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A fundamental advancement in the evolution of complexity is division of labour. This implies a partition of tasks among cells, either spatially through cellular differentiation, or temporally via a circadian rhythm. Cyanobacteria often employ either spatial differentiation or a circadian rhythm in order to separate the chemically incompatible processes of nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis. We present a theoretical framework to assess the advantages in terms of biomass production and population size for three species types: terminally differentiated (heterocystous), circadian, and an idealized species in which nitrogen and carbon fixation occur without biochemical constraints. On the basis of real solar irradiance data at different latitudes, we simulate population dynamics in isolation and in competition for light over a period of 40 years. Our results show that in isolation and regardless of latitude, the biomass of heterocystous cyanobacteria that optimally invest resources is comparable to that of the idealized unconstrained species. Hence, spatial division of labour overcomes biochemical constraints and enhances biomass production. In the circadian case, the strict temporal task separation modelled here hinders high biomass production in comparison with the heterocystous species. However, circadian species are found to be successful in competition for light whenever their resource investment prevents a waste of fixed nitrogen more effectively than do heterocystous species. In addition, we show the existence of a trade-off between population size and biomass accumulation, whereby each species can optimally invest resources to be proficient in biomass production or population growth, but not necessarily both. Finally, the model produces chaotic dynamics for population size, which is relevant to the study of cyanobacterial blooms.  相似文献   
Determination of the D-amino acid content in foods and in biological samples is a very important task. In order to achieve this goal we developed a biosensor employing the flavoenzyme D-amino acid oxidase from the yeast Rhodotorula gracilis. To produce a device in which the D-amino acid composition does not alter the results, both the wild-type and a number of mutants obtained by rational design and directed evolution approaches were used. An analysis of D-amino acid oxidase mutants activity on D-amino acid mixtures containing various ratios of neutral, acidic, and basic substrates identified the Amberzyme-immobilized T60A/Q144R/K152E and M213G mutants as the best choice: their response shows an only limited dependence on the solution composition when at least 20% of the D-amino acid is made up of D-alanine (standard error is approximately 5-9%). This is the first report, to our knowledge, demonstrating that the entire D-amino acid content can be determined by using a screen-printed electrode amperometric biosensor, with a detection limit of 0.25 mM and a mean response time of 10-15 min. The D-amino acid assay based on R. gracilis DAAO-biosensor is inexpensive, simple to perform, and rapid: the D-amino acid concentration of a variety of biological samples can be investigated using this assay.  相似文献   
An anaerobic microcosm set up with aquifer material from a 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (TeCA) contaminated site and amended with butyrate showed a complete TeCA dechlorination to ethene. A structure analysis of the microbial community was performed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with already available and on purpose designed probes from sequences retrieved through 16S rDNA clone library construction. FISH was chosen as identification tool to evaluate in situ whether the retrieved sequences belong to primary bacteria responsible for the biodegradative reactions. FISH probes identified up to 80% of total bacteria and revealed the absence or the marginal presence of known TeCA degraders and the abundance of two well-known H(2)-utilizing halorespiring bacteria, Sulfurospirillum (32.4 +/- 8.6% of total bacteria) and Dehalococcoides spp. (14.8 +/- 2.8), thereby providing a strong indication of their involvement in the dechlorination processes. These results were supported by the kinetic and thermodynamic analysis which provided indications that hydrogen was the actual electron donor for TeCA dechlorination. The specific probes, developed in this study, for known dechlorinators (i.e., Geobacter, Dehalobacter, and Sulfurospirillum species) represent a valuable tool for any future in situ bioremediation study as well as a quick and specific investigation tool for tracking their distribution in the field.  相似文献   
