic traits are honest signals of competitive ability and confer an advantage in reproductive success.  相似文献   
In order to unravel the physiological, endocrine, and behavioral differences between gregarious and solitarious forms of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forsk.) (Orthoptera, Acrididae), a constant supply of rather large numbers of solitary individuals has to be guaranteed. This represents a bottleneck, mainly because of the intensity of the labor involved and limited laboratory accommodation. The method we describe here substantially reduces the space and manpower needed. The survival rate we obtained in the solitarised population was relatively high, reaching about 55%. The optimal rearing temperature proved to be 32–36 °C. Cabbage leaves and oat flakes sufficed for feeding all year round. Special racks have been designed that enable high density stacking and easy handling. The solitarisation process was monitored over ten consecutive generations. Changes in morphometrics, eye stripes, color, and behavior were recorded, of which only morphometrics, temperature related development, and mortality are discussed. A shift towards the solitarious phase was recorded, with clear differences between gregarious, 1st generation and 7th to 10th generation solitarious locusts.  相似文献   
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