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13C nmr studies of gold thioglucose, AuSTg, and solutions containing added β-1-D-thioglucose, TgSH, have been conducted at PD 7.4 and interpreted in terms of complexation and ligand exchange reactions that are consistent with the known preference of gold(I) for linear two-coordinate structures. The upper limit of the half-life for ligand exchange between 0.25 M Au(STg)2? and TgSH at pD 7.4 is 2.2 msec. The 13C nmr spectra of various thioglucose derivatives have been assigned. A novel oxidation reduction reaction was discovered that leads to the formation of metallic gold and a product tentatively identified as the sulfinic acid derivative of thioglucose. The presence of sulfinic acid in AuSTg was indicated by the infrared absorption at 1050 cm?1. The same product was formed by slow hydrolysis of thioglucose disulfide. A mechanism for the formation of the sulfinic acid derivative from AuSTg is proposed.  相似文献   
A method for calculating time-dependent probabilities and rates of coagulation is given for particles on a bounded two-dimensional region. Equations are derived and solved for the random variations of displacements between two particles which undergo independent Brownian motion and bind irreversibly upon collision. The solution is used to calculate expected times required for collisions of particles. Comparison with earlier models shows that revised boundary values and initial conditions predictably lengthen required collision times by about a factor of four. Applicatons of the methodology are discussed.  相似文献   
A developmental electron microscopic study of the parasitism of Rolylenchulus reniforrnis in resistant ''Peking'' and susceptible ''Lee'' soybeans was made during a 21-day period under controlled conditions. Within 2 days of inoculation, the nematode had penetrated the cortical cells to the endodermis where it inserted its stylet, secreted and initiated syncytial formation and cell hypertrophy. Syncytia primarily involved pericycle tissues and, to a lesser extent, xylem parenchyma and endodermis. When identifiable, the cell into which the nematode stylet was inserted to initiate syncytial development was endodermal. Susceptible tissues exhibited two basic phases of development during this infection period: (i) an initial phase represented by partial cell wail lysis and separation; and (ii) an anabolic phase, characterized by organelle proliferation and development accompanied by secondary wall deposits, which provided nutrition for sessile female development. The resistant or hypersensitive reaction (HR) lacked the anabolic phase found in the susceptible reaction, and was characterized by an extension and usually accelerated type of Iysis found in the first phase of the syncytial development. The HR was usually very evident 4 days after inoculation, and could be identified by an almost complete lysis of the cell walls and cytoplasm. The possibility that the initial cell of the developing syncytium or "prosyncyte" may influence a susceptible or resistant reaction is discussed. Successive stages of cell wall dissolution and the deposition of secondary cell walls are described.  相似文献   
A series of studies was undertaken to correlate the short-term dynamics of LH secretion and depletion-replenishment patterns of estrogen receptors (ER) in hypothalamic and pituitary cytosols of ovariectomized rats. Animals castrated for 2 weeks were administered various test compounds and analyzed at 1, 3, 5, 10 and 15 h post-treatment. A single injection of 10 micrograms 17 beta-estradiol (E2) to ovariectomized rats elicited a rapid depletion of ER in both pituitary and hypothalamus and a dramatic, though delayed, fall in serum LH. ER replenishment occurred in both tissues through 15 h and LH recovered in a similar manner. When cycloheximide was administered along with E2, ER replenishment was completely inhibited in both tissues; serum LH fell and failed to recover. Actinomycin D injected with E2 blocked replenishment in pituitary but not hypothalamus; serum LH recovered in parallel with the hypothalamic ER pattern. 17 alpha-E2 elicited only slight changes in ER and LH was suppressed 10-20% through 15 h. CI-628 caused a near total depletion of pituitary ER with no subsequent replenishment, whereas hypothalamic ER content was virtually unaltered; serum LH was suppressed and later recovered. Orchidectomized rats given 5 micrograms E2 demonstrated a less complete ER depletion in hypothalamus, and an earlier replenishment than that seen in pituitary or hypothalamus of similarly treated ovariectomized females. Serum LH rebounded to 157% of control levels at 15 h. The results indicate that the acute feedback suppression of LH by exposure to estrogens correlates with binding to ER and nuclear translocation. Replenishment and/or retention of cytoplasmic ER in hypothalamus appears to be required for full resumption of LH secretion, following acute suppression.  相似文献   
Encroachment of woody plants into grasslands is a global phenomenon that has substantial impacts on pastoral productivity and ecosystem services. Over the past half century, pastoralists and land management agencies have explored various options to control woody plants in order to improve ecosystem services in shrub‐encroached grasslands. We examined the effectiveness of controlling the encroachment of the shrub Caragana microphylla into grassland in Inner Mongolia, China. We cut and removed all of the aboveground biomass from 450 shrubs, predicting that the effectiveness of this technique to control shrubs would depend on shrub morphology. Specifically, we expected that larger shrubs with more biomass would be more difficult to kill by cutting than smaller shrubs. A year after treatment, we found that cutting killed only 11% of the 450 treated shrubs, and of these, three‐quarters of the locations that they occupied reverted to grasses and one‐quarter to bare soil. Shrubs that survived the cutting treatment produced more stems and leaf biomass, and therefore had a greater leaf to stem ratio. Shrubs that died after cutting had a lower crown area and basal area, and less stem biomass than shrubs that resprouted within 12 months of cutting. There were no effects of shrub height on the fate of treated shrubs. Cutting had no effect on understory plant cover or richness, but reproductive plants were taller under shrubs that were not cut. Overall, our study showed that removing aboveground shrub biomass by cutting is an ineffective technique for “restoring” the original grassland community unless shrubs are very small. Strategic targeting of small shrubs would be a more effective technique for controlling the spread of C. microphylla in the long term.  相似文献   
Purpose: Since oxidative stress involves a variety of cellular changes, no single biomarker can serve as a complete measure of this complex biological process. The analytic technique of structural equation modeling (SEM) provides a possible solution to this problem by modelling a latent (unobserved) variable constructed from the covariance of multiple biomarkers.