The name Tetracoccus cechii is proposed for two strains of the tetrad arranged cocci, previously known as 'G' bacteria, which were isolated from laboratory scale activated sludge plants in the Czech Republic and in Italy. They were morphologically, phenotypically and phylogenetically characterized and found to comprise a novel lineage in the alpha-3 group of the proteobacterial phylum in the domain Bacteria . The strains are Gram-negative and produce intracellular inclusions of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate. Although commonly seen in activated sludge mixed liquor as cocci 1–2 μm in diameter, arranged in tetrads, in pure culture they can also grow in amorphous aggregations and the cells are generally more variable in their size and shape with coccobacilli as well as cocci being present. They are not able to grow phototrophically, nor can they reduce nitrate beyond nitrite nor grow anaerobically. The closest phylogenetic neighbours of T. cechii are Rhodobacter sphaeroides and R. capsulatus which are 93% similar by 16S rDNA comparison. Tetracoccus cechii is oxidase- and catalase-positive, non-motile and has an optimal growth temperature between 25° and 35°C. The 16S rRNA of T. cechii has a 21 nucleotide deletion in the V9 region ( Escherichia coli positions 1258–1278) and this feature is a unique molecular synapomorphy in the alpha-3 group.  相似文献   
Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral systems play a key role in view of the positive contribution that they could offer to a sustainable development of European agriculture. The knowledge of the vegetation dynamics and of the processes and land uses favoring different vegetation types related to the same actual potential natural vegetation (PNV) could represent a sound reference framework for monitoring and managing plant biodiversity in these systems. The aim of the research was to evaluate plant diversity along a gradient of use intensity comparing the actual vegetation versus the PNV. The results of our research showed that in the studied Mediterranean agro-silvo-pastoral system, included in the same environmental unit, human activities enhanced plant biodiversity. Moreover, the case study presented here confirmed the effectiveness of those landscape approaches comparing actual vegetation versus the PNV for plant biodiversity monitoring and reinforced previous studies showing the effect of human activities on plant community diversity at the environmental unit scale in different biogeographical contexts.  相似文献   
Forty-six adult periodontal patients, selected on the basis of clinical examination, and 46 adult healthy subjects were examined. The subgingival plaque samples from one inflammatory and one non-inflammatory site of each periodontal patient were studied to determine Porphyromonas gingivalis prevalence related to other periodontal micro-organisms and to periodontal tissue destruction. The results showed Porphyromonas gingivalis as the main pathogenic micro-organism isolated in the inflammatory sites together with Bacteroides forsythus. Peptostreptococcus sp., Actinomyces sp. and Prevotella sp. were found as a normal oral flora in the healthy subjects. Fusobacterium nucleatum, Prevotella intermedia, Campylobacter rectus and Eikenella corrodens were detected both in inflammatory and in non-inflammatory sites of periodontal patients as well as in the healthy subjects.  相似文献   
The paper provides a list of the non-indigenous animal species occurring today in Italian inland waters. Xenodiversity was found to amount to 112 species (64 invertebrates and 48 vertebrates), which contribute for about 2% to the inland-water fauna in Italy. Northern and central regions are most affected, and Asia, North America, and the rest of Europe are the main donor continents. The large majority of non-indigenous species entered Italy as a direct or indirect effect of human intervention. A difference between invertebrates and vertebrates was found for their mode of arrival (unintentional for invertebrates and intentional for vertebrates). Accidental transport, in association with both fish (for aquaculture or stock enhancement) and crops, has been the main vector of invertebrate introductions, whereas vertebrates were mostly released for stocking purposes. Overall stock enhancement (47.92%) and culture (37.5%) prevailed over the other pathways. Seventeen and 7 species of our list are included among the 100 worst invasive species of Europe (DAISIE) and of the world (IUCN), respectively. For some (but not all) non-indigenous species recorded in Italy the multilevel impact exerted on the recipient communities and ecosystems is known, even if rarely quantified, but knowledge on their chronic impact is still missing. Additional research is needed to provide criteria for prioritizing intervention against well established invaders and identify which new potential invader should be targeted as “unwanted”.  相似文献   
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