Methods: Using three pooled datasets, we modelled a latent oxidative stress variable from five biomarkers related to oxidative stress: F2-isoprostanes (FIP), fluorescent oxidation products, mitochondrial DNA copy number, γ-tocopherol (Gtoc) and C-reactive protein (CRP, an inflammation marker closely linked to oxidative stress). We validated the latent variable by assessing its relation to pro- and anti-oxidant exposures.

Results: FIP, Gtoc and CRP characterized the latent oxidative stress variable. Obesity, smoking, aspirin use and β-carotene were statistically significantly associated with oxidative stress in the theorized directions; the same exposures were weakly and inconsistently associated with the individual biomarkers.

Conclusions: Our results suggest that using SEM with latent variables decreases the biomarker-specific variability, and may produce a better measure of oxidative stress than do single variables. This methodology can be applied to similar areas of research in which a single biomarker is not sufficient to fully describe a complex biological phenomenon.  相似文献   

The redistribution of water in semi-arid environments is critical for the maintenance and survival of vegetation patches. We used a systems approach to examine the interactive effects of three engineers—Stipa tenacissima, biological soil crusts, and the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)—on infiltration processes in a model gypseous semi-arid Mediterranean grassland. We measured the early (sorptivity) and later (steady-state infiltration) stages of infiltration at two supply potentials using disk permeameters, which allowed us to determine the relative effects of different engineers and soil micropores on water flow through large macropores. We detected few effects under tension when flow was restricted to matrix pores, but under ponding, sorptivity and steady-state infiltration adjacent to Stipa tussocks were 2–3 times higher than in intact or rabbit-disturbed biological soil crusts. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) showed that both Stipa and biological soil crust cover exerted substantial and equal positive effects on infiltration under ponding, whereas indirectly, rabbit disturbance negatively affected infiltration by reducing crust cover. Under tension, when macropores were prevented from conducting water, Stipa had a direct negative effect and biological soil crust cover was relatively unimportant. More complex SEM models demonstrated that (1) Stipa primarily influenced biological soil crusts by reducing their richness, (2) rabbits exerted a small negative effect on crust richness, and (3) lichens were negatively, and mosses positively, correlated with a derived “infiltration” axis. Our results highlight the importance of biological soil crusts as key players in the maintenance of infiltration processes in Stipa grasslands, and demonstrate the modulating role played by rabbits through their surface disturbances.  相似文献   
Ding  Jingyi  Eldridge  David J. 《Plant and Soil》2021,459(1-2):173-183
Plant and Soil - Perennial plants play important roles in maintaining ecosystem functions by forming fertile islands beneath their canopies. Little is known about how the fertile island effect...  相似文献   
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